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No Question
1 Explain Extensibility mechanisms in detail with example.
1. Stereotypes 2.Tag values 3.Constrains.
2 Describe 4+1 view Architecture and explain each view.
3 Justify modeling as design techniques.
4 Show Polymorphism and message passing in Online shopping System.
5 How UML provides the solution to design software systems?
6 Explain Encapsulation and Inheritance for Cash Dispenser.
7 How UML building blocks are to supports UML as descriptive language?
8 List the relationship among objects and classes.
9 Compare and Draw class diagram and an object diagram for,” ATM system”.

1 Consider a “Student Attendance System” having use cases like “View Attendance”,
View Practical Attendance”, Input Student ID”, “Attendance report” etc. Make use of
use case relationship to the model above use cases and their relationships in context of
use case diagram.
2 Draw UML Use Case diagram for Medical Insurance System using advanced
notations the various participants of the same are Owner, Agents and Claimer. The
corresponding use cases for these actors are Hire Agent, Fire Agent, Pay Salary, and
Make Policies, Make new clients, Describe Policy to Clients, Collect Policy Checks,
Check details when policy is Claimed By Claimer, Check Medical Claim Papers, Fill
Form To Take Policy, Pay Policy Checks, Claim Policy, Receive Money Of Policy
3 Design Use case diagram for,” Online Shopping System”.
4 Draw Use case diagram for Bank ATM.
5 Draw Use case diagram for Hospital management.
6 Consider an online airline reservation system. List two actors. Explain the relevance of
each actor. One use case is to make a flight reservation. List four additional use cases
at a comparable level of abstraction. Summarize the purpose of each use case with a
sentence. Prepare a use case diagram for an online airline reservation system.
7 Customer uses a bank ATM to check balances of his/her bank accounts, deposit funds,
withdraw cash and/or transfer funds (use cases). ATM Technician provides
maintenance and repairs to the ATM. Make use of use case relationship to the model
above use cases and their relationships in context of use case diagram.
8 Explain the Elements of a Use Case Diagram.
9 Prepare Use Case diagram for “Coffee Vending Machine”, as use cases are buy
beverage, scheduling the maintenance, make repairs, and load items. System can have
multiple actors.
10 Explain Extensibility mechanisms in detail with example.
Stereotypes 2.Tag values 3.Constrains.
1 Design class diagram for “Online Banking System”. Assume suitable and necessary
data for making the software system.
2 Prepare a class diagram for the dining philosopher problem. There are 5 philosophers
and 5 forks around a circular table. Each philosopher has access to 2 forks, one on
either side. Each fork is shared by 2 philosophers. Each fork may be either on the table
or in use by one philosopher. A philosopher must have 2 forks to eat.
3 Design a class model to describe undirected graphs. An undirected graph consists of a
set of vertices and a set of edges. Edges connect pairs of vertices. Your model should
capture only the structure of graphs (i.e., connectivity) and need not be concerned with
layout such as location of vertices or lengths of edges.

4 What do you mean by advanced classes? Draw Advance class diagram for Banking
5 Draw class diagram for Library Management System (LMS).
6 The domain model for the Hospital Management System is represented by several
class diagrams. Ward is a division of a hospital or a suite of rooms shared by patients
who need a similar kind of care. In a hospital, there are a number of wards, each of
which may be empty or have on it one or more patients. Each ward has a unique name.
The doctors in the hospital are organized into teams (also called firms). Each team has
a unique name or code (e.g. Orthopedics’ or Pediatrics) and is headed by a consultant
doctor or an attending physician.
7 Draw class diagram for Seminar Enrollment by students.
8 Draw class diagram for Auction System in Cricket Premier League.
9 Draw Object diagram for Order processing.
10 Draw Object diagram for Bank ATM.
1 What is Sequence Diagram? Explain with help of example. Make & list down Suitable
assumptions. How it is different from communication Diagram?
2 Design State Machine diagram for water phase diagram.
Draw State Machine diagram for CD/DVD Player system.
3 Draw state diagram for Audio player. States are ON, PLAY, PAUSE, STOP and
4 Define following terms with example:
i. Transition
ii. Shallow History
iii. State
iv. Sub state
5 Draw Activity diagram for Personal Investment Management system
6 Draw Sequence diagram for Online Bookshop system.
7 Design and model Sequence diagram for Facebook User Authentication in Web
8 Draw Communication diagram for Online Bookshop.
9 Draw Activity diagram for Online Order system.
10 Draw Activity diagram for Document Management Process.
1 How component diagram is useful in following situation?
i. Modeling an executable release.
ii. Modeling a physical database.
Justify your answer with suitable example.
2 How Deployment diagram is useful to describe the Web application?
3 In Context of Deployment diagram, what are components and artifacts?
4 Draw Deployment diagram for Apple iTunes application.
The iTunes setup application could be downloaded from iTunes website and installed
on a home computer. After installation and registration iTunes application could
communicate with Apple iTunes Store. Customer can buy and download music,
video, TV shows, audiobooks, etc. and store it in media library.
5 The deployment diagram shows the three nodes PRD_WEB_SERVER,
PRD_APP_SERVER, and PRD_DB_SERVER that represent the nodes for the Web
server, application server, and database server, respectively. The View, Controller, and
Model components are depicted in the application server node and the three nodes are
interconnected to denote association between them in the Courseware Management
System. Draw Deployment diagram for above scenario.
6 Draw Package Diagram showing packages, elements, owned, package relationships
for the hypothetical system “Computerization of railway reservation”.
7 Compare class and component.
8 Draw Deployment for Book Club Website.
9 Design Deployment diagram for Vehicle Registration System.
10 Draw Deployment for Web Application.
11 Design Component diagram for Retail Website.
12 Draw Component diagram for Students Seminar Schedular.
1. Airport Check-In and Security Screening
UML Use Case Diagram Example

This is an example of a business use case diagram which is usually created during Business

Modeling and is rendered here in Rational Unified Process (RUP) notation.
Business actors are Passenger, Tour Guide, Minor (Child), Passenger with Special Needs (e.g.
with disabilities), all playing external roles in relation to airport business.
Business use cases are Individual Check-In, Group Check-In (for groups of tourists), Security
Screening, etc. - representing business functions or processes taking place in airport and serving
the needs of passengers.
Business use cases Baggage Check-in and Baggage Handling extend Check-In use cases,
because passenger might have no luggage, so baggage check-in and handling are optional.
2. Restaurant

UML Use Case Diagram Example

Here we provide two alternative examples of a business use case diagram for a Restaurant,
rendered in a notation used by Rational Unified Process (RUP).

First example shows external business view of a restaurant. We can see several business

actors having some needs and goals as related to the restaurant and business use
cases expressing expectations of the actors from the business.

For example, Customer wants to Have Meal, Candidate - to Apply for Job, and Contractor -

to fix some appliances. Note, that we don't have such actors as Chef or Waiter. They are not
external roles but part of the business we model - the Restaurant, thus - they are not actors. In
terms of RUP Chef and Waiter are business workers.
Second example shows internal business view of a restaurant. In this case we can see that
restaurant has several business processes represented by business use cases which provide some
services to external business actors. As in the previous example, actors have some needs and
goals as related to the restaurant.
This approach could be more useful to model services that the business provides to different
types of customers, but reading this kind of business use case diagrams could be confusing.
For example, Customer is now connected to Serve Meal use case, Supplier - to Purchase
Supplies. We have now new actor Potential Customer participating in Advertise use case by
reading ads and getting some information about restaurant. At the same time, Contractor actor
is gone because Repair Appliances is not a service usually provided by restaurants.
3. Ticket Vending Machine

UML Use Case Diagram Example

Ticket vending machine, i.e. vending machine that sells and produces tickets to commuters, is
a subject of the example use case diagram. This kind of a machine is a combination of both
hardware and software, and it is only a part of the whole system selling tickets to the customers.
So we will use «Subsystem» stereotype.
Ticket vending machine allows commuters to buy tickets. So Commuter is our primary actor.

The ultimate goal of the Commuter in relation to our ticket vending machine is to buy a ticket. So we
have Purchase Ticket use case. Purchasing ticket might involve a bank, if payment is to be made using a
debit or credit card. So we are also adding another actor - Bank. Both actors participating in the use case
are connected to the use case by association.
Use case behaviors may be described in a natural language text (opaque behavior), which is current
common practice, or by using UML behavior diagrams. UML tools should allow binding behaviors to
the described use cases. Example of such binding of the Purchase Ticket use case to the behavior
represented by activity is shown below using UML 2.5 notation.

4. Bank ATM

UML Use Case Diagram Examples

An automated teller machine (ATM) or the automatic banking machine (ABM) is a banking
subsystem (subject) that provides bank customers with access to financial transactions in a
public space without the need for a cashier, clerk, or bank teller.
Customer (actor) uses bank ATM to Check Balances of his/her bank accounts, Deposit
Funds, Withdraw Cash and/or Transfer Funds (use cases). ATM
Technician provides Maintenance and Repairs. All these use cases also involve Bank actor
whether it is related to customer transactions or to the ATM servicing.
On most bank ATMs, the customer is authenticated by inserting a plastic ATM card and entering
a personal identification number (PIN). Customer Authentication use case is required for every
ATM transaction so we show it as include relationship. Including this use case as well as
transaction generalizations make
the ATM Transaction an abstract use case.

Customer may need some help from the ATM. ATM Transaction use case
is extended via extension point called menu by the ATM Help use case whenever ATM
Transaction is at the location specified by the menu and the bank customer requests help, e.g.
by selecting Help menu item.

ATM Technician maintains or repairs Bank ATM. Maintenance use case

includes Replenishing ATM with cash, ink or printer paper, Upgrades of hardware, firmware or
software, and remote or on-site Diagnostics. Diagnostics is also included in (shared
with) Repair use case.
4. Point of Sales Terminal

An example of UML use case diagram for Point of Sale (POS) Terminal or Checkout. A

retail POS system typically includes a computer, monitor, keyboard, barcode scanners, weight
scale, receipt printer, credit card processing system, etc. and POS terminal software.
Checkout use case involves Customer, Clerk and Credit Payment
Service actors and includes scanning items, calculating total and taxes, payment use cases.
UML Use Case Diagram Example

Checkout use case requires Customer actor, hence the 1 multiplicity of Customer. Clerk can only
participate in a single Checkout use case. Credit Payment Service can participate with many
Checkout use cases at the same time. Checkout use case may not need Credit Payment Service
(for example, if payment is in cash), thus the 0..1 multiplicity.

Checkout use case is an example of a large and complex use case split into several use cases each
describing some logical unit of behavior. Note, that including use case becomes incomplete by
itself and requires the included use cases to be complete.
Payment use case is represented using generalization relationship. It means that only one
specific type of payment is accepted - either by cash, or by credit, debit, or with check. An
alternative to such representation could be to use include relationship so that not just single but
several forms of payment could be accepted from the same client during checkout.

5. Hospital Management

UML Use Case Diagram Example

Hospital Management System is a large system including several subsystems or modules

providing variety of functions. UML use case diagram example below shows actor and use cases
for a hospital's reception.

Purpose: Describe major services (functionality) provided by a hospital's reception.

Hospital Reception subsystem or module supports some of the many job duties of hospital
receptionist. Receptionist schedules patient's appointments and admission to the hospital, collects
information from patient upon patient's arrival and/or by phone. For the patient that will stay in
the hospital ("inpatient") she or he should have a bed allotted in a ward. Receptionists might also
receive patient's payments, record them in a database and provide receipts, file insurance claims
and medical reports.
Class Diagrams
1. Abstract Factory Design Pattern

UML Class Diagram Example

Abstract Factory is creational software design pattern. This pattern provides interfaces for
creating families of related or dependent objects without specifying their concrete classes.

Client software creates a concrete implementation of the abstract factory and then uses the
generic interfaces to create the concrete objects that are part of the family of objects. The client
does not know or care which concrete objects it gets from each of these concrete factories since
it uses only the generic interfaces of their products.

Use of this pattern makes it possible to interchange families of concrete classes without changing
the code that uses them. It separates details of implementation of a set of objects from their
2. Library Domain Model

UML Class Diagram Example

Library Domain Model describes main classes and relationships which could be used during
analysis phase to better understand domain area for Integrated Library System (ILS), also
known as a Library Management System (LMS).

Each physical library item - book, tape cassette, CD, DVD, etc. could have its own item number.
To support it, the items may be barcoded. The purpose of barcoding is to provide a unique and
scannable identifier that links the barcoded physical item to the electronic record in the catalog.
Barcode must be physically attached to the item, and barcode number is entered into the
corresponding field in the electronic item record.

Barcodes on library items could be replaced by RFID tags. The RFID tag can contain item's
identifier, title, material type, etc. It is read by an RFID reader, without the need to open a book
cover or CD/DVD case to scan it with barcode reader.
Library book attributes ISBN and subject are inherited from Book and shown with prepended
caret '^' symbol.

The title attribute explicitly redefines name. While type of the attributes is the same, name is

different. The lang attribute is explicitly redefined with different type. Original type was free text
String, while redefined attribute is more specific (e.g. enumerated) Language class. We used
explicit redefinition in this case because attribute types String and Language are not
related. Language is enumeration type.

Library has some rules on what could be borrowed and what is for reference only. Rules are also
defined on how many books could be borrowed by patrons and how many could be reserved.

Library book attributes loanPeriod, dueDate, and isOverdue are derived. Length of time a

library book may be borrowed (loan period) depends on library policy and varies based on a kind
of book and who is borrowing it. For example, in a university library undergraduates could
borrow book for 30 days, graduate students for a quarter, and faculty staff for a year. In a public
library normal loan period for a book could be 3 weeks, while it could be lowered to 2 weeks for
new books. Book return due date will be calculated based on the borrow date and loan period. If
due date is past the current date, isOverdue Boolean flag which is false by default will be set to

Library Catalog provides access for the library patrons and staff to all sources of information
about library items, allows to search by a particular author, on a particular topic, or in a particular
format, that the library has. It tells the user where materials meeting their specific needs can be

3. Bank Account

UML Class Diagram Example

This is an example describing some types of Bank Accounts using UML generalization sets.

Bank accounts could be grouped into UML generalization sets based on different criteria.
Example diagram below shows bank accounts split by liability type and account type. These two
orthogonal dimensions also have corresponding power types - LiabilityType and AccountType.

Bank account could be used either for personal or for business purposes. To show that it assumes
complete coverage and there is no overlapping, we have liability type constraints shown
as {complete, disjoint}.

Note, that business owners still may use a personal bank account for their business purposes but
it is not recommended primarily because it can affect legal liability of business owner. From the
bank's point of view, e.g. when opening an account, these two are two different kinds of

Another classification of bank accounts is based on related options and features and is shown
below as account type generalization set. To show that it this set is incomplete but still there is
no overlapping, we have account type constraints shown as {incomplete, disjoint}.

Note, that it is possible to have bank accounts with different combinations of account liability
and account type, for example, personal savings account or business money market account.
The purpose of savings account is to allow us to save money. Account holder can make some
limited number of deposits and withdrawals per month, while account provides no checks. Bank
usually pays interest rate that is higher than that of a checking account, but lower than a money
market account or CDs.

A checking account is a bank account that uses checks as a way to withdraw or transfer money
from the account - pay bills, buy items, transfer or loan money. Usually banks allow account
holders to make withdrawals and deposits through automatic teller machines (ATM). Basic
checking accounts, sometimes called No frills accounts, offer a limited set of services. They
usually do not pay interest, have lower required minimum balance, may restrict writing and/or
depositing more than a certain number of checks per month. Checking accounts with
interest have higher required minimum balance but pay interest (based on the average balance
maintained), and usually offer a better services, like allowing to write unlimited number of
checks. These accounts are sometimes referred to as negotiable order of withdrawal (NOW)

Money market account or money market deposit account (MMDA) pays interest at a higher rate
than the rate paid on savings or checking accounts with interest. Market accounts usually require
a higher minimum balance for the account to start earning interest, as compared to checking or
savings account. Fund withdrawals allowed per month are very limited.

Certificates of deposit (CDs) also known as time deposits are bank accounts that require the
account holder to make a relatively large deposit and leave funds in the account for some agreed
amount of time, usually several months or years. There is a penalty for early withdrawal of
funds. Because of these restrictions, the interest paid on a CD is usually higher than the interest
paid with other types of bank accounts.

Two special cases shown on this UML diagram are Children's Savings Account and Health
Savings Account (HSA). These two accounts are both Personal Accounts as well as Savings
Accounts. It is shown as multiple inheritance.

Children's Savings Account is a personal savings account that allows children to learn about
money savings, interest rates and see what this means in relation to their savings. Some banks
require some monthly fee or minimum balance and could charge fees, if an account is inactive or
there are too many small deposits.

Health Savings Account (HSA) is a personal savings account that allows individuals covered by
high-deductible health plans to receive tax-preferred treatment of money saved for future
medical expenses.

4. Online Shopping

UML Class Diagram Example

Here we provide an example of UML class diagram which shows a domain model for online
shopping. The purpose of the diagram is to introduce some common terms, "dictionary" for
online shopping - Customer, Web User, Account, Shopping Cart, Product, Order, Payment, etc.
and relationships between. It could be used as a common ground between business analysts and
software developers.

Each customer has unique id and is linked to exactly one account. Account owns shopping cart
and orders. Customer could register as a web user to be able to buy items online. Customer is not
required to be a web user because purchases could also be made by phone or by ordering from
catalogues. Web user has login name which also serves as unique id. Web user could be in
several states - new, active, temporary blocked, or banned, and be linked to a shopping cart.
Shopping cart belongs to account.
5. Hospital Management

UML Class Diagram Example

This is an example of a hospital domain model diagram. The domain model for the Hospital
Management System is represented by several class diagrams. The purpose of the diagram is
to show and explain hospital structure, staff, relationships with patients, and patient treatment

On the diagram below a Person could be associated with different Hospitals, and a Hospital

could employ or serve multiple Persons. Person class has derived
attributes name and homeAddress. Name represents full name and could be combined from title,
given (or first) name, middle name, and family (or last) name. Patient class has derived
attribute age which could be calculated based on her or his birth date and current date or hospital
admission date.

The Patient class inherits attributes from the Person class. Several inherited

attributes name, gender, and birthDate are shown with prepended caret '^' symbol (new
notation introduced in UML 2.5).

Ward is a division of a hospital or a suite of rooms shared by patients who need a similar kind of
care. In a hospital, there are a number of wards, each of which may be empty or have on it one or
more patients. Each ward has a unique name. Diagram below shows it using {id} modifier for
ward's name.
Wards are differentiated by gender of its patients, i.e. male wards and female wards. A ward can
only have patients of the gender admitted to it. Gender is shown as enumeration. Ward and
patient have constraint on Gender.

Every ward has a fixed capacity, which is the maximum number of patients that can be on it at
one time (i.e. the capacity is the number of beds in the ward). Different wards may have different

The doctors in the hospital are organised into teams (also called firms). Each team has a unique
name or code (e.g. Orthopaedics or Pediatrics) and is headed by a consultant doctor (in the UK,
Republic of Ireland, and parts of the Commonwealth) or attending physician (also known as
staff physician) (in the United States). Consultant doctor or attending physician is the senior
doctor who has completed all of his or her specialist training, residency and practices medicine in
a clinic or hospital, in the specialty learned during residency. She or he can supervise fellows,
residents, and medical students. The rest of the team are all junior doctors. Each doctor could be
a member of no more than one team.
Object Diagrams
Online Shopping Login Controller

UML Object Diagram Example

This is an example of object diagram which shows some runtime objects related to web user
login process. Class instance loginCtrl of the LoginController has several slots with structural
features of Integer and String types and corresponding value specifications.

The instance of LoginController is also associated with instances of UserManager,

CookieManager, and Logger. LoginController, UserManager, and HibernateUserDAO (Data
Access Object) share a single instance of Logger.

UserManager has private attribute defaultURIs which is ordered collection (array) of 5 unique
Strings. Instance of the CookieManager has two public structural features with specified values.
Most links are non navigable backwards.
Package Diagrams
Multi-Layered Application

UML Model Diagram Example

An example of UML model diagram representing a model of a layered application, based on

the Microsoft Application Achitecture Guide, 2nd Ed.

According to the Guide, layers are concerned with the logical division of components and
functionality, and do not take into account the physical location of components,
whereas tiers describe the physical distribution of the functionality and components on separate
servers, computers, networks, or remote locations. Layers can be located on different tiers, or
they may reside on the same tier.

Application model shows several layers - presentation layer, services layer, business, data, and
cross-cutting layers. All layers are represented as UML models.
Users and external systems are also represented as models, and communicate with presentation
and services layers, correspondingly. Diagram also shows data sources such as relational
databases and web service agents that provide access to data and external or remote services that
are consumed by the application.

Cross-cutting layer contains common functionality that spans layers and tiers. This functionality
typically supports authentication, authorization, caching, communication, exception
management, logging and instrumentation, and validation. Such functionality is generally
described as crosscutting concerns.
2. Java™ Platform Standard Edition 7 API

UML Package Diagram Example

This is an example of UML package diagram representing Java™ Platform Standard Edition

(SE) 7 API. Official API description is part of Oracle's Java Platform Standard Edition 7

Application Programming Interface (API) is a common programming term which is usually

defined as a set of interfaces, classes and some rules specifying how some client of the API could
(re)use the services and/or resources provided by the software component implementing that

Note, UML 2.5 does not provide notation or a stereotype to support modeling of APIs. On the
diagram below API is notated as a package stereotyped with double interface icon, which is not a
standard UML stereotype.

Java SE 7 API is comprised of several modules - User Interface and Toolkit APIs, APIs of
Integration Libraries, Other Base Libraries APIs, lang and util Base Libraries APIs, Java Virtual
Machine (JVM) API. Java SE 7 API is implemented by two Oracle products - Java SE
Development Kit (JDK) 7 and Java SE Runtime Environment (JRE) 7.
Java User Interface and Toolkit APIs include Swing, Java 2D™ Graphics and Imaging API,
Abstract Windowing Toolkit (AWT), Accessibility API, Drag and Drop Data Transfer, Input
Method Framework, Image I/O API, the Java™ Print Service API, Sound API.

Java Integration APIs contain Java IDL (CORBA), Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) 4.1
API, Java Naming and Directory Interface™ (JNDI) 1.2 API, Remote Method Invocation (RMI),
RMI-IIOP, Scripting 1.0 for the Java Platform.

Other (Extended) Base APIs consist of JavaBeans™ Component 1.01 API,

Internationalization, Java Management Extensions (JMX) 1.4 API, Java Native Interface (JNI),
Networking, Security, Object Serialization, the Java API for XML Processing (JAXP) 1.4, the
Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB) 2.2, the Java API for XML Web Services (JAX-
WS) 2.2, SOAP with Attachments API for Java (SAAJ) 1.3, etc.

Java Base APIs module is comprised of Java lang and util APIs, Collections Framework,
Concurrency API, Reflection, Reference Objects, Logging, Java Archive (JAR) API, Monitoring
and Management, Package Version Identification, Preferences API, etc.

Component Diagrams
1. Online Shopping

UML Component Diagram Example

An example of UML 2.5 component diagram for online shopping. The diagram shows "white-
box" view of the internal structure of three related subsystems - WebStore, Warehouses, and
Accounting. In UML «Subsystem» is a standard component stereotype for larger components,
usually containing some smaller components.
WebStore subsystem contains three components related to online shopping - Search
Engine, Shopping Cart, and Authentication. Search Engine component allows to search or
browse items by exposing provided interface Product Search and uses required
interface Search Inventory provided by Inventory component. Shopping Cart component
uses Manage Orders interface provided by Orders component during
checkout. Authentication component allows customers to create account, login, or logout and
binds customer to some account.

Accounting subsystem provides two interfaces - Manage Orders and Manage

Customers. Delegation connectors link these external contracts of the subsystem to the
realization of the contracts by Orders and Customers components.

Warehouses subsystem provides two interfaces Search Inventory and Manage Inventory used

by other subsystems and wired through dependencies.
Deployment Diagrams
1. Web Application

Manifestation Diagram Example

This is an example of UML deployment diagram which

shows manifestation of components by artifacts and internal structure of artifacts. I would call
this kind of deployment diagrams manifestation diagrams or implementation diagrams as
they actually do not show any deployments.

Web application archive artifact book_club_app.war contains several files, folders and
subfolders. Stereotypes «file» and «library» are standard UML stereotypes applicable to artifacts.
This diagram also shows non-standard stereotype «folder» which is rendered as package.

Several components are shown on the diagram manifested (implemented) by jar archive files.

2. Apple iTunes

UML Deployment Diagram Example

An example of deployment diagram for Apple iTunes application.

The iTunes setup application could be downloaded from iTunes website and installed on a home
computer. After installation and registration iTunes application could communicate with
Apple iTunes Store. Customer can buy and download music, video, TV shows, audiobooks, etc.
and store it in media library.

Mobile devices like Apple iPod Touch and Apple iPhone could update own media
libraries from home computer with iTunes through USB, or could download media directly
from Apple iTunes Store using some wireless protocol like Wi-Fi, 3G, or EDGE.

3. Android Application

UML Deployment Diagram Example

This is an example of UML deployment diagram which shows deployment of an application to


Android is a software stack for mobile devices that includes an operating system, middleware
and key applications. Android relies on Linux OS for core system services such as security,
memory management, process management, network stack, and driver model. The Linux kernel
also acts as an abstraction layer between the hardware and the rest of the software stack.

Android applications are written in Java. Android SDK tools compile and package the code
along with any required data and resource files into Android application archive file having .apk
suffix. The .apk file represents one Android application to be deployed to the Android-enabled
mobile devices.
Android applications are composed of one or more application components (activities, services,
content providers, and broadcast receivers). Each component performs a different role in the
overall application behavior, and each one can be activated individually (even by other

The manifest (deployment specification) file AndroidManifest.xml describes application

requirements, such as the minimum version of Android required and any supported hardware
configurations, and it also declares all components in the application.

With Android API Level 8 or later, application could be installed on the external storage (for
example, on the SD card). This is an optional feature that could be requested for the specific
application using a manifest attribute. By default, application is installed on the internal storage
of the mobile device and cannot be moved to the external storage.
Activity Diagrams
1. Draw Activity diagram for Online Order system.

2. Draw Activity diagram for Document Management Process.

1. State Machine Diagram
2. Component Diagram
3. Deployment Diagram

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