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5/23/2019 Phrasal Verbs Grammar Quiz | Grammar | EnglishClub

Phrasal Verbs Grammar Quiz (EnglishClub)

1. Phrasal verbs consist of (c) plus one or two other words.

a) a phrase b) an adverb c) a verb

2. The other words can be (b)

a) adverbs or verbs b) adverbs or prepositions c) prepositions or verbs

3. "I'll go home and get changed before we go out for dinner." Which is a phrasal verb? (C)

a) go home b) get changed c) go out

4. Intransitive phrasal verbs (come back, get up, go out, etc) consist of a verb + adverb that
(a) be separated.

a) can b) can never c) can sometimes

5. "Turn the lights off before you go to bed." This phrasal verb is (a)

a) separable b) inseparable c) unseparated

6. "I'll drop all of the kids off at school." This phasal verb's first word is "drop". Which is the
second? (b)

a) of b) off c) at

7. Which is correct? "If the TV's too loud, (c) ."

a) turn down b) turn down it c) turn it down

8. "Do you believe in ghosts?" The second word in this phrasal verb is (a)

a) a preposition b) an adverb c) a verb

9. Phrasal verbs with a preposition always have a direct object that comes directly (c)
the preposition.

a) before b) between c) after

10. Which sentence has a three-word phrasal verb with the structure verb + adverb +
preposition? (b)

a) We're running out of milk. b) The milk has run out. c) I'll run out to get some. 1/2

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