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1) What is your favorite animal?

My favorite animal is the cat.

2) What are some characteristics of that animal?
- Cats are very smart: In addition to the behaviors they adopt
instinctively, they are capable of learning through trial and error,
cats have learned to communicate with humans through meowing
as they use other bodily cues such as tail position and ears.

- Cats usually sleep 12 (tuelf) to 16 (sixtin) hours in a day. However,

the amount of time they spend sleeping can vary depending on
factors such as the weather, age, daily activity, and their health.

- Cats have a friendly character, they love cuddles and are very
3) Have you heard any theory related to that animal? Explain it
I have often heard the myth that says that cats and dogs cannot be
friends, but it is completely false, these animals can not only live
together in the same home, also can become inseparable friends.
4) Why are animals covered in different ways? What is the purpose?
Animals have different types of coverings on their skin such as hair,
feathers, scales or wool. Each of these covers serves as protection
against changes in temperature in the environment and makes it easier
for them to move around the place where they live.
5) What human made objects or machines were inspired by nature?
- The Bird Train
- Whale turbines
- Tenacious as a thistle

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