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Draft resolution I

Assessment of the progress made in the implementation of and follow -up to the
outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Societ
The Ec ic a d S cial C cil,
Recalli g the outcome documents of the World Summit on the Information
Societ , 1
Recalli g al its resolution 2006/46 of 28 Jul 2006 on the follo -up to the
World Summit and re ie of the Commission on Science and Technolog for
De elopment and the mandate that it ga e to the Commission,
Recalli g f he its resolution 2019/24 of 23 Jul 2019 on the assessment of
the progress made in the implementation of and follo -up to the outcomes of the
World Summit,
Recalli g General Assembl resolution 70/1 of 25 September 2015, entitled
Transforming our orld: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable De elopment ,
Recalli g al General Assembl resolution 70/125 of 16 December 2015,
entitled Outcome document of the high-le el meeting of the General Assembl on
the o erall re ie of the implementation of the outcomes of the World Summit on the
Information Societ , in hich the Assembl reaffirmed the World Summit ision of
a people-centred, inclusi e and de elopment-oriented information societ , here
e er one can create, access, utili e and share information and kno ledge, enabling
indi iduals, communities and peoples to achie e their full potential in promoting their
sustainable de elopment and impro ing their qualit of life, premised on the purposes
and principles of the Charter of the United Nations and respecting full and upholding
the Uni ersal Declaration of Human Rights, 2 and assessed progress made to date,
identified gaps and challenges and made recommendations for the future,
Recalli g f he General Assembl resolution 74/197 of 19 December 2019 on
information and communications technologies for sustainable de elopment,
Taki g e i h a i fac i of the report of the Secretar -General on the
progress made in the implementation of and follo -up to the outcomes of the World
Summit at the regional and international le els, 3
E e i g i a ecia i to the Secretar -General of the United Nations
Conference on Trade and De elopment for his role in helping to ensure completion
of the aforementioned report in a timel manner,

Taking stock: reviewing the implementation of the outcomes of the World

Summit on the Information Societ
1. Welc e a d ge the full implementation of General Assembl
resolution 70/125;
2. Welc e the constructi e and di erse inputs from all stakeholders in the
o erall re ie of progress made in the implementation of the outcomes of the World
Summit on the Information Societ ; 1
3. Reaffi i c i e to the full implementation of the outcomes of
the World Summit and the ision of the 10- ear re ie of the World Summit
be ond 2015;
See A/C.2/59/3 and A/60/687.
General Assembl resolution 217 A (III).

4. Reaffi the commitment made in General Assembl resolution 70/125
to close the digital di ides bet een and ithin countries, including the gender digital
di ide, through efforts to impro e connecti it , affordabilit , access to information
and kno ledge, multilingual content, digital skills and digital literac , ackno ledging
specific challenges facing persons ith disabilities and specific needs, and groups in
ulnerable situations;
5. E c age close alignment bet een the World Summit process and the
2030 Agenda for Sustainable De elopment, 4 as called for in General Assembl
resolution 70/125, highlighting the cross-cutting contribution of information and
communications technolog to the Sustainable De elopment Goals and po ert
eradication, and noting that access to information and communic ations technologies
has also become a de elopment indicator and aspiration in and of itself;
6. Reaffi its understanding that the success of the 2030 Agenda ill
depend on increasing access to information and communications technolog ;
7. Rec g i e that information and communications technolog
infrastructure is fundamental to achie ing the goal of digital inclusion and that digital
di ides persist across income groups, age groups, geograph and gender, and
therefore recalls its commitment to the 2030 Agenda, target 9.c, hich aims to
significantl increase access to information and communications technolog and
stri es to pro ide uni ersal and affordable access to the Internet in least de eloped
countries b 2020, and in this regard notes the importance of the Connect 2030
Agenda for global telecommunication/information and communication technolog ,
including broadband, for sustainable de elopment;
8. Welc e the remarkable e olution and diffusion of information and
communications technologies, underpinned b the contributions of both public and
pri ate sectors, hich ha e seen penetration into almost all corners of the globe,
created ne opportunities for social interaction, enabled ne business models and
contributed to economic gro th and de elopment in all other sectors, hile noting
the unique and emerging challenges related to their e olution and diffusion;
9. N e i h c ce that there are still significant digital di ides, such as
bet een and ithin countries and bet een omen and men, hi ch need to be
addressed through, among other actions, strengthened enabling polic en ironments
and international cooperation to impro e affordabilit , access, education, capacit -
building, multilingualism, cultural preser ation, in estment and appropriate
financing, ackno ledges that a gender di ide e ists as part of the digital di ides, and
encourages all stakeholders to ensure the full participation of girls and omen in the
information societ and omen s access to ne technologies, especiall informati on
and communications technologies for de elopment;
10. E c age the Commission on Science and Technolog for
De elopment to continue to gi e due consideration to the impact of ke rapid
technological changes on the achie ement of the Sustainable De elopment Goals
ithin the respecti e mandates and e isting resources, in accordance ith General
Assembl resolution 74/197;
11. Welc e the holding on 3 Ma 2020 of World Press Freedom Da ,
proclaimed b the General Assembl and led b the United Nations Educational,
Scientific and Cultural Organi ation;

General Assembl resolution 70/1.

12. Al elc e the holding of World Telecommunication and Information
Societ Da , celebrated annuall on 17 Ma and led b the International
Telecommunication Union;
13. N e the ongoing implementation of the outcomes of the World Summit,
emphasi ing, in particular, its multi-stakeholder nature, the roles pla ed in this regard
b leading agencies as action line facilitators and the roles of the regional
commissions, regional World Summit re ie initiati es and the United Nations
Group on the Information Societ , and e presses its appreciation for the role of the
Commission on Science and Technolog for De elopment in assisting the Economic
and Social Council as the focal point in the s stem- ide follo -up to the World
14. Rec g i e the alue and principle of multi-stakeholder cooperation and
engagement that ha e characteri ed the World Summit process since its inception and
that are clearl recogni ed in the 2030 Agenda, and notes that man acti ities that
support the objecti es of the World Summit and the Sustainable De elopment Goals
are being implemented b Go ernments, international organi a tions, the pri ate
sector, ci il societ , academic and technical communities and multi-stakeholder
partnerships in their respecti e roles and responsibilities;
15. U de c e the importance of and encourages continued collaboration
bet een the follo -up and re ie process of the World Summit and the Technolog
Facilitation Mechanism, including its multi-stakeholder forum on science, technolog
and inno ation for the Sustainable De elopment Goals;
16. Take e of the reports of man United Nations entities submitted as
input for the elaboration of the annual report of the Secretar -General of the United
Nations to the Commission on Science and Technolog for De elopment and
published on the ebsite of the Commission as mandated in Council resolution
2007/8 of 25 Jul 2007, and recalls the importance of close coordination among the
leading action line facilitators and ith the secretariat of the Commission;
17. N e the implementation of the outcomes of the World Summit at the
regional le el facilitated b the regional commissions, as obser ed in the report of
the Secretar -General on the progress made in the implementation of and follo -up
to the outcomes of the World Summit at the regional and international le els, 3
including the steps taken in this respect, and emphasi es the need to continue to
address issues of specific interest to each region, focusing on the challenges and
obstacles that each ma be facing ith regard to the implementation of all goals and
principles established b the World Summit, ith particular attention to information
and communications technolog for de elopment;
18. Rei e a e the importance of maintaining a process of coordinating the
multi-stakeholder implementation of the outcomes of the World Summit through
effecti e tools, ith the goal of encouraging collaboration and partnership among all
stakeholders, including international organi ations, e changing information among
action line facilitators and other stakeholders, identif ing issues that need
impro ement and discussing the modalities of reporting on the o erall
implementation process;
19. E c age all stakeholders to continue to contribute information to the
stocktaking database maintained b the International Telecommunication Union on
the implementation of the goals established b the World Summit, and in ites United
Nations entities to update information on their initiati es in the database;
20. Highligh the urgent need for the incorporation of the recommendations
contained in the outcome documents of the World Summit into the re ised guidelines
for United Nations countr teams on preparing the common countr assessments and

United Nations De elopment Assistance Frame orks, including the addition of an
information and communications technolog for de elopment component, for hich
the United Nations Group on the Information Societ has offered its assistance;
21. Recall General Assembl resolution 60/252 of 27 March 2006, in hich
the Assembl requested the Council to o ersee the s stem- ide follo -up to the
outcomes of the Gene a and Tunis phases of the World Summit;
22. Al ecall that, in its resolution 70/125, the General Assembl called for
continuation of the annual reports on the implementation of the outcomes of the World
Summit, through the Commission on Science and Technolog for De elopment, to
the Council, and reaffirms the role of the Commission, as set forth in Council
resolution 2006/46, in assisting the Council as the focal point in the s stem - ide
follo -up, in particular the re ie and assessment of progress made in implementing
the outcomes of the World Summit;
23. Call all States, in building the information societ , to take steps to
a oid and to refrain from taking an unilateral measure not in accordance ith
international la and the Charter of the United Nations that impedes the full
achie ement of economic and social de elopment b the population of the affected
countries and that hinders their ell-being;
24. Welc e the fact that the rapid gro th in access to mobile telephon and
broadband since 2005 has meant that almost t o thirds of the orld s inhabitants
should ha e access to information and communications technologies ithin their
reach, 97 per cent of the orld s population li es ithin reach of a mobile cellular
net ork, ith 8.3 billion mobile-cellular subscriptions, and 53.6 per cent of the
orld s population uses the Internet, in line ith the World Summit targets; the alue
of this progress is enhanced b the ad ent of ne electronic and mobile ser ices and
applications for health, agriculture, education, business, de elopment, financial and
go ernment ser ices, ci ic participation and transactional ser ices, hich offer great
potential for the de elopment of the information societ ;
25. N e i h g ea c ce that man de eloping countries lack affordable
access to information and communications technologies and that, for the majorit of
the poor, the promise of science and technolog , including information and
communications technologies, remains unfulfilled, and emp hasi es the need to
effecti el harness technolog , including information and communications
technologies, and promote digital literac to bridge the digital and kno ledge di ides;
26. Rec g i e that information and communications technologies present
ne opportunities and challenges and that there is a pressing need to address the major
impediments that de eloping countries face in accessing the ne technologies, such
as an appropriate enabling en ironment, sufficient resources, infrastructure,
education, capacit , in estment and connecti it , as ell as issues related to
technolog o nership, standards and flo s, and in this regard calls upon all
stakeholders to pro ide adequate resources, enhanced capacit -building and transfer
of technolog and kno ledge to de eloping countries, particularl the least
de eloped countries and landlocked countries, to ards a digitall empo ered societ
and kno ledge econom ;
27. Al ec g i e the rapid gro th in broadband access net orks, especiall
in de eloped countries, and underscores the need to urgentl address the gro ing
digital di ides in the a ailabilit , affordabilit , qualit of access and use of broadband
bet een and ithin high-, middle- and lo -income countries and other regions, ith
special emphasis on supporting the least de eloped countries, small island de eloping
States and Africa as a continent;

28. F he ec g i e that the transition to a mobile-led communications
en ironment is leading to significant changes in operators business models and that
it requires significant rethinking of the a s in hich indi iduals and communities
make use of net orks and de ices, of go ernment strategies and of a s in hich
communications net orks can be used to achie e de elopment objecti es;
29. Rec g i e that, e en ith all the de elopments and the impro ement
obser ed in some respects, in numerous de eloping countries information and
communications technologies and their applications are still not a ailable to or
affordable for the majorit of people, particularl those li ing in rural areas;
30. Al ec g i e that the number of Internet users is gro ing and that, in
some instances, the digital di ide and the kno ledge di ide are also changing in
character, from a di ide based on hether access is a ailable to one based on the
qualit of access, information and skills that users can obtain and the alue that the
can deri e therefrom, and recogni es in this regard that there is a need to prioriti e
the use of information and communications technologies through inno ati e
approaches, including multi-stakeholder approaches, ithin national and regional
de elopment strategies;
31. E ha i e , in this regard, the ital importance of multilingualism and
local content in the information societ , and urges all stakeholders to encourage the
creation of, and access to, educational, cultural and scientific content online so as to
promote qualit of access and ensure that all people and cultures can e press
themsel es and ha e access to the Internet in all language s, including indigenous
32. Rec g i e the importance of human capacit -building, an enabling
en ironment and resilient information and communications technolog infrastructure,
as ell as fostering multi-stakeholder partnerships, and assistance to countries in their
efforts to strengthen the enabling role of information and communications technolog
for the attainment of the Sustainable De elopment Goals;
33. U ge a continued focus on ma imi ing de elopment gains from
e-commerce, through the eTrade for All initiati e, hich pro ides a ne approach to
trade de elopment through electronic e changes b allo ing de eloping countries to
more easil na igate the suppl of technical assistance for building capacit in
e-commerce readiness and b enabling donors to ha e a clear picture of the
programmes that the could fund;
34. Rec g i e , in this regard, that the United Nations Conference on Trade
and De elopment has initiated and implemented rapid e -trade readiness assessments
of least de eloped countries in cooperation ith other donors and organi ations in
order to raise a areness of opportunities and challenges related to le eraging
e-commerce in the least de eloped countries;
35. N e the fourth session of the Intergo ernmental Group of E perts on E-
commerce and the Digital Econom that ill be held in the last quarter of 2020;
36. Take e of the global report of the Broadband Commission for
Sustainable De elopment, entitled The S a e f B adba d 2019: B adba d a a
F da i f S ai able De el e , and notes ith interest the continuous
efforts of the Broadband Commission in promoting high-le el ad ocac for the
establishment of an enabling en ironment for broadband connecti it , in particular
through national broadband plans and public-pri ate partnerships for ensuring that
the de elopment agenda challenges are met ith appropriate impact and in
conjunction ith all stakeholders;

37. N e the launching b the Broadband Commission for Sustainable
De elopment of the 2025 targets to support connecting the other half and to help to
bring online the 3.8 billion of the orld s people ho are not connected to the
38. Rec g i e that the digital econom and emerging technologies ha e
enormous potential for social good, the implementation of World Summit outcomes
and the achie ement of the Sustainable De elopment Goals;
39. Welc e the man initiati es of United Nations organi ations that
support the implementation of the World Summit action lines, and encourages all
action line facilitators to continue to ork to ards implementation of the action lines;
40. Al elc e the ork of the Information for All Programme of the
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organi ation, hich aims to
assist Member States in formulating policies to bridge the digital di ide and ensure
equitable kno ledge societies, and further elcomes the holding of Global Media and
Information Literac Week, from 24 to 31 October each ear;
41. Rec g i e the ork of the International Telecommunication Union,
including the holding of its Plenipotentiar Conference in Dubai, United Arab
Emirates, from 29 October to 16 No ember 2018, at hich the membership
reaffirmed its commitment to the common ision of a connected orld, and elco mes
its ork to support the deplo ment of broadband ireless net orks in de eloping
countries, including the training of local e perts;
42. N e the se enteenth World Telecommunication/Information and
Communications Technolog Indicators S mposium that ill take place in Gene a
from 1 to 3 December 2020;
43. Rec g i e the ork of the Food and Agriculture Organi ation of the
United Nations to promote digital inclusion in Africa and other regions to support
po ert reduction and food securit ;
44. Al ec g i e the ork of the International Labour Organi ation on the
impact on jobs caused b technological change;
45. F he ec g i e the ork of the Global Obser ator for eHealth of the
World Health Organi ation, including its consideration of ho m -health, telehealth,
electronic health records and e-learning can contribute to the goals of uni ersal health
co erage;
46. Rec g i e the ork of the United Nations De elopment Programme,
including the publication of its Digital Strateg , hich is aimed at appl ing the
potential of digital technolog to support the achie ement of the Sustainable
De elopment Goals;
47. N e the publication of the Secretar -General s strateg on ne
technologies on ho the United Nations s stem ill support the use of ne
technologies to accelerate the achie ement of the 2030 Agenda and to facilitate their
alignment ith the alues enshrined in the Charter, the Uni ersal Declaration of
Human Rights 2 and the norms and standards of international la ;
48. Rei e a e the commitment to harnessing the potential of information and
communications technologies to achie e the 2030 Agenda and other internationall
agreed de elopment goals, noting that the can accelerate progress across all
17 Sustainable De elopment Goals, accordingl urges all Go ernments, the pri ate
sector, ci il societ , international organi ations, the technical and academic
communities and all other rele ant stakeholders to integrate information and
communications technologies into their approaches to implementing the Goals, and

requests United Nations s stem entities facilitating the World Summit action lines to
re ie their reporting and orkplans to support the implementation of the
2030 Agenda;
49. N e i h g ea c ce the fact that omen are 17 per cent less likel
than men to make use of the Internet, and 43 per cent less likel to do so in the least
de eloped countries, dra s attention to the gender digital di ide, hich persists in
omen s access to and use of information and communications technologies,
including in education, emplo ment and other areas of economic and social
de elopment, and, in line ith Sustainable De elopment Goal 5 on achie ing gender
equalit and empo ering all omen and girls, calls upon Member States to adopt all
appropriate measures, especiall b significantl enhancing omen s and girls
education and participation in information and communications technologies, as
users, content creators, emplo ees, entrepreneurs, inno ators and leaders;
50. N e the man initiati es targeted at closing the gender digital di ide,
including, among others, International Girls in ICT Da (International
Telecommunication Union), the Global Partnership for Gender Equalit in the Digital
Age (the EQUALS initiati e), the EQUALS in Tech A ards (International
Telecommunication Union and United Nations Entit for Gender Equalit and the
Empo erment of Women), the eTrade for Women Net ork (United Nations Conference
on Trade and De elopment), Gender-Sensiti e Indicators for Media (United Nations
Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organi ation), Women on the Homepage (United
Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organi ation), the Global Sur e on
Gender and Media (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultur al
Organi ation), the Broadband Commission Working Group on Broadband and
Gender, the Best Practice Forum on Gender and Access of the Internet Go ernance
Forum, the ork being done in the World Summit on the Information Societ Forum
on gender issues and the ork of the World Bank in a number of countries promoting
opportunities for omen and girls in information and communications technologies,
as ell as the ork of man other stakeholders on this issue;
51. Reaffi the commitment to pa particular attention to the unique and
emerging information and communications technolog challenges facing all
countries, in particular de eloping countries, as en isaged in the rele ant paragraphs
of General Assembl resolution 70/125;
52. N e that, hile a solid foundation for capacit -building in information
and communications technolog has been laid in man areas ith regard to building
the information societ , there is still a need for continuing efforts to address the
ongoing challenges, especiall for de eloping countries and the least de eloped
countries, and dra s attention to the positi e impact of broadened capacit
de elopment that in ol es institutions, organi ations and entities dealing ith
information and communications technologies and Internet go ernance issues;
53. Rec g i e the need to focus on capacit de elopment policies and
sustainable support to further enhance the impact of acti ities and initiati es at the
national and local le els aimed at pro iding ad ice, ser ices and support, ith a ie
to building an inclusi e, people-centred and de elopment-oriented information
societ ;
54. N e that topics continue to emerge, such as e-en ironment applications
and the contribution of information and communications technologie s to earl
arning, mitigating climate change, social net orking, cultural and linguistic
di ersit , irtuali ation and cloud computing and ser ices, mobile Internet and
mobile-based ser ices, communit net orks, c bersecurit , the gender gap, the
protection of pri ac and freedom of e pression as defined in articles 17 and 19 of

the International Co enant on Ci il and Political Rights 5 and the empo erment and
protection, especiall against c bere ploitation and abuse, of ulnerable groups of
societ , in particular children and oung people;
55. Reaffi that, in the outcome document on the o erall re ie of the
implementation of the World Summit action lines, the General Assembl called for
the World Summit on the Information Societ Forum to be held ann uall , 6 and
recogni es the alue of the Forum in enhancing cooperation, partnership, inno ation
and the e change of e periences and good practices b all stakeholders in information
and communications technologies for sustainable de elopment;
56. N e the holding of the World Summit on the Information Societ Forum
2019, hosted b the International Telecommunication Union and jointl organi ed b
the Union, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organi ation, the
United Nations De elopment Programme and the United Nations Conference on
Trade and De elopment in Gene a from 8 to 12 April 2019, under the theme
Information and communications technologies for achie ing the Sustainable
De elopment Goals , also notes the holding of the World Summit on the Information
Societ Forum 2020 under the theme Fostering digital transformation and global
partnerships: WSIS Action Lines for achie ing SDGs in Gene a from 31 August - 4
September 2020, and further notes the open consultation process, hich aims to
ensure ide participation in and broad o nership of the Forum;
57. E c age action line facilitators to use the Gene a Plan of Action 7 as
the frame ork for identif ing practical measures to use information and
communications technologies to help to achie e the 2030 Agenda, noting the World
Summit on the Information Societ -Sustainable De elopment Goals Matri ,
de eloped b United Nations agencies;
58. E c age World Summit action line facilitators to ensure close
alignment ith the 2030 Agenda hen considering ne ork to implement the
outcomes of the World Summit, according to their e isting mandates and resources;
59. Rei e a e the importance of the call b the General Assembl for all
stakeholders to integrate information and communications technologies into
approaches to implementing the Sustainable De elopment Goals and its request to
United Nations entities facilitating the World Summit action lines to re ie their
reporting and orkplans to support implementation of the 2030 Agenda;

Internet governance
60. Reaffi that the outcomes of the World Summit related to Internet
go ernance, namel , the process to ards enhanced cooperation and the con ening of
the Internet Go ernance Forum, are to be pursued b the Secretar -General through
t o distinct processes, and recogni es that the t o processes ma be complementar ;
61. Al eaffi paragraphs 34 to 37 and 67 to 72 of the Tunis Agenda for
the Information Societ ; 8
62. F he eaffi paragraphs 55 to 65 of General Assembl resolution 70/125;

Enhanced cooperation
63. Rec g i e the importance of enhanced cooperation in the future, to enable
Go ernments, on an equal footing, to carr out their roles and responsibilities in
See General Assembl resolution 2200 A (XXI), anne .
See General Assembl resolution 70/125.
See A/C.2/59/3, anne .
See A/60/687.

international public polic issues pertaining to the Internet, but not in the da -to-da
technical and operational matters that do not ha e an impact on international public
polic issues;
64. N e the ork of the Working Group on Enhanced Cooperation,
established b the Chair of the Commission on Science and Technolog for
De elopment as requested b the General Assembl in its resolution 70/125, to
de elop recommendations on ho to further implement enhanced cooperation as
en isioned in the Tunis Agenda, and also notes that the Working Group ensured the
full in ol ement of Go ernments and other rele ant stakeholders, in particular from
de eloping countries, taking into account all their di erse ie s and e pertise;
65. Al e that the Working Group held fi e meetings bet een September
2016 and Januar 2018, at hich it discussed inputs from Member States and other
stakeholders, as stipulated b the General Assembl in its resolution 70/125;
66. Take e of the report of the Chair of the Working Group, 9 hich
includes references to the full te ts of all proposals and contributions, and e presses
its gratitude to the Chair and all participants ho submitted inputs and contribut ed to
the ork of the Working Group;
67. Welc e the good progress made b the Working Group in man areas
and the fact that consensus seemed to emerge on some issues, hile significant
di ergence of ie s on a number of other issues persisted, and in th at regard regrets
that the Working Group could not find agreement on recommendations on ho to
further implement enhanced cooperation as en isioned in the Tunis Agenda;

Internet Governance Forum

68. Rec g i e the importance of the Internet Go ernance Forum and its
mandate as a forum for multi-stakeholder dialogue on arious matters, as reflected in
paragraph 72 of the Tunis Agenda, including discussion on public polic issues
related to ke elements of Internet go ernance;
69. Recall the decision of the General Assembl , in its resolution 70/125, to
e tend the mandate of the Internet Go ernance Forum for a further 10 ears, during
hich time the Forum should continue to sho progress on orking modali ties and
the participation of rele ant stakeholders from de eloping countries;
70. Rec g i e that national and regional Internet Go ernance Forum
initiati es ha e emerged, taking place in all regions and addressing Internet
go ernance issues of rele ance and priorit to the organi ing countr or region;
71. Recall General Assembl resolution 70/125, in hich the Assembl
called upon the Commission on Science and Technolog for De elopment, ithin its
regular reporting, to gi e due consideration to fulfilment of the recommendations
contained in the report of the Working Group on Impro ements to the Internet
Go ernance Forum of the Commission; 10
72. N e the holding of the fourteenth meeting of the Internet Go ernance
Forum, hosted b the Go ernment of German in Berlin from 25 to 29 No ember
2019, under the theme One World. One Net. One Vision. ;
73. Welc e the holding of the fifteenth meeting of the Internet Go ernance
Forum, to be hosted b the Go ernment of Poland in Kato ice from 2 to 6 No ember
2020, and notes that, in the preparator process for the meeting, recommendations

See E/CN.16/2018/CRP.3.
A/67/65-E/2012/48 and A/67/65/Corr.1-E/2012/48/Corr.1.

contained in the report of the Working Group on Impro ements to the Internet
Go ernance Forum are being taken into consideration;
74. Al elc e , in that conte t, the continuous progress made ith regard
to the intersessional ork of the Internet Go ernance Forum in the different
modalities of connecting and enabling the ne t billion online, d namic coalitions and
best practice forums, as ell as the contributions being made b both national and
regional Internet go ernance forums;

The road ahead

75. Call United Nations entities to continue to acti el cooperate in the
implementation of and follo -up to the outcomes of the World Summit through the
United Nations s stem, to take the necessar steps and commit to a people -centred,
inclusi e and de elopment-oriented information societ and to catal se the
attainment of the internationall agreed de elopment go als, including those contained
in the 2030 Agenda;
76. Call all stakeholders to keep the goal of bridging the digital di ides,
in their different forms, an area of priorit concern, to put into effect sound strategies
that contribute to the de elopment of e-go ernment and to continue to focus on
pro-poor information and communications technolog policies and applications,
including access to broadband at the grass-roots le el, including through participati e
models, ith a ie to narro ing the digital di ides among and ithin countries
to ards building information and kno ledge societies;
77. U ge all stakeholders to prioriti e the de elopment of inno ati e
approaches that ill stimulate the pro ision of uni ersal access to affordable
broadband infrastructure for de eloping countries and the use of rele ant broad band
ser ices in order to ensure the de elopment of an inclusi e, de elopment -oriented
and people-centred information societ , and to minimi e the digital di ides;
78. Call all stakeholders to promote an enabling polic en ironment for
in estment and to foster public-pri ate cooperation and partnership for sustainable
in estment in information and communications technolog infrastructure,
applications and ser ices, content and digital skills, ith the aim of ensuring the
meaningful connecti it needed to ad ance the Sustainable De elopment Goals;
79. Call international and regional organi ations to continue to assess
and report on a regular basis on the uni ersal accessibilit of nations to information
and communications technologies, ith the aim of creating equitable opportunities
for the gro th of the information and communications technolog sectors of
de eloping countries;
80. U ge all countries to make concrete efforts to fulfil their commitments
under the Addis Ababa Action Agenda of the Third International Conference on
Financing for De elopment; 11
81. Rei e a e the importance of information and communications technolog
indicators in open data format as a monitoring and e aluation tool for measuring the
digital di ide among countries and ithin societies and in informing decision makers
hen formulating policies and strategies for social, cultural and economic
de elopment, emphasi es the importance of the standardi ation and harmoni ation of
reliable and regularl updated indicators, and stresses the alue of gender-
disaggregated data to contribute to the bridging of the digital gender di ide;

General Assembl resolution 69/313, anne .

82. Ack ledge the importance of digital measurement and monitoring tools
that support the deplo ment and measurement of the Sustainable De elopment Goals;
83. Rei e a e the importance of sharing best practices at all le els, and, hile
recogni ing e cellence in the implementation of the projects and initiati es that
further the goals of the World Summit, encourages all stakeholders to nomin ate their
projects for the annual World Summit pri es as an integral part of the World Summit
stocktaking process, hile taking note of the report on the World Summit success
84. Call United Nations organi ations and other rele ant organi ations
and forums, in accordance ith the outcomes of the World Summit, to periodicall
re ie the methodologies for information and communications technolog indicators,
taking into account different le els of de elopment and national circumstances, and
(a) Encourages Member States to collect rele ant data at the national le el on
information and communications technologies, to share information about countr
case studies and to collaborate ith other countries in capacit -building e change
(b) Encourages United Nations organi ations and other rele ant organi ations
and forums to promote assessment of the impact of information and communications
technologies on sustainable de elopment;
(c) Notes ith appreciation the ork of the Partnership on Measuring
Information and Communications Technolog for De elopment and the ne
Mea i g Digi al De el e e ie , hich pro ides recent trends and statistics on
access to and the affordabilit of information and communications technologie s and
the e olution of the information and kno ledge societies orld ide, including the
Information and Communications Technolog De elopment Inde ;
(d) Encourages the Partnership on Measuring Information and
Communications Technolog for De elopment to continue the follo up on the
rele ant decisions of the Statistical Commission on information and communications
technolog statistics for the purposes of producing high-qualit and timel
information and communications technolog statistics and of le eragi ng the potential
benefits of using big data for official statistics;
85. I i e the international communit to make oluntar contributions to the
special trust fund established b the United Nations Conference on Trade and
De elopment to support the re ie and assessment ork of the Commission on
Science and Technolog for De elopment regarding follo -up to the World Summit,
hile ackno ledging ith appreciation the financial support pro ided b the
Go ernments of Finland, S it erland and the United Stat es of America to this fund;
86. Recall the proposal in General Assembl resolution 70/125 that the
Assembl hold a high-le el meeting on the o erall re ie of the implementation of
the outcomes of the World Summit in 2025;
87. Take e i h a ecia i of the report of the Secretar -General and the
related discussion of the Commission on Science and Technolog for De elopment at
its t ent -third session;
88. E ha i e the importance of promoting an inclusi e information societ ,
ith particular attention to bridging the digital and broadband di ides, taking into
account the considerations of de eloping countries, gender and culture, as ell as
outh and other underrepresented groups;
89. Call f continued dialogue and ork on the implementation of enhanced
cooperation as en isaged in the Tunis Agenda;

90. Re e the Secretar -General to submit to the Commission on Science
and Technolog for De elopment, on a earl basis, a report on the implementation
of the recommendations contained in the present resolution as ell as in the other
Council resolutions on the assessment of the quantitati e and qualitati e progress
made in the implementation of and follo -up to the outcomes of the World Summit.


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