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The Infinite Miracles Of Mindfulness

Hey there, It’s nice to have you here!

I am honored to share some info on mindfulness with you
Where do we start? 

Mindfulness is a super common word that has been pushed

around, misinterpreted and twisted out of shape so much that
now most people associate mindfulness with the following--
-“Observe your thoughts, focus on your breath , be in the
present moment”.

While these are some aspects of mindfulness, it doesn't nearly

show you the true power of what it is and how it can solve all
your problems. 

My intention with this document is to help you understand a

little bit more about it, and when this information resonates
with you, you are welcome to explore further by attending our
upcoming 2 hour FREE class on mindfulness, where I will be
sharing 3 secrets: (See next page)
Note: For those who want to study mindfulness deeper are presented with discounts
and offers to join our academy in our webinar, however whether you decide to dive
deep and study further or not, you will still get a ton of step by step value from this FREE
class than most paid trainings, so don't miss out)

Secret #1: How to be calm, unaffected and peaceful, no matter

your external situation.(How many of you would like to master
that skill, huh?)

Secret #2: How to be free from any form of suffering, pain and
negativity (any emotional and mental suffering, concrete steps to
heal it)

Secret #3: How to live joyfully and create the life of your dreams
(How mindfulness creates effortless manifestations)
You can register for the free class and find out the date and time

I have to emphasize that mindfulness applies to people suffering-

due to relationship/love issues,
due to health issues,
due to stress,
due to family issues,
due to office /career issues,
due to depression and anxiety, and
due to all forms of issues!
Mindfulness heals everyone who is going through an emotional
and painful time.Which is almost everyone living on the planet
right now, whether we openly share about what we are going
through to others or not!

This healing power is not only scientifically proven with

neuroscience, but I have personally used mindfulness to heal out
of mental, physical and emotional disorders I had in my
life, when nothing else worked for me! I have personally
witnessed miraculous mental, physical, emotional, life healing of
thousands of our students using mindfulness.
Do attend our free 2 hour class to know more about it and
how to apply it in your own life (more info below)
Note: those who want to study mindfulness deeper are presented with discounts and offers to
join our academy in our webinar, however whether you decide to dive deep and study further
or not, you will still get a ton of step by step value from this FREE class than most paid trainings,
so don't miss out)

Continuing with our little introduction to mindfulness - In this

document we will be talking about 4 main things:

1. What is mindfulness really?

2. How mindfulness cleans all your problems
3. Common myths you may have about mindfulness
4. How to practice it to heal yourself and your life
Ready? Let’s jump right into it!

So what is mindfulness really? 

The way I define it is - Mindfulness is the natural ability (you are

born with this) to observe (to passively watch) and dissolve (to
release) thoughts (negative dialogues in your head about
yourself and the world), emotions (physically felt sensations
of energy moving through the body that may feel painful),
and behavior (as a result of your thoughts and emotions) that
arise in the present moment (all of life is happening right now)
without offering judgement or resistance or meaning to what you
are observing. 

Confused? Don’t worry!

In simple words, mindfulness is the science of not suffering

because of anyone or anything that happens in life. In fact it’s all
about healing the wound inside so you don't suffer inside and
you don’t suffer because of anything happening in your life.

You get to feel real peace, real control over your own mind,
emotions, and life.
In simple words, mindfulness is the science of staying calm
and peaceful no matter what situation you are in or what
people you are dealing with. This makes you free, to be and
live joyfully, and receive solutions to heal situations instead
of being stuck in them.

How does mindfulness clean all your problems?

Ever heard of the saying, the outside world is a reflection of your

inner world? So above so below? The universe is a mirror?

Well no matter how powerless or a victim we want to be, we do

create our own reality, both the reality inside us
(thoughts/emotions) and the reality outside us.

The law of attraction is real and it works on your vibration. If you

hold a lot of trauma and pain inside, and have negative painful
reactions to situations in your life, those vibrations also continue
to create your reality, and more painful situations.

Everytime you judge, you resist, you complain, condemn, criticize,

whatever is in you or in the world, you create more of it.
Energy goes where attention flows- Albert Einstein.

People ask me all the time, how to stay positive, bounce back, be
bigger than my issues- well mindfulness of course!

Every time you observe, accept, see things as they are, you free up
all the energy that would have otherwise gone in negative
thinking, and you can use that energy to be solution focused,
change how you see things, and create new realities.

You also stop suffering, which means you start living, like really

Getting more interested in discovering more about this practice?

Register for our 2 hour FREE upcoming class now :)
We would love to see you there!

Note: those who want to study mindfulness deeper are presented with discounts and
offers to join our academy in our webinar, however whether you decide to dive deep
and study further or not, you will still get a ton of step by step value from this FREE class
than most paid trainings, so don't miss out)

Moving on now to….

The Common Myths about mindfulness:

1. MYTH 1 - I am not a spiritual person, so I can't practice


While mindfulness does play a huge role in an individual's spiritual

journey, most people who practice mindfulness simply use it as a
way to live life better, to step out of victimhood and calm their inner
chaos. You do not have to be interested in spirituality to learn and
practice mindfulness. No matter how tough your life situation,
mindfulness will make you a stronger, more relaxed, more powerful
version of you to easily wade through the situation, instead of being
stuck as a victim to it. Mindfulness has no religion or cult or
anything associated with it, anyone from any religion, walk of life,
age or gender can practice it.

2. MYTH 2 - I am too restless, I can't meditate, so I can't

practice mindfulness.

No one mastered any skill in a day, or 10. As long as you're setting

aside some time everyday and practicing, you're good. Also, you can
be mindful in everyday life, even when you aren't meditating.
Mindfulness is a way of life applied to everything you do, so
meditating alone is not mindfulness, it is living everyday in a
certain way that makes you a free happy powerful soul, living in
the joy of  life and not suffering day in and day out. Yes, that’s a

Emotions are human, but suffering (prolonged negative

emotions, getting triggered all the time, being down for
days/months/ years because of something/someone) is not,
you can easily drop it and live joyfully!

Because your health and joy always come first. Drama and

constant pain is NOT normal, NOT necessary, and NOT worth
your energy, especially when you can easily come out of it. 

All that drama only causes stress chemicals that mess up your
health, your finances, relationships, and quality of life.
So not worth it, no matter how much you enjoy suffering (yes
believe it or not, a part of the ego loves the powerless misery,
it feels good) but again so not worth it!
MYTH 3 - I don't understand the concept of mindfulness, it's
too vague.

You don't have to understand it to reap its benefits. It's not

something to understand. Stop trying to understand and start
trying to live it.  It's something to experience. Your logical mind
will catch up soon enough.

As you live it, the understanding comes naturally, with or without

your mind understanding why it works so beautifully, how your
healing is unfolding so naturally!

MYTH 4 - Practicing mindfulness requires a lot of time, and I

need to focus on my work, so I can't practice mindfulness

Mindfulness is practiced in everything you do. You don’t

technically need to separate your mindfulness practice from your
daily life and especially when times are hard, and someone is
yelling right at your face, or something terrible happens, you can
swim through it easily with mindfulness.
You can practice in your everyday living. This affects every
area of your life positively. And the good news is, being
mindful clears the path, improves your focus, productivity,
concentration and even creativity, and so you can get so much
done in less time and get done in better quality than ever

What’s the next step? (How to practice it to heal your life)

When mindfulness interests you, you can now explore HOW to
practice all of this in your everyday life.

There is a step by step 2 hour class coming up, it is a FREE

class where we dive deeper and give you step by step
instructions on
1. How to be calm, unaffected and peaceful, no matter your
external situation.
2. How to be free from any form of suffering,pain and
negativity (so any emotional and mental suffering, concrete
steps to heal it)
3. How to live joyfully and create the life of your dreams(How
mindfulness creates effortless manifestations)
You can register for the free class and find out the
date and time here:
Note:  those who want to study mindfulness deeper are presented with discounts and
offers to join our academy in our webinar, however whether you decide to dive deep
and study further or not, you will still get a ton of step by step value from this FREE class
than most paid trainings, so don't miss out)

Until then, keep tuned in for more videos on my channel

with miraculous life healings and manifestations my
students have had with their daily mindful way of life.
It is simpler than you think!

Looking forward to seeing you in the class!


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