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Jie Conturno

Filipino Psychometricians
June 11, 2019  · 
1. WILHELM WUNDT - father of psychology
2. SIGMUND FREUD - father of modern psychology, psychoanalysis, and psychosexual theory
3. JOHANN HEINRICH - father of education and pedagogy
4. IVAN PAVLOV - classical conditioning
5. BURRHUS F. SKINNER - operant conditioning.
6. DAVID AUSUBEL - meaningful learning
7. JEROME BRUNER - discovery learning,spiral curriculum
8. ALBERT BANDURA - social cognitive learning theory.
9. EDWARD LEE THORNDIKE - law of readiness and exercises
10. KURT LEVIN - life space content.
11. KOHLER - problem solving by insight, insightful learning
12. URIE BROFENBRUNNER - ecological theory
13. SANDRA BEM - gender schema theory
14. HOWARD GARDNER - theory of multiple intelligence
15. ELLIOT TURRIEL - Social domain theory
16. LAWRENCE KOHLBERG - moral development theory
17. ROBERT STERNBERG - triathlon theory intelligence
18. ERIK ERIKSON - psychosocial development theory
19. MA. MONTESSORI - transfer of learning, kindergarten preparation of children.
20. EDWARD PAUL TORRANCE - creative problem solving
21. CHOMSKY - linguistic acquisition theory
22. JEAN PIAGET - cognitive learning theory
23. JOHN WATSON - behavioral theory
24. EDWARD TOLMAN - purpose behaviorism
25. BERNARD WEINER - attribution theory
26. DANIEL GOLEMAN - emotional intelligence.
27. TITCHENER - structuralism psychology
28. ROBERT GAGNE - sequence of instruction
29. ABRAHAM MASLOW - hierarchy of needs , motivation theory
30. BENJAMIN BLOOM - bloom's cognitive taxonomy
31. DAVID KRATHWOHL - affective domain
32. LEV VYGOTSKY - socio-cultural theory of cognitive devt , linguistic theory, Scaffolding, ZPD
33. JOHN LOCKE - tabularasa , empiricism
34. CHARLES COOLEY - looking glass self-theory
35. JOHN FLAVEL - metacognition
36. ARNOLD GESELL - maturation theory
37. JOHN DEWEY - Learning by doing
38. DAVID FROEBEL - Father of kindergarten
39. AUGUSTE COMTE - Father of Sociology
40. JOHN AMOS COMENCIUS - Fr. of modern education

Love Wins
June 11, 2016  · 
I heard your doing great now. Ow how I wish i felt the same too. I know that you are happy right now and not remembering any
single detail of me. I'm happy for you.
Its been 4 months since you decided to end our relationship. Its been 4 months since i start to become a suicidal. 4 long months
since i start to live my life alone. There's no night that i don't cry for you and longing for your presence. Every time i look into
my clock i wish it is 11:11 so i can wish, i can wish that you're safe now and maybe someday, we'll end up together.
I can still recall the day you told me that you made yourself worst so no one will love you, but still i did. I can still recall the day
our first kiss happened, the taste of your lips is addicting like a dessert that full of sweetness. Oh God how i wish i can still taste
it. I can still recall the day we cried together, that moment is so precious to me. Full of sincerity and love. I wish it will happen
again. I can still recall the night we dance together, you are so beautiful that night, well i can say that you are always beautiful.
I pity myself. I kept on chasing hopes that you and me will end up together. I can't help myself to think of you everyday. I know
someday our paths will cross again. And if that time you still love me, please let me know, cause I will take another chance to
risk my heart to the person who who broke it long tie ago.
I still love you. And I also knew that I did mistakes but I think I deserve to be loved. You can always have better but you will
never have the best cause you let go of me. I'm sorry and I will always love you."
18 Male

10 Hidden Features of Microsoft Word

That’ll Make Your Life Easier
 Saikat Basu  Updated December 15, 2019

Everyone knows Clippy. But are you friends with Pilcrow? If you are, then you know more
about Microsoft Word than most people do. Do you know about “widow lines”? The extended


There are plenty of lesser-known features that you should know about if you want to be truly
proficient with Microsoft Word. Here are several important Microsoft Word features that are
slightly “hidden” but can make your work easier.

5 Microsoft Word Settings You Should Definitely CustomizeThere are many


Microsoft Word default settings you can customize. Here are a few important ones that can make you more
productive.Read More

1. Be Distraction Free

Writers want peace. The visual clutter of MS Word features gave rise to a legion of distraction-free
editors and undisturbed peace. But if you love Word, you can use a quick shortcut to hide the visual
clutter of the Ribbon. Press Ctrl + F1 to toggle the Ribbon from view.
Tweak it by clicking on Ribbon Display Option and selecting Auto-hide Ribbon. That’s the little
arrow next to the minimize button on top.


Distraction free reading is a more specialized feature in Word from version 2013 onwards. Though,
it was there in Word 2010, too. Designed for touch-enabled tablets, the Read Mode works well on an
everyday laptop as well. Access it just as quickly with an ALT + W-F (Press W & F simultaneously).
Optionally, use the default buttons:

 (On the Ribbon menu) View > Read Mode.

 (On the Status Bar)  The Read Mode button on the right.

Double-tap with your finger or double-click with your mouse to zoom in and make graphics like
tables, charts and images fill the screen.


2. Reorganize with the Outline View

Outlining your main ideas and completing that first draft quickly is the surefire tip for writing
productivity. If used well, the Outline View can increase your productivity with large documents by

Go to View > click the Outline button on the Ribbon.

Outline View helps you fine-tune the organization of complex documents by reordering text blocks
and nine levels of headings. Outline View brings up a special toolbar called Outlining with controls
for promoting or demoting selected text. Use the controls to hide or display selected text.

 Want to get to a specific point in a long document? Switch to Outline View and jump to a specific
heading level.
 Want to draft quickly? Plan out the main sections on Outline View and then switch to the other layouts
to write the body.
 Want to reorganize a report by moving huge blocks of text? Drag and drop a heading to move not only
that heading but all the sub-levels under it and the body text. Use the upward-downward arrows to work
 Want to quickly format headings? Use Headlines 1, 2, and 3 instead of changing the size and using

3. Use Word as a Quick Brainstorming Tool

Double-click anywhere and begin typing. You don’t need to bother with positioning a cursor if you
don’t want to. This is the closest MS Word comes to freestyle writing. Click and Type has existed
since Word 2002. The feature works only in the Print Layout view or in Web Layout view.
Though this is very useful for inserting text and graphics, you can also use it for impromptu
brainstorming as a freeform mindmapping tool.

8 MS Word Templates That Help You Brainstorm & Mind Map Your

Ideas QuicklyFree Word templates are not just about beautiful documents, perfect resumes, and cover pages.
They can be vital for brainstorming and mind maps too. Here are eight Word templates for your ideation needs.Read

4. Convert Tables to Graphs in 3-Steps

Take your pick—a neatly formatted table with lots of data OR a nicely done chart visualizing that data
for you?


Being visual creatures, it is often a no-brainer to opt for the latter. Word makes it easy to convert
tabular information into a chart. When you don’t have too much of tabular data, create a chart in Word
instead of over-killing with Excel. Select the table with the data and follow three steps…

1. Click on the Insert tab on the Ribbon.

2. Click the Object tool within the Text group and open the Object dialog box.

3. From the list of Object Types, choose Microsoft Graph Chart. Click OK.

Word displays the tabular data as a neat column chart. Modify the datasheet that appears.

You can also format this graph with a different chart type. Double-click your chart. Right-click in the
white space that’s within the bounding box of the graphic and select Chart Type.

You can also use Microsoft Word to create stunning flowcharts with the shapes feature.
  How to Create Flowcharts With Microsoft Word The Easy WayWant to learn
how to make a flowchart in Word? It's easy with the right technique. This introductory article explains how.Read

5. Write Equations in Word

And you think that only Excel formulas are amazing. The Equation Editor has always been an
important feature of MS Word. In the latest versions of Word, it is simply known
as Equation (available from Insert > Symbols Group > Equation).

  3 Crazy Excel Formulas That Do Amazing ThingsExcel formulas have a powerful tool in
conditional formatting. This article covers three ways to boost productivity with MS Excel.Read More

Choose Insert > Equation > Insert New Equation.

Use the Equation Toolbar to design your own advanced equations for mathematics, physics, or
chemistry. Word gives you many well-known equations to insert with just a click.
6. Hold 24 Items in the Clipboard

The Office clipboard can hold 24 items and it inter-operable between all Office files. In the Home tab,
click the little drop-down arrow next to Clipboard to reveal the panel on the left. For the
shortcut, press Ctrl+C twice to open the Clipboard Panel.

This holding capacity enables you to cut and copy multiple elements and move them anywhere within
the document or between open Office programs.
Use the clipboard’s Options to control its functions. For instance, you can disable the Show Status
Near Taskbar When Copying that displays the number of items you’ve copied in the bottom-right
corner of the Word window. It is on by default.

7. Translate Languages on the Go

Microsoft Office uses Microsoft Translator to handle all translations. Use the Translate feature from
the Review tab. Translate a word or a sentence. Or, translate the entire document and display it in a
separate Word document.

The Translator tab appears on the right and you can choose and change languages. Use this sidebar
to highlight each word and explore their meaning in full.
8. Beautify Fonts with Kerning

Kerning adjusts the space between two individual letters for a better visual look. When designing a
document, each typeface requires its own specific kerning. Kerning becomes important when you are
designing with large fonts on Word, e.g. an ebook cover.

Word has kerning switched off by default, and normally you don’t need to bother with it. But let’s say
you need to submit a five-page homework. Save effort by increasing the width between the letters
instead of writing fluff!

Click the little pop-out arrow on Font (on the Home tab). Alternatively: click Ctrl+D.  Go to

the Advanced tab. Select the checkbox for Kerning for fonts. Experiment by entering a small point
size in the box. Remember some typefaces and font sizes don’t look good with kerning.
If you really want to get better with kerning and fonts, try out the Kern Type game we mentioned in a
previous article on Font Games.

9. Inspect Your Document

Today, an important MS Word feature is collaboration but you have to pay attention to security too.
The Document Inspector in Word helps you check your document for any information you want to
keep private.

Whenever you create or even edit a document, some user information gets added to the file
automatically. The Document Inspector helps you erase this kind of information before sharing a

To access the Document Inspector:

Go to File > Info > Inspect Document > Check for Issues > Inspect Document.
Inspect hidden content by selecting the checkboxes. After the inspection, any categories with sensitive
data gets an exclamation mark. A Remove All button for each category removes the data and finalizes
the document.
Office Support takes you step by step on how to use the Document Inspector.

10. Take the Benefits of Hidden Text

Oh yes. This feature is truly hidden. Hidden Text is a non-printing character attribute that has its
usefulness. Hiding text can be useful in many situations:

 Create a simple quiz by hiding the answers.

 Control the layout for some specific printing job by inserting hidden text.
 Print two versions of a document. In one, hide portions of text. You don’t need to create two copies or
delete any part of the document.
 Temporarily hide confidential information that you don’t want others to see.

On the flipside, we’ve shown how to add a watermark in Word for text that people can’t remove.

  How to Insert a Watermark in Microsoft Word (Or Remove One)A watermark is

an important part of any document, and it's so easy to insert a watermark in Microsoft Word. Here's what you
do.Read More
Hide or Unhide Text

1. Select the text you want to hide or the hidden text.

2. Click Home > Font Dialog box > Font > Select or clear the Hidden check box.
3. Print Hidden Text: Go to the File tab > Options > Display > Select the Hidden text check box >
Select the Print hidden text check box > Click Ok.

Non-printing characters are “formatting marks” which enables the user to troubleshoot and finetune
the layout of a document.

For instance, words need to be single-spaced; your paragraphs have to be spaced with correct line
breaks; all tabs should be lined up; table cells have to be formatted neatly; pagination has to flow, etc.

Pilcrows, tab-markers, spaces, line breaks, page breaks, object anchors, and hidden text are just some
of the non-printing elements that are handy for controlling the layout of a Word document. You
can remove page breaks when needed, or display the non-printing characters by clicking the
Pilcrow button on the Home tab. Alternatively, press Ctrl + *.
  2 Ways to Remove a Page Break in Microsoft WordPage breaks are part of well-
designed Word documents. Let's see how to create them, and also quickly remove them with two methods.Read

Note: In Word 2013 and onwards you can also expand or collapse parts of a document to
selectively display information.

Use These Productivity Secrets in Word

Did you know about the annual Microsoft Office Championship? The participants are the experts at
using the suite—and you can bet they have found faster or more efficient ways to use tools like Word
for their day to day jobs. Probably, there’s a champion inside you.

To go deeper, why not check out the hidden Developer tab on the Word ribbon which will open
up more ways to use Word. And if you’re creating a professional document, be sure to learn about
cover pages.

Royal Sapphire Investment and Life Insurance

June 8 at 4:12 PM  · 

To all YOUNG INVESTORS out there, this one's for you.

Saving VS. Investing: A quick ‘when-to’ guide

To save or to invest? At what point should you save your hard-earned money for the proverbial rainy day or let your money grow
by investing?

Saving and investing money have different roles to play in your financial game plan and balance sheet, according to experts.
Cash also deserves respect, and the goal isn’t always to generate a return.

Saving money almost always comes before investing, as it’s the foundation upon which you build your personal wealth. Unless
you’ve gotten a handsome inheritance, savings will provide you with the necessary capital to feed an investment. Without it, you
might be forced to unwind your investments at the worst possible times.

Your savings should be enough to cover all personal expenses for at least six months. These include food, clothing utility bills,
insurance, loan payments, and other personal expenses. Having real savings means if you lose your job, you won’t have to
change your lifestyle or cave in to the pressures of living from paycheck to paycheck.

On the other hand, the question arises if saving comes in handy when it comes to realization of your future goals and needs. Time
will come that you'll have our own family and you will soon realize having your own house, car and of course sending your kids
at school. If your thinking about long-term appreciation of funds saving is not beneficial due to the fact that inflation might eat up
its value. While you're still young you have to start planning for your future. There should be no space for cramming.
Where to Legally
Download or Stream
Movies for Free
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Nick Douglas, 

Alan Henry, 

and Emily Long

Friday 12:15PM




Photo: Shutterstock

If you’ve watched everything on Netflix and Hulu during quarantine—or you don’t have
a friend or family member’s streaming service account to mooch off of—there are plenty
of ways to stream other awesome shows and movies online. We’re talking about free
content, we should note; why pay to watch movies and TV shows if you don’t have to?

Here are 16 great sites to bookmark for when you want something new to watch. Note
that many films are available on multiple free services at once, so if your movie has too
many commercial interruptions or a painfully low resolution on one of them, search for
it on another.

Kanopy and Hoopla

Screenshot: Emily Long
The streaming services Kanopy and Hoopla both have a large selection of high-quality
movies—Kanopy carries the Criterion Collection—but they’re only available if your local
library system has a subscription, which also means you’ll need a valid library account to
log in. That’s one more hoop you’ll have to jump through, but it’s worth it considering
the variety of what’s available.

Top ArticlesDon't Flush Disposable MasksDown the Toilet


Check on either site to see if you can access them via your existing (and free) library

Now You Can Stream Criterion Films With a Library Card

You can borrow all kinds of media at your local public library, from audiobooks, to albums,
Read more


Screenshot: Emily Long

PBS is home to shows like PBS Newshour, Antiques Roadshow and This Old House.

While many titles are restricted to paying members, some of PBS’s online
selection (taken from its TV programming) is available online for free, including a series
of film school shorts. Depending on the show, you may be able to view certain episodes
or previews without a subscription. That’s not as great as a full, free season, but it’s
enough to get by.


Screenshot: Emily Long

Free streaming site Tubi offers movies and TV shows from several major studios with
minimal (sometimes zero) advertising. The catch is that—judging by a spot-check—
desktop streaming is limited to SD resolutions.

The wide range of titles includes Harold and Maude, Heathers, Rain Man, Road to

Perdition, The September Issue and The Big Short. There are several genre lists to help
you browse the large catalog, and there’s even a dedicated section called “Not on Netflix”
so you can get your Dance Moms and Bachelorette fix.

Tubi is available for desktop as well as Android, iOS, Roku and Amazon Fire.


Screenshot: Emily Long
MoviesFoundOnline collects public domain films, independent films, stand-up
comedy, TV shows and other media freely available around the web. Content is
organized by categories, which are easy to browse across the top of the site. Highlights
range from cult classics like Dawn of the Dead and Reefer Madness to more recent films
like The Expendables and Starship Troopers.

It’s worth pointing out that since MoviesFoundOnline doesn’t upload or host the media
themselves, some of it may wind up vanishing if a copyright claim is made against it. As
long as you can stream them, though, you’ll get a lot of great, freely available and
difficult-to-find movies and TV recordings for the low price of nothing.


Screenshot: Emily Long

Paid streaming service Vudu has a free section offering an assortment of recognizable

movies floating among less familiar titles. You’ll need to sign up for a free account and
sit through some ads—and some movies are only available in SD, which isn’t great—but
you’ll get access to more than 5,400 movies on your computer, phone or streaming

You’ll find a lot of films from the ‘80s and ‘90s (as the rights to supply them have gotten
cheaper), but Vudu has also added decent amount of of recent titles. Highlights from the
current lineup include The Exorcist, The Royal Tenenbaums, Get Shorty, Waiting for
Guffman and O Brother, Where Art Thou?


Screenshot: Emily Long
Many free streaming services are packed with movies you’ve never heard of, so you need
to sift through them or find the “Most Popular” section to get to the good stuff. But
IMDb TV, a free portal for watching TV and movies, focuses on recognizable titles. You’ll
have to create an IMDb account and watch occasional ads to access them, but that’s a
small price to pay for a not-too-shabby lineup.

IMDb TV is available for desktop streaming and Amazon Fire TV devices. Current titles
include A League of Their Own, Varsity Blues, A Knight’s Tale, The NeverEnding
Story, Spotlight, The Big Short, Memento, Donnie Darko, Funny Girl and Airplane.

Public Domain Torrents

Screenshot: Emily Long

If you’d rather download than stream, Public Domain Torrents is the place to go. As
you’d expect, most of the films you’ll find are pretty old, but many are also stone-cold
cinema classics. And, as the site’s name implies, they’re all completely free to download.

Best of all, many of the films are available in versions optimized or encoded for specific
mobile devices—but you can always grab the highest quality download and do the
encoding yourself.

How to Stream Free Movies From The Library of Congress

Next time you find yourself scrolling through your streaming queue and thinking that
Read more


Screenshot: Emily Long

TopDocumentaryFilms offers lots of documentaries broken up by category, from

war, global conflict and crime to health and the environment. The categorization makes
the offerings fairly easy to navigate, and the site has a community of users who provide
ratings for each film so you can get an idea of what you’re in for before you begin

If you’d like a starting point, check out their top-100 documentary list to see what others
are watching, or check the front page for their featured films.

The site is more of an aggregator than a host—the content is pulled from YouTube,
Vimeo and other sources—but that makes them a convenient, one-stop shop for
documentary fans.

Classic Cinema Online

Screenshot: Emily Long

If the name doesn’t give it away immediately, Classic Cinema Online is ideal for
classic movie buffs who love the era of black-and-white films and artistically painted
movie posters. Highlights include The Bridge on the River Kwai, The Thin Man, Reefer
Madness and Heidi.

If you’re looking for something specific, you can sort by category using the menu in the
upper-right—if you’re feeling like serials, or a solid silent film. And if you prefer old-time
television, check out its sister site, Classic Television Online.

Screenshot: Emily Long

With thousands of free TV shows and movies with names and titles you’ll probably
recognize, PopcornFlix prides itself on the fact that none of its programs or movies are
more than two clicks away. They’re all completely free to watch on your computer, as
well as mobile apps or other supported devices.

Popular movies on PopcornFlix include Sabrina, What’s Eating Gilbert Grape, Wonder

Boys, Night of the Living Dead, The Virgin Suicides and Clue.


Screenshot: Emily Long

Crackle is often overlooked when people discuss free streaming media on the web, but
you can grab this service for a number of mobile devices and set-top boxes. You have to
sign up for an account, but once you do, it’s easy to create a watchlist, get
recommendations for new shows to stream and browse Crackle’s full library of TV shows
and movies. These the films Patriot Games, Monster and The Cable Guy, and TV series
like Bewitched, The Critic, Just Shoot Me! and NewsRadio. There are also fun B movies
like Boa vs. Python.

That’s part of the beauty of Crackle: You’ll absolutely find movies you’ve heard of, shows
you actually want to watch and more. It’s all free—as long as you’re willing to watch the
occasional commercial.

Screenshot: Emily Long

We’ve written a lot about Plex, which announced in December 2019 that it was
launching a free, ad-supported streaming service. You have to watch ads to view any of
its free content, but the convenience of being able to view free movies and TV along with
anything from your (or your friends’) media servers all in one place, on any device, is
pretty great.

Plus, Plex recently added content from Crackle, expanding what you can stream within
the service.

Use Plex for Three Months of Live TV Streaming

Right now, all Plex users are eligible to receive three months of free, live TV streaming

Read more


Screenshot: Emily Long

Vimeo might be a distant second to YouTube for size and popularity, but it’s still a great
video-streaming service for short film and independent filmmakers. It’s also ideal for
people who want the freedom and flexibility of a mobile-friendly, HD-capable upload
service that has great privacy and video management controls, as well as an upbeat
community of users.
For those just looking for something great to watch, Vimeo’s Staff Picks is full of gems
that run the gamut from dramas, to documentaries, to science fiction. You can either
grab the Vimeo mobile apps to take your movies with you, or stream Vimeo films
directly to your TV through your Chromecast, Roku, Xbox, Amazon Fire or Apple TV.


Screenshot: Emily Long

No list of free TV shows and movies would be complete without YouTube, and not
because of the sheer volume of ripped and pirated media available there. In fact,
YouTube is home to a ton of freely-published movies and TV shows, many of which are
YouTube originals, and others that are available via Creative Commons licenses or
shared in the public domain. YouTube also collects free-with-ads films inside its Movies

Many YouTube originals have vanished behind the paid curtain of YouTube Premium,
but there are still plenty to be found. If you need help finding something fresh, the Full
Movies on YouTube subreddit lists new free movies every day. 

The Internet Archive

Screenshot: Emily Long

The Internet Archive is a repository for all sorts of things. While you probably know
it for the ever-useful Wayback Machine, it’s also great for public domain films,
independent media, TV broadcasts and newsreels and other media that you’re free
watch—and to use and remix on your own, if you want.
There are plenty of movies—organized by categories like sci-fi, horror or film noir—in
addition to art films, educational videos and films, special collections that were made
available to the Internet Archive for posterity, documentaries and even collections of
stock footage. It’s not the most easily browsable archive, nor is it organized for mobile
screens, but it’s certainly a treasure trove of interesting material.

Popular titles include Plan 9 From Outer Space, Gulliver’s Travels, 20,000 Leagues

Under the Sea, Carnival of Souls, several Charlie Chaplin films and Sex Madness.

This story was originally published in 2016 and updated in July 2019 and again on
May 21, 2020 by Emily Long. Our updates include the following: new screenshots,
revised movie lists and the addition of Plex to our list of streaming options.

Nick Douglas

Staff Writer, Lifehacker | Nick has written for Gawker, Valleywag, the Daily Dot, and
Urlesque. He currently runs the scripted comedy podcast "Roommate From Hell."
Alan Henry

Emily Long

Emily is a freelance writer based in Salt Lake City, UT.

In 30 yrs people will work only 4 hours a day, Jack Ma predicts

by  Hisham Sarwar Twitter |  FacebookJune 23, 2017, 10:36 am14.6k Views

Sharing is caring!
Jack Ma Yun is a Chinese business magnate who has brought a revolution on internet
with his B2B website Born on September 10, 1964 in China, Jack early
life was full of struggles but he did not gave up. Today his net worth is $40.5
billion and he is one of the richest people in China. His wisdom and eye into the
future in late 90’s is what turned out to be reason for his success today.

Jack is also known for sharing his valuable advice on different topics ranging from
business, entrepreneurship and young people.

When asked about his vision about the future, Jack says.

People [will] only work four hours a day and maybe

four days a week. My grandfather worked 16 hours
a day in the farmland and [thought he was] very
busy. We work eight hours, five days a week and
think we are very busy, JackMa – Ali Baba
JackMa of AliBaba gave this prediction in CNBC at the Gateway 17 conference for

Jack also said that in the future, both rich and the poor, bosses and their employees
would be immensely affected by the automation.

The first technology revolution caused World War I.

The second technology revolution caused World War
II. This is the third technology revolution
Jack Ma also spoke about the future traveling. People will be able to visit more places
in the future than they can now.

Normal people visit, like, 30 places. Thirty years

later, they will probably visit 300 places.

10 Best Time Management Books

for Maximized Productivity
Peteni Kuzwayo
Peteni is the founder of Run For Wealth. He shares about entrepreneurship and productivity tips on
Lifehack. Read full profile

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We all know that the most precious resource in life is time. Once lost, you can never
rewind the clock. For entrepreneurs, this pressure is enhanced.

Having an idea and a vision for a business requires courage. Launching that business in
a world where many are satisfied with their comfort zones requires guts. Once you’ve
launched the business, the goal is to be consistent.

Success is directly related to consistency. Consistency is the direct result of how you
manage your time.

Here are 10 awesome time management books that have been recommended by

successful entrepreneurs.

1. The 4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss

This is an awesome resource that jolts everything you’ve ever learned about the time
needed to build a successful career. Personally, I was shell-shocked when I first heard of
a “4-hour workweek.” At the time, I could hardly get through the typical 9-5.

I read the book and my life has never been the same. I’ve managed to escape the rate
race, work less hours, and live life to the fullest.

Joel Bomgar, founder and CEO of Bomgar, had the following to say about the book:

“The productivity principles and philosophy of productivity and effectiveness

encompassed in [The 4-Hour Work Week] are powerful. I read it a few years back and it
was one of the most life-transforming books I’ve ever read.”
Get the book here!

2. Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki

This is another fantastic resource that shifts your paradigm and mindset. This book
taught me that income-generating assets usually provide healthier bottom-line results
than even the best of traditional jobs. This might not always mean millions of dollars in
your bank account, but it may give you that priceless time freedom.

Dane Maxwell, founder of an incredible resource called The Foundation – a community

of over 60,000 entrepreneurs – had this to say:

“It all started when I read the book Rich Dad, Poor Dad. I’m not a typically really super
intelligent guy so I really appreciated the simplistic way that Rich Dad, Poor Dad
explained financial wealth. He talked about passive income and not exchanging time for
Get the book here!

3. No B.S. Time Management For Entrepreneurs by Dan Kennedy

Being an entrepreneur is tough. You’ve got to set some serious targets upfront. You
might not achieve them all, but you have to gun for them.
This book gives you three incredibly powerful tips and targets:

 Self-discipline is the magic power that makes you unstoppable

 Avoid the time vampires that want to suck you dry
 As an entrepreneur, your time is worth $340 per hour

It is impossible to start as $340-per-hour entrepreneur. But, it should certainly be your

target as you grow.

Paul Gallipeau, Digital Marketing entrepreneur, has this as one of his highly
recommended reads.
Get the book here!

4. In Praise of Slowness by Carl Honore

We live in an unnecessarily fast-paced world. In Praise of Slowness advocates for the

reversal of a fast-forward mentality and lifestyle. It entrenches a culture revolution
against the notion that faster is always better.

For any entrepreneur, this is a must-read.

There are too many opportunities out there. There are opportunities within
opportunities. In the midst of all these opportunities, you need to slow down and have a
clearly defined vision that will help you avoid growing into a chaotic entrepreneur.

This is a resource highly recommended by Joe Griffin, co-founder of iAcquire.

Get the book here!

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5. Priorities: Resources for Changing Lives by James C. Petty

This book addresses time management from a spiritual perspective.

I’m a huge advocate for the idea that less is more. I truly believe you can get more done
by doing less.

The success of this theory all lies in your ability to prioritize. Not everything that
screams for your attention is important. You need to proactively ignore things that are
not your most urgent priorities.

With this resource, James C. Petty helps bring focus into frazzled lives. Using the
“Assessing My Priorities” worksheet, he walks you through the process of organizing
time under the categories of God, the people of God, and God’s work in the world.

With sound biblical advice and practical applications, this booklet demonstrates ways in
which you can reduce unnecessary stress, identify true priorities, and begin to get your
overbooked schedule under control.
Get the book here!

6. On The Shortness Of Life by Seneca

Recommended by Tim Ferriss, the incredible entrepreneur and author of The 4-Hour
Work Week, this resource highlights that we have more than enough time to live our
lives to the fullest.

Unfortunately, we waste much of it.

The book teaches how you can live a more fulfilled life by tweaking your perspective on
time management.

Get the book here!

7. Organize Yourself by Kate Kelly

Shifting your paradigm and mindset is important. That’s the reason why most of these
books are geared at changing the way you think about the relationship between time and

This book is about shifting your thinking about execution. Before execution, you need a
plan. You need to be organized.

This book will help you get organized by providing you with essential rules for better
time, money, space and paper management.

It reveals a professional organizer’s proven techniques for streamlining daily life.

It provides fast, effective methods for dealing with common clutter, along with helping
you to overcome procrastination and other organizational ailments.

Get the book here!

8. Time Efficiency Makeover by Dorothy K. Breininger

We all are prone to procrastination at some point or other in our entrepreneurial

journey. When things are not going quite according to how you planned, it is all too easy
to get distracted.

This book will help you decide whether procrastination is a real problem or if you are
experiencing other life challenges.

For true procrastinators, this book is filled with step-by-step guidelines on how to stop
putting off those home and work projects, unpaid bills and neglected relationships. You
will understand what is holding you back and how to keep focused and motivated on
present and future events.

A must-read for anyone who wants to improve the efficiency and satisfaction of their

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How to Stop Feeling Overwhelmed ?
Here's the Solution
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Phil McGraw, an American television personality, author, psychologist, and the host of
the television show Dr. Phil, highly recommends this resource and has the following to

“These guys really know how to get things set up to maximize your time. They absolutely
can create time that seems to come from nowhere.”
Get the book here!

9. How Did I Get So Busy? by Burton Valorie

I was once a busy bee and quickly realized that being busy was not necessarily the most
effective way to reach my destiny. As the editor at Run For Wealth, a Nike Run Club
Coach, and an online marketer, I have to constantly have to find the true balance
between business versus productivity.

I highly recommend this book because it’s a simple and effective way to rediscover your
true priorities, shift out of overdrive, and reclaim your life and schedule.
Get the book here!

10. Aligned Thinking: Make Every Moment Count by Jim Steffen

Ultimately, we all want to live a fulfilled life. Having a great paradigm shift and being
organized means nothing if you can’t make every moment count.

This book, written in the style of a simple fable, helps you to develop practical ways
to focus on what’s important now and make the moment count.
Get the book here!


As an entrepreneur, you’ll come across many challenges. But, the biggest challenge will
often be the issue of using your time effectively – especially early on in your
entrepreneurial journey. This is the time when you’ll feel obliged to make everyone

Time is a precious resource. For those who truly understand its value, it often seems like
they are living in a cocoon.

You are not living in a cocoon. As an entrepreneur, you are in the minority, but it’s fine.
I hope this list of resources will help you find comfort in the fact that being in the
minority probably means you are well on your way to a fantastic and successful
entrepreneurial journey.

More Useful Books

 35 Books on Productivity and Organizational Skills for an Effective Life

 30 Best Productivity Books You Should Read To Boost Your Productivity
 20 All-Time Best Motivational Books to Inspire You
 25 Best Self Improvement Books to Read No Matter How Old You Are

Free Guide to Help You Stay Focused Despite

This Insider's Guide provides you with a solid system to stay focused, so you can
achieve more in less time.
Download the Insider's Guide for free here:
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Featured photo credit: Helena Lopes via

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Peteni Kuzwayo
Peteni is the founder of Run For Wealth. He shares about entrepreneurship and productivity tips on Lifehack.

10 Best Time Management Books for

Maximized Productivity Checking Your Phone

Before Bed Harms Health And Lowers Productivity

10 Common Toxic Thoughts That Are Ruining People’s Lives (But They’re Unaware Of It)
15 Habits That Make Ultra Successful People Stand

Out This is Why Your Body Loves Sleep



115 Productive Things to Do When Bored (So Time Is Not Wasted)210 Huge Differences Between a
Boss And a Leader3Why Perspective Taking Is an Essential Skill for Success 4How to Take Calculated
Risk to Achieve Success5How to Write SMART Goals (With SMART Goals Templates)

15 Daily Intentions to Set for a More Driven Life

What Am I Doing with My Life? Find Your Answer Here

How To Use Goals and Dreams To Achieve Personal Success

Easy Tasks or Difficult Tasks First? Which One is More Productive?



 Last Updated on June 10, 2020

15 Productive Things to Do When
Bored (So Time Is Not Wasted)
Matt OKeefe
Matt is a marketer and writer who shares about lifestyle and productivity tips on Lifehack. Read full profile

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When most people get bored, they just sit there and don’t know what to do. They watch
the clock tick and the time pass by, and then several hours are gone.

But what if I tell you that when you really are feeling bored and don’t know what to do
during your downtime, there are a ton of simple things you can do to feel (and really be)

Here are 15 productive things to do when bored based on the principles of elimination,
consumption, and work.


Start by removing things that are getting in the way of your motivation, productivity, or
peace of mind. These things often take little time and can be done over a series of days
or weeks to fill up those little spaces of boredom you find yourself in.

1. Eliminate Clutter
One of the reasons why you’re not as prolific as you want may be that you have too much

Productive things to do when bored include tidying up your desk, removing books you’ll
never read from your bookshelf, and deleting the smartphone apps you never use.

Not only will you have done some cleaning, but the task might also give you energy to
move on to the next, bigger task.
This guide will help you make decluttering easier: How to Declutter Your Life and
Reduce Stress (The Ultimate Guide)

2. Eliminate Distractions
Is there anything in particular that’s distracting you? If you’re looking for productive
things to do when bored, zone in on what specifically is slowing down your productivity.

Social media is a popular detractor, for example[1]. Sign out of your social networks so

you can focus on things that actually matter.

3. Eliminate Concerns
Are you worried about something? Is that concern getting in the way of your

Deal with the problems that are keeping you from spending your time as well as you
should. Examples include tasks like double-checking your schedule and sending follow-
up emails.

By removing all of your stressors, you’ll be a lot more prolific.

4. Eliminate Stress
If your concerns are more emotional and are causing you stress or anxiety, take five or
ten minutes to try a short meditation practice. You can stay on the couch or do it lying in
bed, so it’s perfect for when you’re feeling a lack of motivation.

Interested in building motivation through meditation? There are plenty of theme-

specific guided meditations and can be found easily through a quick Google search.

5. Eliminate Quick Tasks

Even if you don’t have enough energy for a big task, you might have enough to do a
small one.

Check off items on your to-do list that can be done quickly like making a phone call,
sending off an email, or checking your child’s homework for the evening.

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There are so many sources of information at our fingertips on a daily basis. If you’re not
sure what to do, try consuming some of this information through the various means at
your disposal.

6. Consume Knowledge
When you’re bored, it’s an opportune time to learn. One of the most productive things to
do is to learn anything on the internet. It could be watching YouTube tutorials, or
learning facts and skills on any of these sites.

If you prefer audio to video, look up a podcast on a topic that interests you. You can sit
back, relax, and still learn something when you’re bored.

7. Consume Data (or Maps)

Information isn’t the same as knowledge. Are there names, terms, dates, statistics,
places, or something similar you need to ingrain in your head?

Studying data or maps is one of the most productive things you can do when you feel
bored. This will also help you when you find a lull in any conversation—throw out one of
those interesting facts you’ve recently learned to get the conversation moving again!

8. Consume Fiction
You have to be careful with this one; you can’t just watch an episode of your favorite TV
show and call the time you spent productive. However, you can pick up some
meaningful fiction books and start reading. Here are some recommendations to get you
started: 30 Books That Everyone Should Read At Least Once In Their Lives.

9. Consume Non-fiction
Reading a biography about someone in your profession or an account of historical
events relevant to your career can be an extremely productive thing to do when
bored. Time can be well-spent watching, reading, or listening to something that inspires

 If you’re a book worm: 10 Best Inspirational Books That Can Change Your Life

 If you like videos and want to learn something: 20 Most Inspiring TED Talks of All Time
That You Should Not Miss
 If you prefer to just listen: 15 Really Good Podcasts to Keep You Motivated and Reach
Your Goals

10. Consume Culture

By consuming culture, not only are you enriching yourself, but you’re also trying a new
experience. Taking part in activities you haven’t done before can be a very productive
things to do when bored. If you don’t want to get out of the house, watch a documentary
on other cultures. This will open your mind and offer you a different perspective on the


If you’re bored, that means you have time to get things done. While you may not be
motivated to tackle a big task, try working on little things to keep moving.

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11. Work on Your Work

Work is probably the hardest thing to do when bored, but it’s still possible to muscle
through the lethargy and get things done.

If you’re unmotivated, remind yourself that your time best spent is doing the work that
pays your income. A cash incentive goes a long way towards productivity.

If you’re really having a hard time doing any work, spend your down time making a to-
do list of everything you want to get done once you find some motivation.

12. Work on Your Craft

If you don’t feel like doing something career-related, try something artistic!

Creative activities like painting or creative writing could be the perfect productive things

to do when bored. Even if you’ve never tried these things before, give it a go! Even if
your painting doesn’t look anything like the image in your head, you will have taken a
step in the right direction and tried something new.
13. Work on Your Physical Health
If you don’t have a lot of energy to do something mental, hopefully you at least have the
energy to partake in a physical activity.

Some productive things to do when you’re bored are running, walking, biking, and
lifting weights. Any kind of exercise is likely to free you from boredom. If these sound
too taxing, try a slow yoga routine or some light stretching.

14. Work on Your Mental Health

Is there a personal issue that’s making it hard for you to be interested in anything? If so,
address it. You’ll find productivity a whole lot easier.

Boredom is often in reality something akin to anxiety or depression. Try doing mental
exercises that help you focus on positive experiences and mindfulness to alleviate you of
what you’re perceiving as boredom.

Practicing mindfulness and meditation can calm and relax you. Other ways to tackle
your mental and emotional health include meditation, journaling, talking with friends,
or exercising. Pick the one that works for you and get started.

15. Work on Your Relationships

When you are bored and have some down time, consider calling a friend you haven’t
spoken to in a while, ask your mom or dad to grab a coffee with you, or see if your
partner wants to go for a short walk. Even if it’s just a few minutes, the people you care
about will appreciate the gesture, and you’ll feel better after spending time with
someone you love.

More Productive Things to Do When Bored

 I’m Feeling Bored: 10 Ways to Conquer Boredom (and Feeling Too Busy)
 What to Do When Bored at Work (And Why You Feel Bored Actually)
 Why Your Free Time is Boring

Free Guide to Help You Stay Focused Despite

This Insider's Guide provides you with a solid system to stay focused, so you can
achieve more in less time.
15 Random Anime You Should 100% Watch If You Haven't Seen


Anna Lindwasser
Updated June 14, 201941.5k votes11.8k voters362.8k views15 items

List RulesVote up the anime for people who are ready to dive a little deeper into the otaku
Welcome to Anime 102! You've already mastered the basics of anime, which includes
shows like Death Note, Naruto, Attack on Titan, and Sailor Moon, and now you're
ready for the best anime to take your fandom to the next level. With so many great
series out there, it can be difficult to figure out which anime you should watch after
you're already a fan. But never fear! This list is here to help.
Once you've made your way through these sophomore anime, you'll have a good
grounding in multiple genres. This list is designed to expose you to several
different types of anime, so you'll have a clearer idea of where to go from there. Note
that this anime is not for beginners - some of it flat-out won't make sense unless you're
already at least somewhat well-versed in the medium. Vote up the anime that's best
for someone after the entry-level shows! 
READ THESE NEXT1The World's Most Delicious Chips, Crisps & Crunchy
Snacks 2 The 14 Saddest Anime Villain Deaths of All Time 3 The 15 Coolest Special Abilities In
Anime, Ranked
1 5,915 VOTES


Photo:  Bones

Noragami tells the story of Yato, a minor god who is trying to make a name for himself by doing
enough odd jobs to save up for his own shrine. It's a fun look at what it's like to be a deity, while
being surprisingly super dark and creepy. If you enjoyed Yu Yu Hakusho for its peek into the
world of spirits, but not so much for its pacing, the fast-paced Noragami might be right up your

Should anime fans watch this?

More Noragami ❯
#43 of 77The Most Popular Anime Right Now#8 of 861The Best Anime Series of All

Time#16 of 132The Best Fantasy Anime of All Time

2 5,673 VOTES

Assassination Classroom

Photo:  Lerche

Want to watch a tentacle monster with a smiley face for a head teach a bunch of middle
schoolers how to eliminate him? If you watch this hilarious anime, that's exactly what you'll get.
Not only is it a fun action show with a unique plot (and some fun references to shows you
already know), it's also a heartfelt and illuminating look at the Japanese education system. For
that reason, it's a great show for teenagers battling through their school experience. 


Should anime fans watch this?

More Assassination Classroom ❯
#6 of 861The Best Anime Series of All Time#16 of 94The 30+ Best Shounen Anime Of All

Time#14 of 325The Best English Dubbed Anime of All Time

3 4,166 VOTES

Your Name

Photo:  CoMix Wave Films

If you're relatively new to anime, you most likely haven't seen any movies that weren't made
by Hayao Miyazaki. While those movies are absolutely worth your time, there are other directors
out there that you should check out, too. One who is particularly worth noting is Makoto Shinkai,
creator of the recent movie Your Name. 
While this movie is outrageously popular in Japan, you still won't find too many Western anime
newbies who are familiar with it. Not only is this movie gorgeously animated, but it's a fresh take
on the concept of bodyswapping that will have you laughing in the first half and crying in the

Should anime fans watch this?

More Your Name ❯
#38 of 77The Most Popular Anime Right Now#183 of 601The Best Animated Films Ever#15 of

279The Best Romance Anime Ever Made

4 5,839 VOTES

One Punch Man

Photo:  Madhouse

One Punch Man is so popular that even people new to anime may have seen it. That said, it's
actually best enjoyed by people who are familiar with anime. Why? Because One Punch Man, a
show where the protagonist is desperately bored because he can defeat any enemy with one
punch, is a gigantic parody of shōnen anime. If you haven't seen shōnen classics like Dragon
Ball Z  and Naruto, some of the jokes are going to fly over your head. If you're new to anime,
you might want to save this one for later - or at least give it a rewatch once you've tackled the

Should anime fans watch this?

More One Punch Man ❯
14 Things You Didn't Know About Goku#3 of 118The Best Anime Streaming on Netflix#4 of
82The 30+ Best Anime for Teens
5 3,237 VOTES

Mob Psycho 100

Photo: Bones

Often overlooked by new anime fans, Mob Psycho 100 is a show you shouldn't miss. It's about a
little boy with psychic powers, a premise you're probably familiar with if you've already seen a
few shows. Mob Psycho 100 takes the concept up a notch by focusing on how those powers
impact the protagonist's inner life and personal relationships. It's a great show, whether you're in
it for the awesome psychic battles, psychedelic animation, or the 30-year-old con artist who
is the best mentor a 12-year-old boy could hope for.

Should anime fans watch this?

More Mob Psycho 100 ❯
#41 of 77 The Most Popular Anime Right Now#41 of 861 The Best Anime Series of All

Time#89 of 94 The 30+ Best Shounen Anime Of All Time

6 3,449 VOTES

Psycho Pass

Photo: Production I.G

You've probably seen Death Note, the wildly popular series that took over anime fans' lives in
2007. If you enjoyed its dark mood and its moral quandaries, you might be looking for
something similar. If so, Psycho Pass is a great place to start. Psycho Pass focuses on a world
where the government monitors people's emotional states using something called the Sybil
System. Under the Sybil System, people with mental or emotional issues that might lead them to
commit crimes receive mandated therapy or death before they can do so. This alarming prospect
makes for a seriously compelling story. 
Should anime fans watch this?
More Psycho-Pass ❯
#36 of 861 The Best Anime Series of All Time#54 of 94 The 30+ Best Shounen Anime Of All

Time#13 of 23 Anime Guaranteed To Make You Physically Nauseous

7 2,353 VOTES


Photo: Funimation

If you're even slightly familiar with anime, you probably already know about the emphasis on
the power of friendship. You might also be looking for something that takes the concept a little
bit deeper than say, Yu-Gi-Oh! does. If so, Orange is a great option. Orange focuses on a group
of friends who receive letters from their future selves. These letters provide advice for preventing
one member of the group, Kakeru, from committing suicide. It's a harrowing, emotionally
resonant show that is well worth adding to your repertoire.

Should anime fans watch this?

More Orange ❯
#226 of 861 The Best Anime Series of All Time#56 of 123 The Best Anime on Crunchyroll#220 of

301 The 100+ Best Anime Intros of All Time

8 1,960 VOTES


Photo: Artland
If you're new to anime, you probably haven't seen Mushishi yet. This is something that you need
to fix immediately. Mushishi follows Ginko, a mysterious man who studies and works
with mushi, or the basis of all life. Mushi can do anything from creating rainbows and sentient
swamps to causing blindness and death in humans. Some episodes are self-contained, while
others follow arcs, and with each one, you learn a little more about the magical world of mushi.
The art is soothing to look at and the sound design choices are spot on. Mushishi isn't just
entertainment - it's a work of art.

Should anime fans watch this?

More Mushishi ❯
#694 of 726 The Best Cartoons of All Time#115 of 861 The Best Anime Series of All Time#68 of

132 The Best Fantasy Anime of All Time

9 1,567 VOTES

Gekkan Shojo Nozaki-kun

Photo: Doga Kobo

Gekkan Shojo Nozaki-kun takes shojo anime tropes and turns them on their head. While you'll
still appreciate Nozaki's secret job as a shojo manga artist, Mikorin's tsundere persona, and
Kashima's princely behavior, you'll get more out of them if you're already familiar with typical
gender roles in anime. You might not realize that the female Kashima's anime ancestor is the
male Tamaki Suoh of Ouran Host Club if you're just dipping your toes into the anime waters.
Check out Gekkan Shojo Nozaki-kun whenever you want, but if you watch it early in your anime
journey, come back to it once you've got a few more shojo series under your metaphorical belt. 

Should anime fans watch this?

More Gekkan Shojo Nozaki-kun ❯
#427 of 861 The Best Anime Series of All Time#13 of 28 25+ Anime That Totally Deserve A

Second Season#20 of 99 The Best Shoujo Anime And Manga

10 2,189 VOTES

Neon Genesis Evangelion

Photo: Gainax

Neon Genesis Evangelion should be on every anime fan's must-see list. Because it's an older
show, you might not have seen it yet if you're only just now getting into anime. Kind of like
how if you're just starting to get into Russian Literature, you might not have read The Idiot by
Fyodor Dostovesky yet. Neon Genesis Evangelion, also known as Eva, is a mecha anime that
deconstructs its genre. It's a psychologically accurate portrayal of what it's like to be a young boy
being held responsible for the fate of humanity,  and it's a deep dive into philosophical thinking. 

Should anime fans watch this?

More Neon Genesis Evangelion ❯
Insane Fan Theories About The End of Evangelion#60 of 861 The Best Anime Series of All
Time#255 of 331 The Best Sci-Fi Television Series Of All Time

11 1,187 VOTES

March Comes In Like A Lion

Photo: Shaft

Have you watched a lot of tournament anime? If so, you might be bored with having the
protagonists win all the time. You might also be bored with their lack of emotional depth. That's
where March Comes In Like A Lion comes in... like a... lion? Bad jokes aside, it's a seriously
excellent series that you should definitely check out if you want to know what kind of
storytelling anime is capable of.
While the protagonist, Rei Kiriyama, doesn't win the titular shogi tournament, by the time you
get there, you'll be so engrossed in his emotional journey that you'll find it difficult to care. The
show has other great points as well, with content ranging from adorable cats whose thoughts you
can hear to an exploration of how chronic illness interacts with emotions. 

Should anime fans watch this?

More March Comes in like a Lion ❯
#64 of 77 The Most Popular Anime Right Now#95 of 123 The Best Anime on Crunchyroll#61 of

118 The Best Anime Streaming on Netflix

12 1,443 VOTES

Digimon Adventure Tri

Photo: Toei Animation

If you existed in the world at all during the 2000s, you probably know
about Digimon  Adventure whether you're an anime fan or not. What you might not know about
is the sequel, Digimon  Adventure Tri. Tri takes place a few years after the original series, but it's
markedly different in tone, pacing, and animation quality. Though the series stands on its own,
you probably want to see Digimon Adventure before you check out Tri. Also, if you haven't seen
any anime that hasn't been playing on network television for decades, this is a nice and easy way
to ease yourself back into the medium. 

Should anime fans watch this?

More Digimon Adventure tri. Saikai ❯
#452 of 601 The Best Animated Films Ever#294 of 1,083 The Best Anime Movies of All Time
13 1,194 VOTES


Photo: Silver Link

WataMote  is sort of a hard sell if you're not already into the whole anime thing. It's a strange
little show about a high school student named Tomoko who is desperate for popularity. She
thinks that she can obtain acclaim by imitating what she sees in dating games and anime. These
methods never get her anywhere because she's not a confident kid. She's a neurotic teenager with
social anxiety and no social skills.
Characters like Tomoko appear in many other anime (like Sai from Naruto), but this show is one
of the few that focuses on her particular brand of social pathology. It's not an easy anime to
watch and it shouldn't be the first show you encounter. As a mix of thought-provoking social
commentary and cringey humor, WataMote is an experience you won't soon forget. 

Should anime fans watch this?

More WataMote: No Matter How I Look at It, It's You Guys Fault I'm Not
Popular! ❯
#93 of 123 The
Best Anime on Crunchyroll#18 of 28 25+ Anime That Totally Deserve A
Second Season#4 of 14 14 Anime With Insanely Dark Humor

14 784 VOTES

Yowamushi Pedal

Photo: TMS Entertainment

Sports anime aren't usually the first thing on any aspiring anime connoisseurs list, but it's a huge
genre with a lot to offer. When fans do check out the genre, they tend to gravitate
toward Haikyuu  and Kuroko no Basket. Yowamushi Pedal is easy to overlook, but it's one of the
best sports anime out there. The characters are all wholly unique, from their personalities to their
character designs - they even have differently shaped noses, which is a rare find in anime.
There's a delightfully creepy antagonist, an adorable main character who is more obsessed with
anime than you are, and some truly fascinating side characters. The actual sports tournaments are
dramatic and exciting, to the point where, yes, you will still be engaged even though they took
ten episodes to finish one leg of a the race. 

Should anime fans watch this?

More Yowamushi Pedal ❯
#626 of 861 The Best Anime Series of All Time#108 of 123 The Best Anime on Crunchyroll#9 of

63 The Best Sports Manga of All Time

15 638 VOTES

Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu

Photo: Studio Deen

If you only watch one anime in your entire life, it should be Shouwa Genroku Rakugo
Shinjuu. That said, you probably have never heard of it unless you're already fairly familiar with
what anime has to offer. Plus, some of the show might be a little confusing if you don't
already have some grounding in traditional Japanese culture.
What makes Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu so great? It's a family saga in anime form, a rarity
in the medium. It features a love triangle that won't make you want to tear your hair out with
frustration, characters who you'll fall in love with because of their flaws, and a female character,
Konatsu, who becomes the first woman to do rakugo, a form of Japanese storytelling,
professionally. Give it a chance - it is well worth your time.

Should anime fans watch this?

More Descending Stories: Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju ❯
#834 of 861 The Best Anime Series of All Time#20 of 20 20 Bucket List Anime You Must See

Before You Die#7 of 15 15 Fantastic Anime That Don't Rely On Common Anime Tropes

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