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Leadership is the first thing that is always considered by educated people.

Most reformers will

always depend on this issue.Most people have the notion that this is what most people in schools
need. Most people in the society are trying to have better understanding of appropriate educational
leadership skills. Leadership as an issue in the society is a progressive or growth industry. There are
several types of leadership such as
transformational,instructional,moral,constructivist,cultural,primal and servant
leadership(Goleman,Boyatzis&Mckee,2002).Only a few of the mentioned types are regarded as
leadership theories while some are tested theories of leadership while some are slogans.For
example, Instructional leadership as popularly used in North America and Learning centered
leadership as used in England ,both have the similar definition depending on whether the speaker
actually means by good leadership,and this does not refer to models of learning centered leadership
or instructional leadership that do not have conceptual coherence and its evident that they have an
effect on pupils and organizations.


Leadership is always required when two peoplr or even more with a common goal come and work
together in order to achieve that goal. Hence,leadership can be defined as a peson being able to
motivate,influence and even make others contribute to the improvement of any organisation or that
group they are working together in. It is just simply the ability to make others work towards attaining
the goals or objectives of an organization.(Mesons,Albert &Khedouri ,1988)

A theory is just a set of made up assumptions,accepted facts or propositions that try to give a
plausible explanation of causal relationals among an observed group of concepts or
phenomenon.The origin of the word(from Greek thoros, a spectator) emphasizes that most or just
all theories are mental models of the reality.

The theories of leadership try to identify and also predict which characteristics of leadership are
most effective and why they are.Mecon et al(1988) .Doyle and smith(2001) did show that the four
key generations of theory in classical leadership included the following trait theories,situational
theories ,contingency theories and transformational theories.

Transformational leadership theory

This theory is based on the assumption that actions of leaders are based on ethical,moral and equal
consideration of every person in that particular organistion (Kouzes &Posner ,
2002;Northouse,2007).Transformational leadership tries to define and articulate the organization’s
vision and this makes the followers feel motivated. This types of leaders are motivational,full of
charisma, intellectual, considerate, self-confident and honest leaders(Bass & Steidmer ,
1998;Dixon,1998).The theory has been is always seen as a link between the ancient and new views
of leadership.This leaders will always have knowledge of the current issues ,always use new styles
and methods is solving problems and making decisions ,encourage improvement of ideas and use
new philosophies and also emphasize on developing professional.This leaders act as an inspieration
to the followers ,that they should always inspire each other so that they attain high standards of
“motivation and morality”(Burns ,1978 .p.20) and also justice and equality.This leaders do not only
try to determine new approach in solving of problems but will try hard to convince their followers to
also use the new approach. Some of the qualities in this type of leadership include the following :
inspiration,trust,care,passion,commitment and vision. This leadership is hierarchical and does put
more emphasis on making a boundary between the lleaders and followers.

Studies done concerning transformational leadership indicate how leaders slowly develop and
maintain vision,how they empower there followers, how they understand the role of orgsnizational
contexts and create a cultural environment in ehich transformational leadership survives(Avolio and
Bass ,1994;Bass,1997;Schein,1992).Those people that have traits of a transformational leader can be
successful leader who is able to inspire ,an enthusiastic person,a visionary leader,a leader who looks
for new ways to solve problems and is ready to pursue any programs vital to the institution.This are
leaders who will, with faith implement any initiatives and ensure all tasks are done as scheduled.

Portugal(2006) emphasizes that most leaders should be transformational and innovative with good
visions and also be capable to energize,encourage,motivate and inspire their followers at the same
time articulating a competitive but shred distance learning agenda(p.9).On the same note,Bennis
and Nanus (1985) say that transformational leadership is a perfect model as it assists most people
such as administrators,faculty and staff,and other several people in organizations.

These type of leaders can adjust to new environment and just work at their optimum as they will just
define and articulate a vision for their organization and and also motivate their desciples. This
leaders are able to anticipate any unforeseen results and will always plan well enough to prevent
any mistakes that might lead to negative results during change(Nworie & Haughton,2008)

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