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We have probably encountered and solved similar problems to those you’re already experiencing with your
boiler plant. Having tested and analysed the performance of numerous boilers of most types over many
years, we have tried and proven solutions to many common general boiler, superheater and combustion


Boiler Forensic Analysis & Expert Witness
Defective steam generation equipment may impose
signiEcant Enancial losses on plant owners which can
justify recovery action. Often the defects causing these
losses could have been avoided if the boiler design had
conformed with best practice guidelines. Conversely,
there are circumstances where poor steam plant
availability or defective boiler performance that is
caused by maintenance and/or diJcult operational
issues is incorrectly attributed to boiler design.

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Boiler & Superheater Tube Root Cause
Failure Analysis Page 1 of 5
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The evaporative surfaces of a boiler should achieve an

indeEnite operating life provided the circulation system
is correctly designed and the water treatment
management is satisfactory. However tube failures in
furnaces and evaporative surfaces are surprisingly
common and can force boiler plant to be shut down

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Boiler Catastrophic Fire Investigations

Metal Eres within boilers can be extremely dangerous
and may cause extensive catastrophic damage to the
boiler and its auxiliary equipment. This is because the
Ere which often develops at the cooler, back end of the
boiler can reach an intensity that causes the plain
boiler tubes or tube Ens to combust and burn. Once
almost exclusively associated with oil Ered boilers, the
increased combustion of biomass fuel streams has
seen an increasing number of metal Eres beginning to
occur in solid fuel boiler applications.

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Boiler Explosion Investigations
In the early days of steam power, boiler explosions
were common place. In fact before 1780 boilers rarely
operated above 1 or 2 [psi]. This was a limit intended to
reduce the frequent number of boiler explosions that
were occurring at that time. More advanced higher
steam pressure designs did not enter commercial
production until after 1800, by which time the concept
of “strong steam “ was coined to describe a boiler
operating at or above 30 [psi].

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Boiler Combustion & Emission

Design Boiler has been addressing poor combustion
and emission problems on biomass / wood waste
boilers for many years. Often high emissions are a
direct result of poor combustion and this that
overloads the dust collector by producing an
excessively high inlet dust burden.

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Boiler Corrosion Investigation

The two most common causes of internal boiler
corrosion are: a) Oxygen attack; or b) Acid attack
following chemical cleaning. Their can be other types
of corrosive attacks on the tubes such as caustic
gouging which is related to hydrogen embrittlement,
but these are often associated with other factors such
as circulation deEciencies.

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Boiler Dynamic Analysis

Design Boiler have developed software that is able to
simulate the dynamic response of a boiler control
system to rapid changes in boiler load. Sudden
changes in steam demand can cause rapid rises in
steam pressure that may lift safety valves. The lifting
of safety valves may then lead to a sudden drop in
boiler pressure causing drum level instability and this
can trip the boiler on high steam drum water level. The
ability to recover from this type of upset condition Page 3 of 5
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ability to recover from this type of upset condition

depends on a boiler’s control settings, it’s thermal
inertia, steam drum size and combustion system

capacity. Plant Testing & Diagnostics
Many boiler plant problems can be diJcult to diagnose
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and Ex. Boilers operate under extreme conditions and
can sometimes require experienced and specialized
expertise to resolve challenging operational problems
that may be encountered. Design Boiler is able to
mobilize these specialized boiler plant testing and
diagnostic services to most global locations. Our
personnel are certiEed for conEned space entry and
have been trained to internationally recognised BOSIET
& HUET systems for immediate off shore mobilization.

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Boiler Tube Bank and Furnace Vibration
Vibration can impose major restrictions on a boiler’s
steam generating capacity and in`ict signiEcant long
term structural damage. Typically vibrations will occur
above a distinct threshold load or within a very narrow
operating load range. If the boiler is operated above or
within this load proEle for extended periods, it can
sustain substantial damage.

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Pulverized Coal Firing Systems

Pulverized coal [PC] Ering can pose unique challenges
such as poor grinding performance, high carbon in ash,
slagging problems and excessively high furnace heat
`uxes due to combustion related issues. There are
many different pulverizing systems and each has its
own speciEc requirements. Page 4 of 5
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Waste Heat Recovery Systems

It was the Arab Oil Embargo of the 1970’s that forced
industry to become more energy eJcient and invest in
low grade heat recovery systems. Following this global
event it was soon realized that the cost saving
engineering strategies utilized in the design of waste
heat recovery systems also produced signiEcant
beneEts for the environment.

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