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WEEK 1 (August 24- August 28, 2020)


Unit Title: Origin and Structure of the Earth

Session 1 Formation of the Universe and the Solar system
Learning Outcomes:

 Describe through evidences and facts from documents (online/reference books), the historical development of
the theories about the origin of the universe
 Compare the hypotheses explaining the origin of the solar system

Let’s play (Play the game, 4pics1word. Guess the Central idea behind the four pictures.)

Vocabulary Builder

 Baryonic matter- ordinary matter

consisting of protons, electrons, and
neutrons that comprises atoms, planets,
stars, galaxies, and other bodies
 Dark matter- matter that has gravity but
does not emit light
 Dark energy- a source of anti-gravity; a
force that counteracts gravity and causes
the universe to expand.
 Protostar- an early stage in the formation
of a star resulting from gravitational
collapse of gasses
 Thermonuclear reaction- a nuclear fusion
reaction responsible for the energy
produced by stars.
 Main sequence- stars that fuse hydrogen
atoms to form helium atoms in their cores;
outward pressure resulting from nuclear
fusion is balanced by gravitational forces.
 Light years- the distance light can travel in
a year; a unit of length used to measure
astronomical distance

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