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Define and discuss the main advantages and disadvantages of organic

growth compared with growth through acquisition or alliance? Use

academic sources and reference your answer using the Harvard
Corporate growth is commonly characterized as a dichotomy. These are organic
and inorganic growth. Organic growth is usually defined as a company’s growth
rate excluding any scale increase from takeovers, mergers and acquisitions
(Pearce & Robinson, 2011). This type of growth is referred to as the enterprise’s
core growth. Organic growth is generated, for example, by selling more products
(goods and services) to current customers (penetration/concentration), selling
products to new customers (market development) or selling product at higher
price. Most of the organizations relying on organic growth obtain most of their
expansion internally, mostly by enhancing current customer relationships and
building new relationships. Most importantly, organic growth is received with
great favour by the financial market (Pasanen, 2006) whereas non-organic is far
less favoured.
Growth strategies are regularly used simultaneously and have their own
advantages and drawbacks. The advantage of external growth compared to
organic growth is its ability to create synergies and market power (Pierce &
Robinson, 2011) However, external growth can also destroy value if the
management reinvests the firm’s resources or free cash flows in inefficient project
of their own personal interest. Firstly they can originate from economies of scale
(Burns, 2007). The sources of gains of economies of scale due to mergers and
acquisitions are in production, administration and marketing. Synergies may also
draw from better business control on the target firm (Sun, 2004). Another
rationale for merging is market power. Market power refers to the capacity of a
company to act independently of its competitors and client (Mao, 2009).
Organic growth provides more business control, encourage internal
entrepreneurship and look after organizational culture for different reasons. First
of all, managers have a better knowledge of their own firm and assets, and how
the internal investments are likely to be better planned. Additionally, synergies
may also be costly to exploit making it again more interesting to invest internally
(Denrell et al 2003). Internal growth prevents top management styles and firm
structures differences which destroy value in combinations. Finally, companies
that are investing internally are so able to create sustainable competitive
advantages since their value creating processes and positions are less likely to be
duplicated or imitated by other firms. Organic growth strategies are more
undisclosed and less prone to any hostile action from other companies. This leads
to better rewards from the capital market (Kellen, 2003).

1.2 Identify and briefly discuss two well-known companies with examples that
have developed through organic and inorganic growth and growth.
Apple Inc. is probably an excellent example of Organic Growth. Growth@Apple is
driven by trend-setting product innovation. Macintosh, iMac, iPod and the latest
technological breakthrough pioneered by Apple is the iPhone. Steve Jobs,
Founder, Apple Inc. comments - “Our belief was that if we kept putting great
products in front of customers, they would continue to open their wallets.”
Microsoft, on the other hand is a clear case of In-Organic growth as it has
successfully completed.
Disney is best example that has developed by inorganic growth. When Walt
Disney co. announced that it had reached to buy marvel assets for $4 billions, a
ripple of fear spread through the comic industry and Disney acquisition is one of
the best things. Disney’s earnings increased by 22% than the previous year,
which is a huge increase for a company of Disney’s size. Although there were
a range of hit properties, including the movie frozen, much of the earnings
increase came from assets related to Marvel, whether it was movies like
Guardians of The Galaxy or merchandise sales involving characters from the
Avengers’ franchise. Disney stock price per share was $26 just before the
company acquired Marvel; it is now over $100. There have been other
factors involved in the increase or growth of Disney, including the
acquisition ESPN and Pixar, but Marvel is a big part.

2.1 Develop a table which summarises the differences and similarities in the type of strategy
work typically undertaken by these four groups:
 Senior Executive Teams
 Middle and front line managers
 Strategy specialists e.g. analysts and planners
 Strategy Consultants

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