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Words which are used as names of persons, animals, places, or things are called

Nouns. Everything we can see or talk about is represented by a word that names

it. That "naming" word is called a Noun. All naming words are Nouns.

I have a brown cat.

They live in Australia.

He has a toy car.

The word boy is the name of a person.

The word cat is the name of an animal.

The word Australia is the name of a place.

The word toy car is the name of a thing.

Underline the naming words in each sentence.

•   The rabbit is on the log.

•   The driver is driving the bus.

•   Jack and Jill went up the hill.

•   Mom cooked some rice.

•   Tia is going to Patna.

•   The dog barked at the thief.

•   The boy has a bat and a ball.

•   Have you met my brother?

•   I like to play cricket.

•   I have sandwiches for my lunch.

•   My friend likes ice cream and cakes.

•   Ships sail on the sea.

•   The dog ran after the cat.

•   Bread is made of flour.

•   The basket is on the table.

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