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So here in 8.

2 we're going to continue our study of don't cares in multilevel logic

networks, how they arise implicitly as a consequence of the structure of the
network. In the previous lecture we showed how some don't cares arise because of
the structure of the logic in front of a node in the Boolean network. What we're
now going to show is that it's also possible for the nodes in back of your node,
the nodes and between you and the output how the structure of that logic can also
create internal don't cares. So let's go back to our example and see how that
happens. So let's continue our tour of how you pull implicit don't care is out of a
multilevel logic network. What I had sort of shown you in the previous lecture was
that I could pull a bunch of don't cares out of the inputs to the x, b, and y
inputs to the f node and roughly speaking I'm just going to draw sort of a line
through this logic network which is what we were showing previously. So this is a
Boolean network that still has X = ab as a node Y = b + c as a node feeding an f =
Xb + bY + XY node. There's a new node here, a node between f and the output called
Z = fXd. And what I sort of showed you in the previous lecture which was 8.1 was
looking at nodes in front of the f node I can find some patterns of X and b and Y.
What I'm going to show you now in lecture 8.2 is I'm going to show you that if you
look at the nodes behind node F, the nodes between F and the output there are some
more don't cares. So here's the new question I want to ask: one, Suppose that f is
not a primary output so f passes through some other stuff, the Z node to become a
primary output. When does the value of the output of node f actually affect the
primary output Z or said conversely when does it not matter what f is because the
value of f does not affect Z. Let's go look at patterns of the f, X, and d inputs
at node Z and see if we can find some of these values that make Z not care about f.
So what we're going to look at now is inputs to the Z node and we're going to see
if we can find some interesting context, some interesting relationships. So let's
ask the question, when is the Z sensitive to the value of f? So I've got the logic
network shown again here. X = ab, Y = b + c feeding into the f = Xb + bY + XY node
whose output goes to the Z = fXd node to become the primary output Z. And I want to
ask the question when is Z sensitive to the value of f and so I've got a table it's
also got three columns like the last lecture. The columns are f, X, and d and the
column to the right says does f affect Z? Now note please that the rows of the
table are not in boolean, the standard sort of boolean order. What's actually
happening is the first two rows are when X and d are zeros and then the leftmost
column is when f is zero and one. And then the second pair of roses when X and d
are zero one and again f moving from zero to one. The third pair of rows, X and d
are one zero again f moving from zero to one. The fourth pair of rows X and d one
one, f moving from one to zero. The reason I have f highlighted in a different
color is I want to ask the question, whenever X and d take on this set of values,
for the first set of rows zero zero, does f affect Z if f changes from zero to a
one? Does anything happen. So let's just go look. What happens if X and d zero
zero?. Does it matter if f is zero or f is a one? So there's a little arrow here
that says Delta f between f between zero and one and the answer is no. Look, the Z
node is basically an AND gate if X and d are zeros, no Z is zero and f does not
affect Z. What if X and d are zero and one? Again if f is a zero versus f is a one,
does it actually affect the Z node? No it does not, it's an AND gate, Z is still a
zero. What if X and d are one and zero? Does it matter if f is a zero or one does
it affect the Z node? No. Hey it's an AND gate, Z is still zero. Ah, what if X and
d are one and one. Now does it matter if f is zero versus f as a one? Yes. Now it
matters. Now the output actually depends on f. But in the other cases when X and d
are zero zero , zero one, and one zero respectively Z does not depend on f. It
doesn't matter. So question, can we use this information to find new patterns of X
and b and Y to help us simplify the f node, because remember these are not patterns
of X and b and Y. Like the things we did in the previous lecture, we start by
looking at the nodes that are contextually next to the node we want to simplify and
we ask some questions and then we use some techniques that you don't know yet that
are in the next couple of lectures to sort of pull out the patterns that are of
value, the impossible patterns. So looking at what we now know about f and X and d
can we find some patterns to simplify X and b and Y? And the answer is yes. So just
to be clear what patterns at the input of f, okay, are don't cares because they
make the Z output insensitive to changes in f. And again, it has to be values of X
and b and Y and what we discover when we stare at the table of f and X and d, the
does f affect Z table what we see is that if X and d are zero zero, if X and d are
zero one, if X and d are one and zero, then Z is insensitive. But I only get to
look at patterns of X and b and Y, I can't pay attention to the d. So the only
thing that's of consequence here is that I notice that whenever X is zero, and I'm
just going to go highlight that over here, whenever X is a zero it is the case that
the network outputs Z is insensitive to f. And so the pattern that I can get, that
I can pull out that's legitimate for me to use, is that a pattern of X, b and Y
where X is a zero and b and Y are I don't care that is in fact a new don't care.
That's a don't care because the output is no longer affected by my f value. So can
we use this new don't care pattern X = 0 to simplify f? Yes we can. The pattern X b
Y = 0 don't care don't care at the input of f will make the network's Z output
insensitive to changes in f. And so I've got the same network shown below, X is a
b, Y is b + c, they both feed the f equals Xb + bY + XY node whose output passes
through Z = fXd. And I've got the Karnaugh map drawn up again Xb on the horizontal
axis for columns Y on the vertical axis two rows. And I've got the entire right
three columns of the Karnaugh map are either don't cares or ones. The top row is
don't cares, the bottom row one one don't care for the right three columns. And if
I now put the X = 0 pattern in as a new kind of a don't care, what I get is that
everything where X is zero becomes a don't care so the entire first column zero
zero becomes a don't care and the entire second column zero one also becomes a
don't care the one in the zero one one slot being replaced. And so the amazing
thing now is that the entire Karnaugh map is either made out of don't cares or it
has a single one in the XbY one one one cell and so the unavoidable conclusion is
that the value of f, if I were to actually sort of simplify this thing is that f is
just equal to one. And if I you know just do it. Oh there it is, you know, f is one
that's what I'd circle in the Karnaugh map. I'd circle everyone of the eight
squares in the Karnaugh map. So that's pretty amazing you know. As a consequence of
having the X node and the Y node feeding the f node and having the Z node consuming
the f node before it actually generates a real primary output, f which started out
as something kind of complicated is replaceable by the constant one. Just because
of all of these implicit don't cares that happen because of the structure of the
logic network. And so if we, you know, just go look at this, look what happened to
f. On the top I have the old network X = ab is a node, Y = b + c is a node, they
feed the f = Xb + bY + XY node that in turn goes through the equals fXd node become
primary output Z. What happened? Well down below I still got the X = ab node, you
know, I still got the Y = b + c node and a B primary input but they feed a node
that just says gone. I don't need the f node anymore. You know I can really replace
that with a one in the Z node. It turns out that I still need the X node to create
X for Z but I can also put a big X through the Y node. I don't need the Y node
either. This network has become dramatically simplified because I was able to
extract some don't cares from the structure of the rest of the Boolean logic
network, pass those don't cares to the two level optimizer, something like espresso
that's operating on the two level form inside every node and simplify things. So
this is a really big idea. So here's a summary of where we are in this implicit
don't care story. Don't cares are implicit in the Boolean network model. They arise
from the graph structure of the multilevel Boolean network itself. Implicit don't
cares are powerful. Gonna put an exclamation point by that. They can greatly help
simplify the two level S.O.P structure of any node. But implicit don't cares
require computational work to go find. For this example we just stared at the logic
to find the don't care patterns. It is clear that we cannot do that. There's got to
be an algorithm and that's what we're going to do next. We need algorithms to do
this automatically. So let's go look at how we can use all the nice computational
Boolean algebra that we learned at the beginning part of the course to actually
pull these don't cares out.

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