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Long - Term Financing

Loans from Government Agencies Private Long –term Financing

Government Grants: A government grant can Mortgages: are special types of long term
provide much needed boost to working capital finance for buying property, where monthly
and an opportunity for business growth. payments are spread over a number of years
Grants are generally limited to certain types of and the property acts as collateral against the
organizations (for example, for organizations loan until it is repaid.
engaged in cultural development) and other
stringent criteria attached (for example, that
the grant will fund an activity that will benefit
the local community or employ many people).
Grants are not substitute loans.

Government loans: these usually take two Debentures: These loans are generally
forms: either the government loans the repayable on a fixed date. The cost of this
money directly via a publicly –owned bank) for borrowing is the payment of a fixed rate of
example, the Caribbean development bank) or interest.
indirectly through a regional business loans
fund. There will be stringent criteria attached.

Government equity investments: Many of the Shares (Equity Capital) – It involves giving up
same regional funds which provide loans to part of the ownership of the business to
businesses can also offer capital injections via others and giving them a share in the business
equity instalments where the fund purchases and a say in how it is run.
an ownership stake in the company rather
than lending it money.
Insurance Companies – provide long term
loans to businesses using some of the fund
they accrue in order to meet claims from their
Unit Trusts – Collect money from small
investors and use the pool of money they
collected to buy shares, bonds, property or
cash assets in other investments. This includes
providing interest –bearing loans to
Capital Investment – Funds invested in an
enterprise to further its business objectives.
Such inputs may, for example, be provided to
assist the company’s acquisition of capital
assets such as manufacturing machines or
plants that are expected to make it more
effective over a number of years. This type of
long term finance for business is available
from a wide number of sources including
equity investors, banks, and other financial

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