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Mr Men project

Produce a story in a booklet about one or more of the following characters and their adventures:

Don Quisquilloso (Mr Fussy), Don Gruñón (Mr Grumpy), Don Torpe (Mr Bump), Don Queja (Mr
Grumble), Don Perfecto (Mr Perfect), Don Tacaño (Mr Mean)

Further characters can be found on and scrolling to

the bottom of each character to find the translation)

You should start off by describing them (both physical and personality), and must include information
talking about their family in detail, what they study at school their opinions, what they eat, what they
do in their lessons etc, what they do in their free time, what their house is like, plans for the weekend
and what their town is like.

Draft your ideas first. You will have time in lessons and at home to do a neat version, including any
pictures you wish to use.

Produce a cover with title, picture and your name. Use the textbook, your exercise book and a
dictionary to help.

If you find it easier, use the ‘I’ form of verbs but if you want more of a challenge, use the ‘he/she’
form of the verb – use the relevant pages at the back of your textbook to help.

The finished booklet should be given in on Friday. I will award prizes for the best ones.

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