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High school
Subject: Biology
Class / Semester: X / I
Main Material: Fungi, characteristics and characteristics, and their role in life
Time Allocation: 5 x 45 minutes


1. To live and practice the religious teachings that he embraces

2. Living and practicing honest, disciplined, responsible, caring (polite, cooperative, tolerant,
peaceful) behavior, courteous, responsive and pro-active and showing attitudes as part of the
solution to problems in interacting effectively with the social and natural environment and in
placing ourselves as a reflection of the nation in the association of the world.
3. Understand, apply, analyze factual, conceptual, procedural knowledge based on his
knowledge of science, technology, art, culture, and humanities with the insights of humanity,
nationality, state and civilization related causes of phenomena and events, and apply
procedural knowledge to the field specific studies according to their talents and interests to
solve problems
4. Processing, reasoning, and presenting in the realm of concrete and abstract realms related
to the development of the self-study in the school independently, and able to use methods
according to scientific rules

B. Basic Competence

1.1 Admire the complexity and complexity of God's creation of biodiversity, ecosystems and
the environment.
1.2 Behave scientifically: thorough, diligent, honest with the data and facts, discipline,
responsibility, and caring in observation and experiment, courageous and courteous in asking
questions and arguing, caring environment, mutual cooperation, cooperation, peace loving,
scientific and critical, responsive and proactive in every action and in conducting
observations and experiments in the classroom / laboratory or outside the classroom /
3.6 Applying the classification principle to classify mushrooms based on traits and
way of reproduction through careful and systematic observation.
4.6 Present data on observations of the characteristics and role of fungi in life and
environment in the form of a written report.

C. Competency Indicators
1. Admire the variety of mushrooms as proof of the greatness of God Almighty.
2. Have a curiosity and meticulous, through discussion, deep group work
    make observations.
3. Demonstrate diligence, responsibility, mutual respect in activities
learn and work both individually and in groups.
4. Identifying Common Mushroom Characteristics
5. Classify Mushrooms based on the observed morphological features
6 Identify common features of Zygomicota based on observations
7. Identify the general characteristics of Ascomicota based on observations
8. Identify general characteristics of Basidiomicota based on observations
9. Identify the general characteristics of Deuteromicota based on observations
10. Linking the characteristics of the fungus with its role in life
11. Carry out observations on the characteristics of mushrooms
12. Present Mushroom observation results in the form of a written report

D. Learning Objectives

1. Feeling awe of God Almighty after observing the Mushroom.

2. Demonstrate persistence behavior through observation of group discussions.
3. Demonstrate cooperative behavior through group observation and discussion.
4. Observe the characteristics of the fungus through observations of several plantae
5. Classifying the fungus based on the characteristics and the way of reproduction.
6. Presenting data of observation of the characteristics and utilization of mushrooms
7. Present the observations in front of the class in groups
E. Learning Materials

I. General characteristics of the fungus

Mushrooms are kingdoms in the Eukarya domain that includes fungi, bread mushrooms, and
yeast. Most mushrooms are multicellular. They are unique in having cell walls made of
chitin. Most fungi live on inanimate objects or soil. So they can not photosynthesize or make
their own food. To familiarize yourself with this organism the following article will briefly
describe what are the characteristics of the fungus (fungi).
The characteristics of fungi in general, among others, as follows.
a. Eukaryotic that has a cell wall.
b. It has no chlorophyll, so the way of life is heterotroph (saprophyte and parasite).
c. The cell wall is composed of chitin.
d. Mushroom bodies are generally multicellular, but some are unicellular
e. Its body is shaped like a hyphae, there is also forming a webbing yarn called mycelium
f. Many mushrooms are found in damp, slightly acidic places, on groceries, on organic
matter, and live as saprophytes and parasites in plants, animals and humans


1. Zygomycota
Zygomycota is known as the zigospora fungi (thick-walled spores)
a. The characteristics of Zygomycota
• Hyphas are not insulated and coenocytic (have multiple cores).
• Cell walls are composed of chitin.
• Asexual and sexual reproduction.
• Hyphra serves to absorb food, called rhizoid.
• Rhizophus stolonifer, Growing on bread
• Rhizophus oryzae, Tempe Mushroom
• Rhizophus nigricans, Produce fumaric acid
• Mucor mucedo, Saprofit on livestock manure and food

2. Ascomycota
a. The characteristics of Ascomycota
1. Hyphaes are insulated and in each cell are usually one.
2. Single cell or multiple cell.
3. Some are parasitic, saprophyte, and some are symbiotic with green algae and blue algae
form lichen crust.
4. Having a spore-forming device called askus, a cell in the form of bubbles or tubes where
the formation of askospores. Askospora is the result of generative reproduction.
5. Cell wall of chitin.
6. Sexual and asexual reproduction.
b. Example:
• Sacharomyces cereviceae (yeast / yeast), for making bread so bread can expand, and
convert glucose into alcohol (on tape making).
• Penicillium
Penicillium chrysogenum, for the manufacture of penicillin antibiotics.
o Penicillium notatum, for the manufacture of penicillin antibiotics.
o Penicillium notatum, to add flavor (cheese making)
o Penicillium camemberti, to add flavor (cheese making)
• Aspergillus
o Aspergillus wentii, for Making soy sauce and Tauco
o Aspergillus niger, to Eliminate O2 on juice
o Aspergillus flavus, produces toxins Aflatoxin which causes liver cancer (hepatitis)
• Aspergillus fumigatus, the cause of lung disease in aves
• Neurospora sitophilla, for oncom manufacturing.
• Neurospora crassa, for oncom making and genetic research, because the sexual life cycle is
only brief.
• Candida albicans, a parasite, causes disease in the vagina

3. Basidiomycota
Often known as the mushroom mace because it has a horn-shaped spore-producing organ
a. The characteristics of Basidiomycota
1. Hifanya sectional, containing haploid core.
2. Have a fruit body that looks like an umbrella consisting of the stem and hood. At the
bottom of the hood appears the sheets (blades) that form the basidium. The fruit body is
called basidiocarp.
3. Some are parasitic, saprophyte, and some are symbiotic with green algae and blue algae
form lichen crust.
4. Sexual reproduction (with ascospora) and asexual (conidia).
b. Basidiomycota example
• Volvariela volvacea (mushroom)
• Auricularia polytricha (ear fungus)
• Pleurotus sp (oyster mushroom)
• Polyporus giganteus (fungus board)
• Amanita phaloides live on livestock manure and produce deadly poison
• Puccinia graminis (mushroom rust) parasites in graminae plants (maize)
• Ustilago maydis parasite in corn plants
• Ganoderma aplanatum (wood fungi)
• Shitake mushrooms
4. Deuteromycota
Often known as the imperfecti fungi (a fungus that is not true), because it is not known
breeding sexually
a. The characteristics of Deuteromycota
• hyphae sectional, microscopic body size
• Parasitic to livestock and some live saprophytes on waste
• Asexual reproduction with conidium and sexual unknown.
• Many of which are damaging or causing diseases in livestock, human, and cultivated
b. Deuteromycota example
• Epidermophyton floocosum, causing water fleas.
• Epidermophyton, Microsporum, the cause of ringworm.
• Melazasia fur-fur, the cause of panu.
• Altenaria Sp. live on potato plants.
• Fusarium, live on tomato plants.
Trychophyton tonsurans, causing dandruff in the head
III. How to reproduce mushrooms
Reproduction of fungi can occur vegetatively (vegetative) and generative (generative). In the
event of changes in environmental conditions.
Generative reproduction can produce offspring with higher genetic variation compared with
vegetative reproduction. The existence of these genetic variations allows the generation of
more adaptive offspring in the event of a change in environmental conditions.
A. Vegetative Reproduction
Vegetative reproduction of single-celled fungi is done by shoot formation that will grow into
new individuals. While the vegetative reproduction of multicellular mushrooms is done in the
following manner.
• Fragmentation (disconnection) of hyphae. The separate hypha cuts will grow into new
• The formation of vegetative spores. Vegetable spores can be sporangiospora or
Certain types of fungi that have grown to produce sporangiofor (spore box stalk). At the tip
of sporangiofor there is sporangium (spore box). In the spore box occurs mitotic cell division
and produces many sporangiospores with haploid (n) chromosomes. Other mature fungi can
produce conidiofor (conidium shank). At the tip of the conidiofor there is a conidium
(konidiospora box). Inside the conidium occurs mitotic cell division and produces many
conidiospores with haploid (n) chromosomes. Both sporangiospores and conidiospores, when
they fall in a suitable place, will grow into a new haploid (n) hyphae
B. Generative Reproduction
Reproduction of generative fungi (generative) is done by generating generative spores
through fusion between different types of hyphae. The mechanism can be described as
1. hypha (+) and hypha (-), each having a haploid (n), adjacent to form a gametangium.
Gametangium is an expansion of hyphae.
2. Gametangium undergoes plasmogamy (cytoplasmic fusion) forming dipariotic
zigosporangium (heterokariotik) with haploid nucleus pairs not yet united. Zigosporangium
has a thick and coarse cell wall layer to withstand bad or dry conditions.
3. When environmental conditions improve there will be kariogami (nucleus melting) so that
the zigosporangium has a diploid nucleus (2n).
4. The diploid nucleus of the zigosporangium soon undergoes division by meiosis resulting in
a haploid zigospora (n) in the zigosporangium.

Most fungi reproduce generatively and vegetatively. Vegetative reproduction occurs when
the hypha cells separate from the fungus and begin to grow on their own. Some fungi also
produce spores. Generative reproduction of mushrooms usually involves two different types
of marriages. Not male and female, but (+) and (-) because both types have the same size.
When these two breeds meet, they melt and after a period of growth and development, they
form a diploid zygote that enters meiosis. This produces a haploid spore that is able to grow,
with repeated rounds of mitosis, into new organsims.
5. Haploid zigospores (n) will germinate to form short-stemmed sporangium with haploid
chromosomes (n).
6. Haploid sporangium (n) will produce haploid spores (n). These spores have genetic

7. When the haploid spores (n) fall in a suitable place, it will germinate into a haploid (n)
fungal hyphae. The hyphae will grow to form a network of mycelium all haploid (n)

IV. The role of fungus (Fungi)

The role of mushroom - day day is very much, both harmful and profitable. the lucrative
jmaur as follows:
1. Volvariella Volvacae (mushroom merang) useful sebgai protein food
2. Rhizopus and Mucor useful as industrial maknan ingredients in the manufacture of tempe
and oncom
3. Khamir Saccharomyces is useful as a frementor in industries such as cheese, bread and
4. Penicillium Notattum is useful as an antibiotic producer
5. Higropprus and Lycoperdon Perlatum are useful as decomposers.
Besides the profitable role, there are some fungi (fungi also have a disadvantageous role,
among others as follows:
1. Phytium as a pest of plant seeds that cause the disease falling seedling
2. Phythophthora estan menyebablan disease on leaf tanman potato
3. Saprolegnia as parasite pa body of a liquid organism
4. Albugo is a parasite on agricultural crops
5. Carinii pneumonia causes pneumonia disease In the human lung
6. Candida sp. Causes leucorrhoea and canker sores in humans

A. Method of learning
Scientific approach
Learning Methods: Observation and discussion
Model: Co-operative, STAD

1. Media: Media realia (mushrooms on bread, tempe), Mushroom Pictures, microscope and
2. Teaching materials: LKS
3. Learning Resources:
a) Anshori, et al. 2009. For Senior High School (SMA) -Madrasah Aliyah (MA). Jakarta:
Ministry of National Education .. Hal: 135-136
b) Sulistyorini, Ari. 2009. Biology 1: For Senior High School / Madrasah Aliyah Class X.
Jakarta: Ministry of National Education. Thing: 107-108

Methods Instrument's Shape

•Attitude • Observation Sheet The attitude of the

nation character and Rubric

•Performance Test • Presentation assessment test

• Written Test • Objective Test and LKS Problems

2. Sample Instruments
a. Attitude Observation Sheet
1. Observation of Scientific Behavior

No. Rated aspect information
3 2 1
1 Curiosity
2 Demonstrate diligence and cooperate
in discussions
3 Demonstrate a sense of responsibility
and effort in the presentation
4 Showing courage and courtesy in
asking questions and arguing

Social Assessment Rating Rubric

No Rated aspect Skore

1 Honesty in recording 3 Writing, recording, or drawing in accordance with
observational data observations either directly or from observations
2 Write, record, or draw less appropriate (some see
pictures from the book) with observations either
directly or from observations
1 Writing, recording, or drawing does not match the
No Rated aspect Skore

2 Accuracy in making 3 Filling all parts of the designated fungal structure

2 Filling part of the designated fungal structure
1 Not filling the designated part of the fungal structure
3 responsibilities at the 3 Responsible for completing all tasks within the LKS
2 Complete some of the tasks in the LKS
time of observation
1 Did not complete some of the tasks in the LKS

Appendix 3 : Knowledge Assessment

Write Test : Used to assess students' knowledge in the material
principal Basidiomicota and Deuteromicota

Please answer the questions below briefly and correctly!

1. Fill in the table below according to the characteristics of Plantae and Mushroom based on

Distinguishing Plantae Mushrooms

Chlorophyll There is There is no

Body Structure There are roots, stems and Consists of hypha


How to get food Autotrof Heterotrophs

2. Explain the classification of mushrooms based on the way of reproduction?

3. Make the role of Fungus profitable and harmful in life?

Assessment rubric

No Jawaban Skor Maksimal

1 10
No Jawaban Skor Maksimal

2 Based on sexual spores and hypha structure, Kingdom Fungi is 10

divided into 4 divisions:
1. Zygomicota
2. Ascomicota
3. Basidiomicota
4. Deuteromicota
3 Profitable Roles: 6
a. Volvariella volvacea (mushroom) is useful as a high protein

b. Rhizopus and Mucor are useful in the foodstuff industry,

namely in the manufacture of tempe and oncom.

c. Khamir Saccharomyces is useful as a fermenter in the

cheese, bread and beer industry.

Adverse role:

a. Phytium as a pest of plant seeds that cause the disease

falling seedling

b. Phythophthora infestant causes disease in the leaves of the

potato plant

      c. Saprolegnia as a parasite in the body of aquatic organisms

Appendix 4: Skills assessment (Discussion)

Assessment instruments Discussion: Used to assess students' discussion activities

Discussion Rating Sheet

No Aspek yang dinilai Skor

1 Communicating observations
2 Propose opinions or argue at the time of discussion
3 Asking questions during discussion
4 Answering questions during discussion
Discussion Rating Rubric

No Aspek yang dinilai Skor Kriteria Penilaian

4 Delivery is easy to understand, communicative with the
audience, and gives the audience time to think

3 Delivery is easy to understand, communicative with the

audience, and less giving the audience time to think
2 Submission is less easy to understand, less
1 observations
communicative with the audience, and less giving the
audience time to think

1 Submission is not easy to understand, not communicative

with the audience, and does not give the audience time to

4 Argumenting or arguing in accordance with the topic of

discussion and rational material (at least 2 times argued)

3 Argumentate or argue in accordance with the topic of

Suggesting or
discussion and rational material (at least 1 time argument)
arguing at the time
of discussion
2 Contest or argue but not in accordance with the material

1 Not having a chance to argue

4 Questions indicate understanding with carefulness of the

material being studied: analysis of observations or
interpretations of observations

3 Questions indicate the ability to think very precisely: is

Asking questions at the result of observation, leads to the results of
the time of observation, or rational
2 Questions less lead to the topic of discussion subject
either observation, analysis, or discussion of related

1 Did not have a chance to ask

4 Answering questions 4 In answering questions accompanied by data or facts

during discussion found either at the time of the practicum or in the
literature that can be justified

3 In answering the question is not accompanied by data or

facts found either at the time of the lab or in the literature
No Aspek yang dinilai Skor Kriteria Penilaian
that can be justified

2 In answer to the question is not accompanied by data or

facts found either at the time of the lab or in the literature
that can be justified

1 Do not have the opportunity to answer discussion


Student First Working Sheet

Name: .........................
Class / group: .................. .........

Student Activity Sheet

Fungi, characteristics and characteristics, and their role in life

Aim :
Observe the characteristics, ways of reproduction and the role of the fungi Basidiomicota and
Deuteromicota in life

1. Now observe the Plantae and Mushrooms. Please fill in the table below!

Pembeda Plantae Jamur

From the above observations, determine the characteristics of the Mushroom!


Make a conclusion from what you observed!

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