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Compare and Contrast Essay Rats and Mice

Rats and mice are different and similar at the same time. People don’t like any of them
about the illnesses that they transmit and for all the things, they heard about them. Rat
and mouse are not scientific classifications. These words are common names for
rodents that look alike to the casual eye.

The biggest similarity rats and mice share is their appearance, fur color, tails, eyes and
ear shape are all alike. Both come in similar colors, and they can even be hairless. Rats
and mice also have identical eating habits, as they are omnivores. They enjoy grains
and fruits; however, both will eat almost anything if little else is available. They are very
smart animals, and can be trained to perform simple tricks, such as finding their way
through a maze. They may also be taught how to fetch and climb on various objects.
Another aspect shared between them is their teeth, which never stop growing.

Rats and mice have a difference in their personalities. Mice are very curious compared
to rats, as rats are more cautious. Mice will explore and inspect new objects without
hesitation. Rats, on the other hand, will not even consider going near new things unless
they have been there for a while. Rats are also known to be friendlier and more
affectionate than mice. Because of this, mice are better for being watched instead of
being played with. Besides personality, the next biggest difference is how long they
each live. The lives of domesticated mice are short, averaging to about one and half to
two years.

After all, knowing all these facts you can have an idea about what is a rat and
differences and similarities which they have with a mouse.

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