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1.Recalling what had you eaten for your breakfast, lunch and dinner yesterday, do you think
it is a complete meal based on the classification of nutrients. Write the rationale in essay
form (word count80-100).
I guess, yes I do get the nutrients that my body needs through those meals. Because yesterday I
have mango on my meal, and that is a fruit that is a good theirs a low-calorie fruit that is high in
fibre, and is a great source of vitamins A and C. It also contains folate, B6, iron and a little
calcium, zinc and vitamin E.. For my carbohydrates and water I have eaten rice, for protein, I
also ate meat , Chicken meat that provides vitamins mainly from the B complex, including
Niacin or vitamin B3, which is essential for the metabolism of fats and sugars in the body, as
well as for maintaining healthy cells. It also contains minerals such as magnesium, potassium,
phosphorus and zinc.. We are always finding ways to be more healthy because for us being
healthy is loving your God, he created us, so we need to repay it by giving care to the body that
he gave to us.

2.Make a simple menu that you want to eat tomorrow for your breakfast, lunch and dinner
that comprises the six essential nutrients.

1 cup of Rice = carbohydrates, calcium, iron, thiamin, pantothenic acid, folate and vitamin E,
1 piece of boiled egg = protein and rich in B vitamins, zinc, calcium and other
important nutrients and antioxidants like choline, lutein and zeaxanthin
1 piece of mango= vitamins A and C and also contains folate, B6, iron and a little calcium, zinc
and vitamin E.
* 1 Glass of milk= Calcium, Vitamin D&B and potassium , phosphorus
1 cup of Rice = carbohydrates, calcium, iron, thiamin, pantothenic acid, folate and vitamin E,
1 Cup of Chicken tinola with green papapaya
*Chicken= Vit.B and B complex and also have niacin
*Papaya= Vit C, E,A and beta carotene
1 cup of Rice = carbohydrates, calcium, iron, thiamin, pantothenic acid, folate and vitamin E,
1 cup of Pinakbet = Vit A, B6, C and etc
* 1 Glass of milk= Calcium, Vitamin D&B and potassium , phosphorus
*6 or more glass of water in a whole day

3. Download a research article on the topic ‘Macronutrients or micronutrients

deficiency’ from ScienceDirect. Submit a 200-300-word essay reflection.

Dietary intake of macronutrients and micronutrients among adolescent girls: A cross sectional
Author: Anjali Gupta,Judith A Noronha, Shobha,Meenakshi Garg
Publication: Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health

On this article it tells adolescents girls are requires macro and micronutrients to support
their growth spurt. According to Gupta, Noronha , Garg based on their study in Nutrients to
adolescents girls are required for their , especially children to have a better immune system
(Body) and growth. Because in reproductive period they are at greater risk of various
reproductive related complications if the requirement of these nutrients were not met.And the
study reveals that majority, 65.2% of the adolescent girls were at 15 years of age. The BMI was
low to the age,whereas height for age was corresponding in comparison with the WHO growth
standard. The daily mean intake of macronutrients namely protein, fat and energy intake was
53.33 g, 47.89 g and 1693.33 kcal respectively. Similarly the daily mean intake of micronutrients
like calcium, iron, zinc, was 642.86 mg, 9.74 mg and 1.97 mg respectively. Further analysis of
percentage of adequacy of macronutrients and micronutrients showed that 23.1% of the
adolescent girls were substantially excess in their protein intake and majority of the adolescent
girls were having substantially inadequate intake of various micronutrients including iron and
calcium. That’s why they’d suggest that need for regular sensitizing nutritional program at
school and community level to prevent reproductive related complications in their future
life.Because majority of adolescent girls were substantially inadequate in their micronutrients
intake. But the most shocking revelation is, it can affect not only adolescents girls who are thin
and live in slum areas, but obese children are affected also by this, due to a poorly balanced
diet that lacks micronutrients. So for me this article must be raise up to give awareness to the
Adolescents girls in order for us to prevent the increasing number of gilrs who are affected by
these said deficiency. It must start to us as a health care provider to implement a good healthy
diet and exercise.

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