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EDU 201A – Methods of Research Activity #2: Introduction




Files and documents, in large volume of figures, are always what to expect to be
entertained by personnel, designated to administrative works, to perform and expected to
accomplish with prudence. In some cases, its reception and submission of files is more likely
expected to be fast and smooth to take place as every office desire to entertain number of
applicants or transactions per day. But more than that, an applicant expects more to the
concern office in keeping the same secure and safe. For every applicant, one considers the
document as a precious jewel having an extra value and worth in their life. Also, users which
include both citizens and officers alike can track the movement of files making the system a
transparent one (Omoregbe et al., 2014).

But what transpires most of the time is that an applicant experiences problem and
challenges every moment a contact is being reached to the office for the purpose of asking on
any updates of the transaction. The worst-case scenario is that the file or document which was
submitted is lost or nowhere to be found on the office where it was submitted. As most of the
case, such result is a manifestation on the situation wherein files are transferred physically from
one desk to another within a department or between departments (Omoregbe et al., 2014). This
makes a hard time on their side to locate and trace the whereabouts of the submitted file. The
more challenging there is that no one ever hold responsible on its lost and may even result to
inform the applicant to re-submit the same document to the concern office. This situation curtails
an individual’s to be served with high regards and competence, and even the right to be safe in
keeping one’s private document and the right to access and trace his personal document is
already violated.

In the study of Krasniqi (2013), it is being said that when it comes to an effective and
smooth running office environment, there are certain elements that must be implemented,
despite the industry you are in. An office and its personnel should bear on mind that files are the
key to office’s operation. By learning how to properly maintain a sufficient paper trail, it can
make a world of difference when it comes to office’s daily operations. For most of the time, to
locate the file in a sudden moment is one of the most tedious works today in almost all the
organizations (Engineer, 2015). This tedious work itself requires separate manpower in almost
all the department of an organization. Problem becomes greatest when the organization has a
large number of departments, and the files are moving from one department to another. In some
organizations, file moves in or out of the organization as well.

With rapidly-changing technology and increasing emphasis in managing information

properly, Demong et al., (2009) shared an idea of a new software application named as
Electronic Document Tracking System (EDTS). The system has been developed as a solution
system to improve the efficiency of retrieving the document online at anytime and tracking the
movement of documents in and out of Faculty of Office Management and Technology (FOMT)
in University Technology MARA, Malaysia. Accordingly, each document is logically registered,
preserved, retrieved and renewed at high speed in the system while taking the process of
tracing of the required documents or files. This resulted to a more efficient performance in the
office work, reduce volume of consumed paper and minimize a work space in an office.
Furthermore, such system improves the functions and operations of the electronic document
filing systems.

The study of Lingaya (2019) emphasizes that the trend nowadays is to include less
paper and manpower in the organization’s or institution’s operation. Yet, although computer
generated electronic records have been around, the phenomenon of a paperless office is still
remote although paper consumption puts substantial pressure on today’s world forest
ecosystem where it seems on the face of it that emergence of computer and capacity of storage
of documents in electronic form may lead to decrease in consuming such – hence, emergence
of the paperless office. Apparently, any business organization or even an education institution
still relies on standard operating procedures which primarily include pertinent documents and
communications which do need to be managed efficiently and effectively in a manner that they
can be tracked down or monitored.

At present, teachers and even applicants of Department of Education – Division of Bohol

who experience challenges and difficulties in accessing their own file document they have
submitted. Their concerns reach up to the level of their respective school administrators as they
ask for help and assistance from their superiors. More than that, teachers cannot anymore
access to the document they have submitted due to its unavailability to be found at the office.
This repeated situation is already known to all of the teachers of the division. Up to this moment,
it is still uncertain on how the management of the concerned office did take step in giving a
solution to it.

The researcher of the study is a faculty member of Sierra Bullones Technical Vocational
High School of Division of Bohol. It is very known fact to him, as per experience, that such also
falls on the issue of untraceable transaction in the office. With this, the researcher also triggered
to implement a system that will manage the transaction of document of the applicants and
teacher and trace the such documents and transaction in a website platform.
With the aid of the latest technology, the solution to this existing problem will be easier to
conceive and realize in a more efficient and effective way. As the document being transacted in
a particular this will be entered to portal with description, purpose of transaction, concerned
office, time receive and time released, remarks and further instruction, and the notification with
regards to purpose of the transaction.

As every individual dream to have a convenient access to his or her submitted document
to a particular for whatever transaction one to process with, it is the desire output of the study to
meet the expectation of its users. This includes a higher assurance that those files submitted is
not being misplaced or worst not being lost due to mishandling or even incompetence of
handling the same. In addition, the system to be developed will integrates all files, such as,
reports, decisions, requests, reminders that can be processed and tracked by the system thru
its user in real-time. In general, the proposed system helps the public applicant, users, teacher,
or even ordinary citizen to tracking online their transaction and receives information of the status
of their transaction. This system will be interactive, in manner, and usable and able to improve
file management of the office and productivity in administrative operations of its personnel.

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