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Transit of a Meal Through the Stomach,

Small Intestine, and Colon in Normal
Subjects and its Role in the Pathogenesis
of Diarrhea
Departments of Physiology and Gastroenterology, University of Sheffield, Sheffield,

A method for measuring the transit time of a meal, whole gut transit time. Total stool weight for 48 hr
containing sausages, mashed potato, baked beans, after ingestion of the meal was inversely related to
and a pineapple custard dessert, through the gastro- whole gut transit time but not to small intestinal
intestinal tract was evaluated in 14 healthy volun- transit time suggesting that the tendency to develop
teers. Gastric emptying was determined by incorpo- diarrhea in response to a meal containing unabsorb-
rating a radioactive marker in the meal and counting able carbohydrate depends more on the lack of co-
over the surface of the stomach using a crystal scin- ionic accommodation than on the rate of small in-
tillation detector. Small intestinal transit time was testinal transit. Finally, there was no significant
determined by measuring breath hydrogen excretion correlation between the measurements of small in-
and by estimating the radioactivity over the cecum. testinal transit time after a drink of lactulose and
Finally, whole gut transit time was measured by in- the transit time of a meal in the same subjects.
corporating radiopaque plastic markers or carmine
red in the meal and estimating the appearance of
these markers in the stool. Our results showed that
measurements of small intestinal transit time were It is not uncommon to find patients with disordered
reproducible and in the majority of subjects the in- bowel habit for which routine diagnostic tests fail to
crease in hydrogen excretion occurred at the same reveal the cause.“2 Such patients are often suspected
time as the increase in radioactive counts over the of having some disorder of intestinal motility result-
surface of the cecum. The passage of the first marker ing in an abnormal transit of food through the in-
in the stool coincided with the appearance of car- testine and impaired absorption of fluid. However,
mine red. There were no significant correlations be- there is no acceptable and physiologically relevant
tween small intestinal transit time and whole gut method for measuring the transit of food through
transit time or the half time for gastric emptying. ln- various portions of the gut. The transit time of a
corporation of 10, 25, and 40 g lactulose into our meal from mouth to anus, measured by counting in-
standard meal in place of sucrose increased the rate gested markers in stool specimens>4 is dominated by
of transit through the small intestine but did not sig- the slow rate of transit through the colon and does
nijicantly alter the rate of gastric emptying or the not give any indication of the more rapid transit
through the small intestine, where most absorption
occurs. Current methods for measuring small in-
Received December 31, 1979. Accepted June 23, 1960.
Address requests for reprints to: Dr. N. W. Read, Department of testinal transit time involve ingestion of barium sul-
Physiology, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, England. fate5*’ or the osmotic laxative, lactulose (Duphalac)’
This study was carried out as a Physiology class project for the and the results do not necessarily relate to the tran-
Dual Honours B.Sc. students. sit of food through the small intestine. In this study
The authors gratefully acknowledge the expert technical assist-
we have described a method for determining di-
ance of Mrs. Christine Brown and Mrs. Norma Hobson. They also
thank Dr. I. Bergman, Dr. D. Barber, and Dr. S. Sheriff for the loan rectly the transit times of a single meal through the
of the equipment. stomach, the small intestine, and the colon in normal
0 1966 by the American Gastroenterological Association volunteers. This method has been used to investigate

the pathogenesis of the osmotic diarrhea induced by minute vs. time), a graph resembling an exponential curve
was usually obtained. Points on this curve beyond those
ingestion of unabsorbable carbohydrate.
which were measured were obtained by extrapolating the
linear transformation of the data on a semilogarithmic
Materials and Methods plot. Half-times for gastric emptying were obtained from
both the direct and semilogarithmic plots.
Subjects Measurement of small intestinal transit time.
Small intestinal transit time was estimated in all 14 sub-
Studies were carried out on 14 young, healthy sub- jects by measuring the excretion of hydrogen in the
jects (3 female, 11 male; average age = 22 yr). Each subject breath’ using a metallized membrane e1ectrode.l’ Every 5
gave written informed consent for each experiment to be
min throughout the test an alveolar air sample was ob-
performed and the study was approved by the Ethical sub- tained using a Haldane-Priestley tube.” The sample of ex-
committee of the Sheffield Area Health Authority (South- haled air was injected into the electrode via a drying agent
ern Region) on July 2, 1979. and a simple chromatographic column to separate the rap-
The subjects fasted for at least 12 hr before each test.
idly moving hydrogen from any carbon monoxide present
(also detected by the electrode). To confirm that the in-
Composition of the Meal crease in hydrogen excretion was related to the arrival of
the food in the colon, radioactivity was measured in all 14
The meal used in this study was of homogeneous
subjects using a second crystal scintillation detector posi-
consistency and did not readily separate into solid and liq-
tioned in the right iliac fossa over a point 2 cm medial to
uid phases. It contained three hot-dog sausages (60 g), 150
the anterior superior iliac spine.
g of mashed potato, 120 g of baked beans, and a dessert
Whole gut transit and stool analysis. Whole gut
consisting of homogenized pineapple sweetened with su-
transit time was determined in all 14 subjects. Stools were
crose and thickened with custard powder (75 g). The total
collected during the study and for at least 2 days after-
weight of the meal was 405 g, and the caloric intake was
tiards. The results of each bowel movement were col-
536 kcals. Sips of water up to a total volume of 50 ml were
lected in separate polyethylene bags which were labeled
allowed with the meal. Fifty microcuries of gsmtechnetium-
with a tag stating the date and time that the stools had
sulfur colloid (half life = 6 hr) were incorporated in the
been passed. Each separate motion was inspected for the
mashed potato, together with 50 radiopaque plastic
presence of carmine red and x-rayed to determine the
markers (sections of tubing 0.4 cm x 0.2 cm). Baked beans
number of plastic markers. Each 24-hr collection was
contained the undigestible oligosaccharides, stachyose
weighed, and the consistency was noted on a scale from
and raffinose, which served as substrates for hydrogen
solid or formed to viscous (like thick soup or porridge) to
production in the large intestine.8 Four grams of carmine
frank liquid.
red were mixed with the beans fed to 5 subjects.
Experiments Using Lactulose
Rate of Ingestion
In three separate series of experiments carried out
The meal was placed on a preweighed plate on a in 6 normal subjects, 10 g, 25 g, and 40 g of the indigestible
top-loading balance, and the weight was noted at minute disaccharide lactulose (15, 37.5, and 60 ml, Duphalac, Phil-
intervals as the subject ate. lips Duphar, Weesp, Holland) were incorporated into the
pineapple puree dessert in place of equal amounts of su-
Gastric Emptying crose. Gastric emptying and small intestinal transit time
were measured in each experiment, but stool weight and
Gastric emptying was measured in all 14 subjects whole gut transit time were measured only after ingestion
using a single crystal scintillation detector connected to a of 40 g lactulose.
count ratemeter.’ This method had previously been shown Gastric emptying and small intestinal transit time were
to give as good an index of gastric emptying as the gamma also determined in 11 subjects after ingestion of 10 g lactu-
camera while using only a fraction of the radiation dose lose in 400 ml of water. The methods were the same as
(50 &i vs. 1500 PCi)? After the food had been ingested, the those used for the solid meal.
subject lay on his back, and the scintillation detector was
carefully positioned over the area of greatest radioactivity. Statistical Analysis
Counts were then measured for 1 min every 2 min. The
test was terminated when the activity (after correction for The degree of statistical significance between sets
decay of the isotope) had decreased to one-third of the of data collected under differing conditions in the same
original value. subjects was determined using Student’s paired t-test.
In one series of six experiments the marker was incor-
porated in the solid phase of the meal by labeling chicken Results
liver using the method described by Meyer et al.” The
chicken liver was cooked in a microwave oven for 5 set, Control Experiments
diced into cubes, 0.5 cm square, and a 20-g portion was
eaten in place of an equivalent weight of sausage. Rate of ingestion. Each subject ate the meal
When gastric emptying results were plotted (counts per within 7 min, and there was no correlation between

tied exponentially with an average of half-time of

little over 1 hr (1.32 f 0.13 hr; mean f SEM, range =
0.60-2.33 hr; median = 1.20 hr, n = 14). It made no
significant difference to the results if the half-time
was obtained from the direct or semilogarithmic
The rate of emptying of the marker incorporated
into the solid part of the meal in 6 subjects by label-
ing chicken liver (t?4 = 1.15 f 0.13 hr), was not sig-
nificantly different from the rate of emptying of the
marker incorporated in the mashed potato in the
same subjects (t% = 1.22 f 0.16 hr).
. Small intestinal transit. All 14 subjects mani-
fested increases in hydrogen excretion after inges-
2. tion of the meal. A typical record of hydrogen excre-
tion after ingestion of the standard meal is shown in
Figure 1. Two hydrogen peaks were observed after
ingestion of the meal. The primary peak was brief
and occurred shortly after ingestion (26 f 4 min)
(while most of the meal was in the stomach). The
secondary peak was larger, started to rise between 2
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 11 I2 and 7 hr after the meal (mean = 3.9 + 0.4 hr, range =
1.5-7.4 hr, median = 4.0 hr, n = 14) reach a maxi-
TIME(hr) mum between 5 and 11 hr (mean = 6.3 & 0.4 hr,
range = 3.3-10.9 hr, median = 6.2 hr) and decayed
towards basal values around 12 hr after ingestion.
The primary peak was not related to entry of the
meal into the cecum because it was not associated
with any rise in radioactivity over the cecal area
(Figure 1). Neither could it be explained by bacterial
overgrowth in the small intestine because in our ex-
perience the early increase in breath hydrogen in
that condition is sustained for several hours after in-
gestion of the meal. We tested the possibility that
01 -t
the enhanced colonic motility induced by feeding’”
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 3 10 II 12
either released hydrogen trapped in the fecal mass
TIME (hr) or exposed sequestered carbohydrate to the action
Figure 1. Comparison of breath hydrogen excretion and gastric of bacteria, by feeding a steak meal at the very end
and cecal radioactivity. In the upper graph, the radio- of a control study after hydrogen excretion had re-
active counts over the surface of the stomach (open cir- turned to basal levels. This manoeuvre did not in-
cles) and cecum (closed circles), expressed as a per- duce any increase in hydrogen excretion. In our
centage of the gastric counts measured immediately
after ingestion of the test meal are plotted against the
opinion the most likely explanation for this primary
time after ingestion of the meal. The lower graph increase in hydrogen excretion is that ingestion of
shows the relationship between the concentration of the meal caused the passage of a portion of the meal
hydrogen excreted in the breath and the time after in- eaten the night before into the cecum.
gestion of the meal. The values were obtained from 1 There was a highly significant correlation be-
normal subject. Note that the first rise in breath hydro-
gen occurs at a time when there is no increase in radio-
tween the time of the increase in radioactivity (r =
activity over the cecum, while the secondary rise in 0.82; P < 0.001) over the cecum and the time of the
breath hydrogen concentration corresponds with the secondary increase in hydrogen excretion. In nine
rise in cecal radioactivity. out of fourteen subjects, the secondary increase in
H, excretion occurred at the same time as the in-
crease in cecal radioactivity indicating that measure-
the rate of ingestion and the rates of gastric empty- ment of breath hydrogen is a useful method to in-
ing or small intestinal transit. dicate when a meal enters the colon. The
Gastric emptying. When technetium was in- observation that the increase in cecal radioactivity
corporated in the mashed potato, the stomach emp- preceded the rise in hydrogen excretion in the re-
+vO > d) sanlea IoJ*uo3 uror3 iuara*p 6l~ue3yyx8!S 9 jgy0 < d) sanIea IOJ)UO~uxo~3)uaJag!p 6~~ue3y!uS!s 10~ o
- - (s) @iaM 1001s Asa z
- - (rq) slagnttu 1112 30afhssed
- - (Jq)Slaylet ~0s 30 a%SSad
- - (~q) zayeur 1st 30 a%eSSed
~~SUDJ~@3 aloqM
$X T 66 $2 T Hi (Ludd) uogaJ3xa Z~ urnur!xeyy
$vo T KS oL9’0i 86’S (rq) uogarzxa zH ‘lead 30 auuL
#E’O T 90% ,ZS’OT 9L’E (.ry) uoyarDxa z~
u! aseal3u! ,puo3as, 30 auuL
~~IOJJ. p+vsaluI rpw~s
08T.‘OT 90’7 d30.0 T ST’1 (4 +I
Sujldma a!J)SDs
80p hz a0t IoJ’luo3
sw!qnSI~wuro~gjo py-jaq~qSnoq~3proq.
10 sluawarnsoaw uo roaw p.ropuo~s ayl u! asoplaol 40 sasoa Su!soarsul &ngoJodrowI jo aauandur aqL ‘T alqDL
6LZl V3Hl.llIVICl (INV .LlSNVXl ‘lV3l4

Small lntesttnal Transit TlmQ (hr)


600 .

400 . .

. + :
Figure 2. The relationship between the total
weight of feces passed during the
48 hr after ingestion of the meal
0 .
and the small intestinal transit time
. . (top) and the time of elimination of
0 I -t the first plastic marker in the stool
I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (whole gut transit time; bottom).
The closed circles are measure-
WhOlQ Gut Transit Time (hr) ments made after ingestion of the
standard meal. The open circles re-
fer to measurements made after the
@lo- meal containing 40 g lactulose.



. .
24 46 72 96 I20 144

hr). There was no significant correlation (r = 0.31; P markers), and the weight of feces was collected over
> 0.1) between transit time determined by the in- 48 hr after ingestion of the meal (I: values for log
crease in hydrogen excretion after ingestion of the whole gut transit time vs. log 2 day stool weight
standard me’al and that determined after ingestion of < 0.75). This relationship was present even when the
400 g of water containing 10 g of lactulose. data from the control meal or the meal containing 40
Incorporation of lactulose in the standard g lactulose were analyzed separately. There was no
meal. Although incorporation of increasing doses of curvilinear or linear correlation between stool
lactulose in the standard meal in place of sucrose in- weight and small intestinal transit time (Figure 2).
creased the rate of gastric emptying (Table 1)the re- Inspection of Figure 2 also shows that subjects re-
sults were not significantly different from the emp- sponded in dramatically different ways to incorpora-
tying of the standard meal alone. Increasing the dose tion of lactulose in the meal. One subject passed
of lactulose, however, significantly decreased the nearly 800 ml of liquid feces after ingestion of 40 g of
time between the ingestion of the meal and both the lactulose and commenced passing markers 8 hr after
secondary increase in hydrogen production and the the meal. Another subject who passed only 90 g of
peak hydrogen production (Table 1) and sub- solid feces during the 48 hr after lactulose, did not
stantially increased the maximum concentration of pass any markers for 6 days. The small intestinal
hydrogen in the breath samples. Despite the reduc- transit time in these subjects differed by only 30 min.
tion in small intestinal transit time, replacement of
sucrose by 40 g of lactulose did not alter the average
rate of elimination of fecal markers (Table 1).
Relationship between intestinal transit and The aim of this study was to develop and
stool weight. There was an inverse curvilinear rela- evaluate a method for measuring the transit of food
tionship (Figure 2) between the whole gut transit of through the stomach, small intestine, and large in-
radiopaque markers (first marker, 50% and 100% testine in humans. The method chosen was designed

to be physiologically relevant and simple to carry trolled by its own independent mechanism. This
out. Clearly the results obtained in this study relate does not however rule out the possibility that these
only to the composition of the meal we used, and control mechanisms could be overwhelmed by the
different results may be obtained with meals of dif- delivery of a large volume of fluid, caused by exces-
ferent composition or weight. For example, the rea- sively rapid transit of food through a more proximal
son why other workers” have noted very different segment of gut. Such an event could contribute to
gastric emptying curves for liquid and solid com- the diarrhea observed in short bowel syndrome or in
ponents of the meal whereas we found that liquid conditions causing abnormal secretion in the small
and solid labels emptied at similar rates must de- bowel or the rapid small intestinal transit observed
pend on the relative composition of the meals used. in some patients after partial gastrectomy.”
If the meal is clearly differentiated into solid and liq- The observations that the Z-day stool weight was
uid phases, these will empty at different rates,” but, inversely correlated to whole gut transit but not to
if the meal is of homogeneous consistency, the solid small intestinal transit, suggest that under our exper-
and liquid components will not necessarily separate imental conditions, transit of material through the
in the stomach and will empty at similar rates.14 colon is more important in the pathogenesis of os-
The close correspondence between cecal radio- motic diarrhea than transit through the small gut. In-
activity and measurements of breath hydrogen sug- deed, the results of studies adding 40 g of lactulose
gests that the secondary increase in hydrogen excre- (60 ml Duphalac) to the meal showed that although
tion may indicate the time when the head of the small intestinal transit time was reduced by about
meal enters the cecum’ (small intestinal transit time) 50% in all subjects, some were able to accommodate
while in at least 50% of the subjects peak hydrogen the rapid delivery of this amount of undigested car-
excretion indicates the time when the bulk of the bohydrate and its attendant fluid load in the colon
meal was entered the colon. If this is the case, then and were still able to produce normal stools. Other
the observation that these two times are closely cor- subjects could not accommodate this load in the co-
related supports the idea that measurement of the lon and developed rapid colonic transit and diar-
secondary increase in breath hydrogen excretion rhea. Among the factors which may influence co-
provides an index of the transit time of the bulk as ionic accommodation to the rapid delivery of this
well as the head of the meal. meal are the sensitivity of the cecum to distension
We could not demonstrate any direct correlation and the ability of the colonic flora to metabolize car-
between the transit time of the meal and the transit bohydrate to short chain fatty acids, which may
time of a solution of lactulose in the same subjects. then be rapidly absorbed.16
This suggests that transit measurements after inges- Differences in colonic accommodation may ex-
tion of a drink of lactulose do not provide a useful plain why only some patients with disorders of car-
index of the transit of food through the small in- bohydrate digestion, such as lactase deficiency, or
testine and are not necessarily of relevance in eval- disorders of carbohydrate absorption, such as celiac
uating the role of small intestinal transit in condi- sprue, develop diarrhea while others may even be-
tions which give rise to malabsorption, diarrhea, or come constipated, and why some patients fail to re-
constipation. On the other hand, the measurement of spond to osmotic laxatives such as lactulose.
the transit of a standard meal offers direct insight
into the role of small intestinal transit of food in References
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