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I also went to the cinema – también fui al cine

If I had time I would call you – si tuviera tiempo te llamaría

I had grapefruit for breakfast this morning – desayuné pomelo este mañana

I went for a walk yesterday – di un paseo ayer

What do you like to watch on television? – ¿Qué te gusta ver en la tele?

I like to watch current affairs programs on television. – Me gusta ver programas de la actualidad.

Who did you have coffee with yesterday? – ¿Con quién tomaste café ayer?

I had coffee with my colleagues yesterday. – Tomé un café con mis compañeros ayer.

What time did you go to bed at last night? - ¿A qué hora fuiste a la cama anoche?

I went to bed at ten o´clock last night.- Me fui a la cama a las 10 anoche.

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