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COD. 1.111.786.071


Group: 551016 A_ 363


“Writing became such a process of discovery that I couldn't wait to get to work in the morning: I wanted
to know what I was going to say.”

There are many types of loves and passions. For the couple, family, friends, work, travel, sports or nature. But
there is a love that very few understand, only those whose poison got so deep inside that the night is short and
the day does not have enough hours to dedicate it. It is a love that, as the great Pablo Neruda would say: "you do
not look, you feel, and even more so when she is close to you". That great love is for some the writing. That
ability enjoyed by some privileged touched by the magic wand of the muses, inspiration, creativity and genius.
That facility to escape from the world and get others to do it too thanks to what they create. Being able to gather
letters, make sentences and build a great story that exists only in the world of books.

From the moment that man writes and expresses his thoughts in a comprehensible way to others, the end of the
language is fulfilled «to transmit the thought to the written». The use of language is a complex phenomenon in
which if it is easy not to speak, neither is writing correctly.

Martín Vivaldi, when dealing with the subject, refers to the expressions of Fidelino de Figueiredo, which states:
"Life, speech and thought are inseparable; thinking and knowing is wanting to say and being able to say,
because what the man feels and thinks incorporates into the world of words. Judgment, a core piece of logical
thought, exists only in the brain of man by its translation into a phrase. "

Everyone has ever encountered the problem of deciphering something written by someone who ignores the
most elementary of the art of writing, and it can be said that it is not because of what he writes but because of
how he writes it. The simplest thought is unintelligible in certain occasions. The style of the writing adds
precision, elegance, clarity and harmony to the text that is exposed.

Every person needs to express their thoughts in written form with correctness and elegance. It is necessary to
smudge many pages, cross out and correct constantly, the skill is acquired by stumbling over the difficulties.
Some say that writing is a gift from heaven, although it is true that some of this art is not learned; A lot depends
on the effort and the work. Let us think, for a moment, in the words of the French stylist L Veuillot «By force of
work you can become a pure, clear, correct and even elegant writer». The art of writing is the product of an
arduous effort.

The study of the manuscripts and of each one of their editions reveals the numerous corrections that the works
undergo before going, definitively, to the printing press. Writing is fighting with words and phrases, correcting
them over and over again. This art carries with it the virtue of patience. Each one can create their own style to
express their ideas and thoughts.
Abbreviation Explanation Your sentence
T.S A topic sentence expressing the point “Writing became such a process of discovery that I
of view clearly couldn't wait to get to work in the morning: I wanted to
know what I was going to say.”

S.S #1 A supportive sentence It is inevitable not to think every second to be able to

know what could happen in each writing.

Ex. S.S an example sentence of the Writing becomes part of your life, you do not leave it at
supportive sentence any time, or at work, the house or extra activities. He is
always there with you.

A.I An author’s idea supporting the "If you would not be forgotten as soon as you are dead
supportive sentence (second source) and rotten, either write things worth reading, or do
things worth writing". (Benjamin Franklin).

S.S #2 A new supportive sentence There are many ideas and stories that accumulate in my
thoughts and the only thing you want is to leave it,
knowing that someone will be able...

Ex. S.S An example sentence of the When you have the opportunity or the time comes, you
supportive sentence feel satisfaction and pleasure in doing that activity.
A.I An author’s idea supporting the "Writing is not only a technical activity, it is also a
supportive sentence (second source) physical practice of enjoyment". (Roland Barthers.)

C.S A conclusion sentence. With the writing we can know a little more, because
everything that is reflected comes within each one, in
this way we can realize what we are really, References
APA find our true essence.
R References APA
Moreno, M. R. (12 de enero de 2015).
Obtenido de
Savater, F. (1998). Citas, cuaderno de lenguas. Obtenido de
Citas, cuaderno de lenguas: - © Victoriano
Colodrón Denis, L. I. (8 de mayo de 2008). El arte de
escribir. Obtenido de
Moreno, M. R. (12 de enero de 2015).
Obtenido de
Savater, F. (1998). Citas, cuaderno de lenguas. Obtenido de
Citas, cuaderno de lenguas: - © Victoriano
Colodrón Denis

Moreno, M. R. (12 de enero de 2015). Obtenido de

Savater, F. (1998). Citas, cuaderno de lenguas. Obtenido de Citas, cuaderno de lenguas: -
© Victoriano Colodrón Denis

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