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T -tvt SIi • a
- a

( tvtg ..',

m h. g -T - mh.a.

( m
h J
•, .

mh. a
' ien W<.- add up these I wo equarions, the tension
!- -· - - - -----1
T cancels 04I, such thar
: m h . g = ( M, + m h) a.
·-- ; . .. .._..._... . .--•-.-- ~

Th:s equation be considered a.c; the Newton's second law e.quation for a system in which the string, and the
masses M ., and m . , are tl1ough1 of as one single object with a mass that is equivalent to the total mass of the
~Y s t em: (MK+ m h) . The only external force in the direction of motion is lhe weight ofmh; thus
F n, • = m h. ~- In this t:onsideration, the tension t excned by the string serves as an internal force within the
system. and consequently does not appear in the equation.

Si nce the a c t:deration is constant with time. Its :nstantancous 11alue is equivalent to its average value, and
will be detcm1ined as

where v; a ,1d v,• nre the iastantiUleous velocities at twl) di,:·'"""'" posi tions along the path of the motion,
and ~.t is a finite elapscc! time between thi: two positic-11~ :•1e ins tantane-0us velocities v, and vi are, in
prim iµlc, se.p~scd to b~ determined (by means ,,f <! p , ,r• f.'. 'l t~ at each position) as

V = -

where- /.l.l. is the width ofa small flag mounted venically at the t~p oflhe glider. and 6.t is the time interval
during .,,.,hich the flag blocks the photo gate as the glider slide along the track

P rocedur e
I. The air m,ck wlll .be assembled and leveled by the laboratory technician. Please do not attempt any
adj ustments of the.air track. l f you have trouble. ask the instructor for assistnnce.
Place the glider in motion by applying a very small force on the glider in II direction parallel to the
air track. Do not attempt to move the glider if the air supply is not turned on.

2. Description of the buttons on the rimer

ST:\RT: .it starts the timer manually

STOP: :it Stops the timer manually

RESET: it resets lhe timer before St.arting a new count

S E LECT : it aliows to see the partial times t.t

3 - Set up the track ns shown in figure I where the distances between the photo gates 30cm are, put I Og ( m h,I
on holde1 ·. Press the button and record the times t 1,l2 and t3 also p ress 6t to record the inslantani:ous
ti:ne ~t., l\t: and t.t, ali in table 1
Date: ... ~ .......... ...... . ... . .......... ................ . · Partner's Name: .... .......... ... ..
\ Registration _No:.. , .......... .... . Regi,tntion No:.... .. ......... .. .
Physir.x S~tion: .......... . . ..... . Pbysla Section: .......... ...... ....

Ji"orce and Motion

f!!U: To stud:, Ilic 1:lation.~tur between 1!,c aa:eleration anrl added mass, while the net force is kept
constant • t• , ·

f.m.l: :ro study the relationship between th~ acoelenti on, and the net forte, while the~ is kepr constMt

Newton's Second Law of Motion gives the relationship between the mass ofan object Mand the net force
,.,_ mJu.irc<i to produce a certain acccltrlltion a, stated mathematically~
(resultan t force)

If a net force F"" acts on a body of mass ,., it will give: that body 1111 1CCCleration • · The accelcra1ion is
directly PJ'OJY.Jrtional to the ne: force and inv'ur~ly proportional to the mass of the body. It is understood that
the force F1111 in the equation is lhe resultant external fC\rcc: octing on a body. Thus, if there is more than one
force acting 011 :i body, it is lhe resultant unbalanced force that cause, the body to accelerate.

In this experiment, we Y,iJ( use tul air track ilS an essentially frictionless surface. (An air track is Ill alumiJlllffl
surface with lllBJ\y tiny bole$ punchtd reg,J!arly on it, S\/Ch when sufficient IIIJlOllni of air is blown
through the ho!e, contiouously by means of an electric eir blower, ao object sliding on cushion of air is
considered to be mo,•ing without friction). An air lrtlck glider (M.) will be accelerated along a level air tracL:
by means of a mass hanging (rn h) on a :>trir,g ovu a pulley at the end of the track.

Figure I
:zne mass of the glider .M, plus additional weights ma may be attached~~ it is ~"~ the hanging mass
IS m h,
m,. M. -. m.
The Ntwton's sec.and h1.v e(JWltion~ for m, 1md _mn, res~tive ly arc:
1'• m,.,
mh.g - T•mh ·•
where Tis the tension i.n rhc string.
t '{, ,~,, ,-:z., . 14.dt\
m, ~201
r - - -m,- - -- - - - - - -- - - _... a -,s, :i
.: q-
"1> n, • ., ._ m, •
25.6 J 5"'·
(1) 1
A1 ' ..
I ..
(c ml ,)
,- -
I (1)
,M •
(CIiiis) l•l I 61 .. /1)
(1) \ ,._;,,,)

- - __ J_
0 0 0 D

r- _j __ - ·· -
- - i- - ·- c- -• 7I·~ - ·- - -
' .. i_
'-- ''"''...:•.
-- - -
, Ta ble I
-· - -
-- ·
of Pllh
- -- --

. ~ Ktap h u f v ui;a inst t. Plut lhc ,n ftll on !he same shccl

~ For ~ h valu~ o f !hi, nd~bcdu~ ,na ss. ploo
()O Uling vllluc of ,he r.ddcd mu s ma for idc
~ 6) .abcl ci,,on P,,tr,ih wi1
h ara
a.c<1 Jc1 ~rm lnc the e.e1,elerati011 l • ) lo cec h cas
e, end ent er you r
· 1 tu!mc IN. ,ldSJc <,f eac
CR ~ul111,lld vaJucG in tt..'>Jc 2 bel
m, (ii)
-·- - . • (cm/a' ) l/1 (e'ICJ11)

G --
---- - - -
•- --- --- .
- - -· - ·- -
- 1·u· olc 2
clu aio n ClUI yo u mu• • 'bout the WA)
m, .1¥ oh1 >l 1/a. Flu m lhc lll'"!'b, wb:11 roc
i"" l'' ,, •ddcd nlll.Sli
(>. 1'1 01 .
ends un illl tb<A) in us?
tlw . ..; ,., ~•., .,,. <he R)l.!cr dep o •lo• • q • • "
• • "I• •I•
............ ............
o o ,o o o o, o • o o"

o! •

, • o,

o " o

• • • • •

• • • •

• • •

•• • ••

... ..
• • •

,o •


• •• • • • • • •

. ·· ·•·• •·· ......... '

.............. ...... ...................... ... ..........
.. ...... . .. .......... ....of the....glid "
er alone .
7. From )'Our &r'"rh. ftrod 1hc ml\
········ ..
····...· ····· "............ ·····•· ·•····· ···· ···· ···· ··· ········ ·······•·· • •·.········· •··•.····
·······... ....... ... ... ................ ........ ................... '
.... ....... ... , ..., ..... , .... .
.. .... . .. " ... .... .. .... ... , .......................... ' ......
. . .. .. ... " ........ ......... .......
. .... .. ... ... . ... .. .... .. ... .. ...... ...
with too•1ant 111uo:
B. Ac «le ratlon ac i' 11~ fo rn
In Fii,un, I ( us. na two pbo10 lim u 1, and 11
1- Se t up the 11'1".clt "' ,t.uwn ldcr (m • ). "" '" the •w t bu tto11 and ,uo rd the
~nd J('Jg on h1>
2· Pu1 3011 (m . ) on !he ~lid<,r ilc 3
r,co us time .0.1I and ~~ as In T.t
all):(> pr,:ss .O.t 10 rc;:ord ms11u11n plllll'n l on UlC hllngcr.
~ from the alldcr am ] han acr.
3. Ne \\ l,'U IO\ C IOg ClM
I 011 mu s l'rom th,, glider and placi.n& ii on the
4- Repeat thi ) Slcp:! tun~.
e:1ch tirn c, rem ov ing
anc oua veloci ty (v) .\1/hllfC ~ 4 J I olt in
S- Ca lcu l1t t the iru w,L )
nticn (a). where a~ (v, .v ,1/(1,-11
6- Caku!ut~ the- G,·o:ra ie e.ccek

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