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Hawler Medical University

College of Nursing
Academic Year 2019-2020
Second Semester/First Trial

Tittle of the report: speaking skills

Student s name: Mohammed sdiq hassan

Department: Nursing

Students Year: First Stage / 2019-2020

Subject name: English

Teachers Name: Murad Sherzad Othman


2-A brie fhistory of language ------------------------------------------------------------------------3

3-Speaking skills definition------------------------------------------------------------------------3

4- The Components of Speaking Skill--------------------------------------------------------4

5-What are the Four Basic Languages Skills? -----------------------------------------6


7-Reference ----------------------------------------------------------------------------7


Today English is considered to be the most powerful tool for bridging global contact. A
significant proportion of learners worldwide are hard at learning English to interact with native
speakers or other language speakers. Learning a foreign language includes hearing, listening ,
reading and writing skills. Of the 4 skills, the most straightforward way to communicate to
people is considered to be speaking. As Yunzhong (1985, cited in Hughes, 2002, 133) states,
many language teachers consider speaking as the most effective means of acquiring a fluent
knowledge of reading and correct speech as the basis for good writing. Hence, teaching well
speaking to a language teacher is often a valued issue in the ESL / EFL field.

A Brief History of Language:

We humans sometimes find it hard to keep the time in perspective. I guess it's a good thing —
after all, if we were continually thinking about the fact that we've been around for around
200,000 years and we never wrote anything down for 98.5 percent of that time, we probably
wouldn't be able to work in our everyday lives. However, as a side effect we have trouble placing
things in historical context or taking relativity into account (see: the comic above). Sometimes, if
you're like me, all you know gradually drips out of your ears at night and you have to replenish
stocks sometimes.[ CITATION Mal151 \l 1033 ]

Speaking skills definition:

Speaking skills is the ability to talk in any situation, at any time. When it comes to abilities to
speak-apart from who are you? What's up to you? Whom are you talking to? And ...-you must
use your language, you need to speak skills. If you want to be sociable, try to interact with your
friends and family, pass your energy to others and try to make a positive impression so they can
enjoy talking to you. First, you have to strengthen your verbal capacity. You must use the public
procedures and techniques. You have to know who you're talking to and make them enjoy so you
can achieve your goals the way you want…Be careful: if somebody knows the speaking skills,
that doesn't mean he's a good speaker, lecturer or negotiator. If anyone has good speaking skills,

he has a great background to be a fantastic lecturer, negotiator or teacher! [ CITATION Pay181 \l
1033 ]

The Components of Speaking Skill:

1- Pronunciation: Pronunciation is the way students generate clearer language when they speak.
It means that when they have good pronunciation and intonation, the student can communicate
effectively even if they have limited vocabulary and grammar. Pronunciation refers to words of
conventional or customary utterance. It can be concluded from that statement that pronunciation
is the way for students to produce the words of utterance clearly when they speak. Mastery of a
list of sounds or isolated words does not amount to English pronunciation. It amounts instead to
learning and practicing the specific English way of making the thoughts of a speaker easy to
follow. Furthermore, pronunciation includes all those aspects of speech that make speech easy to
understand, including segmental articulation, rhythm , intonation and phrasing, and even gesture,
body language and eye contact more peripherally. Based on the above statement, it can be
concluded that Pronunciation includes many aspects including articulation, rhythm , intonation
and phrasing, and even gesture, body language and eye contact, more peripherally.

2- Grammar: The students need grammar to organize correct sentences in both written and oral
modes of communication. Grammar is described as a structured way to account for and predict
the knowledge of the language of an ideal speaker or hearer. This is achieved by a collection of
rules or principles that can be used to produce all well-formed or grammatical utterances in the
language. Moreover, Greenbaum and Nelson's other concept of grammar (2002:1) claim that
grammar refers to the set of rules that enable us to incorporate words in our language into larger
units .The grammar of a language is a description of how words can change their forms and can
be combined into sentences in that language. Thus, it can be concluded from the above
statements that the function of grammar is to arrange the correct meaning of sentences based on
the context; it is also used to avoid misunderstanding in each communicator. Moreover, Nelson
(2001:1) states that grammar is the study of how words combine to form sentences. Thus it can
be inferred from the above statement that grammar is a rule that is important for the students to
incorporate appropriate sentences in both written and oral forms of conversation. Grammar refers
to the basic principles and structure of the language, including the clear and correct construction
of sentences and the proper forms of words.

3- Vocabulary: Vocabulary is essential for successful use of the second language because
without a comprehensive vocabulary, we will not be able to use the structure and function that
we may have learned to communicate. It can be said that one secret to communicative
performance, which is the power of language. Vocabulary means the correct diction or the most
important thing in a language particularly while speaking; moreover, learning a lot of vocabulary
would make it easier for us to communicate our ideas, feelings and thoughts both orally and
writtenly. In spoken language, the vocabulary tends to be familiar and everyday. This means that
the vocabulary used must be very familiar in spoken language or speaking, and is used in
everyday conversation to understand the spoken discourse. Vocabulary is a key building block
for learning the language. Students need to learn words, their meanings, how they are
pronounced and how they are spelt. The teachers therefore have to make sure, when teaching
vocabulary, that they clarify the context as well as the pronunciation and spelling. Vocabulary is
the understanding of the meanings of words. What complicates this concept is that, when we
speak or read verbally, words come in at least two forms: oral and written. Oral vocabulary is the
collection of words that we know the meanings for. Written vocabulary is those words for which
the meaning is known when we are silently writing or reading. These are important distinctions
because mainly oral representations are the set of words that beginning readers know. Written
vocabulary tends to play an ever greater role in literacy as they learn to read than does the oral

4- Fluency: Fluency is described as being able to speak in a communicative, fluent and accurate
way. Fluency generally refers to the freedom to express oral language without interruption. In the
teaching and learning cycle the teacher encourages students to express themselves openly
without interruption if the instructor needs to test the fluency of the students. The aim is to help
students talk quickly and easily. The instructor does not automatically correct because the theory
is that too much correction interferes with the conversation flow.

5- Comprehension: Understanding is an ability to interpret and process discourse stretches, to

formulate assumptions about the context of sentences. Understanding a second language is more
difficult to study because it is not; it is directly observable and must be inferred from overt verbal
and nonverbal responses, from artificial instruments or from the teacher or researcher's intuition.

Understanding refers to the fact that participants understand thoroughly the essence of the study
project , particularly though methods are complex and entail risks. [ CITATION ade151 \l 1033 ]

What are the Four Basic Languages Skills? These are the cornerstones of learning a

 Reading
 Writing
 Listening
 Speaking

The competences function in pairs. You are consuming a language when you are reading or
listening. However, you create a language while you are writing or speaking. If you master these
abilities, you can confidently claim you are fluent in that language. With that in mind, let 's look
at how each individual skill can be strengthened to ensure that you make the most of your
language practice. [ CITATION BEN1 \l 1033 ].[ CITATION Man13 \l 1033 ]


Speaking skill is generally mentioned in this report. Which we have discussed a few topics,

1-intoduction which is a concise introduction to the report for more clarity.

2- A brie fhistory of language which briefy discusses the history of language open to proficiency.

3- Speaking skills definition the topic is further clarifiedwith a concise definition.

4- The Components of Speaking Skill in which several components are described.

5- What are the Four Basic Languages Skills?..which we have discussed several basics.


1-Bahrampoor, P. (2018, 12 3). 5 news you didn’t know about speaking skills rules. Retrieved from

2-Budiman, M. (2013). PROCEEDING.

3-LEWIS, B. (n.d.). Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening: The 4 Basic Language Skills, and How to
Practise Them. Retrieved from fluentin3months:

4-Rempen, M. (2015, 6 22). Language News. Retrieved from transparen:

5-rora, a. p. (2015, 2 11). The Components of Speaking Skill. Retrieved from KEEP STRUGGLE:


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