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no N091-N180)

On this hard times of COVID 19 Pandemic, first of all thank you all for staying patient and at
home. As apart of professional service from Rotaract Club Of Kathmandu Medical College,
we are organizing a Free Mock Test Session  in association with Rotaract Club Of Kantipur
Dental College and Target MCQs Dental Science Discussion.We are proud to be Supported by
Samiksha Publication, Travel Dentistry Nepal, and Nepal Dental Student Association

Instructions to the candidate:

1. Choose the best option.

2. Please read the questions and go through all the options before choosing the answer.
3. All the questions have been taken from standard references by concerned faculties.
4. This examination for NMCLE is based on the recent syllabus provided by NMC.
5. Due to technical issues, the questions have been reduced to one-fifth of the total
questions ( i.e. 36 questions) in total.
6. This test is the evaluation of yourself. Please do not use any other source of information.
7. Please make sure that the internet connection will be uninterrupted for the next 30

1.  Which of the following is true regarding local anaesthesia ? (1 point)

      ◯ They are basic salts of weak acids
      ◯ Not effective in alkaline pH
      ◯ Forms salts with the acids
      ⚫ They are acidic salts of weak bases

2.  Cavernous sinus thrombosis following infection of maxillary anterior teeth most (1 point)
often results from spread of infected emboli along the :
      ◯ Pterygoid plexus
      ⚫ Opthalmic vein
      ◯ Facial artery
      ◯ Angular Vein
3.  The patient with unfavourable fracture of angle of mandible is best treated by : (1 point)
      ◯ Open reduction with IMF
      ◯ Close reduction with cap splint
      ⚫ Open reduction with bone plate fixation
      ◯ Circum mandibular wiring

4.  The size of tongue .......................... in the edentulous mouth : (1 point)

      ◯ Decreases
      ⚫ Increases
      ◯ Remains the same
      ◯ Tongue size remains same but patient percieves a smaller tongue

5.  For the 5 units pier abutment restoration : (1 point)

      ◯ The keyway of the connector should be placed in the mesial contour of pier abutment and
the key placed on distal side of mesial pontic.
      ⚫ The keyway should be placed within the distal contour of pier abutment and key placed
on the mesial side of distal pontic
      ◯ The keyway should be placed within the distal contour of mesial abutment and key
placed on tje mesial side of proximal pontic
      ◯ The key way should be placed within the distal contour of distal pontic and key placed on
mesial side of distal pontic

6.  Planned relief is required under :   (1 point)

      ⚫ Mandibular major connector
      ◯ Nonmovable soft tissue
      ◯ Maxillary major connector
      ◯ Both A and B

7.  Internal basal lamina of juctional epithelium has : (1 point)

      ◯ Type IV collagen
      ⚫ Type VIII
      ◯ Type VII collagen
      ◯ Type I
8.  Which of the following is not the proposed mechanism for chlorhexidine staining ? (1 point)
      ◯ Degredation of the chlorhexidine molecule to release parachloranaline
      ◯ Catalysis of Maillard reaction
      ◯ Protein denaturation with metal sulfide formation
      ⚫ Precipitation of cationic dietary chromogen

9.  According to Melcher's hypothesis, if the root surface is repopulated by cells from (1 point)
gingival connective tissue first , healing occurs by :
      ◯ Long junctional epithelium
      ⚫ Resorption lacunae and cementum
      ◯ Ankylosis
      ◯ Periodontal regeneration

10.  The distal end of complete denture should be: (1 point)

      ◯ On the vibrating line
      ⚫ 1 to 2 mm posterior to vibrating line
      ◯ 1 to 2 mm anterior to vibrating line
      ◯ should be always on the hard palate

11.  The minimal height of posterior mandible for an implant that is 4 mm in diameter (1 point)
and 10 mm in length is :
      ◯ 8 mm
      ◯ 10 mm
      ⚫ 12 mm
      ◯ 14 mm

12.  Grinspan lesion is associated with : (1 point)

      ◯ Lichen planus only
      ◯ Diabetes mellitus only
      ◯ Triad of Diabetes mellitus, oral Lichen planus and hypertension
      ⚫ Hairy leukoplakia
13.  Commonest site of carcinoma of tongue: (1 point)
      ◯ Posterior one third of tongue
      ◯ Ventral surface
      ◯ Tip of tongue
      ⚫ Lateral margin

14.  Of the following which view is best to visualize zygomatic arches : (1 point)
      ⚫ Submentovertex view
      ◯ Occipito mental view
      ◯ Orthopantomogram
      ◯ Skull PA view

15.  Fordyce's spots are : (1 point)

      ◯ Fat tissue embedded in buccal mucosa
      ◯ Red spots
      ⚫ Present on cheek mucosa lateral to the angle of the mouth
      ◯ All of the above

16.  False statement regarding neonatal line is: (1 point)

      ◯ It's presence indicates live birth
      ⚫ It's abscence indicates stillborn
      ◯ Formed due to slowing down of enamel prism growth rate
      ◯ It is an apparent line of demarcation between intrauterine and after birth enamel

17.  "Church Spire" pattern in histology is seen in : (1 point)

      ◯ Leukoplakia
      ◯ Keratoacanthoma
      ⚫ Verrucous carcinoma
      ◯ Papilloma

18.  A child had congenital defect of cleft lip and cleft palate is most likely to suffer (1 point)
from which kind of malocclusion;
      ◯ Bilateral posterior crossbite
      ◯ A collapsed anterior mandibular arch 
      ⚫ Protrusion and spacing of maxillary anterior teeth
      ◯ Class II division I malocclusion

19.  Which of the following malocclusion is difficult to treat ? (1 point)

      ◯ Crossbite
      ◯ Open bite
      ⚫ Deepbite 
      ◯ Proclination

20.  Decreased collum angle is seen is seen in : (1 point)

      ◯ Class I bimaxillary protusion
      ◯ Class II division 1
      ⚫ Class II Division 2
      ◯ Class III

21.  "Guidance to Eruption " is a term for : (1 point)

      ◯ Distal shoe space maintainer
      ◯ Gubernacular canal
      ◯ Distal surface of primary second molar
      ⚫ Serial Extraction

22.  Reciprocal Inhibition is also known as :  (1 point)

      ◯ Voice Control
      ◯ Hand Over Mouth Exercise
      ◯ Protective Stabalization
      ⚫ Desensitization

23.  Which of the following is not the measure of central  tendency : (1 point)
      ◯ Mean
      ◯ Median
      ◯ Mode
      ⚫ Quartile

24.  Immediate pouring of impression is most critical in : (1 point)

      ⚫ Condensation Silicon
      ◯ Addition silicon
      ◯ Polyether
      ◯ Polysulphide

25.  A 20 years old male falls down and chips the incisal edge of his maxillary central (1 point)
incisor, reducing the length of the crown. A dentist informs him that the tooth may
erupt a little to compensate for the loss. This tooth movement is likely to result in
increased size of which of the following dental tissue ?
      ⚫ Cementum
      ◯ Dentin
      ◯ Enamel
      ◯ Periodontal Ligament

26.  Metal dentures are indicated especially in : (1 point)

      ⚫ HIV positive patients
      ◯ Patients with Parkinsonism
      ◯ Patients with Bruxism
      ◯ Patients with Diabetes Mellitus

27.  Man is secondary host for ; (1 point)

      ⚫ Malaria 
      ◯ Covid-19
      ◯ Filariasis
      ◯ Scabies

28.  Not a procedural step in Public Health Dentistry : (1 point)

      ◯ Survey
      ◯ Analysis
      ◯ Financing
      ⚫ Evaluation

29.  Placement of Stainless Steel crown following Root Canal Treatment ( RCT ) is : (1 point)
      ◯ Specific protection
      ◯ Disability limitation
      ⚫ Rehabilitiation
      ◯ Early diagnosis and prompt treatment

30.  The most suitable test to access iron stores is ; (1 point)

      ◯ Serum iron
      ⚫ Serum Ferritin 
      ◯ TIBC
      ◯ Transferrin saturation

31.  In surgical patients, malnutrition is best assessed by : (1 point)

      ◯ Serum albumin
      ◯ Hb level
      ⚫ Mid arm circumference
      ◯ Triceps skin fold thickness

32.  A 35 year-old patient reported to the dental clinic with pain in the lower right back (1 point)
teeth while chewing food. He gave a history of throbbing pain few days ago which
was lingering in nature and the patient experienced pain in the night while
sleeping. At present he is not having pain while having hot and cold diet and is
pain free while sleeping. The IOPAR shows huge carious lesion with pulp

1) What is the Diagnosis 

      ◯ Irreversible Pulpitis
      ◯ Irreversible pulpitis with chronic apical periodontiis
      ⚫ Pulpal necrosis with Chronic Apical periodontitis with exacerbation
      ◯ ) Acute apical abscess
33.   What will be the treatment ? (1 point)
      ◯ RCT
      ⚫ RCT with coronal restoration
      ◯  RCT with post and core
      ◯ Apexification

34.  What are are etiological factors for this periapical lesion ? (1 point)
      ◯ Crack
      ⚫ Caries
      ◯ Physiologcal dentin exposure
      ◯ All of the above

35.  If the apex was open, what would be the most suitable obturation technique : (1 point)
      ◯ Macspadden Compaction Technique
      ◯ Lateral compaction technique
      ◯ Chemically plasticized GP cone technique
      ⚫ Tailor made cone technique

36.  The success rate of such lesion is about : (1 point)

      ◯ 90 %
      ⚫ 70 %
      ◯ 60 %
      ◯ 30 %

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