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Editor’s column

‘Make time to read,’ says Rakshit.

As Mortimer J Alder once said, “Reading is a basic

tool in the living of a good life.” And sure it is. To
the extent where basic nutrients are needed for
people’s healthy diet, reading is one such nutrient
needed for people’s mind. Previously when there
were no televisions or computers, reading played
an imperative part in one’s leisure (and so did the
libraries). Reading here doesn’t stick to your
school texts, college assignments or anything
forming part of your educational syllabus (Of
course we never found it interesting); you can
read about anything – newspapers, novels, and
magazines, just anything. It doesn’t matter
whether you’re reading Harry Potter or Da Vinci
Code (two extremely opposite genres – fiction and
non-fiction) it will certainly carry you into a world
of imaginations worth travelling.

Read when you have a day off, or hell, read when you’re working, for the reason that
it not only helps improve you vocabulary, but also sharpens your manner of thinking. So
single out a novel, park yourself where you feel comfortable and transport yourself into a
state of excitement and emotions. Reading is actually one of the best habits that people can
develop, and at the same time, nurture it. But sadly today, people have forgotten what it is
like to read, instead, they are more concerned in updating their facebook “status” at regular
intervals. They seem to be lost into the gutter of internet and television. Have you ever had
a thought what would it be like losing your imagination? A world where people will be
statues and you will be the unfortunate creator of that world. In a nutshell, reading is the
only imagination you have. Come on, you aren’t the busiest person on earth (is anyone?), so
you can easily manage at least half an hour a day and contribute it to reading. And
following this habit will definitely improve your writing and communication skills.

And as Joseph Brodsky said, “There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is
not reading them.” So indulge yourself into an activity worth embracing and try to come
out as a bibliophile – a book lover. Otherwise one day you’ll be complaining to yourself for
your lack of vocabulary and word power, thinking what went wrong, and then you’ll realize
that you missed out something. (Oh crap! now I remember – Reading).

I’d rather be blind than lose my imagination.

Just In Case
‘Chuck it & Smile….,’says Samar

‘A smile’, our whole existence sports to

this point. Have you ever wondered who
teaches us to smile? It’s just that our lips
curve in a particular pattern when we are
happy. It’s not something that needs to be
taught, it’s something that needs to be felt.
The clarity of conscience, the purity of
heart and the innocence of our thoughts is
reflected when we smile unknowingly like
a baby.
We smile when we are happy, we smile
even when we are not…A smile is

Imagine this fellows, when we give a sparkling smile to a professor at college, it makes
them happy ; he smiles at the entire class while commencing his lecture and that entire
class in turn smiles at the entire world. It’s like a virus. No sorrow can ever defeat a smile.
The best thing about is that its’ such a fundamental factor of our life. We need not be highly
educated, we need not be super rich, or an upper caste. Smile knows no divide. It’s a
common factor in our life which connects us with the world no matter our qualification, or
economic or ethnic background.

It’s very important to smile & keep smiling…We are very sensitive emotional fools and let
the feeling of sorrow & self-pity creep over us very easily. So what if we are in sorrow??? ;
We shouldn’t let our sorrow spread to the other people. We should smile & keep smiling.
Always remember, ‘A smile is a curve that sets everything straight.’ ~Phyllis Diller. So,
anytime you find yourselves in a soup, just think about the good things in life, chuck the
sorrows and smile…

A smile prepares you to grasp things easily and maintain a mental calm .It’s a sign of an
open, blithe & knowledgeable mind.

However big the burden of sorrow, never let it weigh down the corners of your lips….

Just chuck it & smile…Looking 4ward to seeing your 32…

Just In Case
an incident from my life…

What is it about the new things that appeals to you? They really have a prodigy of having an appeal on the minds of
people. There is nothing like the feel of starting something afresh or new. Same applies to the New Year.

And here I go…

Just about a week before the New Year, I happened to call a very dear friend of mine to ask her about her plans for the
New Years’ Eve. Now, this friend of mine happens to be pursuing CA and is a student of CA final. When I asked her about
her plan, she replied in a ‘matter of fact’ tone, “Obviously I got class till 10 pm. I can’t go out after that.”

I wasn’t too taken aback by this answer because today this is the mentality of the masses. No one cares about
celebrating anything. I completely understand that it is barely important. I have even seen criticism towards the over
enthusiasm portrayed by the people for the New Year celebrations. But, it’s the only time you get to meet certain people
that you seem to have lost touch with in your busy life. Imagine the joy when you meet, that distant cousin or that old
school friend at a get together!!!You need such occasions to keep in touch with these certain people. It’s like those
promises you make to your friends on the last day of college, promises to meet every month but ultimately tuning up
once a year...

Getting back to the phone conversation; her answer had left me a bit disappointed. I expressed my resentment and
asked her as to when she was planning on celebrating the New Year?
“Come on man, there’s always a next time…Next year maybe…,”came the answer.
Now that answer left me even more disappointed; and winding up the conversation, I hung up…

The 10 yrs New Year theory…

Now, this theory can really be set aside by people as a kiddish confrontation but though kiddish, somewhere it does
hold true…
The average life span of a human being is about 60 years (whoa…that’s a huge span of time) so, does it mean we have a
total of sixty 31sts to celebrate? Oh my, now that’s terrific. But the consideration doesn’t end here…

Breaking up these 60 years analytically, I believe that nobody celebrates 31st (the way it should be…) till 15 years of age,
because they are too small to do so in the manner they would actually like to…
The average age of marriage in India is 25.Now, a guy’s / girl’s life after marriage is such that, they are barely able to
celebrate anything (let alone 31st) in a real wild & crazy manner. All married people are somewhat control freaks (or so
I believe).So that leaves us with a time window of 10 years to actually celebrate, lose control & enjoy...

So now people, between the age of 15 & 25, it’s for you people to decide whether to celebrate this season of joy or waste
it by attending some boring lecture or sitting late hours in office, with false hope that there will be a time when you will

5 Just In Case
What’s in…the index – we call it the 9w’s

What matters 6
What’s the fiesta 12
Two Worlds Apart….Difference in the life of a
Christmas celebration…The
common man & a soldier
This column is reserved for causes; concerning Mumbai ishstyle…
things which are really important but are not This column speaks of
festivals & events happening
given the attention which they deserve by the
in town.
common man.

What’s happiness 15

The Joy of Giving… What’s calling 20

This column speaks of a
philosophical way to The Hidden Village…
life…Live life better. This column is dedicated to travelling…We
will be exploring some soothing & remote
places near the city which can serve as a
very good weekend escape…

What’s around 26

This column has been allotted to give a brief

bulletin of the current affairs along with our
views & our takes on these issues.
What say 30
What’s rhymes 34
This column has been
reserved for interactive A Flight of Fancy…
debates wherein our readers This space is reserved for poetry. There will be
will be participating & giving a fresh poem in every issue.
their views on the issues that There will be poems of different types &
we select for the debate. different genres bringing forth some heavy

What’s new 39
What’s the fable 36
This column is reserved for
Love; well actually…This space is dedicated to reviews of new movies & games.
storytelling. We will be having different We will be reviewing new
stories of common people dealing with releases (not all…only the ones
which are worth reviewing).
different types of complexities in life…
We have this unique style of
reviewing movies wherein we
believe that it’s not appropriate
to reveal the story line of the
movie in a review. We will only
be reviewing the work of art as a
What matters…speak up, people

He (a soldier) serves the nation;

forgoes his life to defend us, to
secure us, and not just for the pay
check. But when a small editorial
speaking about his death is printed
in a newspaper, we are more
apprehensive about the page 3 stuff.
Who the hell cares for the one who
sacrificed his life for us!!!

Recollect your infancy days when you would argue with

your dad to buy you a toy gun, so that you could establish
your desire of being a soldier and bring it into action by country is always in need of a strong military base. But
playing with your best friend (keeping him the enemy), today, not many people have it in them; that undaunted,
running all over the house (imagining it to be a battlefield), passionate, spirit to die for the nation. Well, now there
jumping on the bed, pointing the gun towards him, creating are factors contributing to this mindset amongst today’s
your own sound effects “dhish dhsih” or a fight sequence youth; Family security is one of the basic needs along
“dhishum dhishum,” and when your best friend deliberately with food, clothing and shelter. None of the text books
gives up, you claim supremacy over the battlefield, and teach you this but it’s a fact. No person can concentrate
there ends the game of “soldier soldier.” Let us move on his work with a blade of uncertainty hanging on his
further. What was the emotion when you just came out of family’s neck. Low remuneration - gone are the days
the theatre watching Border? Happy, because your own when people used to join the armed forces just to taste
side won the battle, but also sad, because Sunil Shetty laid the spirits of bravery. Financial security is a very
down his life. But the question here is; many soldiers died, important aspect of life. If adequate remuneration is
but why the tears came streaming down your face only provided to the soldiers, more youth will be encouraged
when Sunil Shetty breathed his last. The answer is simple. to join the armed forces. The last but most important
Your attachment was more with an actor rather than a aspect is social security. Now, social security system in
soldier. India is pathetic, and no exaggeration there, it is pathetic.
Bravery, patriotism, courage, dignity, spirit – these are As per facts, India spent 2.2% of its GDP (Gross Domestic
words that characterize a soldier. The Indians call him a Product) i.e. a whooping US$ 36,600,000,000 (as per
Jawan. In a world where you and I are familiar with many 2008-09 figures) on defense and ranks 10th in the list of
things (of less importance), a jawan only knows one – to nations which spend a lot of booty on defense. But the
lay down his life for the nation whenever needed. Famous problem is, barely any of this actually reaches and
for his valour and discipline, a jawan undergoes provides social relief to the grass root levels. One such
painstaking military training and lives a life of hardship. If example relating to social security from the near past is
we were ever asked as to how much are we indebted to the controversy linking to Russian made MIG-29 fighter
our jawans, I don’t think we could ever come up with a jets fiasco. Poor and cheap quality spares were purchased
word, figure, or a phrase which could provide an answer and fitted into these outdated jets which led to accidents
to that question. But at the same time there are some real & deaths, in-spite of India signing a deal with Russia in
unworthy words like lack of appreciation, lack of security, 2005-06 to upgrade all of its MIG-29s for US$ 888 million.
which unfortunately describe this profession. Considering This controversy also inspired a film Rang De Basanti
the type of noisy and nosy neighbours we have, our which went on to become a blockbuster.

6 Just In Case
Then during the 26/11/08 attack on the city, the police force (slight off track but even
they serve a similar purpose) were given poor quality bullet proof gear. Such jackets
which were meant for protection from the rapid fire from AK-47s but through which
even a regular revolver/ pistol bullet could pass. It’s such a disgrace on the parts of the
heads of defense. Later, when the matter was further investigated it was found that the
amount sanctioned by the government was in order to procure the best quality bullet
proof gear available but instead what was procured was the worst quality ‘anti-bullet
proof gear.’ How much would that have meant to those particular corrupt officials who
manipulated the books and procured the cheap quality gear instead of the good ones?
May be, just a Mercedes S-class less to the already existing collection; but that meant
the life to many people for whom it ultimately brought death.

And the very recent, Adarsh Society (pic to your left) scam. The society in South Mumbai’s
Colaba, was originally meant to be a six storey building for accommodation of Kargil war
heroes and widows, but was converted into a high-class 31 storey tower by allocating flats
to senior Army & Navy officials, bureaucrats, and also politicians including the then CM of
Maharashtra, Ashok Chavan. So just think the level to which our politicians can stoop and
get corrupted. Coming back to the point of lack of social security; who would like to
sacrifice their lives for the nation only to get their families treated in such a manner? Top
order politicians of the nation stooping so low with the greed of personal gains has left an
ugly scar on the face of the world’s biggest democracy, and especially the Indian armed
forces. Coming back to the 26/11 episode; during the course of attack, it was the
responsibility of the then CM of Maharashtra, Vilasrao Deshmukh to visit the place of attack. Of course, it definitely
wouldn’t have been a threat to him given his bullet proof vehicle and Z+ security. But our then CM chose to stay put on his
television set and finally visited the Taj hotel after the attacks had been neutralized. If that’s not enough, he got his son
Ritesh Deshmukh and bollywood director Ram Gopal Verma to the Taj hotel! Damn, what was Verma doing there?
Planning another ‘to-be’ flop film with Ritesh? Come on fellows, it was a war that took place inside a 5-star hotel and CST.
The film could definitely have awaited Mr. Verma!

How does he become one?

In the training centre, he gets basic military training like are occasional route-marches to a maximum of 25 miles,
drill, physical training and weapon training. He is trained in Besides he learns map-reading, current affairs, civics,
range practices, bayonet-fighting and handling of bayonet training, rifle, light machine-gun, grenade, field
explosives like grenades and mortars. Here we find the craft and jungle training, battle assault courses, physical
recruit in his gray uniform, heavy black boots, a jungle hat training, route marches, games and drill. His training winds
and a rifle slung over his shoulder. Every day he takes four up with his taking part in a mock battle. Then he is to
hours, training. From (6-30 A.M. to 11 A.M.) in rifle- attend special parade. It is known as Kasam Parade. The
shooting, firing and throwing grenades, rope climbing, recruit takes an oath on his religious book, to serve the
negotiating a rope bridge (negotiating a rope bridge is to nation and to lay down his life, if need be in upholding the
walk upon a rope the ends of which are tied to the nation's honour. After completing these six months of
branches of two trees), crawling & bayonet charge. There training, he becomes a soldier. (Source:

The maximum of them: Sikhs

Contribution of Sikhs towards the Indian Defense Services is the highest with respect to their 2% population size.
This community has also won the maximum number of gallantry awards since independence - 5 Param Vir Chakras
(PVCs), 40 Maha Vir Chakras (MVCs), and 209 Vir Chakras (VrCs). Today Sikhs are still 2% of the population of
Indian but 20% of Indian Military consists of Sikhs. As a part of Indian Military, Sikhs have constantly been fighting
Muslim terrorists on the border of Pakistan and India since last India-Pakistan war.

Just In Case
Honour their valour
Imagine yourself trapped in a state where you don’t have grenade. Fear of getting posted to a place where the only
time to eat, nor do you have time to sleep. You have to thing you can see are mountains covered by snow. Fear
remain motionless and focused constantly for hours and of losing your patience, your conscience; Fear of losing
hours alone. You know the enemy is in close proximity, your mind, fear of losing yourself... And yet our jawans
eying you, waiting for its catch. Suddenly you sense the never complain, never groan, but instead, fight for the
gate of death at your next step and a point of no return. nation with courage and determination. Because they
Fear just caught you for a moment, didn’t it? Well, our know they have taken an oath to protect; to protect you
jawans deal with the same fear every day, probably every and the nation. It’s hard to digest the fact that all we do is
minute when on duty. Fear of getting hit by a bullet or a for our family, and all a soldier does is for his nation.

Surviving the impossible

You think you can remain active at 15000 feet above communicate and the only mode of communication is
sea-level. No average human being can, because the the faith that the troop is alive and safe. Sometimes, a
conditions up there aren’t normal. There’s less oxygen, jawan is forced to finish the mission all by himself, the
breathlessness occurs regularly, your windpipe burns rest of the jawans in his troop not been able to make it;
like hell, you breathe as if you’re consuming bricks, your not being able to survive the weather, the loneliness, the
blood vessels dry out, and with all that, you have to carry frustration… At that point of time, the minus 20 degree
a backpack filled with tools, arms, and food that would Celsius, highly isolated post or glacier is itself his enemy
probably get over before the mission does. Not only this, and the weather is his only hope. He has to survive it; he
a jawan is forced to patrol for almost 10-12 hours in has to make it through; come extreme monsoon, heavy
such harsh and foggy conditions. Even the extremely fit snowfall, or landslide. He knows his wife is thinking
jawans fall prey patrolling on such high altitudes. Some about the last night they spent together. He knows his 6
posts are so far above the ground, for instance 16000 to year old son is awaiting his dad’s return so that he can
17000 feet (Siachen Glacier is one such example) that get a new toy. And yet he doesn’t allow the emotions
signals cannot be reached. There’s no tool to take control over him.

About Siachen Glacier:

The Siachen Glacier (pic to your right) is one of

the five largest glaciers in the Karakoram,
situated at an average altitude of 5400 meters
(17,700 feet) above sea level. Most of the
Siachen Glacier lies in LOC (Line of Control), a
hotly contested territory between India and
Pakistan. The glacier is located in the disputed
Kashmir region and is claimed by India and
The glacier is also the highest battleground on
Earth, where India and Pakistan have fought
intermittently since 1984. Both countries
maintain permanent personnel on the glacier at
a height of over 7000 meters. Every year more
soldiers are killed because of severe weather
than enemy firing. The two sides have lost close
to 4000 personnel primarily due to frostbites,
avalanches and other complications

Indian soldiers guarding Siachen Glacier

Just In Case
What’s with the attitude, people?
It’s true what Aamir Khan says in the beginning of the be precise, but is this the attitude we possess to the true
movie Rang De Basanti, “Aaj ka khoon na khaula vo heroes of our country?
khoon nahi pani hai, jo desh ke kaam na aaye vo bekar When India won T20 world cup every player was
jawani hai.” Now I’m not asking you to join the army, not offered a crore, but who the hell knows what was
even urging you to donate something (How I wish I offered to our jawans when they won the Kargil war!
could). But it’s a matter of attitude, a matter of apathy Now obviously there’s a huge difference between a
when it comes to us. Our young blood pours out while sportsmen who plays for the country and a jawan who
watching patriotic movies, but does the same ‘proud-to- protects the country. And even if our jawans were
be-an-Indian’ sensation hold on to us or does the offered something (accommodation in Adarsh society),
patriotism disappears right after we have crossed the we found out our politicians & bureaucrats residing in it.
exit doors. Because soon we realize that war isn’t fought I mean what were they doing there? Cleaning the mess
in cinema halls, and is different in real battlefield. We for the widows and veterans to step in!
have just seen the edited footage. And then when it’s all Consider this: The average salary of a lieutenant in
over, we are back to Mochas and Sheeshas sucking a Indian army comes to around 8000 a month, whereas
double-apple while our patriotism is vanished amidst the allowance of a MP (Member of Parliament) in India
the smoke which is swirling mistily around the café. is 40000 bucks a month (raised from 20000). I have just
Wait, the show must go on. Back at home, the scene is mentioned the allowance, while the salary stands at
different but the situation is yet the same. We are glued 50000 a month. Not to forget the free housing, air and
to our TV sets watching the same old never ending saas- rail travel. What a waste of tax payer’s money! Now our
bahu sagas, reality shows (which are less real and more responsibility as responsible citizens is to ensure that
scripted) and cricket matches that belong more to BCCI the pride and valour with which our heroes fight is
then to us. Who wants to see a documentary based on restored to them. Our soldiers protect the borders of our
the life of our jawans when you have Katrina doing a hot motherland with undaunted courage, true passion and
number on the click of a button? Who knows that a 27 just one dream, a war free India. Most of our politicians
year old jawan has died while patrolling the border have corrupted their very purpose and brought shame
when you were busy watching Sachin not out on 99? to the armed forces and this nation as a whole. We need
Our politicians anyway treat them as toys, or katputli to to restore back that pride and honour.

Need help from NGOs

It’s an appeal to all the big Indian companies and the top industrialist to start some kind of fund which will help to
solve the social security problems faced by our soldiers. These companies need not themselves donate huge amounts
but at least they will be able to handle the donations made by everyone with transparency unlike our government. The
Army Wives Welfare Association is one such NGO concentrating on providing financial and social support to the
families of the army men. It also provides support to the retired jawans. It is currently the biggest NGO serving this


India is the world’s second largest army in terms of military personnel, and the largest in terms of
active manpower
Indian Navy is the world’s third largest and Indian Air Force is the world’s fourth largest.
India is the world’s largest arms importer. (Source: Wikipedia)


Indian Army Indian Navy Indian Air Force

Just In Case
Two worlds apart…life of a soldier from my eyes
I was born to an army family by crying all day end,
had realize my future were the boundaries that I would defend.
I couldn’t dream of lying in my mother’s lap or holding my father’s hand,
because deep in my heart rested the dream of protecting my motherland.
At 20, when my friends questioned me about my everyday sorrow,
I said, “I am sacrificing my today so you can see your tomorrow.”
At 24, when most of us are happy having someone to share the rest of our life,
I left for an uneventful journey waving goodbye to my beautiful wife.
And it kills me from inside that I won’t be able to share her part,
because I know I have to deal with two worlds apart…

I was posted to a place miles away from this land,

with an absurd promise to protect every bit of my motherland.
As massive cotton clouds travel on the azure aura,
no wonder is the same place they call Himalaya.
With only silent mountains of rocks to make ourselves hide,
are the same rocks that collapses causing landslide?
Picturesque trails and pastures interrelates the nearby village,
suddenly I felt like a free child little less than my age.
For some moments of bliss I was ecstatic to be a part,
but at the end of the day I am still dealing with two worlds apart…

Nine months down the line I got good news over the phone,
the good news that I could not see the face of my newborn.
Eighteen months down the line as my father breathed his last,
I was out there shivering in cold while patrolling our boundary so vast.
While the rest of the soldiers rolled over and drifted off to sleep,
I couldn’t control my hidden emotions and continued to weep.
The hurting smoke, the burning sun – I’ve faced hardships of all kinds,
and the same eerie feeling of why I’m here comes every day through my mind.
The wisdom still questions me as to my involvement in this part,
I would just say, “I’m dealing with two worlds apart.”

Once under the starlit sky, we saw our enemy approaching,

my friends and I took over the spot and started firing,
As one of my friends silently marched ahead, I strange sight I did see,
somehow I gathered the courage to bring him back and not to flee.
He said, “I knew you would come, because you’re one friend so true,”
I said, “You’re not alone my friend, it would be an honour to die next to you.”
Like a mother holds her child tightly to her breast,
I laid my arms around him and pulled him firmly to my chest.
Wasn’t it my dusty also to perform his part?
I guess I just paid the price of dealing two worlds apart…

Just In Case
When actors and sportsmen die, whole world cries and remembers the day,
but when a soldier dies, just a small headline says, ‘a soldier died yesterday.’
When actors and sportsmen die, they would get blessings of all,
but when a soldier dies, his family is paid off with a package so small.
Will his soul be able to rest in peace after serving all these years?
for what did he offered his life? - is the question that still ring in my ears.
So is that the world in which you’re living and the other in which I’m suffering,
I’m glad that I am a soldier and not a human being.
Now my involvement no longer feels wretch to be a part,
so what I’m dealing with two worlds apart…

Just In Case
What’s the fiesta…the Mumbai (my) way of celebrating!
“It’s the most wonderful time of the year
with kids jingle belling
and everyone telling you “be of good cheer”
It’s the most wonderful time of the year…”
-Andy Williams

Christmas means a lot to people of different age groups.

For children it means a time to receive presents and gifts
from Santa Claus. For the youth, it means a brief vacation
time and leisure time to unwind after a hectic work or
study schedule. For middle aged and oldies, it’s mostly
about the feel good factor. You can actually feel the
positive vibes in the air that you just cannot be sad during
this particular part of the year.
Christmas is celebrated on 25th of December each year to
celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, a Christian deity. The
celebrations begin from the evening of 24th, i.e. the
Christmas Eve.

As I had decided to cover this season of unusual positivity in this issue, I

started planning for this Christmas almost about a week in advance. 24th
morning I decided to visit a couple of famous churches in Mumbai.
Planning the journey ahead roughly, I was in a state of fix, ‘Where to start
Finally, I decided to start off with the Don Bosco church (picture to your
right) located at Matunga, Kings Circle. Now, this church is within the
school premises of the Don Bosco School and is a pretty old one. The
church wasn’t too crowded, it being a morning before Christmas. The
church here has been very well kept and the decorations boast of a
celestial aristocracy. Decorated with loads of lighting, there are two
Christmas trees parked on each side of the entrance.

Next I decided to visit the queen of suburbs, Bandra, well known for its
churches. My next destination was the Mount Mary church (picture to
your right). The church is located on a small hillock near the Bandra
bandstand. As I reached there, there were numerous hawkers selling a
variety of stuff like candles, essence sticks, lucky charms, accessories
bearing the holy cross, etc. Purchasing a couple of essence sticks, I walked
into the magnificent church. It’s a huge church and is dressed up very
royally for Christmas. The interior walls of the Church sport the
summarized story of Lord Christ’s journey of life commencing with his
birth in the stable to his death and resurrection. The story has been
displayed on the walls in the form of paintings. As we step out of the
church, across the street we see Basilica of our Lady of the Mount. This is
not exactly a church but has a statue of Mount Mary on the top. You have
to climb a fleet of some 30 odd steps to reach the statue. The Mount Mary
church is a heritage structure and has recently been listed as one of the
wonders of Mumbai city. Moving on from the mesmerizing Mount Mary
church, I realized that there were barely couple of hours remaining to go
to a friend’s place for the Christmas Eve celebrations.

12 Just In Case
I decided to hurriedly rush for the next big destination, the Afghan
Church, Colaba (pic to your right). Sadly though, by the time I reached
there it was 7 pm and crowds of people had started pouring in to seek the
blessings of their beloved deity and attend the Christmas mass scheduled
at 8 pm. It was barely possible for me to get a good view of the church
from inside or to speak with some of the old church staff to get details
about this grade 1 heritage structure.
So, disappointed because of the rush but still bearing in mind the party to
attend in the evening and the sweets waiting to be devoured, I made my
way to my friend’s place.
Now this friend of mine lives in Bandra. The house was perfectly
decorated for Christmas with all the decorations and the petit but
beautiful Christmas tree kept in one corner of the hall. As I enjoyed the
party I made a note of the delicacies that I devoured that day, those
special Christmas delicacies.

There was this traditional Gujia. It’s a sweet basically made out of sweet
coconut with an essence of desiccated coconut. It is even prepared
during some Hindu festivals like Diwali.
Moving on from the delicacies Gujia we come to the Christmas
specialty, the Kalka. It’s crispy with a buttery taste and a vanilla
essence. It tastes really nice with delicious wine to go with it. Now
coming up next was an item which I have been relishing since
childhood but never knew the exact name of the preparation,
Marzipan Shapes.
Finally after having had my dose of these appetizers, I decided to attack
the main course (food turns me on). The main course had this delicious
preparation of roasted turkey. The very way in which it is decorated
and placed on the platter in front of you, is impressive. Sadly, I was too
famished to click any photographs of the decorated main course as I
directly pounced on it as soon as it came.

After the dinner, we had a dessert of rose candies and It’s played somewhat like hot potato: Wrap a present in
plum cake mixed up with caramel bread pudding. By several layers of wrapping paper. Everyone stands in a
the time I was done with the dessert, I was ready to big circle. The gift changes hands with the music playing
bust at my seams having hogged too much in excess. in the background. The person holding the gift, when the
But these Christmas delicacies are such that you just music stops, unwrap the first layer. This continues till the
cannot resist yourself with a few. There is such a present is fully unwrapped. The person who unwrap the
variety that the sheer curiosity of finding out what final layer of paper gets to keep it.
the item actually is will get the better of you. At about to 12pm, after raising a toast and wishing each
As we winded up with the supper it was 11 pm and other Merry Christmas, we winded up with the party. The
still an hour to go for Christmas. By this time, most of next day, needless to say, I woke up pretty late and with
the families started leaving but I stayed put with my this awesome experience of celebrating Christmas with
friend and a couple of us other youngsters. Settling an actual Christian family for the first time in my life, I
down a bit, we started off with a game of Christmas started jotting down this article…

Just In Case
I have compiled a following list of a few items representing the Christmas Trivia to get a
nice, warm & Christmassy feel…

Top Christmas Sweets

• Kalkal
• Nan Khatai
• Gujia
• Marzipan Shapes
• Guava Cheese
• Bebinca(type of pudding)
• Coconut fudge
• Chocolate Walnut Fudge

Top Christmas Movies

• A Christmas Story
• Jingle All The Way
• Home Alone(Part1 & 2)
• Bad Santa
• The Muppet Christmas Carol
• It’s A Wonderful Afterlife
• A Christmas Carol(Animated)
The Legend of the Santa Claus
• The Polar Express(Animated)
Santa Claus is generally depicted by a plump,
Top Christmas Songs jolly man with a white beard, a huge tummy
and red clothes. He is looked upon as a
• It’s The Most Wonderful Time Of The fatherly figure by tiny tots who believe that
Year Santa Claus will gift them with nice presents
• Last Christmas if they behaved themselves during the entire
• Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head year. The origin of this legend of Santa Claus
• Magica Bula can be traced back to very ancient roots but is
• Please Come Home For Christmas still not clear. According to some sources, the
• Grandma Got Run Over By A inspiration for this fictional figure that uses a
Reindeer(I remember singing this in sledge pulled by reindeers is drawn from an
school) ancient Bishop named Saint Nicholas.
• Blue Christmas Whatever be the legend, do not forget to
• All I Want For Christmas Is You check for any gifts under your Christmas tree
or stockings next Christmas…Who knows ,
maybe just in case…

Just In Case
What’s happiness…a new meaning to life

Giving gets happier

Have we become so busy with our life, so

obsessed with our “own” world that by
some means we have elevate the
necessity of wants and on the other side
reduced the value of giving?

As Rabindranath Tagore said, “Life is given to us; we earn it good sight). So just think your small token of appreciation
by giving it.” Giving is not something you name it as a duty in way of thanks or a generous smile will result in
or task. Well…you can say it’s gallant, because though construction of happiness in their hearts. And when that
simple it may sound, it involves courage to do so. The most happiness flourishes in your heart too, you realize the joy of
operative word in the last statement is courage, because giving – And what a gift that is. But we as “human” by
giving here, is associated with minute acts of human nature nature have become so engaged and accustomed to
which we really do not care about, but the ones who materialism that we tend to forget there’s a eight year old
accomplish such an act without expecting any benefit in beggar lying just outside your building’s compound,
return comes out as a courageous human being. He then has deprived of clothes, hoping an angel would come by and
not only given, but has also opened the gate of receiving. In drop a coin of rupee in the small piece of metal which we
straightforward terms, giving is something that occurs refer to it as katora, but for him is his daily source of bread.
instantly in your heart without a hesitation and We tend to forget there’s a street dog suffering from a
immediately strikes a chord with the other person. disease which we don’t really care about (after all it’s an
Give, give, and give. It is an investment banker with animal, not a human species) hoping for someone to toss
universe that returns to you with amazing interest. Giving him some biscuits so that he can have his meal for the day
need not be associated with money alone. It can be after days of fasting. We tend to forget that there are
sympathy, support, comfort, care, time, and such acts of children (of lesser God) around us who cannot even afford
human nature which comes free of cost (now that’s a good to expect and appreciate the small meaningful things of life
sign). And as Mother Teresa said, “Let us not be satisfied which are unfortunately no longer visible to us (in what
with just giving money. Money is not enough, money can be world have we lost?). You are surrounded with abundant
got, but they need your hearts to love them. So, spread your opportunities to give, but you only see them when you
love everywhere you go.” So you can offer your care, your decide to start seeing them.
little appreciation, or your thanks – all are parts of giving.
And the joy it brings for such act of kindness is priceless. But wait, back up…back up. Forget? Is that the correct word?
You never know your small act of giving could perhaps Do we really tend to forget? (Or disregard, I must say). Or is
change a person’s day or his trajectory. For a moment, just it that the word “care” is not printed in our life’s dictionary?
think and look around you, and you’ll come across people Or is it our heart desires to feel the joy of giving but our
that are in some or the other way responsible for the events mind empowers our heart by presenting a picture of no
that eventually made your day easier or happier or both. benefit in return? Or is that we really wish to give, but only
They can be your office assistants, your neighbors, or even after we are free from all debts and problems? I mean if
your dabba-walla (after all, getting your lunch on time is a these are the queries circulating in our mind, then what on
earth for God’s sake are we called humans!

15 Just In Case
Give, but don’t expect benefit in return
‘Everyone always wants something in return or else why benefit no matter however small our act may be. I’ve seen
the need of doing it in first place,’ – a statement I find hard people telling ‘I’ve given this…I’ve given that…but got
to accept, let alone digest. Get out of the habit of thinking nothing back.’ When people make such statements, did
that you should receive something. That is not giving. That they really think of giving it in first place? The answer is
is an exchange. Today we live in the human race where the No. Their intention of wanting something back is purely
word “exchange” has its roots burrowed into almost every visible. If you have given with good heart, the absence of
action that we perform. The basic tendency is such that if appreciation should never really affect or bother you,
we do something right for others, an immediate action because he who gives without expecting any sort of
(something good for ourselves) should follow. If we donate immediate benefit in return will possess a heart carved by
a rupee to beggar, we expect a million dollar contract God and not by Science. Whenever you give and do not
coming through our company. If we assist our office expect something in return, you know that you have
employees, we expect a promotion. If we are the first ones played a valuable part in other’s life and this act of yours
to wish our friend, his /her birthday, we expect a lavish will be credited as punya (result of good deeds) in your life
party from him/her. If we give a “thank you”, we expect deposit account. And such is the law of life. “To give and
“you’re welcome.” Even if we forward a message to close not expect return, that is what lies at the heart of love,”
friends, we expect an instant reply. All these exchanges said Oscar Wilde.
clearly indicate our greed and determine our attitude.
Then there’s no stopping. We start expecting immediate

Consider this: Did your mother ever ask you her share of benefit in
return when she kept you in her womb for continuous nine months?
The violation of the law of giving Did your father ever ask you his share of benefit in return when he
comes when you start expecting made you capable of being a man from a boy? Did your best friend
ever ask you his/her share of benefit in return when he/she stood by
to receive something back from your side in times of your difficulties whenever needed? NO. And you
the same being you give to, know why? The pain your mother took by keeping you safe in her
saying "Well, I did this for you so womb, the more she was happy when you were born and became an
you should do that for me." In integral part of her life. The pain your father took by raising you on his
shoulders, the more he was happy of seeing you finally becoming
fact demanding a particular capable of fitting into his shoes. The pain your best friend took by
reward back is a violation. It standing beside you, the more he/she was happy of seeing you
makes you "trading" minded deserted from all troubles. Aaahhhhh! Realization hits you. Sure it
does. So here are people giving you their amount of care, love, support,
rather than "cheerful and free courage, time, and possibly everything that is in their hands. And what
giving" minded. Never ask for or do you discover? That by doing so happiness is generated for both -
expect payback" from those you the recipient and the giver. The more they gave, the happier they got.
give to. The reward you receive It wasn’t their duty or task or something but a sense of happiness they
received by this very act of giving without expecting whatsoever any
will come from a source and a benefit in return.
time and in a form that the
Universe finds best suited for A forwarded message: Millions of trees in the world are
you. accidently planted by squirrels that bury nuts and forget where
they have hidden them.
Moral: Do well and forget…it will surely grow.

So remember, never ever expect anything in return while

giving. Don’t think about it, instead, just do it.

Just In Case
Give. It’s not the only thing; it’s everything
Here is a likely scenario. Imagine a person who does not As Oprah Winfrey puts it, “I don't think you ever stop
have much in material possessions to give and share with giving. I really don't. I think it's an on-going process. And
others. But this person is very charming and kind. The it's not just about being able to write a check. It's being
person gives a thousand compliments to people he or she able to touch somebody's life.” There’s no greater feeling
comes across without even getting one compliment back. in the world then to give, to lend a helping hand to
This person uplifts their mood and confidence by finding someone, irrespective of whether they are your loved ones
ways to encourage and compliment them. But this person or strangers. Think about it. Whenever you give, you not
never gets a compliment back from anybody. Well, not to only make the recipient’s day brighter, but you also give a
worry. The Universe keeps its accounts perfectly. This part of yourself which will linger forever in their heart and
person’s giving builds credit in the universal system. One will always be treasured.
day, by the law of cause and effect, of giving and receiving, As Munna Bhai (Sanjay Dutt) thanks the sweeper by giving
this person somehow gets the bicycle he or she has always him jadoo ki jhappi (hug) for his little but significant
wanted -just when the person needed it - in a way that contribution, there isn’t only exchange of kind words, but
looks like a miracle. It could be by winning some also exchange of happiness. The sweeper received his
competition, or having it given to them by a stranger, or token of appreciation; his happiness on his plate, but what
one of a countless other possibilities, what people call luck. Munna received was ‘joy of giving.’ See, like I said before,
That is how giving works. Sometime the Universe takes giving does not need to be associated with money alone, as
little things that you have, can give, and do give, and it puts a true employee always strives for some words of
them into one big thing that you do not have and require appreciation from his boss rather than the performance
and it gives that to you at a perfect time. bonus from company’s reserves. So in your goal settings,
remember to include several goals that are about free &
cheerful giving.

An inspiring short tale

Giving freely and cheerfully
A woman who was traveling alone in the mountains found a
enables you to do business, if
precious stone in a stream. The next day she met another
you wish to look at it that way, traveler who was hungry. The woman opened her bag to
with the Universe. This is how it share her food. The hungry traveler saw the precious stone
works: You give someone and asked the woman to give it to him. She did so without
hesitation. The traveler left, rejoicing in his great fortune. He
something that you have now knew the stone was worth enough to give him security for a
with you - freely and cheerfully. lifetime.
The Universe, by the law, finds But a few days later he came back to return the stone to the
the best way to give back that woman. "I've been thinking," he said, "I know how valuable
the stone is, but I give it back in the hope that you can give me
energy to you in the form of something even more precious. Give me what you have within
something that you do not have you that enabled you to give me the stone."
with you. it gives you back in The woman smiled and said, "The joy of giving!"
multiples, when it is most
So what are you waiting for? Your act today will determine what
appropriate, in the most you will become tomorrow. Because every little things count. So
appropriate form. It is a magical start giving from today as giving from a true heart is one of the
process. Obviously, the more you joyous things you can do. But if you keep thinking of logic before
or while putting your thoughts into action, you’ll never feel the
give the more magic you create magic. And as Stephen Grellet puts it, “I expect to pass through
for yourself. this world but once. Any good, therefore, that I can do, or any
kindness that I can show to any fellow creature, let me do it now.
Let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.”

Just In Case
The list is endless…

Open your closet and go through it. You’ll definitely find

things that are lying unused for a long time which you
probably might have forgotten about it. It can be your
clothes, toys, or anything that is in good shape and is
utilizable. So donate them to kids in need, and just see the
look of content (see picture) on their faces, and you’ll
realize the joy of giving.

Feed animals and birds. Though different species, they

still need our dependence.

Offer your appreciation to your mother as she cooks

delicious food for you. After all, she does it for your well

Offer your support to your father like the way he

supported you.

Offer your care to the old & aged people. And it is the
same thing that you’ll anticipate for when you begin to
realize your time is up.

Offer your time to your loved ones as you’re offering the

most precious thing to the most precious relationship.

Offering can also be in way of services, like being a tutor

to a child who has been deprived of education due to
many reasons.

Offer your smile to people as you greet them.

Someone simply needs your hug, or perhaps a surprise

hug will work better. Just try it

Just In Case
What they said…

Albert Einstein:
"It is every man's obligation to put back into the world at least the equivalent of what he takes out of it."
“The value of a man resides in what he gives and not in what he is capable of receiving.”

Eckhart Tolle:
"Whatever you think the world is withholding from you, you are withholding from the world."
"Whatever you think people are withholding from you--praise, appreciation, assistance, loving care, and
so on--give it to them."
"You cannot receive what you don't give. Outflow determines inflow."

"Anticipate charity by preventing poverty; assist the reduced fellow man, either by a considerable gift or a
sum of money or by teaching him a trade or by putting him in the way of business so that he may earn an
honest livelihood and not be forced to the dreadful alternative of holding out his hand for charity. This is
the highest step and summit of charity's golden ladder."

Peyton Conway March:

"There is a wonderful mythical law of nature that the three things we crave most in life -- happiness,
freedom, and peace of mind -- are always attained by giving them to someone else."

Wayne Dyer:
“When I chased after money, I never had enough. When I got my life on purpose and focused on giving of
myself and everything that arrived into my life, then I was prosperous.”

W. Clement Stone:
“There's a great joy in my giving. It's thrilling. It's exhilarating. It's important to be a part of sharing. It is
my love. It is my joy.”

Well, even they said so…ha-ha

Mark Twain:
“Giving up smoking is the easiest thing in the world. I know because I've done it thousands of times.”

Albert Einstein:
“Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it

Just In Case
What’s calling…add some memories to your life

roughly about a two and a half hour drive from Mumbai.

Hidden Village is located just 6k.m. after Shahapur near
Many a times, we are quite engulfed with our every day Atgaon before Sakhroli village. And those who cannot
routine that somehow we want to disentangle ourselves for manage a vehicle, you always have Indian Railways at your
at least a couple of days, shut out the busy world, delete all service. Catch a Kasara local and get down at Atgaon
the contacts, and move far away from the hustle and bustle station. From there, a rickshaw driver will be present to
of the city to a place where time stops for us, to a place pick you. As soon as we stepped in, piles of bamboo like
where we can be friends with flowers and butterflies, and to tress were placed either side giving a shady effect to the
a place where the only work we have is to admire what way in, and also there was this huge rock, perhaps a marble
nature has to offer. Well then, not far away from Mumbai, with “Hidden Village” imprinted on it. A small wooden
nestled near Atgaon is a nature friendly resort named bridge linked the entrance to the resort. Suddenly the
Hidden Village. Why village? Because it’s an ideal place for atmosphere around gave way to the aroma; made me
those longing for things and ambience of village like; realize I am already immersed in to this place. There wasn’t
somewhat a nostalgia trip like you wouldn’t believe it. My a reception at the doorway unlike the other resorts, but a
expedition to this paradise took off with my friends through grassy and pebbly path with tress surrounding, and I think
the patchy Mumbai-Nasik highway as we were greeted by it was that time of deciduous.
couple of diversions because of the ongoing repair work. It’s

20 Just In Case
Tony (owner) welcomed us. But he wasn’t the only one; we
were also greeted by a full grown turkey and a goose that
was pretty much protective about his mate and kids and
would immediately get defensive as you enter in his
territory. Then a man escorted us to our cottage or the “hill
house” as they say it. The village is currently furnished with
one Patil house, two Tribal houses and two Hill houses and
is operational with 24 hours hot water, DTH TV and
refrigerators. The bathroom is equipped with western toilet.
Our cottage had a well and an open air shower which gave a
traditional touch to our duration of stay in the cottage and
also rather unforeseen for a place like this amidst the said
village. After tossing our bags, we had a quick view of the
vicinity around us as the lush meadows surrounding the
cottage retained the purity of this place.

After capturing our rooms, we hurriedly took our shorts and

towels and made our way to what at first seemed to be a normal
pond but was actually a large fresh water pool. It was not a
normal pool with tiles beneath it, but it was cemented and also
covered with a large rug so that the leaves don’t fall in water.
And talking about the water, it wasn’t chlorinated, but was
actually fresh and filtered. I even encountered a tiny frog that
was comfortable in his own style of swimming while my free
style to him seemed peculiar. I realized that because he soon
disappeared after seeing me swimming. Though you can refer to
it as pool but I found myself swimming in a sea and finding my
way to the coast. And that’s where rusticity takes over modern
amenities; the feeling gets on to you. Shivering myself for the
next 1o minutes after coming out of the pool because of the
freezing water, I quickly ran in to the cottage and donned my

It’s difficult to I feel life is a journey worth traveling and along the way you only have one true companion –
the food. The food doesn’t serve only one purpose; it has many aspects to life. And what
digest that in better than you get served with the
the midst of same quality food like you get at your
this lush green home. As mentioned by the owner, the
meals are cooked by native cook. The
environment, thali comprises of two vegetables, roti,
the appearance dal, rice, papad, salad and chaas; again
clean and simple. You have the option
and of veg and non-veg from the set menu.
preservation is And the eating area (as shown in pic) is
constructed suitably well keeping in view
truly pristine. the rustic and friendly atmosphere.
So it’s better to carry your tummy to the
food, rather than ordering at your rooms. And anyway, you are
here to make friends with different facets of nature, so why remain
indoors! After lunch, while my friends drifted-off, I wanted more of
this place and hence I started to explore it as exploring the unexplored always intoxicates me.

Just In Case
I came across a sight which resembled a sort of rock pool
(picture to your left) with a mini waterfall attached to it. It’s
actually a seasonal natural waterfall with water cascading
from the lake and gathering in the small pond teemed with
garra rufas (doctor fish) a.k.a nibble fish. Such fishes feed on
the human skin which consumes the affected area of skin
leaving the healthy skin to
grow and hence the name
doctor fish. The process is
actually termed as
pedicure. As I placed my
feet gradually in the water,
good number of fishes
gathered around my feet
within no time and started
nibbling. But after a couple
of minutes I realized that
the fishes were actually eating the dust accumulated on my feet creating a nibbling effect.
In between this pedicure process I closed my eyes, letting the doctor fish nibble my feet
and I felt an ease like never before; as if I have lost all my previous memories in transit and don’t know what the world
around me is up to. The feeling was surreal. Sometimes, happiness need not be restricted to luxury alone, instead,
contributing in small acts of nature, even if it means letting your feet nibble by fish justifies the genuine feeling of nirvana.

The late afternoon was shared with poha and chai followed by
some rest. And then came the must-to-do part for boys – games.
With options of pool, table-tennis, carrom and darts to choose
from, I guarantee you won’t move your butt from this zone for
an hour or two. And hell, we ended up playing for more than
two hours, majority in pool. With dinner came the cold breeze
and the very air started to
show its effect on us. But the
star-lit sky had its own
delight. As the evening turned
Treading our way around the murky, the atmosphere
resort during the hours of gave way to a new
darkness, we found ourselves
bounded by strong but calm fragrant. Though the
wind, with visibility sight being dark and
restricted to trees only. gloomy, I see the
The feeling was as good as if
normal stones turned
you are treading in a jungle
and finding your way out. into turquoise and
The late night was filled with could hear the gentle
game of cards combined with sound of water rippling
bottles of breezers, whisky
and vodka. The mutual effect
through waterfall and
was beginning to multiply moving turbulently.
our mood. We tried to sound And the chirping of
lively but with nothing much cricket further added
remaining, we drifted off
by replacing the situation to to the musical night of
snoozing from boozing. my journey.

Just In Case
With the dawn streaming, came another beginning. In places like this, the
morning may yet be the same but it brings out a new meaning to life; as if
yesterday has unlocked you from its sorrows and the present day is waiting
for a new creation. After devouring some heavy breakfast, we headed out for a
visit at tansa dam which was around 10k.m. drive throguh a stunning tansa
forest ahead of Hidden Village. The roads whirling now and then further
added to our state of excitement. But with entry forbidden for visitors as the
dam came under a high security zone, we called Tony and asked him if there
was anything nearby worth
watching, or rather worth
inspecting as far as I was
concerned. He suggested us to go
for the lake which was
positioned in the back hills and
was at a walking distance of
around 15 minutes from the
resort. And we did right what the
owner said. Trekking our way through grasslands and with little assistance
from villagers nearby, we finally had the image of lake in front of our eyes. It
was panoramic and breathtaking. We settled ourselves on the rocks placed near
the bank of the lake.
It feels so good to rest and do nothing. Some of us would simply like to sit down
and be with our thoughts. After admiring this scenic spectacle we returned
back to the resort with image of the lake forever locked in our eyes.

We packed our bags and emptied our

And then the house as the time came to check-out.
For the last time I glanced through the
silence; the soulful house and hold back my emotions. The
silence of the tress, the flowers, the birds, and the
mesmerizing rustic surroundings – are the gifts
image of the lake from this village that I’ll always
preserve. Granted, the minute acts of
brought a sense of nature lasted for a moment, but were
tranquility to my momentous in its own way. On any
ongoing given holiday, most of us would head
expedition. towards the common hill stations and
the common 3 star resorts or the
different water parks with common
theme. But exploring those places
would only overcome your sense of joy and not happiness. (Yes,
happiness and joy are different emotions) So to taste happiness, just
go and immerse yourselves in to the solace of Hidden Village and see
how nature in return cuddles you with belongings from its store.

On the Mumbai Nasik highway, 6 k.m. ahead of Shahapur is
Atgaon station. Turn left from highway towards Tansa Dam.
Hidden village is just 2 k.m. from Atgaon before Sakhroli
+91 986 7155 792 / +91 970 2055 792

Just In Case
More postcards of hidden village from my diary….

Just In Case
Just In Case
What’s around…an outlook of the current affairs

Food inflation hits 18% for the month end December

The percentage that stood at 8.69% on Nov 27 has soared to a whopping

18.32% for the week ended December 25th. While the Government has
banned the exports and also abolished import duty on onions, the fear is
that RBI (Reserve Bank of India) may be forced to raise the interest rates
to control inflation, eventually affecting the growth too; because the
increase in interest rates could affect the consumer demand.

No stopping here!

But India is not the only country

Onions 82%
facing this situation. Prices are increasing globally due floods in Australia,
Other vegetables 60%
drought in Argentina and extreme cold conditions in Russia. With Pakistan
Fish 20%
banning the supply of 300 trucks filled with onions, the situation stands
Fruit 20%
worse. A food price index developed by the United Nations’ Food &
Milk 17%
Agricultural Organization reached its highest ever in December surpassing
the previous peak of June 2008.

“This price rise is an area of concern…earlier, we had thought it was because of the base effect but it is not
merely that. There has been real increase in the prices of certain food items,” finance minister Pranab
Mukherjee said.
We say: With onion and vegetable prices soaring like movie tickets, the finance minister still believe that it
was a base effect. You gotta be kidding me, Mr. Pranab. I mean base effect is merely a statistic, a graph. Is the
economy of India so helpless that it takes more than a month to control the prices! Now, how is the common
middle-class man going to survive? If he feeds his family first, then I don’t think there’s anything left for him.
If the government has little to do in case of food inflation, then at least they should lower the tax on petrol and
diesel. But no, because that (drop in tax revenues) would again increase govt’s deficit.
With Union home minister Chidambaram saying, “we are not sure whether we have all the tools in hands to
control food inflation,” I don’t think there’s any point of keeping hope on our ‘not-so-sure’ government.

The other side of the story

While I thought that the reason behind the increase in onion prices (currently Rs. 60-80/kg) was due to the
untimely rains in Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and also in the Nasik area of Maharashtra, I encountered a
bhelwala near by my house to find out the actual truth. And here’s what he said:
“Are ye sab banya log maal rok ke rakhe he, agar aisa hota toh kande ka daam dui hafte me barabar ho jata.”
(the grocers/merchant has stopped the outflow of onions resulting in increase of prices. If that (food inflation)
would have been the situation then prices of onions would have came back to normal within two weeks). But
no one knows the real truth.
Well, if chopping the onions get watering your eyes, let alone figure out the effect of buying it.

26 Just In Case
As the year 2010 saw four major scams and all four of them in the last four months, we thought
of making you aware of what was it all about.

Adarsh Housing Society Scam

What was it about: A six-storey building promoted as a housing society

for war widows & veterans was transformed into a lavish 31 storey
tower, and those found residing in it were politicians, bureaucrats and
senior army officials.
The effect: The then CM of Maharashtra Ashok Chavan was asked to
resign over his alleged role after it was found that his relatives were
allotted flats. And not only that, the Ministry of Environment & Forest
declared the society as illegal, because the promoters never received vital
eco clearances from the centre.
The big blunder, or should I say planning: Just a month before, four
crucial documents related to the scam had gone missing from one of the
Urban Development Department files. (The documents still stands
And not just that, some days before, even the index went missing.
We say: Is the Government trying to sweep the issue under its highly corrupted carpet? It’s a massive
embarrassment, or should I say a massive strategy. And we still wonder why the CBI (Central Bureau of
Investigation) is still not able to arrive at a solution; forget about nabbing the culprits. With crucial documents
and index going missing, that day is not far when the case will itself go missing.

Bribe-for-loan housing scam

What was it about: Some state-run banks as also financial institutions ran an alleged elaborate nexus with an
intermediary offering loans to realty firms. CBI sniffed it out.
Those involved and were arrested and later on released on bail:
Naresh Chopra, secretary (investment) LIC, Mumbai.
Ramchandra Nair, director, CEO, LIC Housing Finance.
RN Tayal, GM, Bank of India.
Manindersingh Johar, director, Central Bank of India.
Venkoba Gujjal, deputy GM, Punjab National Bank.
Rajesh Sharma, chairman and MD, Money Matters.
Suresh Gattani, Money Matters.
Sanjay Sharma, Money Matters.
These top executives were allegedly accepting bribes to offer loans to realty firms through an intermediary –
Money Matters. Bribery and kickbacks and sound balance sheets of corporations were seemingly the criteria for
such loans. (Source for the disclosure of persons involved: Hindustan times)

Just In Case
The CWG (Commonwealth Games) scam

What was it about: It was termed as India’s biggest sporting event,

but what followed the XIX CWG was a slew of corruption scandals.

What went wrong: There was corruption in procurement of many

items like umbrellas, doormats, toilet papers, fire extinguishers,
garbage bags, gadgets and so on. All the expenses and development
managed by the OC (Organizing Committee) headed by Suresh
Kalmadi, were alleged to be at sharply higher prices than market

Some shocking facts: The audit report, finalized after considering

the OC's response, has listed 16 items to show how Games bosses
allowed ineligible vendors to form cartels and paid exorbitant
amounts for identical items that had been bid for at a lower cost.

Games venues were divided into seven clusters. A tissue roll was
priced in one cluster at Rs 22 per roll, while Rs 3,751 per roll was
paid in another cluster. A small refrigerator came for Rs 9,848 from GL Moroform, while Khanpur Extension-
based PICO Deepali billed it for Rs 22,957.

For a soap dispenser, the OC bosses allowed payment of Rs 187 per piece to Vasant Kunj-based Nussli India Pvt
Ltd. The same item was supplied by Kirti Nagar-based ESAJV D Art Indo Consortium for Rs 9,379 per piece.

A 15-litre trash bin supplied by PICO Deepali came for Rs 245. But the same item from ESAJV D' Art was priced
at Rs 7,618 per bin. A 20 KVA power backup (UPS) from one vendor came for Rs 6 lakh but another supplier
was paid more than Rs 10 lakh for a similar item.

We say: While the difference between the actual cost of item and the inflated figures of the same item going to
the extent of 185% and more, it cannot be simply just instances of omission. The message is quite clear –
misuse of taxpayer’s money.
We pay but Government earns. We work but Government sleeps. We keep it safe but Government steals it.
And all does the ruling party does is set up an enquiry which last longer than an average life span of human

Just In Case
The 2G Spectrum scam: the scam that washed out the entire winter session of
The 2G spectrum scam has been a hot topic among news channels & newspapers from quite
some time now. But, how many of you actually know what it is all about?

What was it about: It all started in 2008, when 2G telecom

licenses were sold to the private telecom companies at
throwaway prices. The issuance of these frequency allocation
licenses at such low prices resulted to a loss to the state
amounting to Rs. 1.76 lakh crore.

How it all worked: Ex-telecom minister A Raja arranged for the

sale of these licenses at less than market value. Taking advantage
of this, many companies got these licenses at throw away prices &
later on sold majority stakes & rights to other telecom companies
at higher prices. The corrupt officials in the then telecom ministry
bagged in their cuts & made a fortune.

How it came to light:

In 2008, the Income Tax department, after orders from the ministry of Home and the PMO, began tapping the
phones of Niira Radia. This was done to help with an ongoing investigation into a case where it was alleged that
Niira Radia had acted as a spy. The tapped recordings continued for over a year. Ultimately, some of these
conversations recorded by the IT department were leaked over to the media. The tapes featured some
explosively revealingly conversations between Politicians, Journalists & Corporate Houses. The conversations
after coming to light sparked off a major controversy bringing to surface some major names politicians,
bureaucrats & media men.

Just In Case
What say…let’s look at your point of view

Consider this: You are gaga over a girl/ boy. Well, this was our topic for the debate section of
Wait, the consideration doesn’t end here. this month’s issue. There was a healthy debate on
You’re also aware of the fact that your best this issue where people having different
buddy too has feelings for the same girl/boy. perceptions to the problems selected various
He/she has confided in you and conveyed different alternatives, which they felt would be
effective while confronting such a situation.
his/her feelings for the same, but he/she’s
unaware about your feelings for that Now as I reviewed the comments put up by our
particular girl/boy. readers on our various forums, I started
What would be your take on this? Will it be categorizing these comments in my mind, wherein I
ethical on your part to stay put and go ahead concluded that most people have played safe by
with your feelings for that girl/boy or just sailing in both boats…
step aside and make way for your best

30 Just In Case
And here are the opinions:

Chandni Hefa here gave an impressive down to earth There were a couple of fellows who had a bit of a
answer… humorous take on this issue;
“NO one today is like ‘Tyag Ka Pujari’
At least not me...because if me and my friend have Afroz Dairkee had a particularly light take on the
feelings for the same guy, I will confess in front of her, issue…
even if I know that she likes the same guy...& then it will “Feelings shmeelings! If the girl's hot, even I'm in the
totally depend on the guy with whom to hang out, once race! May the best bud win!! What uses are bro's if they
he comes to know that we both have a crush on him… don't fight with you over a girl?!”
The guy’s decision will totally be respected on my
front...and if that girl is not me...then obviously I'll be This view is short but sweet, the element of
sad....but then here I'll pray for both of us... and I'll try to competition between friends for a girl, I liked the
convince myself that I will get a much better guy!!! view…
In short I'll not give up without confessing what I
feel…baad mai jo hoga dekha jayega....” Suraj Adhikari went on to support Afroz’s view by
A similar view was endorsed by Charmi Doshi, “friends are meant to have competitions with... so I
“I think I would confess my feeling to my best friend would go tell my best bud about my feelings too and
rather than hiding it from her & we would prefer to then see who's chances are more and have a race to the
confess our feelings together to that guy so that in the girl... but then in the end the girl shouldn't create a fight
end there is honesty with the friend & even my between our friendship because as the quote goes
love.....and I would let that guy decide whom he wants to "bros before hoes" we shouldn't have any hard feelings
hang on to....and whatever will be his decision will b for each other!”
accepted it would be justice on everyone’s
part.....and no one will have to repent; as in if the guy has Exactly what I feel; a common crush should never lead
feelings for me but unaware of the fact he decides to to hard feelings between two best mates.
hang on with my friend, whenever he comes to know it
shouldn’t make the guy & my friend feel guilty.....& I feel Now, there were also a couple of confused responses,
that would end more happily.... wherein people weren’t too clear of what they would
But keeping my fingers crossed, I hope such a situation do, given the situation…
never comes up in my life...”
A unique view was presented by Paunil Shah
Another comment I liked here came from stating,
Sanyogeeta Chore… “Err...!!!!!! There are chances that I would help my best
“According to me it all depends on the guy... in today’s friend to get the girl whom we both like....
world no one is so great to sacrifice their love for but honestly speaking it would take some time, for me to
her/his best friend… If I was in such a situation I
make up my mind as I would lose my chance for that
would rather find out whom the guy likes, me or my best
friend ...& if he likes me I would not sacrifice my love girl...
because it would be rather pointless when he doesn’t but friendship comes before love....”
like my best friend...but if he likes my best friend I would
step behind & not come in the way...” Helping your friend to get the girl/guy of his/her
dreams; brave heart indeed.
Most of these girls had a somewhat similar point of view
and I was waiting for someone who would have a Then there are many who believe in destiny & the gifts
drastically different take on this issue…That didn’t come that nature will bestow on us provided we stay put
too soon though… patiently…

Just In Case
Mohammed Ujjainwala believes to leave it to destiny Tasneem Shabbir here feels it best to shove off the
in such a case, pressure of decision making onto the guy instead of
“If I & my best friend like the same girl... I would leave breaking her own head on the issue…Smart enough…
the decision on the girl to make... “well I don’t think I'll back off...will ask my friend but
neither would I express my feelings to her nor would I even she won’t be ready to back off we both will prefer
tell my friend anything about it.... competing in our own ways...& will let the guy decide
I would leave it to luck & destiny to make the whom he loves… why take the tension on myself & my
decision...! friend when there is someone whom we can transfer it
& hope I never ever face such a situation....!” to :-))”

Some of our readers here assessed the situation very Neville Billimoria gives a very detailed explanation
analytically & put forth a very well-explained point of here placing various phrases & examples to consolidate
view… his point of view,
“It isn't possible to love and part...You can transmute
Yashvardhan Thakore was of the opinion that, love, ignore it, muddle it, but you can never pull it out
“I will talk to my friend and try to reach an agreement or of you". What If your friend comes to know later that
at least lay down ground rules. Most guy friends who you loved the same person who is in a relationship
hang out together develop something like this with him right now? It would make him feel so
naturally. If one has never had this come up, he's awkward when they are close to each other thinking
probably just as apprehensive about your next move as he's been unfair to his friend who's been with him in
you are. thick & thin of life.. not only would it destroy an
Secondly, let her decide. You don't each get to grab an ongoing relationship but also leave a feeling of
arm and pull to see who rips the bigger half. After a few bitterness in the long going friendship coz "Love is
days, if she likes either of you it will start to become never as ferocious as when you think it's going to leave
clearer and also this will be a good time to see how you"....instead both the friends can confess to each
good a friend you have. If he starts trying to make you other their love for the person coz such a situation
look bad or says things to her that isn’t true, you'd be seems to be more manageable.... both of them should
better off leaving him behind.” go all out in their attempt to get the girl coz "Love is the
best feeling when u have to win it for yourself" .This
Perfectly put there, you just cannot fight over a girl, it’s
way you are giving not only yourself but also your
not a tug of war to get a bigger half…
friend an equal chance & in the end whoever gets it at
Mohammed Dahodwala believes in leaving the least there's no bitterness left in your friendship.... coz
decision to the girl. But, he believes that ethically both remember "Friendship marks a life even more deeply
the friends should step down… than love. Love risks degenerating into obsession,
friendship is never anything but sharing."
“It will indeed be a very difficult situation if me & my
best buddy have feelings for the same girl.....but
according to me the most important part is the feelings
of the girl...if she has feelings for my friend I will As I was winding up editing these different views of
undoubtedly step down...& if she has feelings for me I different people on this issue, views of two people
accept the same from my friend…but in real world both specially caught my attention…May be they were
of us will be hurt so it’s better to save the friendship we
similar to what I would have given…
both should step down...that will keep both of us

Just In Case
One of them coming from Pranav Shah, who stated, Another point of view which really impressed me came
“No doubt it will be a really difficult choice but I will from Ronak Sanghavi,
choose the ethical side totally!! Because that will be a “I would never let my friend come to know about this.
call from my soul! It will be part of my sensitive nature My friendship with my friends is never one-sided. I
believe it will be equally painful for my friend to go
to accept the fact that my best buddy has same feelings
against my liking in order to fulfill his desire. This will
as mine and considering that he would keep her happier not only bruise our friendship but also will lead the
I would make a clear path for him without any friend to reconsider his love for the gal.”
Here, Ronak has very well considered what his friend
If you have to step down for your friend’s sake you got will think in such a situation. He has actually thought
to do it without making a real fuss out of it…If you really very deeply of his relations with his friends. He has
want to see your friend happy, just stepping down from highlighted the very essence of friendship stating that
the competition isn’t enough…You have to conceal the even his friend will be sad to see him step down & he
fact of your attraction towards the girl…Or else it will will reconsider his feelings for the girl…
defeat the very purpose of the favour coz as Neville said,
Overall I was impressed to see active participation of
your friend will always feel awkward around the girl people in this debate. The very essence of this section in
knowing that you sacrificed your love for him… our magazine is to make you rack your brains & actively
portray your point of view. In this busy world, we hardly
get any time to think of these issues…Also I have seen
people who have this, phobia for debates. They chose to
stay away from any debatable issues…
Remember people, Ignorance only glorifies the problem,
never solves it…
Hoping to see more active participation….

We would like to hear from you.

If you have anything interesting to share which you might feel that needs attention,
discussion, or rather it’s a debatable issue, feel free to post your opinion on the official
page of Just In Case on facebook. And who knows, your opinion may well turn out to be
the discussion thread of the next issue…

Just In Case
What rhymes…a song from my heart

As a child I was much of a dreamer,

I used to wonder about things, I used to ponder how they worked…
Even as I would watch my favorite cartoon entertainer;
Even as Jerry would look around for Tom, little knowing the danger that lurked,
The thought of ‘how they made these cartoons happen?’ often left me irked…

As I flipped the channels on the television set,

Browsing impatiently through efforts made by people to entertain me,
I hooked up to a particular channel, cause by now cartoons were bothering me,
I saw news carrying the details of a space mission to the moon,
I pondered on the happenings as the ‘man on the moon’ walked on a sand dune…

Then there in the late 90s, everyone’s pockets had been run dry by a mighty sting,
The market was flooded with a phone which needed no wire to ring,
It was the era of the cellphone,
Sparkling & tingling as it shone,
It again made me wonder of the passion borne by the chap who deserved the royal throne…

34 Just In Case
I grew on to become a moderately average guy,
Weighed down by the narrow minded mentality of our society,
Conjoint with the world in the rat race to the ultimate perish,
Chasmed from it by a passion that promised to drive me to the finish…

I had a dream of becoming an artist,

Not the type of ones you see when you are asleep,
But the ones that you watch with open eyes…

I was in my early 20s when I hit on the boulevard,

I was tired of portraying my art in my own back yard;
I wanted to paint my way into people’s minds,
Open their eyes to a world which they couldn’t see through their blinds…

A boulevard which clearly laid a forked path,

To follow my dreams or slog in the rat race & crib in the aftermath;
It had to be a decision with all considerations borne,
A simple mistake & I’d have a lifetime of mourn…

Crumbling under pressure I settled down for a smoke,

Weighed down by my dreams, I lit the stick of good hope,
How could my dream be so unacceptable by the society?
All I had for them was no compassion but only pity…

A murder of a man’s dreams is a murder of his soul,

It’s the death of the integrity that he once bore…

I thought of the person, who dreamt of making a cartoon,

I thought of the person, who dreamt of scaling the moon,
I thought of the person, who dreamt of gifting the world with the wireless boon…
Weren’t they too taken to be some worthless day dreaming loons???

So, why should I be afraid to dream?

There was an entire world out there to cream;
Though it would mean less financial security,
It would save me from a lifetime of exasperated obscurity…

I flicked off the butt & turned to face the world,

a calm person waiting for his passion to be unfurled…

This is the story of a boy man trying to clear his mind of a dilemma; a dilemma of choosing a dream over
an average routine rat race which may fetch him more financial security but would annihilate his mental

This does not in any way promote the vice of smoking. It has been used just to add flow to the storyline.
This narrative is a complete work of fiction and any resemblance to any character, living or dead is
purely coincidental.
What’s the fable…a short narrative
Love, well actually…
“Mind passing me a cigarette”, she asked the guy
standing near her. “The smoke is too tempting to resist,
“Arnav there is something really important that you
you see….”The guy looked at her, taken aback by the
need to know about me…” Shreya pleaded almost in
sudden request.
“Sure, there you go….” the boy handed over a cigarette to
“Come on then tell me. What you waiting for now, huh?”
Arnav shouted back.
“I am not comfortable telling you this…I want some time
It was Saturday night and it was the college reunion of
on…” she started only to be interrupted by Arnav who by
Xavier’s college batch of 2005-06. The jam session was
now was yelling like a demented cricket fan that had just
underway and the atmosphere was purely electrifying
seen their sides’ lose.
but these two old friends (or should I say…) chose to lay
“Ohh, don’t you start again now…You just don’t have
back & relax, having met after such a long time.
anything left to say”
“So Shreya, what are you up to these days? When did
you start smoking?” Arnav asked.
The next month was a sad affair with both of them
“Come on yaar, I used to smoke sometimes.” Shreya
avoiding each other and their friends trying to pacify
winked at him.
them and restore peace to the troubled paradise…
Arnav grinned at her. After a slight pause, “Things have
It’s rightly said that girls have a heart of gold and they
changed so much, haven’t they?”
can never stay away from a real best friend.
“Ya I reckon they have…” she nodded in acceptance.
She called up Arnav one day, “Hey dear, I am so sorry.
“Whoa…I didn’t expect this to be so damn awkward
No, please don’t hang up…I didn’t want it to be like
man…Why we behaving like strangers?” he shrugged.
this...Its…It’s just that I was a bit confused…” she said
At that moment she looked into his eyes. ‘Truly, why did
struggling for words.
it have to be this weird? They had been the best of
“It’s ok. Even I over reacted a bit. It shouldn’t have been
this way or gone this far. I should have been more
understanding & appreciative of your feelings. Come on
Back in 2003, when Arnav met Shreya little did he know
we cannot let this incident tarnish our two year old
how much that girl is going to be a part of his life…
friendship…” Arnav replied with a sense of guilt for
It was just a prom night in college when the two had met
having shouted at her earlier.
via common friends. Soon enough the two had become
“Definitely dude…Lets have it like old times. You pick me
the best of friends. Common likes, common dislikes &
up from my place at 7 p.m. & then we go to Sheesha,
loads of common friends did the trick. Gradually, there
Bandra for dinner, and remember I like the guys who are
came a time when the chemistry between the two
fine like red wine…” Shreya giggled mischievously.
reached its epitome and the sparks of romance between
“What???You mean we are ‘going out’ going out?” Arnav
these two first time lovers became evident to the world.
was thrilled.
When Arnav proposed to his lady love however, Shreya
“Hmm…Be ready”, she giggled and hung up.
was not sure whether she wanted to enter into a
She sat in the corner thinking of what lay in store. She
“Come on Arnav, you barely know me. I am not ready for
just didn’t want to hurt Arnav nor could she avoid him.
He was an integral part of her…But, did she love him?
“What are you saying? If you just don’t want to accept
The question rang through her mind like bells in a
my proposal, you may say so directly, you need not
gimme a shit about the ‘not knowing each other well’
‘It was a mistake, a bloody mistake’, her mind kept
part!!!I mean we have known each other since the past
telling her.
two years, we practically spend 8 hours together every
day & you say that we don’t know each other… well, you
really gotta be kidding me!!!”,Arnav blasted.

36 Just In Case
“Wanna shake a leg, for old times’ sake?” Arnav asked I like you & I like you very…very much. I will always be
Shreya suddenly bringing her back from the day of their there for you & even if the whole world turns their back
first date in 2005 to the reunion party i.e. the present on you, I will always be here standing with open arms,
day 2010. your old Arnav….” he said meaning every word of it.
Shreya looked at him completely awestruck and still not “I love you too Arnav. I am too insignificant to know the
getting a grasp of the sudden events. meaning of the word but in whatever way I mean it, I do
love you…” Shreya replied very deeply touched by his
“Come on…” he pulled her onto the dance floor. words.

She observed him keenly as he danced. ‘He is such a She knew that it was wrong on her part to conceal the
child. Always ready to forgive & forget. Always ready to fact from Arnav but she didn’t want to ruin that moment.
enjoy the smallest happiness but gets disturbed with the Such moments are sparse in a life time and you need to
smallest worry in life.’ enjoy & value them. Also, she doesn’t want to hurt him.
She looked into those eyes which had an innocent mirth
in them…They were happy & they wanted to see her (Back to the present day)
happy too. ‘He wants me to be happy despite me having
betrayed him, despite me having hurt him; it was wrong “So, what did you want to speak with me, alone?” Arnav
on my part to do what I did… But, I gotta put things in asked laying special stress on the last word.
their place today…It is now or never’ The two were driving to Marine Drive. It was raining
They settled down after a brief jam session. outside.

“Wanna go to Marine drive, lands end?” Shreya asked “Isn’t the weather awesome?” Shreya asked completely
suddenly. ignoring his question and putting her head out of the
“Ya sure, why not? Let me cal our old pals too.”Arnav window.
looked excited by the idea. He looked at her. The raindrops splashing across her
“No. Arnav, I want to speak to you, alone…” face made her look even more beautiful. The kajal
leaving her beautiful eyes & rolling down her wet
He looked at her for a brief instance and took off his cheeks….
glance from her eyes. It hurts to look into the eyes of a
determined girl. She splashed some rain water on his face bringing him
back to reality.
“Well, okie dokie”, he nodded getting up.
He truly loved her very much. He had loved her all the
(As they walked towards the car, Shreya went back in while. However, whatever happened five years back
time to their sweetest memories) made it really difficult for him to be with her. It was pure
bad luck or maybe it was written…
“Hey stop being such a pig, pass over the pipe to me He looked at the road as the car cruised smoothly and
too…” Shreya said to Arnav. the scenery around him flew backward; and with the
Both of them were sitting at Sheesha Bandra and having road, back flew his memory too….
“Come on…stop toying around with that hookah, girl. It was December 2005. They had been in a
What I want to say here is much important…” Arnav relationship since the past months. It was a sweet
said. friendly relationship with a lot of love & respect. They
“Okay baby. I am all ears”, she replied. hadn’t taken their relationship to the next level though.
Shreya wasn’t yet prepared for the ‘next big step’ as they
“I really don’t want you to keep in mind whatever bad liked to call it.
happened between us…It’s just that I wish to tell you One day Shreya called Arnav up to tell him that they will
that whatever be your problem, you can tell that to me have to cancel that day’s plan as she wasn’t feeling well.
whenever you feel comfortable. I am not gonna rush Now, Arnav got really worried (typical of love
anything. But, you definitely need to know this that relationships).He decided to visit her at her place. He
wanted to surprise her.

Just In Case
So he didn’t intimate her. He had taken a vow to be by (Present day)
her side always. Now was the time to prove his love. He
bought a few roses for his lady love and made his way to “Stop here…” Shreya shouted excitedly.
her place. She came out of the car and pulled him out too…
As he reached her place, he found that her door was “Come on in…We are getting wet….” Arnav said trying to
open. Smelling something fishy, he slowly stepped in. A cover his head with his hand.
few of Shreya’s friends, none of whom Arnav knew were “Oh shut up Mr. Gentleman….”
sitting inside on the couch. They looked at each other in the eye…

“Who are you?” one of the girls asked him. It’s true when they say it’s not easy to get away from
“I am Shreya’s boyfriend…How’s Shreya now?”Arnav love.
asked looking a bit confused. “Shreya, I love you & I know that you love me too…I
“Boyfriend??? What??? Are you sure, you are in the know whatever happened in the past has left a huge
correct house boy?” she burst out laughing. deep & ugly scar on our relationship but I feel , we can
“What are you saying? You look drunk. You out of your build up our relationship step by step, again….”,Arnav
damn senses? I’ll find out myself”, saying this he rushed said meaning every word of it.
to Shreya’s room and opened her door, little knowing Shreya looked at him wondering, ‘this was what I was
what lay in store… gonna say…Love you honey’
He saw Shreya sleeping with a woman aged about 25…. “Remember you had asked me whether your being
“What the holy shit do you think you are doing?” Arnav sexually inclined to girls makes you ineligible to love
stormed in. some one of the opposite sex??? The answer is ‘No…It
“Get up…” he pointed at the other girl, “Get up & get lost doesn’t at all….You were a 19 year old freaked out girl
immediately” back then…You just didn’t know how to handle this
“Arnav, please listen…” Shreya started, bursting into pressure of being different.”
tears. “Oh…You are so understanding…” Shreya started.
Within 5 minuts everyone had left leaving these 2 alone. “Wait…I am not finished yet. You know what it was that
“Arnav….Arnav please don’t misunderstand me…Please hurt me back then? It wasn’t the fact that you were
Arnav….” Shreya cried. different. It was the fact that you concealed your state
“What do you mean don’t misunderstand me….What the from me and in your desperation you did wrong
hell do you think were you doing?” he shouted. things…Had you told me about this thing earlier, we
“Ar….” could have worked together on finding some solution to
“Stop taking my name, you bloody whore…” he was this…But you never confided in me…”,he said with his
infuriated. eyes getting filled with true emotion.
“But, I love you….”
“You are a bloody lesbian…You can’t love me…” “I am so sorry dear…I love you far too much to lose you
“Why can’t I?” again…& when we are together, we love each other so
“How can you? You are sexually inclined to the same sex. much, that there is no place for sex or sexuality…”
How can you love me???” Arnav moved in close to her and pecked gently on her
“So what? Does sexual inclination determine whom you lips.
love???” Shreya asked mopping her tears. They stood their holding hands in the rain, wishing that
“I don’t know all that but all I know is that you cheated this moment would just freeze for eternity….
on me. You concealed this fact from me & that I deserve
someone much better than a double dating lesbian…”
Arnav shouted & stormed out of the house… P.S.-Love may not always go hand in hand with
That had been the last time he had met her, until today… Sex is an important part of love but love as such is a far
They had hidden the reason for their break up from their more wider and beautiful concept. A person’s sexuality
friends and so they couldn’t say no when they were or sexual inclination may not determine whom he loves
called for the reunion. or whom he may love. Love is a free bird not to be
trapped within the cages of sex or sexuality.

Just In Case
What’s new…the latest buzz in entertainment
Movies – we don’t go into the roots, we just tell you what it is…

No One Killed Jessica

If you don’t have the power, grab it from the hands of the unworthy…

Starring- Myra, Vidya Balan, Rani Mukherjee

No One Killed Jessica is a film based on the actual Jessica Lal murder case. The
film begins with a narrative from Rani Mukherjee who plays a NDTV news
reporter; describing the city of Delhi as a one which only favours people who
have power in their hands. The film then flashes back to the actual incident in
1999. The direction is very particular in the sense that the director Raj Kumar
Gupta has meticulously checked the facts & also used old cars & old mobile
phones to give it that 1999 feel. He has worked on things to the very detail to
make it look less of a film & more of reality footage. Myra, the girl playing
Jessica is fresh & bubbly (though her role is very short).Vidya Balan,
portraying the role of Sabrina Lal (Jessica’s sister) has done a brilliant job. The entire focus is on her acting (she’s sans any
makeup).She is a pivotal character in the film carrying it steadily through the aggressive storyline. Her calm & subtle
attitude coupled with a strong willed desire to fight her sister’s murderers. There are also a couple of heart wrenching
moments in the film; the ones showing the relationship between Jessica & her sister. The chemistry between Vidya & Myra
is very engaging. Then, as the evil starts to overshadow the good, and as Vidya undergoes a nervous breakdown, in steps
our savior , our self proclaimed bitch, Meera Gaity played by Rani Mukherjee. She plays a bubbly & chirpy news reporter
who has everything right going on in her life. Initially she ignores the issue, but later on realizing that media persons also
have some responsibilities, she steps in to save the day. Once again, Amit Trivedi (the musician that came to fame with Dev
D and also the song Iktara) has provided the right edgy soundtrack. Another thing I personally like about this film is that it
has a lot of abuses not being beeped by the censor board. Now, the thing about these abuses is, these are the actual type of
words used when speaking in a police lock up or court or such other pressure cooker situations. Minus these expletives,
some of the scenes wouldn’t have come out so effectively. Overall, it’s a nice & crisp movie with a strong message. Must
watch I’d say…
As far as the question of rating goes, such movies are difficult to rate because here the moving is giving you a hard hitting
message, but if the mentality of our audiences still insist then I would rate this movie 3.5/5.

The Tourist: the perfect trip, the perfect trap

Starring- Johnny Depp, Angelina Jolie

The movie begins on a very mysterious note with the beautiful Jolie making her way
through the streets of Paris. The suspense builds up steadily as the plot thickens with
the entry of Johnny Depp & introduction of new characters in the story line. After the
interval, however, the plot starts losing its grip on the audience (more interested &
munching on their popcorn by now rather than concentrating on the movie).The plot
becomes pretty predictable towards the latter half of the film & you don’t need to be a
genius to guess the outcome. The direction is neat. The movie has been shot at
magnificent & picturesque locations which help you get the ‘larger than life’ feel. The
chemistry between Johnny Depp & Angelina Jolie, the two Hollywood legends is simply
amazing. Johnny Depp’s character is that of a shy & introvert tourist. Angelina’s
character is much more intense & pretty much the opposite of Johnny’s, thus justifying
the intense chemistry between this on-screen pair. Overall, the movie is a decent watch
for the chemistry between these two legends & for the picturesque locations. The plot is a bit loose & could have been
much better crafted, so don’t go in there if you expect an edge of the seat thriller. (The movie is a remake of French film
titled Anthony Zimmer). Rating – 2.5/5

Games – hoo-hah…now we are talking, baby!

Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2010 (E-3)

NFS goes back to its very roots…Cops are back big time…

This game has received one of the best openings in the history of the
Need for Speed Franchisee. The USP of this game is that the
franchisee claims to have gone back to its roots while making this
game & well, it pretty much has. Nail biting pursuits & highly
competitive races, make for a decent play. The graphics & AI have
improved manifold. The game boasts of a total of 50+cars, most of
which are exotics. The game takes place in a virtually developed
fictional place known as ‘Seacrest County’. Another major feature in
this game is, you can play as a cop, a feature that has been notably
missing in the series since NFS Hot Pursuit: 2 (2002) .The games
have been powered by Autolog, a feature that enables online play
with your friends. The Autolog feature enables you to chat with your
friends on a social wall, share your scores & beat each other’s
timings .On the downside, there is no free roam mode or a storyline
(not really a downside).The game is also pretty short featuring only
a handful of ‘Hot Pursuit’ races in the Career mode. Another flipside
of this game is the music. Except for the title track, ’Edge of the
Earth-30 seconds to Mars’, none of the tracks really make an impact.
Besides this, the game is a to-be classic & a complete value for
money. Do hunt for this game if you loved the previous 2 Hot Pursuit
games in the series.

Minimum specs / system requirements:

OS: Windows XP SP 3 / Vista / Windows 7
CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo 1.8 GHZ or AMD Athlon X2 64 2.4 GHz
RAM: 1.5 GB Windows XP / 2 GB Windows Vista – Windows 7
VGA: 256 MB DirectX 9.0 compliant card with Shader Model 3.0 or higher (ATI RADEON X1950, HD 2000/3000/4000/5000
series NVIDIA GeForce 7/8/9/100/200 series)
Price: Rs.2,500

Coming soon in the next issue: What’s cooking - Food

As I mentioned before in one of the sections – food doesn’t only serve one purpose; it has many
aspects to life. We know your appetite isn’t going to stay quiet for a long time, and hence both of
us (Samar & Rakshit) will bring you our own version of Highway on my plate as Samar (the hard
core non-vegetarian) and Rakshit (the tender vegetarian) will cover the famous restaurants and
dhabas in Mumbai.

If you have any queries or if you will like to leave a feedback, do contact us on our
Official Facebook Page or our Official Blog or you can mail us at:

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We are soon putting up a Feedback thread on our Official Facebook Page. Do write back to us & help
us to know the type of stuff you will like to see in our magazine.
The topic for our February issue debate will be posted on our official Facebook page. Do drop in to
leave your comments.
Like we said earlier, we would like to hear from you. If you have anything that you would like to
share or if you feel your article (could be about anything) deserves a place in our next issue, then
feel free to post in our official page or you can mail to us.

Just In Case is a youth based monthly magazine

created by:

Disclaimer - We do not have a permanent lens man as of now &

hence some of the pictures used in, What matters, What’s happiness,
What’s around & the Editors’ columns have been taken from the
internet. Rest of the pictures are originally & integrally a part of Just
In Case. The pictures have been used only for representational
purposes & do not wish to target any specific individual.
The facts & figures mentioned in the magazine have been taken
Rakshit Shah (co-editor) from reliable sources & we do not assume any responsibility in case
of misrepresentation.

The vice of smoking has been asserted in a couple of articles but we

will like to clarify that it is in no way meant to promote the vice; but
has just been woven into the storyline to give it a flow.

All the articles & photographs (as mentioned & categorized earlier)
are a property of Just In Case & any reproduction of this matter will
tantamount to plagiarism & will attract suitable legal action.

Samar Thorat (co-editor)

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