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King & Queens of England: Normans

Title of the documentary is King & Queens of England: Normans. The Normans, member of
those Vikings, or Norsemen, who settled in northern France (or the Frankish kingdom), together
with their descendants. Intended audience are historians, teachers etc.
The purpose of the documentary is to represent English history when Normans arrived and take
a lead of English for about 150 years. The last English king was Harold. Who 1066. year attacked
North English with 4000-7000 knights and foot soldiers, there he defeated Hardrada but when
he get back William I defeated him and became a king. The William I. was a king who wanted all
power in his hands, and he was very cruel, at the beginning we saw that he destroy all crops
and animals between York and Durham because in the north English they refuse to submit.
After William I. the new king was a William Rufus (his son) who was take a lead from his brother
Robert, but William II. was never married or had a son and after him Henry was the next king
who probably killed William II. in the forest. Henry said when he became a king he got a divinely
powers, which can cure illnesses. He also punished people if they was just suspect they don’t
need to be guilty. He was the first who invented check which we still using. In his prime UK was
strong. His son died after party, he crush with a ship on the rock, so his next successor was a
daughter Matilda. But she alienated potential support in London by her arrogance and by her refusal
to consider a demand for tax cuts. In less than three months, she was chased out of town. Now I will
short a little bit a story and tell that the last king was a Louis. About a Normans king and queens
I learned a little bit in a school while we had a history lessons. But I will be honest and tell that I
doesn’t remember anything of the Normans.
I expect to see maybe more about the life in that time and less about kings, and one thing that
is weird maybe even stupid the way that Henry’s son dies, and I expected to hear more in a life
of the last Normans king Louis.
The quality of the video resolution is really low max is 480p so it’s make a video little bit a
dimly. Yeah they are using some of the special effects like thunders, also what is maybe a
problem low fps when they showing a parts of life in the kings, battles etc. voice of the
commentator can make your attention, which is a good. I like also how they constantly
changing cadre to commentator then to map, the calendar of the reigns of kings and some kind
of render pictures of them. Also is good that they added background songs to make a video
even more interesting.
I don’t like pretty much a history, but one king that I didn’t mention but actually like the most is
the Henry II. who develop a commercial life towns where he helps people to get more educated
so that system can lead and other people to start helping him, and he wanted to a gave church
less privileges, because in the history we can see that they ruling everything and they are rich
which is maybe stupid, because religion telling us opposite.

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