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Municipality: Leon

Date: Tuesday, June 9th, 2020.

Career: Industrial Engineer
Student´s full name: Samanta Medinilla Orozco
Student´s ID number: 18007032
Subject: Foreign Language III
Assignment 2 Text File

Part 1
Go to Virtual class (Lesson1) then open the future submenu and choose the Practice slide:
from each image you must construct 3 sentences, using future tense with the auxiliary will. (21
sentences, 7 affirmative, 7 interrogative and 7 negative)

 He – dream
o He will dream of being an astronaut
o He won´t dream about office work
o What will he be dreaming?
 I – camp
o I will camp in Chiapas when the pandemic ends
o I will not be camping with my cousin
o Will I camp next month in Nevada?
 We – get fit
o We will get fit for the next summer
o We will not get fit in one week
o Will we start to get fit this month?
 They - stay awake
o If you do not call, they will stay awake all night long
o If we arrive early, they will not stay awake until to late
o Will the stay awake all night long if we didn´t call?
 You – meditate
o You will meditate on what you have done wrong
o You will not meditate if you are angry
o Will you madidate for an hour?
 She – study abroad
o She will be studying abroad next month
o She will not be studying abroad if her parents say no
o Will she study Mechatronic abroad?
 It (the weather) – is cloudy
o It will be cloudy all the week
o It will not be cloudy in Spring
o Will it be cloudy this weekend?

Part 2
Read the questions and analyze them, those questions will help you build up a paragraph in
English (made up of 1500 words or more). In case you find it har to come up with ideas
regarding quality, feel free to search for some tips on internet, for instance “Deming Quality
Principles” “Quality Policy” and similar themes; then be ready compose the answers to the
questions but using FUTURE tenses
To concrete this assignment, we are going to suppose the following scenario:
The company where I will be working for is Nexus magnetics
The position * where I would like to be working and that has to do* with quality is: Production
If the company has to implement quality, First of all, I will start with an inspection to found out
were we have the problem, then I will go to the department were I suspect or I see the problem is,
and in base of what I have seen I am going to make a continuous improvement and I am going to
start a training. After this I will make a tracing until the problem solve.
I am going to be in charge of the training team, because I am going to be The Production
The meetings are going to be weekly, so the next meeting is going to be next Tuesday (June 16th,
I will find the origin of the problem and I will search for a solution in pair with the employers and
employees. And as the sponsor of the training team I will be looking forward that the goals meets
expectations individually and in work groups.

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