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UNIT 4 Stu: I’m 5 foot. And 5′5 with the Afro.

Lynn Sherr: Rob is 5′3 . He prefers taller women.
TV Documentary: Selling Them Short
Rob: I kind of enjoy it. I mean, I think there are
some serious advantages to being a little bit,
PART 1 having a woman who’s a little bit taller.
Lynn Sherr: Imagine a world where nothing fits. Lynn Sherr: David is getting married this fall.
Where pants are too long. David: She is 5 feet tall.
Craig: The crotches are down to here, the seat’s Lynn Sherr: And you are?
down to here, the pants are up to there. David: I am 5′6 .
Lynn Sherr: Where elevators are filled Lynn Sherr: Oh, well.
with giants.
David: Giant, right.
Rob: You kind of get cramped. And you know, it’s
Lynn Sherr: We recruited other men about the
kind of hard to breathe sometimes.
same age as David, Stu, and Rob, but taller. We
Lynn Sherr: Where driving a car means your feet asked them all to dress in jeans and a sweater,
don’t reach the pedals. then we did something cruel. We put them in
David: You have to fumble down here, and some lineups, five at a time, behind a two-way mirror.
have bars underneath and some have these little The men couldn’t see or hear what was going
electronic things on the side you have to figure on in the next room. That’s where we invited
out. groups of women to look at the men and choose
Lynn Sherr: And where you can’t see the movie a date. In this case, we wanted to see if anyone
screen, let alone find a date to take there. would pick 5′3 Rob. When Andrea told us
women like doctors, we gave him an M.D. Their
1st woman: I don’t care hair color, eye color, skin
color—they need to be tall. Sorry.
2nd woman: Andrew.
Lynn Sherr: Welcome to the world of short men.
Ralph Keyes, 5′7 , wrote a book about height. 3rd woman: I would say Matt.
Ralph Keyes: We just assume anybody we’re Lynn Sherr: No Rob. We piled on some more
looking up to has power . . . has power over us. assets. We said, besides being a doctor, he was
also a best-selling author and champion skier
Lynn Sherr: We put Chris and Debbie, colleagues
who just built his own ski house.
here at ABC News, in front of our camera,
posing at different heights. Half the shots Andrea McGinty: Does that affect your choices?
showed Chris as the taller of the pair. 4th woman: He’s still short.
Chris: The air’s kind of thin up here. Lynn Sherr: Then we gave Rob a promotion. We
Lynn Sherr: In the other half, Debbie was taller. made him chief of staff at a prestigious hospital.
Then we gave the photos to students at Andrea McGinty: Who would you pick, Kim?
Fairleigh Dickinson University, and asked them 5th woman: Andrew’s probably the closest to who
to tell us a story about what was going on. I’d pick.
When Chris was taller, the adjectives used to
6th woman: I’d pick Matt.
describe him were mature and respected. When
Chris was shorter than Debbie, they called him 7th woman: Jeffrey, the pilot.
submissive, childish, weak. Andrea McGinty, Lynn Sherr: What would it take? Now we said
who runs a dating service in Chicago, knows all Rob was also a gourmet cook who loves
the tricks. We asked her to help us construct an children.
experiment to test just how willing women are 8th woman: Oh, definitely I would take him in a
to date shorter men. And we found three brave minute, then. Height, no problem.
volunteers. Stu is the shortest. How tall are you?

Summit 1, Second Edition

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7th woman: I wouldn’t, because I would think I Andrea McGinty: Would it change anything if I
don’t want short, little kids. I was thinking that! told you that David, besides being a chief
Lynn Sherr: Well, at least someone liked Rob. But surgeon, had just published a book, that he was
if it was this harsh for him at 5′3 , what would it a gourmet cook, loved kids, and extremely
take to get a date for Stu at just 5 feet? wealthy?
Tara: I’d switch to David real quick. I mean, let’s
PART 2 be realistic. I’m going to bag the gym teacher
Lynn Sherr: What would it take to get a date for Lynn Sherr: So what’s going on here? You had to
Stu at just 5 feet? First, we made him an up-and- make those short guys almost like God to make
coming actor. them desirable, right?
9th woman: No. Andrea McGinty: We finally made them God, and
10th woman: No. that’s when they chose.
11th woman: Not. Les Martel: And this surprises you?
Lynn Sherr: Then we said Stu had made millions Lynn Sherr: It obviously doesn’t surprise you.
by age 25. Les Martel: No.
12th woman: No. Lynn Sherr: Yale psychologist Les Martel is 5′5 .
13th woman: No. Les Martel: It goes back to caveman times. We
14th woman: Not for me. simply judge people, particularly men, based on
Lynn Sherr: Nothing worked. their height, on their size, on their physical
Andrea McGinty: How come nobody
picked Stu? Lynn Sherr: Why is that? We asked several of the
women to come back and tell us.
15th woman: He’s too short.
7th woman: I feel short men make great best
Andrea McGinty: He’s too short?
friends because they’re very enthusiastic, caring,
Lynn Sherr: We asked if there was anything we because they have to make up for their height.
could add to make Stu irresistible.
Lynn Sherr: But you have no interest in going out
15th woman: Maybe the only thing you could say with someone shorter?
is that the other four are murderers.
7th woman: No.
16th woman: Right, are convicted of some crime.
19th woman: I’m just attracted to taller men.
17th woman: Child molesters. I’m only 5′5 myself, but I just . . . I just like tall
16th woman: Rapists. men.
15th woman: Psychotic . . . Exactly. And then we Lynn Sherr: I have to tell you, and it breaks my
would say, “Oh, OK. Hello, Stu!” I mean, heart to tell you this, it turned out that being
nothing bad towards him. He’s got a nice smile; short was not good. Does that surprise
he’s cute. anybody?
Lynn Sherr: But no takers. So we replaced Stu with Rob: I don’t think so.
David to see if 5′6 made a difference. We Stu: Absolutely not.
brought in one last group of women. When they
Lynn Sherr: Tell me what you were thinking while
all picked this fellow, we told them he’d been
you were standing out there with the taller
unemployed for two years, but that our David
was a chief surgeon.
David: Sure aren’t picking us.
18th woman: I guess it would be David for me.
20th woman: You want to look up into his eyes,
Lynn Sherr: Two took David right away. But Tara
and you want it to be like a movie.
chose Jim, whom we’d made a high school gym

Summit 1, Second Edition

Copyright © 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.
Summit 1 Video Script Page 3 of 3

David: There’s a stereotype in society that says Lynn Sherr: Does it bother you?
when you find your mate, the man is bigger and Stu: You know what it’s like to maybe hurt. I think
the woman is smaller, you know, Tarzan, Jane. you know what it’s like to, you know, maybe to
And we didn’t get to speak, so . . . have more setbacks than taller people.
Lynn Sherr: Well, you didn’t get to speak, but we Lynn Sherr: David, you’re nodding your head. Do
spoke on your behalf. you think that’s true?
David: Oh, thanks. David: Sure, oh yeah. Growing up you take a lot
Lynn Sherr: And we made you doctors, chief of abuse, you know, always being the short one
surgeons, best-selling authors. Stuart, we made and getting picked on and name calling.
you a venture capitalist who made millions by It happens.
the age of 25. You were a gourmet cook, you Barbara Walters: What has happened to these
loved children, you had ski houses that you three nice guys from the early experiment? Any
built all by yourself. Sometimes all this worked, women in their lives?
but most of the time, fellas . . .
Lynn Sherr: Well, Dave, whom we told you was
David: It didn’t do a darn thing. getting married has gotten married, so he’s . . .
Stu: It didn’t do a thing. that’s all fine. Stu and Rob are still available,
Rob: Well, I guess that says something about however. Women of America, tall or short,
people. they’re out there.
Lynn Sherr: What does it say to you?
Rob: Maybe the average person isn’t giving us the
credit that we deserve.

Summit 1, Second Edition

Copyright © 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

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