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Production of eco-paint as an alternative appears to be a successful means of reducing the

harmful effects conveyed by commercial paints. Paragis (Eleusine japonica) is a grass

abundantly growing and has been noted to possess multiple medicinal effects whereas baking

soda has demonstrated to exert odor-absorbing ability. In light of the traditional claim of both

properties of Paragis and baking soda, the present study was carried out to evaluate their

efficiency as alternative additives in producing odor-absorbing eco-paint, wherein Paragis served

as substitute flour ingredient and the baking soda as the odor-absorbing agent. Four ratios

underwent different tests including color, water solubility, shelf-life, rate of drying, and weather

susceptibility tests to determine the most efficient eco-paint ratio. Results showed that the 100%

pure Paragis flour is the most efficient odor-absorbing eco-paint ratio, having aced the rate of

drying, shelf-life, and rainy weather susceptibility tests. Comparative test relative to the

commercial paint present that while the commercial paint is more effective in terms of quality,

the 100% pure Paragis flour can be at par with existing paints in the market in terms of

performance and ability to function as paint. The results obtained from this study scientifically

proved the asserted properties of Paragis and baking soda. Thus, both Paragis and baking soda

can be key ingredients in the production of odor-absorbing eco-paint.

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