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INEG 300-1 Quiz 2

Part 1:

1- The author’s purpose in this article is to highlight the importance

of a talent and how most people underrate their talents
consistently while others tend to overrate themselves even when
they have zero talent.

2- The author in this text contrasts between people with talent and
people with effort. To start with, people with talents will be lazy
after a while because having the ability to do chores easily
whereas people with effort will continuously give high efforts to
do tasks in order to be perfectly done. This contrast provides a
solid point to support the purpose of the writer where people
need to employ their best potential regardless of whether they
have a talent or the effort because after all, the sole purpose of
working towards achieving a goal or task is way much more
important than showing off the talent or the hardwork.

3- Ability is extremely important for successful people because they

need technical expertise in the domain of their work or research.
Like ability is also very crucial because people need to
compassionate with others, and they have to be experts in
emotional intelligence. They should also be passion-driven and
very determined to reach their goals and accomplish their tasks.
4- The research presented in both paragraphs 5 and 10 proves that a
person with his talent can make a difference in this world, and
even when one’s talent didn’t glow yet, factors of the surrounding
environment will play a great role in employing this talent.

5- This quote asserts and alludes that some people will be lazy by
relying on their talents rather hard work in any task they’ll do and
that’s because a human being eventually searches for what makes
him comfortable and has less effort, for that, many people will
turn lazy in doing anything due to their talents especially those
who have a huge dependence of it.

Part 2:

1- First, people think that it’s all about justice and that is the
purpose of the arena but the principle was to introduce the
convict and give him the choice between two doors, a lady is
behind the first one and a tiger is behind the other. This shows
that the King is unjust and this is wrong and it shows that luck
only matters.
2- In ‘’The Monkey’s Paw’’, the magical paw made a problem for

its user and it probably leads to death and as it shown in the

story when the man died after his third wish.

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