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What type of computer should I get?

I get asked this on a daily basis. When asked, I immedi-
ately started going through my checklist of follow-up What type of computer
questions. This is why I'm writing this guide: To help you
1 should I get?
navigate through all the potential pitfalls of building /
buying a computer and make sure the computer will So what changes when buying a
2 computer to do CG related work?
perform beyond expectations.

Now, buying a computer for general needs is pretty 3 What type of work will I be doing?
straight forward. How much do you want to spend and
does it need to be portable? Basically, as long as the
computer can browse the internet and do basic functions
4 What software will be used?

(i.e. email, text editing, spreadsheets, casual gaming, etc.)



So what changes when buying a mance! You can easily get a computer that costs
$10K+ (USD), but when you use it for your daily
computer to do CG related work? work, it is SLOWER than a computer that cost
$3K (USD).
I like to look to all the gaming computers out
there. Why are there gaming computers? It's So not only can computers be expensive, but you
because gaming requires more than just a basic also have a secondary expense: software.
computer. Unlike gaming, doing CG related work
can stress even the best computers. So how do To start, what are these questions?
we go about getting the right computer? • What type of work will I be doing?
• What software will be used?
• Budget?
• Buy vs DIY?

What type of work will I

be doing?
Computer hardware is not cheap! So maximizing
the money spent on the correct hardware,
allows for the best price to performance ratio
specific to your needs.

What type of work will this computer be doing on

a daily basis? By focusing on the immediate
needs, money will be spent in the areas directly
related to this answer:
• For example, a 3D modeler will need a different
computer than someone doing heavy FX / simu-
lation related work.
• What about heavy lighting / rendering work,
look / development, 2D graphics focus (Photo-
shop, Illustrator, etc.), VFX and simulation,
motion graphics, or animation work?

RESEARCH! So it's important to understand the primary task.

Why does it matter? Any computer should be You want to make sure these needs are understood
capable of doing what I need it to do, so why so that you can make sure the machine is setup
bother? It's a simple answer: Price vs. Perfor- optimally for the work you plan to do regularly.



What software will be used? • Are you running out of RAM?

• Are you running out of storage space?
Once you know the type of work being done, the • Is the storage solution slow?
next question is what software will be used? • Is I/O performance impacting overall
Have you ever looked at the minimum hardware • Are only a few cores of a multi-core CPU being
spec requirements for a piece of software? If
• How responsive is the view-port or software
not, this is a great place to start. Software devel-
interaction on the average project?
opers understand their software better than
anyone and the minimum specs are very import- Summary of Computing Needs:
ant to how the software will perform on the new When asking these questions, being honest is
computer. To get the best experience and perfor- critical! I know we all want to the latest and
mance possible, these basics hardware specs greatest on the market, but do we really need that
need to be met. hardware to help make our experience better?

• Some software is highly multi-threaded, mean- Once we have the answers to those questions, it
ing it will fully utilize all available CPU cores, will help to focus by making educated decisions
while other software may not. related to hardware upgrades and / or a new
• What about GPU utilization with rendering and computer easier. If more RAM is needed, yet the
GPU simulations? current hardware is already maxed out, there is no
• So is a high CPU core count important to the point in spending any more money on upgrades
software, or would more GPUs be more beneficial? when a new computer is going to be required.

Understanding those needs will allow you to Again, it's about how will the money being spent
adjust the budget to focus on those areas that help improve the working experience? Or, will it
will directly impact how the software will make it possible to render larger resolutions
perform. If you are spending almost 30% of the images or simulating high resolution fire and
budget on a high-end GPU, but the software will smoke effects?
not take advantage of that extra power, money
may be better spent elsewhere. So have this list of needs handy as we move
through this guide.

TIP: To analyze the computer's performance while working can help determine any
bottlenecks or weaknesses of the existing computer that need to be addressed with the
new computer. In Windows, open the task manager or the equivalent monitor utility
specific to the OS. By watching resource usage while working during all stages of
production will help gather information to make better hardware requirement decisions.



How many computers will be needed?
This may seem strange, but it is very important in estab-
lishing the overall budget required to meet the computing QUESTIONS:
needs. So why is this important? Simple:

How many computers

• If you build a single monster machine -- only to realize 1 will be needed?
that most of the time, it's busy doing simulations -- you
are unable to use the computer to do other things. Would
two or more lesser computers have been a better choice?
So would your work-flow benefit
• Allowing for heavy processing type work to be offload- from having a dedicated machine
ed to another computer frees up the primary computer 2 specifically setup for doing
for creating iterations or working on other projects while simulation work? rendering?
file server?
the other simulation / rendering work is being done. This
can have a huge impact upon your productivity while
working on multiple jobs at the same time.



So would your work-flow benefit from

having a dedicated machine
specifically setup for doing simulation
work? rendering? file server?

Most simulation work is mostly CPU and RAM

intensive. Meaning that having a fast CPU and as
much memory as the motherboard will help
improve the simulation performance. Adding a
high performance GPU to this machine would
probably have little to no impact upon the simu-
lation performance. Again, this is why it's import-
ant to understand the software because you will
know if adding a GPU will aid or not. Otherwise
that money is better spent elsewhere (like
getting a better CPU and more RAM) and just
getting a basic GPU for just display purposes.

Rendering, similar to simulations, can be very

resource intensive. Most rendering engines scale
very well with multiple CPUs and CPUs with a
higher number of cores. So getting a render node
with as many CPU cores as possible and a
decent amount of RAM will be beneficial. So
that's just one way to setup a render node.
Remember those questions asked earlier about
the hardware requirements for the software?
That definitely applies here! Some of the newer
render engines are now using both CPU and GPU
or GPU only. Understanding that distinction may
mean that a render node has a lower end CPU
and basic RAM amount but with 4 or more
high-end GPU’s for rendering (since all the work-
load is handled by the GPU).

So once we have all of this information, we can

now move onto the next step of how much is this
going to cost.




We know what type of work we will be doing and the
software requirements along with the potential of using
Up to this point,
more than a single computer we can dig into establish- money has only
ing a budget. I know I've stated this many times before, been reference
but the whole point is to make sure the money is being
spent in the correct areas.
in relationship to
performance. Now we
• So we focus on the hardware needs we established. In need to establish how
some cases that may mean getting high-end CPU or
additional GPU’s to help with rendering needs. For exam-
much money will be
ple, spending $1200 on a GPU when upgrading RAM and spent on the new
CPU directly address the weaknesses of the computer. computer hardware.
By focusing the budget on the needs defined earlier,
everything else is extra.



• The second part comes from what "type" of more money, but can be fully customized to your
machine to get? Do you go and buy a computer needs. They will also come with support and be
from one of the big name brands or build your a great option for those looking for something
own? Both have the pros and cons, it's all going quick and easy to get up and running.
to depend on the user.
3. The last option is to simply build your own
Options: computer. Here is where there can be a LOT of
1. Depending on your hardware proficiency, you savings when building your own computer. This
may want to just buy a machine from a manufac- will allow you to spend the same amount of
turer that matches your needs. You are getting money as the other options, while getting a more
hardware that has been thoroughly tested for powerful computer. Or, it may allow for multiple
compatibility and long term stability. Additional- computers instead of a single computer. This will
ly, you will have technical support for any prob- also allow you to build a machine with a good
lems that may arise. So if there is a hardware upgrade path to help spread out the cost of the
failure, parts are usually overnighted or expedit- computer. Meaning you could get a machine with
ed. Any potential down time is minimized. The half the amount of RAM or with an entry level
downside is that these computers are more GPU, and then add them later down the road.
expensive, as you are paying for the support and
extra research and development. By taking the time to do some research, you can
find the type of machine that best suits your
2. Another option, very similar to the name brand needs and then maximize the budget to get the
option -- is to use a respected internet retailer of best performing computer on your budget.
custom computers. They do tend to be a little



After completing the
Since most retailers will have plenty of information about first section, research,
each of the various computer levels they offer, this guide the next step is finding
will focus on the third option. The DIY (Do-It-Yourself) hardware to fulfill those needs.
custom computer build. It can be overwhelming for a There are a few options: Buy
person new to building their first PC computer, but it's not
from a major name brand
really too difficult and this guide will help walk you through
company (Dell, HP, Boxx, etc.),
the steps for picking out each of the necessary parts.
Internet Direct custom
Before we get started, this is a guide and as such, will not
computer build (Falcon
be able to account for all the various options and excep- Northwest, Razer, etc.), or DIY
tions. So I will try to cover the most relevant areas and with custom PC.
this information, educated deviations can be made. Sec-
ondly, do a search online for similar builds matching your ideal machine. See what others have built and
any potential problems they may have run into. If you know some of the potential pitfalls in advance, it
can make the hardware choices a little easier knowing what works and what hardware to avoid.

Lastly, this guide will talk about the decision making process, but I will try to stay away from specific
hardware due to hardware changing so fast it will be hard to keep this document up to date. The
thought process is the same, while the hardware will change fairly rapidly




CPU (Central Processing Unit): multi-threading CPU or will a normal enthusiast

The CPU (Central Processing Unit) is the brain of CPU work? In most cases, a mid to top end
a computer handling all of the instructions given enthusiast CPU will be more than enough to do
to it. The faster it can do those instructions the the work needed.
better it is.
A common misconception, especially within the
CPUs come in all different types. Intel has the Intel line, is getting a Xeon machine is going to
iCore5, iCore7, iCore9 consumer/enthusiast be a much faster machine. Having both a
grade and the Xeon line for the profession / top-end Xeon machine and a top-end iCore 7
server grade. AMD has the Ryzen consumer line machine sitting on my desk, I can confidently say
and the ThreadRipper for the enthusiast line. that they are two VERY different computers. Just
because the Xeon machine costs 3x more than
With all these CPUs to choose from, where to the iCore7 machine doesn't automatically make
start? Look at the notes created from the it faster. In fact, most cases it's actually slower
research stage and determine if you need heavy than the iCore7 machine.



So which one to choose? A Xeon machine is So for most uses, an iCore7, iCore9 or an AMD
really going to be best suited for highly ThreadRipper machine will be a much better
multi-threaded applications, like CPU rendering. choice. The lack of overall number of cores is
CPU rendering scales well the more cores you offset by a much higher per core clock speed. So
have, the faster the rendering will go. So having a why is this important? If a process is single
72+ core machine will be an absolute beast threaded, meaning a single core is being used, it
when rendering, but due to having so many doesn't matter how many cores are in the
cores, each core may run at a much slower per system, it's going to come down to the clock
core clock speed. Meaning any tasks that is not speed of the core itself. So in with my Xeon
multi-threaded very well, can become very slow. machine, each core runs at 2.8GHz whereas the
Nothing worse than working on a project and iCore 7 machine runs at 4.2GHz (OC). That is a
waiting on the computer to do something, and pretty significant performance difference when
watching 71 cores do nothing while 1 core is comparing the same generation of CPUs.
pegged at 100% usage.
So I have found that the Intel iCore line and the
AMD ThreadRipper are going to be the best
options to choose.

My simply philosophy when choosing a CPU: Get

the biggest and fastest CPU you can afford
within those lines. If building a secondary
machine, you may even want to consider the
previous generation's top of the line CPU as it
will be heavily discounted. Since it's a secondary
machine you can save quite a bit of money at the
cost of 10%15% performance.

Remember, the CPU is the heart of the system

and everything else will be built around the CPU.
So once you have it selected, we need to move to
the next phase.



CPU Cooling Solutions: headaches later during the build process.

With a CPU selected, we need to find a way to
keep that CPU running nice and cool. There are 3 Self contained water cooling units or liquid CPU
standard options for CPU cooling: Air cooled, self coolers. These coolers include a CPU water
contained water cooling, and custom water block and pump assembly with a radiator in a
cooling. Since custom water cooling could be an self-contained unit. So it's ready to be installed
entire guide all by itself and the installation com- right out of the box without having to mess with
plexity, I'm going to leave that for the advanced filling the system with the liquid. These units are
DIY users. So let's focus on the first two options. ideal for keeping CPUs as cool as possible and in
most cases allow for OC (Over clocking) the CPU
Air cooled solutions use a large heat sink to pull to run even faster than factory specs.
the heat away from the CPU and then utilize large
fans to blow across the heat sink to help keep it This is the single most important thing to watch,
cool. There are many great options out there for especially when these machines can typically be
air cooling. I strongly suggest doing some running at 100% CPU usage for days or even
research to see which cooler others are using weeks at a time. Keeping things cool will keep
and how well they worked. Reading reviews is a the machine running stable but also reduce any
great way to judge performance as well as excess heat related stress on the hardware.
fitment issues. Air cooled solutions can be quite
large and may restrict access to memory DIMM These coolers can vary in size, so keep this in
slots on the motherboard and potentially prevent mind when choosing a computer case. The
memory with large heat sinks from being radiator will need to mounted with good access
installed. So do some research as this can save to fresh air to help keep the radiator cool.



While the CPU is the brain of the computer, the For most users, you will want to try and get a
motherboard is the nervous system. It allows all motherboard with 8 DIMM slots. This will allow
of the various components talk to each other. Ie. for potential upgrades later on. This will be
CPU, RAM, Storage, Networking, USB, GPU, etc. discussed in more depth in the RAM section, but
this can be important if you are sticking to a tight
Picking the right motherboard is much easier than budget, but want to build in a solid upgrade path
picking a CPU, since the number of motherboard for the future.
options is dependent upon the CPU chosen. Each
CPU has a unique socket it uses. For the current Again, it's a good idea to read some reviews on the
generation of iCore 7 machines it's a LGA 1151 motherboards to help narrow them down. Then
and for AMD ThreadRipper it's a sTR4. look to see if anyone had issues with the various
boards to help you better prepare or pick the
So once you know what socket motherboard you correct components. When in doubt, each mother-
need, there are typically a handful of options for board will come with a verified hardware list of
each manufacturer. They will vary by features components they have tested for full compatibility.
listed here:
• Number of memory slots The last thing to pay attention to is the form
• Additional networking ports factor of the motherboard. Motherboards range
• Gaming specific networking from ITX, ATX to EATX and beyond. So what do
• RAID storage controllers for storage arrays those letters mean? They are a sizing indicator
• Easy OC utilities for the physical dimensions of the motherboard.
• Up to 7.1 audio channels This is VERY important to take note of, as this
• Built-in bluetooth will be required when choosing a case. The case
• Wi-Fi will need to be able to accommodate the mother-
board chosen, especially if it's in the EATX or
These are just a few of the options between the larger range. These will require a mid to full
various boards. Most of these will all be running the tower case which can get large. So keep this in
same chipset, so it's just a matter of choosing the mind if you have size constraints in or around
option that fits your needs and budget. Asus, EVGA, your desk.
and MSI are just a few of the many motherboard
manufacturers that make quality motherboards.



RAM: RAM for the first 32GB and then keep those
RAM (Random Access Memory) is a type of specs handy. Down the road, you will need to get
memory that all computers have. This memory the EXACT same RAM originally purchased. This
allows for accessing information without having will maximize compatibility and keep things
to touch the previous bytes, meaning it's very running smoothly when upgrading to 64GB.
fast at getting exactly the information needed.
You can also do the same thing if you want to
Now that a motherboard has been chosen, it's time get to 128GB of RAM (assuming your particular
to open up the specifications of the motherboard. motherboard supports up to 128GB of RAM!)
This is where the memory specs can be found. You can get 4 16GB sticks for the first 64GB and
This will help to determine the type of memory then upgrade to more RAM down the road. This
used and more importantly, what type of memory can help with budgeting for the computer and
will be needed if wanting to OC the machine. splitting up the cost of the memory. When
getting into the 64GB+ amounts, it can get
Memory can vary greatly in price depending on expensive, depending on the RAM needed.
the frequency speed of the RAM. If you don't
plan to OC your machine, then there is no point GPU:
buying the fastest RAM you can find, since the GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) is what creates
memory will not be running at those speeds images within a frame buffer to then be output to
unless OC is involved. So it's best to get the a monitor or display device. The faster the GPU
fastest RAM before the (OC) identifier in the can process the information the better the
specs sheet. If you do plan to OC, then you will performance, especially within a gaming environ-
definitely want to look into the faster memory as ment. So how does this impact the performance
this will be required for stability when OC. of a computer specialized for doing DCC (Digital
My typical advise for people is to get as much Content Creation)?
RAM as you can afford. Especially for those
doing memory intensive tasks, like advanced Again, we are going to go back to our initial
destruction or volumetric simulations. These can research to see how critical a power GPU will be
easily bypass the 64GB amount depending on for the software being used. In most cases, the
the settings. So it's good to keep this in mind. GPU is going to have the least amount of impact
on overall performance of the computer, unless
Another option, is to get 4 sticks of RAM first, heavily relying upon a GPU rendering engine. In
allowing for an additional 4 sticks of identical this situation, the GPU will be doing most of the
RAM to be added at a later time. So if you goal is heavy lifting and should be the focus of the
to grow into 64GB of RAM. Get 4 8GB sticks of computer build.



So if most of your software doesn't really get If you fall into the category of GPU rendering,
major improvements from a high-end GPU, then then you may want to consider using multiple
getting a mid to lower lever GPU will save some GPUs for gaining extra performance. In the same
money to be allocated to getting a better CPU manner the Xeon machines scale well with CPU
and more RAM. I see it all too often, users will rendering engines, the same can be said about
spend $800+ on a top-end GPU, sacrificing CPU using multiple GPUs for GPU rendering. My
and RAM, greatly reducing the overall perfor- suggestion is to get a mid to low level GPU for
mance of the computer. display purposes only. Meaning it will only drive
the monitors and then add 23 additional high-end
It's a balancing act between budget and perfor- GPUs for the sole purpose of doing all the render-
mance. If your work heavily relies upon the GPU, ing without impacting the display performance.
then get the fastest one you can at the expense
of the CPU and RAM. If not, then the opposite You can even take this a step further and getting
can be said. In most cases, the mid-level GPUs PCIe expansion cables to relocate the GPUs into
have the best price to performance ratios. So just an external enclosure to have even more than 4
keep that in mind when choosing a GPU. GPUs installed into a single computer. I'll save
that for a later topic as that requires an addition-
al PSU for all those power hunger GPUs.



Storage for Workstations: Cache Drive:

Now that we have established the base system, So what is a cache drive? This is a drive that's
it's time to talk about storage options and strate- meant to be used for program caching purposes.
gies. Storage includes traditional HDDs (Hard So programs like Adobe After Effects, Adobe
Disk Drives), SSDs, M.2 SSDs and RAID arrays. Premiere, Fusion, Nuke, etc. can all make use of
a cache drive that is separate from the actual
In this section, let's breakdown the uses and then frame data. This allows for faster performance
pick a suitable storage solution. This will be when having to read data from one and caching
easier and will allow for a more concise explana- it to another without bottlenecking the single
tion of each choice. drive. I also use it for any other software temp
storage like Photoshop / Illustrator and similar
OS Drive: programs to keep the temps files off of the main
The OS (Operating System) drive is where the OS OS drive and slower standard HDDs.
will be installed. You will want this to be one of
the fastest drives in the computer. An SSD is The best price to performance drive for this
going to the best choice here. It doesn't need to purpose is a traditional SSD. Again this drive
be too big, storage wise, as this is just going to doesn't need to be a huge drive, but something
be the OS and all of the programs installed on around 256GB 512GB is more than enough. I
the computer. So a 256GB to 512GB SSD will be used to use a RAID 0 for this purpose, but the
more than enough for most users. SSDs performance are just as fast and depend-
ing on the drives used in the RAID 0, can actually
Now, if the motherboard has the option, you be even faster.
should also look into an M.2 SSD. These can be
upwards of 4x faster than an SSD. NOTE: M.2 is
simply a form factor and not the true speed of
the drive itself. There are many types of M.2
SSDs out there so you want to focus on the
drives that run on the PCI Express x4 paired with
NVMe (NonVolatile Memory Express) standards
to get the absolute best performance possible.
With read capabilities up to 3500 MBps / Write
up to 2100 MBps for a M.2 PCIe x4 compared to
a standard SSD with read capabilities up to 550
MBps / Writes up to 520 MBps. So you can see a
pretty significant performance jump.



Storage - General: failure. Now this isn't a perfect solution and data
So I almost always recommend a general stor- can still be lost, but this option offers better
age drive. This drive is meant to be used for speed than a single HDD with the added benefit
storing general information, software installation of data redundancy so the array can be rebuilt if
downloads, music, videos, photos, etc. This drive a drive does go bad.
will vary by person and the amount of storage
they need. Most mid to high end motherboards support
RAID levels 0, 1, 5, and 10. There are pros and
I use a standard HDD here, as this just needs to cons to each RAID level and it's good to read up
be cheap storage to keep files handy, but not on each one to see which suits your needs the
needed for any actual work duties. So you can best. NOTE: While a RAID array does offer data
get any size that you require. Most of my builds redundancy, it should NEVER be used as a
tend to have at least a 1TB drive. backup or your critical project files. So a good
backup strategy is still very important. What the
I also use this drive for any Gaming services you RAID array does allow for hardware failures and
may use like Steam,, EA Origins, etc. potentially better performance.
Since many of those games can be quite large,
it's not work putting those games on a very My go to RAID array is RAID 10, as this gives me
expensive per GB storage solution like the M.2 the best performance with data redundancy at
SSD or a general SSD. That's not saying you can't the cost of overall storage space. This requires a
use an SSD, but this will depend on the budget as minimum of 4 HDDS. Typically this is only used
this can be an expensive use of disk space. for the few projects that are active and as soon
as a project is finished and ready to be archived,
Storage - Projects: the project is moved into the archive system
Project storage is more important to get a nice setup. This can be an online service or a series
storage solution. I'm going to address this from of external HDDs making sure there are duplicate
a single computer standpoint, but there are many backups incase of a HDD failure.
other options out there as well that can work well
for this purpose also. Storage Notes:
Now most of the suggestions above are how I
Most times, this requires a large amount of data. build a standard workstation for use in our
So traditional HDDs are still going to be used for office. That doesn't mean you can't deviate from
this purpose. In many cases a drive 6TB+ will be what's stated above. I know those who have a
more than adequate. If you want a little more little extra money will use SSDs for everything,
performance and some security against a HDD add the expense of cost. So just use your best
failure read below about using a RAID array instead. judgement and go with what works in your
budget. You do not need to have a separate drive
For a good project storage solution, I use a RAID for everything stated above, it's just an option to
array. The reasons are for performance and data keep in mind while building your new computer.
redundancy in case of a catastrophic HDD



PSU: Case:
PSU (Power Supply Unit) provides the necessary The case is responsible to holding all of the
power required by the computer components by awesome components picked out for the com-
taking the AC power and converting it into low- puter. There are many different types of cases
voltage DC power. out there, so make sure you follow the below
There are a few factors to keep in mind when
picking out a PSU: General Case Notes:
• General System requirements? • Make sure the case can accommodate the
• Additional GPU cards? motherboard's size (EATX, ATX, ITX, etc.)
• Modular? • Is there room for a CPU water cooled radiator?
• Future growth? • Multiple locations for more than one?
Those questions will help you choose the right • Is there enough room to accommodate highend
PSU for your needs. I try to think longterm. If the GPUs due to their extra length?
machine will end up having multiple GPUs then, I • Enough HDD storage locations for the number
purchase a large PSU up front, so it will not need of HDDS planned on being used?
to be upgraded to a bigger one later. Not only is • Good cable management holes to allow for
this expensive, but can be time consuming good airflow?
pulling out all of the power cables with the new • Necessary front ports?
replacement cables. So spending the extra • USB 3, Audio, ESata, Firewire, etc.
money to get a 12001500 Watt PSU may be a
good choice for future growth. These are just a few things to be looking for in a
case. Since optical drives are not needed as
I try to make sure I size the PSU appropriately to much, I tend to use cases that allow for radiator
the machine's needs with some headroom. Then mounting at the front of the case. This allows
get at least a Gold or Platinum efficiency rated fresh air to be passed through the radiator and
unit as they run a little cooler and last longer. passed through the case. Make sure to have at
least one fan pulling air out of the rear of the
NOTE: A PSU will only draw the amount of power case. Along with a few fans pulling the hot air
it needs to regardless of it's size. Meaning an out of the top of the case. Good airflow through-
1500W PSU will not draw more power than an out the case will keep things running nice and
800W PSU just due to it's size. Again, it will only cool during those long sim calculations and
use as much power as the computer needs. weeks of rendering.



Typical Builds:
Here are a few typical builds that I've setup as kind of a baseline for certain industries. I'll give a short
breakdown of each build and why I chose the components I have.

Budget 3D Generalist Build:

First up is a 3D generalist build. This is a starter machine for a total budget under $2500 (USD). As a
generalist machine, it's not setup specifically for a specific discipline, but more as a multitool that can do
a variety of different tasks. There is also some room for future upgrades as the user grows into the



It's based on an Intel iCore9 processor with a feature rich motherboard, allowing for future upgrades to
RAM and GPU. This build starts with 32GB of RAM, with the ability to upgrade to 64GB of RAM max. A
CPU self contained watercooler to keep CPU temps low and for overclocking capability. The nVidia
RTX 2080 GPU provides a great price / performance ratio, for providing responsive view-port feedback.
The 8GB onboard memory will be good for GPU rendering. A fun side note, this machine is dead silent
under normal usage. Something to keep in mind when working next to your computer.

VFX / Simulation Build: scale well for those looking for good CPU render-
Next is a VFX based build and with a few adjust- ing performance.
ments can be easily turned into a simulation /
render node. This is a highend machine trying to Another notable difference; 128GB of RAM!
keep the total budget around $5000 (USD). This Memory is extremely important for those large
machine is based around heavy CPU usage requir- destruction shots and high grid resolution water,
ing a LOT of RAM with 128GB setup for this build. smoke and fire simulations. Speaking of those
high resolution simulation and cache data sets, 3 x
Notes: 6TB HDDs in a RAID 5 or RAID 10 configuration
What makes this system different, besides the providing great performance and data redundancy.
higher price tag? It's based on the highend iCore9
with strong overclocking ability into the 4+GHz Since the main focus of this machine is to get
range. This is a 12 core (24 hyper threaded) with a simulations done as quickly as possible, the GPU is
good base clock speeds making I a very capable not as important. That doesn't mean that you can't
CPU. So this will provide a good performance put a better GPU into this system, but the focus
doing fire / smoke simulations and caching out was on simulation performance and currently most
particles. The higher number of cores will also simulation software is still mostly CPU based.





Look Development Build:

This is a look development base build. This is a mid level machine trying to keep the total budget around
$4000 (USD). This machine is based around medium CPU usage and heavy GPU usage.

This machine is similar to the 3D generalist build only with a focus on doing look development work
utilizing more GPU power. This machine is setup with only 2 GPUs, but can be upgraded to 3 GPUs total
without having to get a
bigger PSU. Additionally,
the RAM has been
upgraded to 64GB to help
with loading heavy
scenes into 3D software
and useful for CPU
rendering as well. This is
going to be a good all
around performing
machine for CPU/GPU
rendering while keeping
the budget in check.

Hardware conclusion:
As you can see, there are
many factors to consider
when building a machine.
Hopefully this section
has shown you what to
be looking for in hard-
ware when it comes time
to build your computer.
Computer is constantly
changing, and being able
to understand what is
important to your needs
will help you get the best
performance out of your
machine while staying on



Introduction: The most important IT
Many people ask about setting up a nice home studio or rule — is to do it right
maybe even a small office setup for a few employees. So
I thought I would lay down some of the basic ground rules the first time. Taking time
I use for a home studio and small office. Some of the to research and plan the future
hardware scales well and others, not so much. So it's
important to understand the studio's needs and make
growth of the studio will save
sure the hardware addresses those needs and allows for both time and money. Looking
everyone to remain productive throughout the project.
back at how important research is
It's one thing to know how to build your own computer, to creating the optimal worksta-
but what about setting up an entire studio? No two tion, the same goes for setting up
studios are the same, but they share common hardware
needs. As an artist, working at a studio, it's easy to take Ideation,
a small studio:
for granted all of the planning and execution setting up planning and then
the hardware backbone for the studio. It's important to
have a robust technology backbone easily adapting to the execution.
studio as it changes over time.



The spinal column is critical for communication These are just a few questions. It's important to
between the brain and the rest of the body, the have long-term goals and know where the studio
same way the technology backbone of the studio is going. Like every journey, knowing the end goal
can impact the studio's day-to-day operations. will allow for the most direct path from the
current location. Making smart choices at the
To simplify the process, think about each area beginning will keep costs affordable while pro-
individually and create a plan of action. When viding flexibility for the studio.
setup properly, the technology should fade into
the background and do what it was designed to Network:
do. When setup properly, it will save both time The network is the highway upon which all
and money! communication between devices will travel,
allowing all the computers, servers, render farm
It's a lot to think about and it can be overwhelm- and wireless devices to communicate seamless-
ing, so let's break it down into the following ly with each other.
• Networking The network is often called the backbone of the
• Servers studio as almost every daily task requires some
• Workstations type of communication with another device or
• Render Farm the internet. In many cases, networking can be
overlooked as not being a priority in terms of
Just like the building a workstation guide, planning or budgeting.
research will be critical for determining the
studio's needs. Here are a few of the questions So why is networking so important? The network
that will need to be answered: is like a water pipe, used to move water from one
• What type of work will be done? location to another. The pipe is only so large so it
• How much storage will be needed? can only move so much water before reaching
• A render farm? the pipe's max capacity. For example, you want
• Single employee or multiple people? to fill a swimming pool but the only source of
• Growth potential over the next few years? water is a small garden hose. Due to the garden
hose's diameter, it only allows for a small amount
of water to flow. So it will take more time to fill
up the pool. If increasing the size of the hose,



more water can flow through the hose, reducing networking devices sold today are switches. But it's
the amount of time required. important to verify when buying the smaller 4 port
switches, to verify they are not inexpensive hubs.
Unlike water pipes, networking traffic needs to Switches come in many configurations. So it's
travel in both directions at the same time. It's good to plan ahead.
important to make sure the network has enough
bandwidth to allow for the studio's needs regard- Ask the following questions:
ing the amount of traffic planned. • How many computers will be used during the
first year?
Let's start at the heart of the networking • Second year?
sub-system: The network switch. A network • Third year?
switch connects devices together on a computer • Will there be a render farm?
network. It processes and routes data from the • How many file servers?
host device to the destination device, allowing
computers to talk to each other. By taking time to answer these few questions
will help to properly setup a network capable of
A network switch is different than a network hub. not only the immediate needs, but future needs
A network hub simply broadcasts the data to all also. There is nothing worse than needing more
the network devices connected to it, hoping the network bandwidth in the middle of a tight dead-
device looking for the information finds it within line. Making changes to the network may create
the broadcast. Hubs are very inefficient. They can some downtime and can impact project delivera-
fill up needed bandwidth with unnecessary infor- bles, so it's best to get it setup properly from the
mation and noise for all other devices connected. very beginning. So with a little planning, the
As the number of devices connected to the hub network will be able to handle anything thrown at
increases, the network will become saturated it.
with all the information being broadcast and
greatly reduce the network's performance. When setting up networks for a studio, I prefer to
use managed switches. A managed switch
In contrast, a switch is smart enough to know allows for better control over the LAN (Local Area
where the data is coming from and where it Network) traffic with advanced features to con-
needs to go. So it can streamline the information figure, manage and monitor the LAN traffic. This
delivery by removing all of the unnecessary broad- is important when there is a lot of network traffic
cast information and only sending and receiving by giving the render farm network priority over
data to the devices requesting information streaming services like Pandora, iTunes, Spotify,
Netflix, YouTube, etc. The network has a limited
It's important to understand the differences amount of bandwidth, by controlling what infor-
between switches and hubs as most of the mation gets priority over the bandwidth will keep



Example Networking Scenario: studio. Keep the access-points cabled into the
After research, a 48-port switch will be needed to main switch with the other computers, keeping
handle all the existing needs and future expan- all the Wi-Fi traffic off of the switch used for the
sions. It would make sense to get one 48-port render farm. Again, preventing the Wi-Fi traffic
switch for the entire studio. This may be a good from saturating the network used for the render
option for most normal small business offices, farm and limiting it's bandwidth.
but not for a studio with an on-site render farm,
as this can present a problem. Rendering, sim- Bandwidth:
ming and / or caching out complex VFX shots The term bandwidth keeps coming up, but what
will generate a lot of data. Reading and writing does bandwidth mean? Bandwidth is the volume
this data over the network will slow down the of data per unit of time that a network connec-
entire network. tion can handle.

In this scenario, it will be more efficient to isolate The current networking standard is 1GbE, which
the heavy network use of the render farm, to a translates to 1 Gigabit (bit NOT byte) networking,
smaller switch, effectively isolating this traffic or 1024 Mb/s. A 1GbE network's maximum
from the rest of the studio. By using two switch- transfer rate is 125 MB/s, which is the maximum
es instead of one the network traffic will be split transfer speed possible. Depending on the files
between the two switches. The render farm size and type, it can be much slower.
traffic will be separated from the rest of the
studio's daily network operations. Freeing up In the CG industry, it's easy to create very large
bandwidth for the rest of the studio. The main data sets. Whether it's a fire, smoke or water
files server(s) and render farm on one switch and simulation, a large particle system cache or
the rest of the studio on another switch, allowing proxy mesh file, transferring all that information
for more bandwidth for the main office. between computers can be a heavy burden on
the network.
To add Wi-Fi capabilities to the network, add an
access-point to the network. It's important to get
the appropriate number of access point devices
to provide adequate coverage for the entire



If additional bandwidth is needed, you can upgrade For a file server, using a hardware RAID subsys-
to a 10GbE network. This will require a special tem will provide the best storage performance. A
switch, or a 10GbE module will need to be added hardware RAID array will use the RAID controller
to an existing switch, if supported. The servers and card for all the RAID data processing, freeing up
any other device needing 10GbE speeds will the server's CPU and RAM for other purposes.
require 10GbE NIC adapters and cables to support The server can also be used as a software
the additional bandwidth. Each file server will now license server and a render farm management
have 10x the bandwidth of a 1GbE network, so it software manager / repository without impacting
definitely worth the extra money. the performance of the storage RAID array during
Many mid-level switches support this protocol heavy machine CPU usage.
with adapters. Install the adapter into the switch
and then add an 10GbE NIC (Network Interface
Controller) card to the server. You can also link
the two switches together with a 10GbE link as
well to help boost the bandwidth between the
two switches.

A server is a computer dedicated to a specific
task for users to use. Here are a few example of
server types:
• File server
• Print server
• License server
• Database server
• Web server
• Etc.

So what type of computer can be used as a

server? A robust file server will be a computer
server running a server grade OS, Windows
Server, Linux, etc, and a hardware RAID array
providing maximum server duty flexibility while
offering the best upgrade path. Just like worksta-
tions, the servers with better hardware will also
perform better, allowing the server to take on
several server roles.



Why do servers use a RAID array for storage? array will be created with it's own virtual disk.
Just like adding a second HDD into a computer,
There are two main reasons: the new RAID array will be another drive for
• Data redundancy storage and file sharing responsibilities. The
• Increased HDD performance. number of HDDs and enclosures supported will
be determined by the RAID controller. So it's
First, data redundancy will protect the data in the good to know this information when planning for
event of a HDD failure. Depending on the RAID future storage expansion when needed as the
level, no data will be lost in the event of a HDD studio's needs grow.
failure. The number of drive failures is different
for each RAID level, so it's best to read up of the What other roles can a server fulfill?
benefits of each type. More importantly, the RAID
array will still be accessible, even in a degraded Since the server is running a server OS, additional
state, for everyone in the studio, minimizing license software can be installed. A license
down time due to drive failures. When the faulty server becomes the hub for all the floating soft-
HDD is replaced, the RAID array will rebuild itself ware licenses, keeping them all located on a
and when finished will be back to full speed. single machine. This makes the setup easy since
all the users will already have access to the
Since time is money, having a server go down server. Administration and license upgrades
may mean the studio is unable to work due to a become easier to manage with them being cen-
hardware failure. This can be very expensive in trally located.
lost time and cost of staff being unable to work.
Another benefit of a RAID system is the perfor- Now the server has two roles: file server and
mance benefits tailored to the needs of the license server. These two roles will not create
studio or server application. more work for the CPU, so we can look at addi-
tional roles for the server. Another role can be
There are many RAID levels: render farm management.
• Maximum read performance
• Write performance When setting up a render farm, it's easy to over-
• Maximum data redundancy look render node management software. Since
• Combination of all three listed above the file / license server will have available process-
ing capacity, it makes sense to use as a render
Another great advantage of a hardware RAID manager. Render farm management means the
system is expandability. Most RAID adapters server will coordinate all render jobs submitted to
allow for stacking of enclosures. Meaning if the render farm and then assigning each job to all
more storage is needed -- simply add another available render nodes. Programs like Backburner,
enclosure. Setup the RAID array and more stor- Deadline, Qube!, etc. all require a centralized
age is now available. The new storage is NOT machine running the management software.
added to the existing RAID array, as a new RAID



In addition to a traditional server, there are other

more affordable options for a server. They are
limited in the number of roles they can do, but
will be much cheaper to get started.

Many people use NAS (Network Attached Stor-

age) to handle file server duties. They are
low-cost solutions running a light version of a
Linux OS (Operating System) or a proprietary OS
developed by the NAS manufacturer. While they
are a great entry level server, they are limited by
the hardware and software.

On the hardware side, the RAID system used is

typically software based. In this setup, the device
CPU and RAM will handle the I/O (Input / Output)
processing operations. You get the data redun-
dancy with reduced performance due to limita-
tions of the software RAID relying heavily upon
the resources of the NAS device. These devices
usually have very little computing power and
don't have much RAM, so performance will not
be it's strongest trait.

Another limitation of a NAS is lack of expandabil-

ity and upgrade potential. Most devices can not
be upgraded other than adding a bit more RAM or
adding / swapping HDDs for additional storage, if
unused HDD bays are available. Lastly, some
lower end models only come with a single 1GbE
network connection. As discussed earlier in this
article, bandwidth limitations will be a bottleneck
for most users needing the bandwidth for a large
data sets. Without an option to add additional
NIC cards or improving the network connection,
the upgrade path is non-existent.



As you can see, there are many advantages for es the amount of data to be transferred. Again,
having dedicated server(s). I always recommend adding flexibility will be important as the studio
at least 1 file server for any studio setup. continues grow.
Depending on the size of the render farm, I sug-
gest adding a secondary file server. Workstations:
Now that the backbone of the studio has been
The primary file server will be used for everything setup, let's focus on the workstations. In the
discussed earlier. Hosting all project data, asset previous hardware guide, we covered designing
libraries, software installation deployments, and building workstations. So not much more
license servers, render farm management and needs to be added at this point.
any additional storage needs.
The number one rule for workstations: Get the
The secondary server would be used for render correct computer for the needs of the studio.
farm frame storage and simulation storage. By This provides the best performance / price ratio.
saving the individual frame data and simulation
caches to the secondary server, this will help This goes without saying, but it's best to make
load balance the network requirements between sure each workstation is hardwired direction into
the primary and secondary servers. By separating the main switch. Use Wi-Fi only as a temporary
the additional network traffic and storage I/O solution for workstations and laptops, due to the
created by the render farm, the main file server reduced bandwidth specs.
will be freed up for daily use, creating a respon-
sive server experience. Wrap-Up:
Setting up a small studio can be overwhelming.
Now there will be a separation between the These are some of the most basic needs for any
project data and the rendered frames / cache studio. Making smart decisions and key plan-
data. When running off-site data backups, having ning early on will save money in the long run and
the mission critical data on a single server, reduc- provides all the features the studio requires.


Allan McKay is an award winning Technical Director & VFX Supervisor, working in
visual effects for Hollywood films for over 15 years. Also a public speaker and
author. Allan has previously worked for studios such as Industrial Light + Magic, Blur
Studio, Ubisoft and many others and was awarded as an Autodesk Max Master as
well as working on dozens of projects that either received or were nominated for
Emmy and Oscar awards.

Allan McKay lives in Portland, OR and is the director of Catastrophic FX film studio.


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