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The Left that will come will have to stop genuflecting the institutions.

He will have to criticize institutions

and be able not only to transform institutions but to create new institutions. The movements create
institutions and the institutions are transformed by the movements. The Left must not be afraid of being a
minority and of not ruling the existing. The existing is the dominion of capital. The Left must not be afraid of
not being fashionable, of not to be at the level of progress, a word behind which the dominion of the
bourgeoisie, the reproduction of existing social relationships is hidden; one must not be afraid of being
oneself, of claiming one's own history, one's identity and one's sovereignty, collective and individual.The
left of the future will not be something analogous to the current post-left.The basis of the left of the future,
for a long time, will not be a party and movements, but a constellation of committees, i.e. micro-
organizations with practice mass. The synthesis of social movements and political consciousness has
historically been the most difficult process to carry out, but it has produced enormous historical
transformations. What is a movement? A collective practice that struggles to create a new organized
collective force, a new institution, a left that combines opinion, consensus and the electorate, a left that
negotiates consensus, which maintains clientele and lobbies, will no longer be there. it will be more the
monkey of neoliberalism, the other side of capital. The left that will come will be a movement of resistance
to the dominant misery, a left that will take on the task of criticizing daily life, the productive, distributive
and consumption forms that they take place under the domination of capitalist reification, which will fight
the ideological idiotism that legitimizes capitalist domination. It will be a left of testimony and social
commitment, which will focus on human capital and the development of organizational forms, without
individual personalities and protagonists. will fight against every form of alienation and estrangement,
mobilizing the will and educating the conscience of the masses, strengthening the skills and knowledge of
the vanguard. It will lead battles of ideas and campaigns of struggle and will be the source of a new public
morality antithetical to private selfishness. It will be the movement that fights for justice and freedom, the
real democracy in every concrete aspect of daily life, for the abolition of the present state of affairs. From
the point of view of the Left, the highest value is not economic (production or wealth), but the creation of
new forms of sociality and of self-valorization to get out of the quagmire of postmodernity. The
abandonment of bourgeois economism means the abandonment of the logic of the numerical, the massive,
the molar. The large numbers, the great apparatuses, the great powers are incompatible with the left. That
is, they are not the premises of the action of the left but rather its product. Its main value will be unity,
cohesion, as the main product of common action, not contestation but propulsive and molecular, non-
molar action, a continuous action on the ground of conflicts and social contradictions, not subordinated
immediately to the implementation of mega-projects. In short the left will operate multi-faceted practical
syntheses, out of any totalization. The general synthesis, the overall theory, will be born from the
experiences and balances of molecular practices. The left that will be will be a universalist left , not simply
an internationalist, a left of independent consciences, not of gregarious masses led by infallible leadership
systems, a left of dedication, of caring for the essential needs of the species, not compromised with the
existing but pregnant with dreams. the creation of a critical mass on the move, not an amorphous crowd of
followers of virtual organizations so much in its advanced phase of development this process will give rise
to a national and international organization, structured in organizations and parties.

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