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H8. E

1. Use modal verbs "can" or "can't" to make similar sentences. / Use os verbos modais "can" ou
"can't" para criar frases semelhantes:  

a) Don't park your car here. It is illegal. / Não estacione seu carro aqui. É ilegal

You ............... park your car here. 

b) Why don't you stay with us? No problem! / Por que você não fica conosco? Sem problemas!

You ............... stay with us. 

c) I don't think this car is expensive. It's ten years old. / Não acho que esse carro seja caro. Tem dez


 This car expensive.  

d) I am not good at basketball. / Não sou bom em basquete.

I .................. play basketball.  

e) Let's take a taxi. / Vamos pegar um taxi.

We .................. take a taxi.  

2. Put the  words in the correct order to make questions. / Coloque as palavras na ordem correta
para formar perguntas.

a)  me | hear | you | can


b) you | song | sing | can't | this

c) on | come | why | can't | Peter | Sunday


d) brother | can | run | your | fast


e) where | can | tonight | sleep | we


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