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Cryobiology 50 (2005) 121–138

The thermodynamic principles of isochoric cryopreservation
Boris Rubinsky , Pedro Alejandro Perez a, Morgan E. Carlson b

Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA
Department of Bioengineering, University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA

Received 6 July 2004; accepted 13 December 2004


The goal of this study is to introduce the fundamental thermodynamic principles of isochoric (constant volume)
cryopreservation for low temperature preservation of biological materials. Traditionally, cryopreservation is performed
in an isobaric process (constant pressure) at 1 atm, because this is our natural environment and it is most convenient
experimentally. More than half a century of studies on cryopreservation shows that the major mechanism of damage
during isobaric cryopreservation is the increase in intracellular ionic concentration during freezing, which presumably
causes chemical damage to the components of cells. Cryoprotectants as well as hyperbaric pressures have been devel-
oped as methods to reduce the extent of chemical damage during freezing. The theoretical studies in this paper show
that in isochoric cryopreservation, the increase in solution concentration during freezing is lower at each temperature
by almost an order of magnitude from that in isobaric cryopreservation. This suggests that isochoric cryopreservation
could be a preferential alternative to isobaric cryopreservation. The technology for isochoric cryopreservation is very
simple; freezing in a constant volume chamber. Using a simple isochoric cryopreservation device, we confirm the the-
oretical thermodynamic predictions.
 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Isochoric cryopreservation; Cryoprotectants; Hyperbaric cryopreservation

Introduction aspects of medicine, agriculture, veterinary medi-

cine, and biotechnology. The principle of biolog-
The need to preserve biological materials for ical material preservation is ingrained in the
extended periods of time is encountered in many observation that life processes are temperature
dependent chemical reactions, whose sum is the
metabolism. Similar to the kinetics of every
This work was supported by the Arnold and Barbara
Silverman Distinguished Chair in Bioengineering.
chemical reaction, the metabolism can be also re-
Corresponding author. Fax: +1 510 642 6163. duced by lowering the temperature. Most en-
E-mail address: (B. Rubinsky). zymes of normothermic animals show a 1.5- to

0011-2240/$ - see front matter  2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
122 B. Rubinsky et al. / Cryobiology 50 (2005) 121–138

2-fold decrease in metabolic activity for every trigger ice formation in other cells. During freez-
10 C decrease in temperature, purely from ki- ing of biological materials, the ice and solution
netic predictions [1]. Since the reduction of meta- in the extracellular space are in thermodynamic
bolic rates is a strong function of temperature, it equilibrium. However, the unfrozen cells are ther-
would be obviously most desirable to preserve modynamically supercooled and have a higher
biological materials close to absolute zero, where Gibbs free-energy and Helmoltz potential from
the chemical reactions cease and they can be pre- the extracellular solution. It is important to recog-
served indefinitely. However, biological materials nize, in the context of this paper, that to equili-
are mostly water in a physiological saline solu- brate the difference in chemical potential between
tion. Freezing removes the water from solution, the interior of the cell, where the solution is super-
in the inert form of ice crystals and completely cooled, and the exterior of the cell, in which ice is
modifies the biophysical environment the cells in thermodynamic equilibrium with the extracellu-
experience. The process of freezing and the dam- lar solution, water will leave the cell through the
age that this induces to cells and tissues will be water-permeable cell membrane. This is the only
discussed next, briefly. possible mechanism. Consequently, the intracellu-
Because we exist in an environment at a con- lar solution will become hypertonic. It was origi-
stant (isobaric) pressure of 1 atm most of the re- nally proposed by Lovelock [10] and later
search on cryopreservation was done under incorporated in his comprehensive theory by Ma-
isobaric atmospheric conditions. At constant pres- zur [11] that the increased hypertonic intracellular
sure, when the temperature becomes lower than solution damages the cells. It is not entirely clear
the solution freezing point temperature at that what is the mechanism of hypertonic damage;
pressure, freezing may occur. In pure water at chemical denaturation of proteins and other mol-
atmospheric temperatures, this is 0 C. In physio- ecules, or changes in the cell structure or both.
logical saline, this is 0.57 C. However, freezing Nevertheless, it appears that the damage to cells
is a probabilistic event. For ice to form, water mol- increases with increasing extracellular concentra-
ecules must assemble, during their random move- tion and with time of exposure—which validates
ment, into an ice-like structure (nucleus) with a the concept of chemical damage, e.g., [20,21].
critical size, or assemble around an impurity in a However, experiments have also shown that it is
critical nucleus size [7]. Pure water, in the absence not only the temperature which affects the survival
of nucleation sites can supercool to temperatures of cryopreserved cells. In fact, the rate with which
as low as 40 C [6]. Preservation of biological the cells are brought to cryogenic temperatures is
materials at a very low temperature, in a super- probably the most important thermal parameter
cooled state, could be an ideal means for signifi- of cryopreservation. This parameter is known as
cantly lowering the cell metabolism without the cooling rate and is usually given in C/min.
inducing freezing damage. Unfortunately, super- The effect of cooling rates is explained to be re-
cooling and ice nucleation is a probabilistic event, lated to the process of mass transfer (primarily
and in reality solutions of cells usually freeze at water transport) across the cell membrane during
temperatures higher than 5 C in an unpredict- cooling in the high subzero freezing zone of tem-
able manner. peratures. The intracellular composition does not
The probability of ice nucleation is a function become instantaneously equal to the extracellular
of the volume of the solution. Therefore, ice nucle- composition. The mass transfer across the cell
ation usually occurs first in the much larger extra- membrane and the cell shrinkage are a rate depen-
cellular space, when cells are frozen in a cellular dent function of time, cell membrane permeability,
suspension, or in the vascular and interstitial space and driving force, i.e., extracellular solution osmo-
when tissues are frozen [16]. The probability for lality. Since the chemical damage is a function of
cells to freeze intracellularly is much lower, be- temperature, and since the mass transfer and cell
cause of their smaller volume. Furthermore, even dehydration are a function of time, it should be
when a cell occasionally freezes, the ice will not anticipated that if cells are brought rapidly to
B. Rubinsky et al. / Cryobiology 50 (2005) 121–138 123

cryogenic temperature the chemical mode of dam- Isobaric cryopreservation

age during freezing could be eliminated. Indeed, it
has been observed that increasing the cooling rates The underlining principle in cryopreservation
during freezing improves cell survival [11,12]. techniques is to avoid intracellular chemical dam-
However, experiments have shown that this in- age in the high subzero temperatures range, during
crease in viability suddenly reverses when the cool- the biological materials excursion to lower temper-
ing rates exceed a certain optimal value, and cell atures. Cryopreservation, as practiced today, is
survival decreases precipitously with a further in- mostly an isobaric (constant pressure) process,
crease in cooling rates. When cell survival is plot- which takes place at a pressure of 1 atm. It is nat-
ted as a function of cooling rates, the survival ural that this type of process would have evolved,
signature has an inverse U-shape, with survival because it is convenient to implement on Earth.
gradually increasing with an increase in cooling Working at constant atmospheric pressure, the
rates to an optimal cooling rate, and than decreas- most obvious (in hindsight) method to reduce
ing with a further increase in rate. While, this is an chemical damage at high subzero temperatures is
ubiquitous behavior of every cell, the values of by adding compounds that depress the freezing
each so-called inverse U-shaped survival curve is temperature of the solution, can penetrate the cell
cell type specific and the optimal cooling rate membrane and do not harm the cell and its constit-
can vary even by orders of magnitude from cell uents. Again, it is relevant to this study to recog-
type to cell type. Experiments have correlated nize that most cryoprotective agents need to
the decrease in cell survival with the sudden for- easily penetrate the cell membrane to be effective.
mation of intracellular ice [11,12,20,21,4]. The Smith and co-workers [14] found that the addition
sudden formation of intracellular ice is also re- of glycerol allows cattle sperm to survive freezing
lated to the dynamics of mass transfer across the at the dry ice temperature of 79 C. Subse-
cell membrane during freezing. When cells are quently, it was found that other polyhydric alco-
cooled too rapidly for the intracellular solution hols and other compounds, such as dimethyl
to equilibrate osmotically with the extracellular sulfoxide, which penetrate the cell membrane,
solution, the intracellular solution is thermody- facilitate frozen cell survival. The protective effect
namically supercooled. The probability for intra- of these cryoprotectants is probably through their
cellular ice nucleation increases with the extent colligative effect. Cryoprotectants such as glycerol,
of thermodynamic supercooling. It is not clear if ethylene glycol and DMSO penetrate the cell and
the nucleation site for intracellular ice formation depress the freezing temperature of the solution.
is intracellular, extracellular or on the membrane Among other effects they cause a reduction in the
[22]. However, whatever the cause of intracellular intracellular and extracellular ionic concentration
ice may be, it is almost always lethal to the cells, and they reduce potentially lethal shrinkage during
and it is avoided in designing cryopreservation slow freezing, at any temperature. This paper sug-
protocols. gests that in isochoric cryopreservation, pressure
We will show later, in our thermodynamic could produce a similar effect to a cryoprotectant
studies, that in isochoric cryopreservation the with the ability to penetrate the cell
cells will be exposed to an intracellular chemical instantaneously.
composition that is almost an order of magnitude
lower than that during isobaric cryopreservation Hyperbaric cryopreservation
at the same temperature. This is the basis of
our hypothesis that isochoric cryopreservation Hyperbaric cryopreservation is another method
could improve the survival of biological materials to reduce the ionic concentration at subzero Cel-
at low temperatures. It should be emphasized that sius temperatures [15]. It has some similarity to
this paper deals with the thermodynamics of iso- the isochoric cryopreservation proposed in this
choric cryopreservation and not the proof of the study because isochoric cryopreservation also
hypothesis. leads to elevated pressures, but in a different
124 B. Rubinsky et al. / Cryobiology 50 (2005) 121–138

way. Isochoric cryopreservation is a two phase vice technology needed is cumbersome and
thermodynamic equilibrium process. In hyperbaric expensive while in the former the device technol-
cryopreservation, the solution is maintained as a ogy is extremely simple and inexpensive.
single phase in a liquid form. By increasing the
pressure of the solution ice is completely avoided.
The absence of ice causes the solution in the bio- Materials and methods
logical material to remain at its original composi-
tion. Hyperbaric pressures are used more often in Experimental isochoric cryopreservation system
food preservation and in preservation of tissue
structure for cryomicroscopy as opposed to cryo- Isochoric cryopreservation systems are simple.
preservation [9,17]. There, elevated pressures, fol- This is a system in which ice and the solution exist
lowed by rapid freezing lead to preservation of in thermodynamic equilibrium at a constant tem-
the biological material structure and are used for perature and constant volume. They require only
this purpose. Several attempts have been also re- a constant volume chamber, capable of withstand-
ported on the use of hyperbaric pressures for or- ing the pressures that develop in the system. For
gan preservation at reduced temperatures, control, or analysis, there is the need to measure
without the deleterious aspects of freezing, e.g., the internal pressure and temperature. Fig. 1 illus-
kidney [5], liver [19] or cell preservation [18]. In trates the system which we have used and which
general, the elevated pressures were obtained by can withstand pressures up to 75.8 MPa. The
means of mechanical devices. In the kidney pres- chamber is made from stainless steel and has an in-
sures of 1000 atm were used and it was found that ner diameter of 1 in and outer diameter of 2.13 in
pressure reduces the concentration of chemical and an inner length of 3 in. The constant volume
additives needed for vitrification [5]. No survival chamber is sealed with a screw and metal seal
was reported. In the liver, pressures were obtained and is connected to an Omega electronic pressure
to about 70 MPa. It was found that livers can sur- transducer with a rupture disk of 60 MPa. To cool
vive preservation of about 35 MPa but succumb to the system, it was introduced in a controlled tem-
higher pressures. Survival was found to be a func- perature bath (Neslab RT-140). This arrangement
tion of the rate in increase in pressure, as well as allows controlling the temperature of the system
the magnitude of the pressures. In cells, where
pressure was examined independent of tempera-
ture, it was found that they can survive to
200 MPa for brief periods of time and that the
ATP is depleted [18]. There are certain mecha-
nisms which may have led to damage in the hyper-
baric cryopreservation protocols described in
those studies. Thermodynamic analysis points to
these mechanism and they will be discussed in fu-
ture papers. The most obvious is that the elevated
pressure is detrimental to cells. However, in tradi-
tional hyperbaric cryopreservation there is no at-
tempt to minimize the pressure for a certain
cryopreservation temperature. In isochoric cryo-
preservation, the system naturally adjusts itself to
the minimal pressure for the particular cryopreser-
vation temperature and thereby minimizes the tox- Fig. 1. Isochoric cryopreservation chamber. It consists of a
constant volume chamber that is hermetically sealed and in
icity of the pressure. Another compelling argument which the pressure is monitored with a pressure gage. The
in favor of isochoric cryopreservation over hyper- chamber is filled with fluid and is cooled by immersion in a
baric cryopreservation is that in the later the de- constant temperature bath.
B. Rubinsky et al. / Cryobiology 50 (2005) 121–138 125

and measuring the pressure during isochoric freez- In experiments, to verify the fundamental thermo-
ing in a constant volume two phase system. dynamic correlations of isochoric cryopreserva-
The principle of operating the isochoric cham- tion, we continuously measured pressure and
ber is illustrated in Fig. 2. In a typical experiment correlated the pressure to the bath temperature.
the solution is introduced in the chamber. Biolog- In the experimental part of this study, we per-
ical samples, such a suspension of cells or organs formed a variety of experiments with solutions of
are also introduced in the chamber. The open potential interest to cryopreservation and com-
chamber is filled to the rim and immersed in a con- pared the experimentally determined tempera-
stant temperature bath. The temperature of the ture–pressure correlations to the correlations
bath is lowered to the value of the phase transition obtained from thermodynamic analysis.
temperature of the solution in the chamber. When
the temperature of the chamber has reached the Thermodynamic analysis
phase transition temperature, a 3 · 3 mm ice crys-
tal is introduced in the chamber to serve as a seed The goal of the thermodynamic analysis is to
and to induce nucleation at a predetermined loca- develop mathematical tools that facilitate the
tion—usually far away from the cells or organ. understanding and design of isochoric cryopreser-
The chamber is then sealed in the constant temper- vation systems. In addition, we will use the analy-
ature bath. The temperature of the bath is gradu- sis to illustrate theoretically the advantages of
ally reduced and the temperature of the chamber isochoric cryopreservation over isobaric and
follows that of the bath. The isochoric chamber hyperbaric cryopreservation. The analysis of iso-
internal pressure is continuously monitored to choric cryopreservation processes follow certain
determine that the chamber performs properly. fundamental principles, which will be listed here:

Fig. 2. Typical freezing process in the isochoric chamber. The open chamber with the solution and the biological material is first
brought to the phase transition temperature of the solution. An ice crystal is introduced to serve as a nucleation seed to avoid
supercooling and random nucleation. The chamber is tightly sealed and the temperature of the chamber uniformly reduced. The
process of freezing starts from the nucleation site. The constant volume chamber contains a mixture of liquid and ice, which is a unique
function of temperature.
126 B. Rubinsky et al. / Cryobiology 50 (2005) 121–138

(a) The isochoric cryopreservation process

occurs in a two phase thermodynamic sys-
tem, in which the ice and liquid co-exist
and are in thermodynamic equilibrium.
(b) In a two phase system in thermodynamic
equilibrium, the temperature and pressure
are interrelated and one specifies the other.
(c) In an isochoric system the volume is constant.
(d) In a two phase isochoric system, at a pre-
scribed temperature or pressure, the only
possible variable that adjusts itself to fulfill
the requirement of thermodynamic equilib-
rium and constant volume is the ‘‘quality’’
of the system, i.e., the relative percentage of
ice and liquid in the system.
(e) Either temperature or pressure and the qual-
ity at each temperature or pressure com- Fig. 3. Phase diagram for water in the region of ice I (after [8]).
pletely specify the process of freezing in
isochoric cryopreservation. quid water, ice I and ice III is 21.985 C at
209.9 MPa.
We will now describe how to fully specify an Table 1 illustrates an important property that
isochoric two phase system using first the freezing critically affects isochoric cryopreservation. It is
of pure water as an example. seen that ice I, unlike ice III, has a higher specific
volume than the water in thermodynamic equilib-
Isochoric freezing of pure water rium with it. Therefore, when water freezes to ice
I in an isochoric system the pressure of the system
The phase change temperature of a simple ther- will increase—because the specific volume of the
modynamic system comprised of a pure substance composite will increase, in a constant volume. At
in a gravity field is a unique function of pressure. the pressures analyzed here, water and ice cannot
In other words, for any pressure there is a specific be considered incompressible—they will compress.
and unique temperature at which change of phase The temperature and pressure of a two phase iso-
takes place, and vice versa. The pressure tempera- choric system are dependent. Therefore, if for in-
ture phase diagram for pure water is well known, stance the temperature of the isochoric system is
e.g., [8]. Particularly relevant to the isochoric cryo- fixed and there is freezing, the percentage of ice
preservation process is the interface between ice I that will form will self-adjust to generate in the
and water on the phase diagram (Fig. 3, after constant volume the pressure required for thermo-
[8]). Table 1 [8], gives the thermodynamic proper- dynamic equilibrium between ice and water at that
ties upon phase transition between pure water pressure. The percentage of ice or water in an iso-
and ice I and ice III. To facilitate analysis, we have choric two phase system can be therefore calcu-
developed a regression curve for the relation be- lated for each temperature and the system
tween pressure and temperature during phase tran- completely specified.
sition between pure water and ice I, to the corner The calculations shown in Appendix A, lead to
of liquid water, ice I and ice III. This is given in an expression for the quality Z, which gives the
Fig. 4 and in Eq. (1). percentage weight of water relative to the total
weight of the mixture in a two phase mixture of
P ¼ 0:1461T 2  12:58T þ 0:1013: ð1Þ
ice I and water in an isochoric system at equilib-
In this correlation, the temperature is expressed in rium at a particular temperature and pressure.
C and pressure in MPa. The corner between li- This expression takes the form
B. Rubinsky et al. / Cryobiology 50 (2005) 121–138 127

Table 1
Thermodynamic properties with phase transition from liquid to ice I and ice III, after [9]
Phase transition Temperature (C) Pressure (MPa) Volume change (cm3/g) Enthalpy change (kJ/kg)
Liquid to ice I 20 193.3 +0.1313 241
Liquid to ice I 15 156 +0.1218 262
Liquid to ice I 10 110.9 +0.1122 285
Liquid to ice I 5 59.8 +0.1016 308
Liquid to ice I 0 0.1 +0.09 334
Liquid to ice III 22 207.5 0.0466 213
Liquid to ice III 20 246.2 0.0371 226
Liquid to ice III 17 346.3 0.0241 257

aT 1 ðP 0 ; T Þ ¼ A1 þ A2 T þ A3 T 2 þ A4 T 3 ; ð4Þ

b0T 1 b1
bT 1 ðP ; T Þ ¼ ; b0T 1 ¼ ; ð5Þ
1 þ m1 b0T 1 P 1  b2 T
where A1 is the 1.5756 · 104, A2 is the
5.556 · 107, A3 is the 2.655 · 108, A4 is the
7.11 · 1010, b1 is the 1.827 · 105, b2 is
the 1.418 · 103, m1 is the 5. The units in Eqs.
(3)–(5) are degrees Celsius for temperature and
bars for pressure.
The correlations and constants for ice are from
For water
" Z Z #
P Tk
0 0 0 0
v2 ¼ v10 exp  bT 2 ðP ;T ÞdP þ aT 2 ðP 0 ; T ÞdT :
Fig. 4. Regression correlation between pressure and tempera- P0 T k0
ture for phase transition between water and ice I.

v0  v1 The compressibility and thermal expansion coeffi-

Z¼ ; ð2Þ cients are
v2  v1
where the subscript 0, 1, and 2 represent initial X
bT 2 ðP ; T Þ ¼ bi P  104 ;
conditions at the onset of freezing (1 atm in our
calculations), ice and water, respectively.
The specific volumes for ice and water as a func-  
tion of temperature and pressure will be given in aT 2 ¼ Aþ  104 : ð8Þ
the following set of equations.
For ice In Eq. (8) A, B, C, and C are functions of temper-
 Z P Z T  ature and pressure expressed as follows.
v1 ¼ v10 exp  bT 1 ðP 0 ;T ÞdP 0 þ aT 1 ðP 0 ; T 0 ÞdT 0 :
P0 T0 A ¼ a1 þ a2 T K þ a3 T 2K
ð3Þ B ¼ a4 þ a5 T K þ a6 T 2K þ a7 T K C þ a8 C
Here, b and a are the compressibility coefficient C ¼ a8 þ a9 T K þ a10 T 2K þ a11 T 3K
and the coefficient of thermal expansion, respec-
C ¼ P þ a13 P 2 þ a14 P 3 ;
tively [17]. The subscript 0 represents the proper-
ties at the freezing point of pure water at 1 atm. where
128 B. Rubinsky et al. / Cryobiology 50 (2005) 121–138

(3)–(9) and the insertion of the values of the spe-

a1 = 4.78506 · 101
cific volume at that temperature and pressure in
a2 = 8.12847 · 102
Eq. (2).
a3 = 8.49849 · 105
a4 = 5.56047 · 105
Isochoric freezing of a solution
a5 = 3.76355 · 103
a6 = 5.56395
Biological materials are made of aqueous solu-
a7 = 5.59682 · 103
tions. During cryopreservation, cryoprotectants
a8 = 2.76522 · 101
are often added to reduce the chemical damage
a9 = 4.28067 · 103
during freezing, thereby further increasing the
a10 = 3.39150 · 101
complexity of the solution. Therefore, while iso-
a11 = 3.65873 · 101
choric freezing of pure water is of fundamental
a12 = 5.89617 · 104
interest, during isochoric cryopreservation there
a13 = 3.28892 · 104
is freezing of a solution. To the best of our knowl-
a14 = 2.65933 · 108
edge, there is no thermodynamic information on
the process of freezing of aqueous solutions in an
and isochoric system. From fundamental concepts of
thermodynamics it is possible to state that the
b0 = 4.41753 · 101
phase change temperature of a solution in a simple
b1 = 1.09205 · 104
gravity field is a function of pressure and solution
b2 = 1.99785 · 108
composition. In this study, we propose that as a
b3 = 2.08128 · 1012
first-order approximation the freezing temperature
b4 = 8.86050 · 1017
of an aqueous solution in an isochoric system can
be expressed as
The specific volume of water can be calculated T ph ðP ; cÞ ¼ T 0 þ DT ðP Þ þ DT ðcÞ; ð11Þ
numerically using the constants given above. The
units are degrees Kelvin for temperature and bars where Tph is the phase change temperature for iso-
for pressure. The expressions and the constants for choric freezing of a solution, T0 is the freezing tem-
water are from [13]. perature of pure water at the reference pressure of
From Eqs. (1) and (3)–(9) it is possible to ob- 1 atm, DT (P) is the temperature depression due to
tain, through numerical integration the specific an increase in pressure, and DT (c) is the tempera-
volumes of ice and water in a two phase, equilib- ture depression as function of solute concentration,
rium, ice–water system, at each temperature and c. In this first-order approximation we assume that
its corresponding pressure. From knowledge of the effect of pressure and solute concentration in
the original specific volume of the water, and the water freezing temperature are independent of each
specific volumes of water and of ice at the new other. We anticipate that this assumption is correct
thermodynamic equilibrium conditions, we can at lower pressures and concentrations and that at
obtain from Eq. (2) the percentage weight of water higher pressures and concentrations the effects
relative to the percentage weight of the mixture in may not be linearly additive. Nonlinear correlations
an isochoric system, at each temperature and pres- will probably be obtained later, when experimental
sure. The percent of ice in the mixture is given by data becomes available.
Ice % ¼ ð1  Z Þ  100: ð10Þ Pressure
In summary, the set of Eqs. (1)–(11) completely
specify an isochoric two phase system of pure The correlation for DT (P) is given bellow.
water–ice I, in thermodynamic equilibrium. For
each temperature the pressure is given by Eq. (1) DT ðP Þ ¼ 4E  10P 3  3E  7P 2
and the quality by the numerical solution of Eqs.  0:00809P þ 0:00819547826: ð12Þ
B. Rubinsky et al. / Cryobiology 50 (2005) 121–138 129

This equation is a best fit correlation obtained ature. An analytical correlation can be obtained
from Fig. 4 in a similar way to Eq. (1). Here, the from Fig. 5, of the form
temperature change is in degrees Centigrade or
Kelvin and the pressure in MPa. DT NaCl ðcÞ ¼ 294:15c3  80:193c2  54:402c:
The freezing point depression, due to ethylene gly-
col and due to glycerol in water, are given in Figs.
In this paper, we will develop the methodology
6A and B, respectively [2]. The correlation for
for thermodynamic analysis of isochoric freezing
freezing point depression of ethylene glycol as a
of solutions using for illustration two aqueous solu-
function of temperature is given by
tions of interest to cryopreservation: sodium chlo-
ride and a solution of physiological concentration DT eglycol ðcÞ ¼ 231:48c4  354:94c3 þ 76:389c2
of sodium chloride with glycerol. In the derivation  49:559c þ 0:0132: ð15aÞ
of the methodology we will further assume, as a
first-order approximation, that when the solution In the case of glycerol the relation between freez-
contains several solutes the effect of each compound ing temperature and concentration was so irregu-
is to depress the freezing temperature independent lar that different correlations where produced for
of the other and therefore the effect of different com- segments of the temperature in different ranges of
pounds is also linearly additive. Obviously this concentration.
assumption is rigorously correct only in a dilute
solution. For instance in a composite solution of 0 6 c < 0:2895
glycerol and sodium chloride the freezing point DT glycerol ðcÞ ¼ 92:743c3  75:17c2  16:408c
depression due to the solutes is taken to be 0:2895 6 c < 0:3378
DT ðcÞ ¼ DT NaCl ðcNaCl Þ þ DT glycerol ðcglycerol Þ: ð13Þ DT glycerol ðcÞ ¼ 1006:1c3 þ 561:08c2  128:97c þ 5:9249
0:3378 6 c < 0:4825
Data on the freezing point depression of NaCl and
other additives of interest to cryopreservation can DT glycerol ðcÞ ¼ 9811:1c3 þ 12223c2  5085:7c þ 689:01
be found in reference [2]. Fig. 5 shows the freezing 0:4825 6 c < 0:6755
point depression of NaCl as a function of temper- DT glycerol ðcÞ ¼ 394:85c2  573:06c þ 165:43: ð15bÞ

Fig. 5. Freezing point depression as a function of concentration of NaCl.

130 B. Rubinsky et al. / Cryobiology 50 (2005) 121–138

Fig. 6. Freezing point depression as a function of concentration of (A) ethylene glycol and (B) glycerol.

The concentrations c, used in Eqs. (14) and (15) The methodology for thermodynamic analysis
are in terms of mass ratio, i.e., mass of substance of isochoric cryopreservation employs the entire
per volume of solution. The following equation set of Eqs. (1)–(16). The analysis also incorporates
can be used to correlate the concentration (mass the observation that ice I has a very tight crystal-
ratio) with molarity. lographic structure and therefore does not incor-
porate solutes. Consequently, during freezing of
c ¼ MW  M  v; ð16Þ
solutions the solutes are rejected into the liquid
where MW is the molecular weight, M molarity, phase and their mass is conserved. Because the
and v is the solution specific volume. data is not available, we will assume as a first-or-
B. Rubinsky et al. / Cryobiology 50 (2005) 121–138 131

der approximation that the compressibility of glyc- c0

c1 ¼ ;
erol equals that of the water. When available, ther- Z
modynamic data on the compressibility and where, c1 is the new calculated concentration,
thermal expansion of cryoprotectants can be used c0 and Z is the initial concentration and Z
similarly to the way the compressibility and ther- the quality.
mal expansion of water are used in this study. 7. Repeat steps 3 and 4.
The goal of the analysis is to completely charac- 8. Evaluate the percent difference of freezing
terize the thermodynamic process of isochoric freez- temperature with the temperature of the pre-
ing. The thermodynamic state of the isochoric vious iteration.
freezing solution is fully characterized by the corre-  i 
T ph  T i1
lation between temperature and pressure in thermo- %diff ¼ ;
dynamic equilibrium and by the quality of the T iph
solution. Therefore, the analysis will produce curves
where T iph is the temperature obtained in the
that correlate for each initial composition of aque- i1
present iteration and T ph is the temperature
ous solution: (a) the pressure of the system and the
of the previous iteration.
temperature in which the system is in two phase 9. If the percent of difference is less than a spec-
equilibrium during isochoric freezing; and (b) the ified tolerance terminate the loop and record
quality and the temperature. The following algo- the freezing temperature and the quality at
rithm has been developed to characterize the pro- the analyzed pressure.
cess of freezing in an isochoric cryopreservation 10. If not repeat the loop.
Since the freezing temperature is a function of
pressure and concentration, and since the concen-
tration in the solution is dependent on the Results and discussion
amount of ice formed which in turn is function
of pressure and temperature, the freezing temper- The process of isochoric freezing of pure
ature can not be calculate directly. The freezing water is completely characterized by Eqs. (1)–
temperature has to be calculated iteratively. The (10). Figs. 4 and 7 completely characterize the
following iterative algorithm was used to deter- thermodynamic state of pure water during iso-
mine for a certain initial composition of solution choric freezing. Fig. 4 is the relation between
the freezing temperature at each pressure and the pressure and temperature during freezing of
corresponding quality, during isochoric pure water. This correlation is universal for
cryopreservation. any ice–water solution in equilibrium and there-
fore also holds for isochoric freezing. Fig. 7 was
1. Start with the pressure, P and the initial solu- obtained from Eqs. (1)–(10) and shows the per-
tion concentration, c0 centage mass of ice during the isochoric freezing
2. Calculate DT (P) using Eq. (12). of pure water as a function of the temperature
3. Calculate DT (c) using the corresponding Eq.
of the system. Fig. 7 also shows an important
4. Calculate the freezing temperature using Eq. aspect of design of isochoric cryopreservation.
(12). This aspect is also illustrated in Fig. 2. It is
5. Evaluate the quality, Z, with Eqs. (2)–(9) for important to notice that during isochoric freez-
the pressure P and the temperature in step 4, ing, a substantial portion of the water has
following procedure used for pure water. transformed to ice. Therefore, if during cryo-
6. Evaluate the new concentration due to the preservation it is desirable to avoid ice in the
formation of ice, from the assumption biological media the nucleation site for ice
that ice does not incorporate solutes and should be at a distance from the biological
conservation of mass using the following material. Additionally, the volume of the system
equation: should be designed in such a way as to avoid
132 B. Rubinsky et al. / Cryobiology 50 (2005) 121–138

Fig. 7. Percentage mass of ice as a function of the temperature of the system during isochoric freezing of pure water.

the possibility that the ice will extend into the lution mixture during freezing of a NaCl solution
space occupied by the material. which at 1 atm is at a physiological concentration
Figs. 8 and 9 were obtained using the iterative of 0.9% w/w. Fig. 8 shows the pressure–tempera-
algorithm for thermodynamic analysis of isochoric ture correlation at thermodynamic equilibrium
freezing in a solution. These figures completely during isochoric freezing. The solid line is the re-
characterize the thermodynamic state of the ice-so- sult of the calculations. The data points on the fig-

Fig. 8. The change of phase temperature–pressure correlation during the isochoric freezing of an aqueous solution of NaCl with an
initial concentration of 0.9% w/w at 1 atm.
B. Rubinsky et al. / Cryobiology 50 (2005) 121–138 133

and methods section. Three experiments are shown

for each temperature. The experimental results are
within the range that can be obtained with our
chamber. It is evident that the experimental data
correlates well with the mathematical predictions
in this range. This suggests that in this range our
assumption in Eq. (11), on the linearly additive ef-
fects of pressure and concentration, is valid. Fig. 9
shows that in isochoric cryopreservation a sub-
stantial part of the volume of the chamber will
be occupied with ice. This reinforces our earlier
statement that in designing isochoric preservation
protocols which attempt to avoids ice in the bio-
logical material it is important to physically sepa-
Fig. 9. Mass percentage of ice versus temperature for the
rate between the biological material and the ice
isochoric freezing of a solution of NaCl with an initial and design the chamber with the ability to produce
concentration of 0.9% w/w at 1 atm. this separation.
Fig. 10 is perhaps the most interesting figure
ure were obtained by measuring the pressure as a in this paper. It compares the concentration of
function of the temperature of the system with NaCl as a function of temperature during iso-
the isochoric chamber described in the Materials choric and isobaric (at 1 atm) freezing of a NaCl

Fig. 10. Comparison of concentration of NaCl as a function of temperature during isochoric and isobaric (at 1 atm) freezing of a NaCl
solution, that at a pressure of 1 atm had a physiological concentration of 0.9% w/w.
134 B. Rubinsky et al. / Cryobiology 50 (2005) 121–138

solution, that at a pressure of 1 atm had a phys- the concentration during isobaric freezing. In ef-
iological concentration of 0.9% w/w. The curve fect the pressure acts as a very effective cryopro-
for isochoric freezing was obtained from step 6 tectant. Because pressure instantaneously affects
in the iterative analysis and that for isobaric the entire volume, it can be viewed as a cryopro-
freezing from the phase diagram for NaCl. This tectant with an ability to enter the interior of the
figure shows that the effect of isochoric freezing cell, infinitely fast. We believe that in this prop-
is to reduce the concentration of solutes at each erty of pressure is the yet untapped potential of
temperature by almost a factor of 10 relative to isochoric cryopreservation.

Fig. 11. Temperature–pressure correlation during isochoric freezing of solutions that at 1 atm have a concentration of 1 and 2 mol
ethylene glycol (A) and glycerol (B) in physiological concentration of NaCl.
B. Rubinsky et al. / Cryobiology 50 (2005) 121–138 135

Fig. 12. Mass percentage of ice versus temperature during isochoric freezing of a solution that at 1 atm. had a physiological
concentration of NaCl and 1 and 2 mol concentration of ethylene glycol (A) and glycerol (B).

Figs. 11A and B and 12A and B were obtained perature of the system with the isochoric chamber
using the iterative algorithm for thermodynamic described in the Materials and methods section.
analysis of isochoric freezing in a solution. They Three experiments were made for each data point.
also show results of experiments. These figures The data points for glycerol essentially superim-
completely characterize the thermodynamic state pose and only one is shown for clarity. The exper-
of the ice-solution mixture during freezing of a imental results are within the range that can be
NaCl solution which at 1 atm is at a physiological obtained with our chamber. It is evident that the
concentration of 0.9% w/w with 1 and 2 mol ethyl- experimental data correlates well with the mathe-
ene glycol (panels A) and glycerol (panels B). Fig. matical predictions in this range. The general ten-
11 shows the pressure–temperature correlation at dency of the mathematical analysis is to
thermodynamic equilibrium during isochoric underpredict the freezing point depression. While
freezing. The solid line is the result of the calcula- in this range of measurements the assumptions in
tions. The data points on the figure were obtained Eq. (11) still hold, relatively well, we anticipate
by measuring the pressure as a function of the tem- that for higher pressures and concentrations there
136 B. Rubinsky et al. / Cryobiology 50 (2005) 121–138

will be a synergistic effect between the concentra- ice. This further reinforces our earlier statement
tion and pressure and our curve will serve as the that in designing isochoric preservation protocols,
lower limit in the freezing point depression that which attempt to avoid ice in the biological mate-
can be obtained with isochoric cryopreservation rial it is important to physically separate between
at each pressure. At this stage in our research we the biological material and the ice, thus design
are in the process of completing the curves to the the chamber with the ability to produce this
triple point of ice I–Ice III and liquid, a new iso- separation.
choric freezing chamber. Figs. 12 also show that Figs. 13A and B expand on the same interesting
in isochoric cryopreservation a substantial part observation seen in Fig. 10. They compare the
of the volume of the chamber will be occupied with osmolality of the solution as a function of the

Fig. 13. Comparison of osmolality as a function of temperature during isochoric and isobaric (at 1 atm) freezing of a NaCl solution,
that at a pressure of 1 atm had a physiological concentration of 0.9% w/w with 1 and 2 mol ethylene glycol (A) glycerol (B).
B. Rubinsky et al. / Cryobiology 50 (2005) 121–138 137

freezing temperature during isochoric and isobaric logical organ, unfrozen to the temperature that
(at 1 atm) freezing of a NaCl and ethylene glycol develops at the corner of ice I and ice III. There
(panel A) and glycerol (panel B) solution, that at are applications in which this could suffice. Fur-
a pressure of 1 atm had a physiological concentra- ther slow cooling of the system will induce the
tion of 0.9% w/w NaCl and 1 or 2 mol ethylene freezing of the biological material. However, this
glycol or glycerol. The curves extend to the triple will occur at lower temperatures at which the
point between ice I, ice III, and the liquid. These chemical damage is reduced. Another possibility
figures also show that the effect of isochoric freez- is to rapidly cool the system from the corner of
ing is to reduce the concentration of solutes at each ice I and ice III and induce either rapid freezing
temperature by almost a factor of 10, relative to or even vitrification from a lower temperature
the concentration during isobaric freezing. In effect and of a much smaller volume than that possible
the pressure acts as a very effective cryoprotectant at isobaric cryopreservation.
that is additive to conventional cryoprotectants
and with an ability to enter the interior of the cell,
infinitely fast. This property of pressure should
have value in every aspect of isochoric cryopreser- Appendix A. Expression for quality in a general
vation, which can be: (a) preserving biological isochoric two phase system
materials unfrozen at reduced temperatures; (b)
freezing or (c) partial freezing followed by rapid Following is a general derivation for the qual-
freezing and perhaps vitrification. ity, Z, which is the ratio between the mass of the
liquid solution to the total mass of the mixture
of liquid and ice in an isochoric, constant volume
Summary system. In the derivation given below, V, m, v,
are volume, mass, and specific volume respectively.
We have developed thermodynamic principles The subscripts, 0, 1, 2, are for the original condi-
for isochoric (constant volume) cryopreservation tions, ice and liquid, respectively. The original con-
for low temperature preservation of biological ditions in our isochoric analysis are a pressure of
materials. Experiments with a simple isochoric 1 atm, the change of phase temperature of the li-
cryopreservation chamber have verified some of quid solution at that pressure and the assumption
our predictions. The equations, which were devel- that the original specific volume is that of the pure
oped here could serve as guidelines in designing liquid solution at that pressure and temperature.
isochoric cryopreservation protocols. The theoret- The expression for Z, is obtained from conserva-
ical studies in this paper show that in isochoric tion of mass in a constant volume.
cryopreservation, the increase in solution concen- At all times,
tration during freezing is lower at each tempera- m0 ¼ m1 þ m2 ; ðA:1Þ
ture by almost an order of magnitude from that
in isobaric cryopreservation. This is obviously V 0 ¼ V 1 þ V 2: ðA:2Þ
the effect of pressure. In effect the pressure acts The quality Z is,
as a very effective cryoprotectant that is additive m2 m2
to conventional cryoprotectants and has the ability Z¼ ¼ : ðA:3Þ
m0 m1 þ m2
to enter the interior of the cell, infinitely fast. The
technology for isochoric cryopreservation is very Conservation of mass in a constant volume and
simple; freezing in a constant volume chamber. from the definition of specific volume yields,
In contrast to hyperbaric freezing, here the process
is of thermodynamic equilibrium and equilibrium V 0 V 1 þ V 2 m1 V 1 m2 V 2
v0 ¼ ¼ ¼ þ
thermodynamics can be used to design predictable m0 m0 m0 m1 m0 m2
cryopreservation protocols. Isochoric cryopreser- ðm0  m2 Þ
¼ v1 þ Zv2 ¼ ð1  Z Þv1 þ Zv2 : ðA:4Þ
vation could be used as a means to maintain a bio- m0
138 B. Rubinsky et al. / Cryobiology 50 (2005) 121–138

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