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The List of Universities in Bali

 Post authorBy Yoga Adi
 Post dateNovember 12, 2018

Education is one important element in our life. As humans, we always grow

to be a better person. Growing to be much wiser and smarter, we need to get
educated starting from kindergarten up to Universities. In Indonesia, we can
easily find so many Universities, both privates and National on each region
of this country, including the island of Bali.

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After seeing the good things about that very island, many people would
consider living in Bali because of many reasons. But, of course, they need
some considerations first. Is this island have any good schools or
Universities for their children? Surely it does. In Bali Indonesia, they are
some notable Universities that you can choose for your best education. All
included inside the list of Universities in Bali Indonesia that you can see
right below :

1. Warmadewa University

The first one on the list of the Universities in Bali

Indonesia is Warmadewa University. This University is located right in the
area of Denpasar Bali. It’s also included inside the Yayasan Kopri Bali,
Kopertis VIII to be specific. The name of the University was firstly brought
by Prof. Dr. Ida Bagus Mantra, the governor of Bali at that time to respect
the King of Bali, Sri Kesari Warmadewa.

The University was built back on July 17th, 1984 ago. So, it’s about almost
thirty years old now. However, the Warmadewa University has a very
meaningful motto “Guna Widya Sewaka Nagara”, the wise words in
Balinese. You can find that there are 14 different fields of study in here like
Magister of Management, Psychology, Public Administration, and others.

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2. Udayana University

The next one on this list is the Udayana University.

This University is located in the area of Kampus UNUD street, Kampus
Bukit Jimbaran, South Kuta, Jimbaran, Badung, Bali. Like most Universities
in Indonesia, it has more than one campus. Udayana University or UNUD
has two campuses, The Pusat Bukit Jimbaran Campus and also Sudirman

UNUD was officially standing in 1962. It’s actually the oldest University in
all areas of Bali island. The Motto of this University is also come with the
Balinese language, “Taki Takining Sewaka Guna Widya”, which means a
person should chase for knowledge and wisdom in studying. The University
has about 13 faculties and also a lot of Postgraduate programs.

3. Ganesha University

The Ganesha University of Education is the next

one that included in our list of Universities in Bali Indonesia. It’s located in
Singaraja Bali, the famous area for Balinese culture and attractions. Ganesha
University was built in May 2006. It’s considered pretty new one than the
other Universities in Bali island. But, even though it’s new, it has some
good choices of faculty.
Even though the official date is May 2006 but this University was first
started its activities back in 1955, but the name of it is still a place for
courses. At first, it was a course for Indonesian language, then changed to
Commerce Course. After sometimes, the name and the building changed
into one University called the Ganesha University of Education, which is
actually the combination of different faculties that were built earlier.

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4. Mahasaraswati University

The next one is Mahasaraswati University, which is

known as Unmas Denpasar. Unmas located right in the city of Denpasar
Bali, under the management of Yayasan Perguruan Rakyat Saraswati
Denpasar on the area of Kopertis, Koordinasi Perguruan Tinggi Swasta
(Private College Coordination area) VIII in Bali. Mahasaraswati University
was built on 8 December of 1963.

The University was firstly built as IKIP, Institut Keguruan dan Ilmu
Pendidikan ( Insitute of Teacher Training and Education) right on that date.
Based on the decisions from the Indonesian Minister of Education and
Culture, the IKIP Saraswati was combined with ABA (Foreign Language
Academic) to be one whole Mahasaraswati University.

5. Dwijendra University

Dwijendra University is one unit of education that

located under the management of Yayasan Dwijendra which is centered in
Denpasar. The first foundation of this university was Sekolah Tinggi
Arsitektur or Architectural School that later combined on July 17th, 1982 to
be this great Dwijendra University. The University was then officially
registered in November 28th, 1984.

However, this university has about five faculties with six different fields of
study. They all operating legally under the rules and operational permission
by BAN-PT (National Accreditation Board of College), so you don’t have to
worry about their legality. However, the Law Faculty has A score, then
Agriculture Faculty and Faculty of Communication Sciences both have B
score. The other faculties have C as their score.

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The next university is the UNHI or the Universitas

Hindu Indonesia (Hindu University) is the private university and also the
Hindu University that you can find in the central area of Denpasar, Bali.
This university was built in October 3rd back in 1963. For your information,
this university is the first Hindu university in Indonesia, built coincidentally
with the special Purnama Kartika Day.

On its first year, this university was having about two different faculties, the
Religion dan Culture Faculty and Faculty of Teacher Training and
Education. The time went by and the university was growing and having
their next faculties and keep increasing in number. Now, UNHI has about
seven faculties and sixteen fields of study for its students.

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7. Ngurah Rai University

On the street of Padma street number 30 of Penatih,
Denpasar, Bali, there’s a university called Ngurah Rai. This university was
built by Jagadhita Denpasar Foundation on May 22 of 1979. With that
starting point, you can say that Ngurah Rai University is also considered
pretty old campus, the second oldest university in Bali, even in the area of
Kopertis VIII.

However, the Ngurah Rai University only had about 4 faculties and six
fields of study such as Technic Faculty, Economic Faculty, Law Faculty,
and also The Faculty of Politic. Just a year ago, this university received a
“B” accreditation from the BAN-PT. Also, this university is very wide. It
has about 2,4 hectares area with fields and wide park. There are also some
facilities like gym, tennis field, soccer field, basketball arena, football arena,
and also a pool table.

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8. Tabanan University

The next best university on the island of Bali is

Tabanan University. The University of Tabanan is located on the street of
Wagimin number 8, Kediri, Tabanan, Denpasar, Bali. Based on the
information from their homepage, the Tabanan University is actually the
biggest National University in Bali. Most professors there are genuine
Tabanan people.

With that fact, we can understand that Tabanan area of Bali indeed seems
promising in the world of teaching and education. About the university
itself, there are about three main faculties such as Economic Faculty, Law
Faculty, and Agricultural Faculty. About the facilities, they are also decent
and really supporting the students with Educational Facilities, the supporting
organizations, and also the job vacancy information.

9. University of National Education Denpasar

The University of National Education or Undiknas

is a private campus in Denpasar Bali. Before the university was called as
AKABA, Akademi Keuangan dan Perbankan (Finance and Banking
Academy) on February 17 in 1969 by YPKN, Yayasan Pendidikan Kejuruan
Nasional (National Vocational Education Foundation) of Denpasar Bali.

If you want to continue your study in University of National Education

Denpasar Bali, there are some faculties that may suitable for you such as
Economic and Business Faculty, Management Faculty, Law Faculty, Social
and Political Science Faculty, Public Administration Faculty, and also
Faculty of Informatics and Engineering.

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