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First of all I would like to congratulate all of the students in Academia de Pulilan especially to my

advisory class grade 10 SSC for finally graduating.

I am proud to all of you. I didn’t use the word “proud” in my farewell speech because sometimes it
comes off a little too clichéd, so overused that it has the potential to not mean what I want it to mean.
But pride is what I feel, that swelling in the chest, the involuntary smile when you think of something
that you cherish.

I am sad that some of you are leaving school. I wish I could keep you here, but that would not be fair.
The world awaits you and you are about to do amazing, exciting, frightening and rewarding things. At
first I thought I was jealous that you were about to go off and have the time of your life, but that is not
it. I am simply sad that I will not get to see you experience these momentous occasions. To share in the
successes and to hold your hand or help you through the lows. For one year that has been my job, my
reward, and I must learn to let go.
Despite my sadness, I am looking forward for tomorrow, and the next day, and the months that follow. I
am excited for my children’s future (yes, I have children) where you are the doctors, teachers, engineers,
mechanics and check-out-chicks of the world. I am excited for a future where you are the leaders, the
coaches and the good neighbors of our community.

Winston Churchill, another great leader, once said “Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning
of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.”

I am so proud to have been your Year Advisor.

congratulations once again and wish us good luck with the future ahead. Have a great day!

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