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PHYSICAL REVIEW B 79, 235118 共2009兲

Revisiting magnetic coupling in transition-metal-benzene complexes

with maximally localized Wannier functions
Hongming Weng,* Taisuke Ozaki, and Kiyoyuki Terakura
Research Center for Integrated Science, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Nomi, Ishikawa 923-1292, Japan
共Received 11 February 2009; revised manuscript received 9 May 2009; published 10 June 2009兲
Construction of maximally localized Wannier functions 共MLWFs兲 has been implemented within the linear
combination of pseudoatomic orbital method. Detailed analysis using MLWFs is applied to three closely
related materials, single benzene 共Bz兲 molecule, organometallic vanadium-Bz infinite chain, and V2Bz3 sand-
wich cluster. Two important results come out from the present analysis: 共1兲 for the infinite chain, the validity
of the basic assumption in the mechanism of Kanamori and Terakura for the ferromagnetic 共FM兲 state stability
is confirmed; 共2兲 for V2Bz3, an important role played by the difference in the orbital energy between the edge
Bzs and the middle Bz is revealed: the on-site energy of p␦ states of edge Bzs is higher than that of middle Bz,
which further reduces the FM stability of V2Bz3.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.79.235118 PACS number共s兲: 71.15.Ap, 73.63.⫺b, 75.50.⫺y

I. INTRODUCTION also possible to extract some characteristic parameters such

as the MLWFs’ centers and spreads. The displacements of
The electronic ground state of a periodic system is solved MLWFs’ center are directly related with modern theory of
in a set of Bloch functions 共BFs兲. They are eigenfunctions of polarization. The hopping integrals among MLWFs from
both the Hamiltonian and lattice-translation operators and parameter-free first-principles calculations can be used to
characterized by two good quantum numbers n and k, the construct model Hamiltonians, or as a starting point for
band index and crystal momentum, respectively. Though BFs LDA+ U 共Refs. 5–7兲 or LDA+ DMFT 共Ref. 8兲 calculations
are widely used in electronic structure calculations, they are for strongly correlated systems. Band-structure interpolation
difficult to be visualized due to their delocalized nature and based on Hamiltonian in WFs representation is quite effi-
hence do not offer an intuitive physical picture for chemical cient, which can be used for highly accurate integration in
bonding and other local correlations. An alternative represen- reciprocal space9 such as that in calculating anomalous Hall
tation which can overcome these weaknesses is Wannier effect10,11 and electron-phonon coupling.12,13 MLWFs are
functions 共WFs兲. Compared with BFs, WFs are localized in also used for linear-scaling calculations for large systems.
real space and constitute a description in terms of localized In this paper, we report briefly the implementation of
functions. The localization properties of WFs depend on the MLWFs within OPENMX,14 a first-principles electronic struc-
choice of phase factors of the BFs. For a group of isolated ture calculation software package, which is based on the lin-
bands 共isolated means this set of bands are connected among ear combination of pseudoatomic orbital 共LCPAO兲 basis
themselves by degeneracies in energy, but separated from functions and norm-conserving pseudopotentials within
others by finite energy gaps in the whole Brillouin zone兲, the local-density approximation 共LDA兲 or generalized-gradient
degrees of freedom in phase factors of BFs are equivalent to approximation 共GGA兲. Since OPENMX is designed for large-
unitary transformations among themselves at each k. Marzari scale ab initio calculations on parallel computers, our imple-
and Vanderbilt1 developed a procedure which minimizes the mentation is anticipated to allow a fast computation of
spread of WFs 共the second moment around their centers兲 by MLWFs for a wide variety of materials such as biomaterials,
refining this degree of freedom. This procedure leads to WFs carbon nanotubes, and magnetic materials with different
that are called maximally localized Wannier functions complex geometrical structures.
共MLWFs兲. If the bands of interest are not isolated and at- In this work, one of the organometallic compounds
tached to, or cross with, other bands, a prescription for ex- vanadium-benzene sandwichlike complex,15,16 VnBzn+1, is
tracting the interested bands out of entangled bands is re- re-examined by our generated MLWFs. This complex is one
quired. This disentanglement procedure was proposed by of the analogs of ferrocene, a prototype of metallocene. Ex-
Souza et al.,2 which serves as a preprocessing before refining perimentally, VnBzn+1 with n ⱕ 4 have been found to be one-
the unitary transformations among the selected bands. An- dimensional cluster and have ferromagnetic 共FM兲 ground
other method for constructing WFs with optimal localization state with the total magnetic moment increasing nearly lin-
properties is based on the Nth-order muffin-tin-orbital early with the cluster size.17 Inspired by these findings, sev-
共NMTO兲 method.3,4 In this work, we only consider the eral theoretical calculations18,19 have been made on
former approach. 共VBz兲n=⬁, an ideal one-dimensional infinite chain. In those
MLWFs have stimulated intensive interests since it brings works, 共VBz兲n=⬁ is found to have highly stable FM ordering
new hope to calculate several properties of materials which and shows half-metallic behavior. Double exchange was pro-
are quite hard to do within the representation of BFs. Since posed to be the mechanism of FM ordering.19 On the other
they are real in contrast to the complex BFs and well local- hand, by examining the electronic structure from GGA+ U
ized in real space, one can visualize them and gain intuitive calculations, we have proposed that the mechanism of FM
physical insight into the nature of chemical bonding. It is stability should be that proposed by Kanamori and

1098-0121/2009/79共23兲/235118共8兲 235118-1 ©2009 The American Physical Society


Terakura.20 While compared with the infinite chain, finite bitrary choices, a particular set will minimize the total spread
VnBzn+1 clusters are found to have much weaker FM stabil- of WFs, which is defined as
ity though the same mechanism is applicable. By using a
simple tight-binding model, we have shown that absence of ⍀关兵U共k兲其兴 = 兺 关具r2典n − 具r典2n兴, 共3兲
p-d hybridization in one side of edge Bz leads to magnetic n

polarization of edge Bz even for the antiferromagnetic where 具r2典n and 具r典n are the expectation values of operators
共AFM兲 coupling of two V atoms, which reduces the total r2 and r on the nth WF, respectively. Both expectations ex-
energy of AFM situation and thus reduces the FM stability pressed in WFs can be transformed into those in BFs as
energy largely.15,16 In the present work, a much more shown by Blount.24 In practical calculation, a uniform k grid
straightforward and quantitative analysis in the representa- is sampled to calculate the derivation of cell-periodic part of
tions of MLWFs shows that there is another important role of BFs in reciprocal space within finite-difference approxima-
the energy difference between the edge Bz and middle Bz, tion and the integral over k space is performed with summa-
which further destabilizes the FM state against AFM one. By tion over this grid. It is demonstrated that the dependence of
considering this, the tight-binding model constructed now ⍀ on the gauge transformation U共k兲 is determined only by the
gives a more consistent result with that of the direct first- so-called overlap integrals M k,b:
principles calculation.
In the following, we will describe technical issues regard- k,b
M mn = 具␺m,k兩e−ib·r兩␺n,k+b典 = 具um,k共r兲兩un,k+b共r兲典, 共4兲
ing the construction of MLWF within the LCPAO method
and then three closely related examples are studied, namely, where um,k共r兲 is the cell-periodic part of the Bloch states
Bz molecule, V-Bz infinite chain, and VnBzn+1 共n = 2兲 finite ␺m,k = um,k共r兲e−ik·r and b is the vector connecting neighbor-
cluster, to demonstrate the successful applications of our ing k points in the regularly discretized mesh of k points.
implementation. Finally, we will conclude in Sec. IV. M mn is at the center of optimizing the spread of WFs since
both the spread function itself and its gradient with respect to
U共k兲 are determined by it. Actual calculation of M mn
on the basis set used for electronic structure calculation and
We will briefly introduce the theory of MLWFs. Only will be described in the following subsection.
those aspects that are closely related with our LCPAO
method will be described in detail. Details of general aspects k,b
B. Mmn in LCPAO method
can be found in the original papers in Refs. 1 and 2. Some
other technical issues can be found in Ref. 21, which intro- The wave function within LCAPO method is defined as
duces another implementation of constructing MLWF, follows:
Wannier90.22 N
冑N 兺 兺 共k兲
␺m,k共r兲 = e iR p·k
Cm,i ␣␾i␣共r − ␶i − R p兲, 共5兲
A. Maximally localized Wannier functions p i,␣

The nth WF, n being the band index, localized in unit cell where ␾i␣共r − ␶i − R p兲 is the pseudoatomic orbital ␣ centered
at R is defined as Fourier transforms of an isolated band on site ␶i in unit cell R p and Cm,i ␣ is the linear combination
expressed by BF ␺n,k as follows: coefficients of them at k for band m. The overlap integral

冑NV matrix element M mn is
兩wn,R典 = dke−ik·Re−i␾n,k兩␺n,k典, 共1兲
共2␲兲3 BZ
M mn = 具um,k共r兲兩un,k+b共r兲典

where the integral is performed over the whole Brillouin = 具␺m,k兩eik·re−i共k+b兲·r兩␺n,k+b典

zone 共BZ兲. V is the volume of unit cell and N is the number N
of unit cells in the sample. e−i␾n,k is the undetermined phase = 兺 e−i共Rp−Rq兲·k 兺 Cm,i
共k兲ⴱ 共k+b兲
factor, which brings indeterminacy of WF even transformed N p,q i␣,j␤
from a single isolated band. For a more general case with an ⫻具␾i␣共r − ␶i − R p兲兩e−i共r−Rq兲·b兩␾ j␤共r − ␶ j − Rq兲典.
isolated group of bands, e−i␾n,k is generalized to a unitary
transformation matrix U共k兲: 共6兲

冕 Defining that r⬘ = r − ␶i − R p, it becomes

兩wn,R典 = dk 兺 Umn
共k兲 −ik·R
e 兩␺m,k典, 共2兲
共2␲兲3 BZ m=1 1
M mn = 兺 e−ik·共Rp−Rq兲 兺 Cm,i
共k兲ⴱ 共k+b兲
where Nw is the total number of BFs in the isolated group of N p,q i␣,j␤
bands, the same as the number of WFs. In one single isolated
band case, it has been proven that a suitable choice of the ⫻ 具␾i␣共r⬘兲兩e−i共r⬘+␶i+Rp−Rq兲·b
phase of e−i␾n,k leads to WFs which are real and exponen- ⫻兩␾ j␤共r⬘ + ␶i − ␶ j + R p − Rq兲典, 共7兲
tially decaying in real space.23 In multiband case, the arbi-
trariness in the gauge transformation U共k兲 can be exploited. in which each term depends on only the relative position
According to Marzari and Vanderbilt,1 among all of the ar- R p − Rq. Therefore, Eq. 共7兲 can be written as


M mn = 兺 e−ik·Rp 兺 Cm,i
共k兲ⴱ 共k+b兲 −ib·共␶i+R p兲
␣Cn,j␤ e
p i␣,j␤

⫻ 具␾i␣共r⬘兲兩e−ir⬘·b兩␾ j␤共r⬘ + ␶i − ␶ j + R p兲典. 共8兲

A uniform grid in real space is used to perform the integral.
In practice, e−ir⬘·b is expanded in terms of r⬘ · b,

3 3
e−ir⬘·b = 1 − i 兺 xibi + 兺 x ix j + ¯ . 共9兲
i=1 2! i,j=1 ⳵ xi ⳵ x j

Since r⬘共x1 , x2 , x3兲 is an extended operator, we find that an

expansion up to fourth order is generally needed to get con-
verged results for most cases we have tested. For example, in
diamond silicon with 4 ⫻ 4 ⫻ 4 k sampling, the absolute
value of M mn is first monitored and it is larger than 1.0 for
expansions up to the first and second order. From the third-
order expansion, the dependence of the spread of converged
WFs on the order of expansion is examined. We find it con-
verges to 0.001 Å2 at the fifth order. Increasing k sampling
to 6 ⫻ 6 ⫻ 6, we find 兩M mn k,b
兩 will not be larger than 1.0 at the
second-order expansion and the spread of WF converges to
0.001 Å2 at the fourth order. A denser k-space sampling
gives smaller b and improves the convergency.

C. Initial guess of MLWFs

The minimization of the spread function begins with an
initial guess for the target WFs. Following the approach pro-
posed by Marzari and Vanderbilt, a set of trial functions
兩gn共r兲典, n 苸 关1 , Nw兴, are taken as the initial guess of the Nw FIG. 1. 共Color online兲 Molecular orbitals of Bz around the
target MLWFs. In our LCPAO method, it is very convenient HOMO and LUMO states. The energy eigenvalue and symmetry of
and natural to take the localized pseudoatomic orbitals, each orbital are shown. Doubly degenerate orbitals are shown to-
which are the bases for expanding BFs, as the initial guesses. gether on the same level.
The center of each orbital can be put at any place in the unit
cell and all the other characters for atomic orbital, such as the a supercell is used and the size is as large as 17 Å to assure
radial and angular functions, can be easily controlled by us- that the interaction between neighboring cells can be ne-
ing suitable pseudoatomic orbitals. The possible hybrids glected.
among the atomic orbitals are also available.
D. General settings in OPENMX calculation
A. Benzene molecule
Three closely related materials, single Bz molecule, V-Bz
infinite chain, and V2Bz3 cluster, are chosen to demonstrate Benzene 共Bz兲 molecule is first studied with only ⌫-point
our implementation. To calculate their electronic structures, sampled in BZ. Nine molecular orbitals 共MO兲 around the
PAOs are generated by a confinement potential scheme.25 highest occupied molecular orbital 共HOMO兲 and lowest un-
For both hydrogen and carbon, the cutoff radius is 5.0 a.u. occupied molecular orbital 共LUMO兲 states are shown in Fig.
while it is 6.5 a.u. for vanadium. When generating pseudo- 1 together with their eigenvalues and symmetries. Clearly
potential, the semicore 3s and 3p states of V atom are in- HOMO− 2, LUMO+ 2, and doubly degenerate HOMO,
cluded as valence states. The exchange correlation energy LUMO are composed of six pz orbitals on carbon atoms. All
functional within GGA 共Ref. 26兲 is used for all the systems. of the nine MOs are used to construct six MLWFs, i.e.,
Double valence and polarization orbitals of each element are Nwin = 9 共note that Nwin denotes the number of band branches
included as basis set: s2p2, s2p2d1, and s2p2d2f1 are used within the selected energy window as defined in Ref. 2兲 and
for H, C, and V, respectively.25 In the electronic structure Nw = 6. A physically intuitive initial guess for this set of tar-
calculation, the real-space grid technique27 is used with an get MLWFs are six pz orbitals on each carbon atom. The
energy cutoff of 250 Ry in numerical integrations and in the disentangling process proposed in Ref. 2 is used to select an
solution of the Poisson equation. The GGA+ U calculation is optimized 6 ⫻ 6 subspace, which minimizes the gauge-
done with the approach proposed in Ref. 28. The geometrical invariant part of the spread function, ⍀I. After that, a
structures of these materials are relaxed until the forces are steepest-decent 共SD兲 method is used to minimize the gauge-
less than 1.0⫻ 10−4 a.u. For molecular or cluster calculation, dependent part of the spread function to find the proper


dxy and dx2−y2 orbitals of V is negligible because the wave

function of HOMO− 1 is confined within Bz molecular
plane. The 4s state of V is pushed to a high energy by about
5–6 eV with strong hybridization with HOMO− 2. The origi-
nal 4s electrons of V are transferred to the states near the
Fermi level in Fig. 3. By including LUMO+ 2 orbital, we
construct eleven MLWFs 共six Bz MOs and five V 3d orbit-
als兲 from the eigenstates in the outer window from −8.4 eV
FIG. 2. 共Color online兲 The MLWF around the carbon atom one to 6 eV as shown in Fig. 3. To demonstrate our implementa-
obtained for a Bz molecule is plotted with isovalue= 0.1. All six tion that can be applied to solid system, a 2 ⫻ 2 ⫻ 20 k grid is
MLWFs are identical and their centers are shifted from nearby C used. As in the Bz molecule case, the disentangling process
atomic sites along each C-H bond by about 0.07 Å. is also necessary. We started from the initial guess of six pz
orbitals on each carbon atom and five d orbitals on V atom.
The tolerance for convergence is 10−12 Å2 for both gauge-
gauge transformation. With this initial guess, the total spread
invariant and gauge-dependent parts of spread functions.
converged to 10−13 Å2 within 50 SD steps. The obtained six Two schemes are used for optimizing the spread function.
MLWFs are obviously identical to each other and have the The SD method is used for first hundreds steps and it con-
spread of 0.943 Å2, which is only slightly smaller than the verged to 10−3 Å2. After that conjugate gradient 共CG兲
initial spread of 0.944 Å2. MLWFs are real and have similar method is adopted to continue the minimization, which takes
shape to the atomic pz orbital as shown in Fig. 2. Although about 40 steps to converge to 10−12 Å2. This hybrid scheme
the initial guesses of MLWFs are centered on each carbon is found to be stabler than just using CG method in some
atom, the converged MLWFs’ centers are slightly shifted out- cases, while faster than just using SD method.
ward the gravity center of Bz by about 0.07 Å along each The quality of the obtained MLWFs can be seen from the
nearby C-H bond direction. interpolated band structure obtained by the band parameters
In Table I, we listed the hopping integrals between these for MLWFs shown in Fig. 3, which overlaps that of the origi-
six MLWFs in the same unit cell. wi means the MLWF cen- nal band at most k points. The obvious discrepancy happens
tered around carbon atom i as shown in Fig. 2. The first in the ␴ bands around the Fermi level originally composed of
column shows the orbital energy of the pz-type MLWFs. The d␴ and LUMO+ 1 states. This is because LUMO+ 1 state is
hopping integral from w1 to its two nearest neighbors w2 and discarded after disentangling. However, these two states have
w6 are −2.88 eV and those to further neighbors w3, w5, and decreasing hybridization strength from ⌫ to X points, which
w4 are 0.19 and −0.24 eV, respectively. The sign change in leads to better reproduction of bands near the X point.29 The
the hopping integral as the distance increases suggests that obtained MLWFs fulfill the requirement of real valuedness.30
the WFs have oscillating tails to satisfy orthogonality rela- They are six pz type orbitals centered nearby each carbon
tion. atom with a shift about 0.05 Å along the C-H bond and five
3d-like orbitals centering on V atom site. The spreads for
B. Ideal infinite (VBz)n=ⴥ chain
each MLWF and gauge decomposition are listed in Table II.
The spreads of five d orbitals are classified into three catego-
In our previous work,15,16 we have analyzed the mecha- ries corresponding to three types of bonds with Bz. The
nism of ferromagnetism stability in V-Bz infinite chain. Here spread of d␲-like MLWF is larger than that of d␦ due to the
we re-examine this system by using MLWFs. The spin- stronger hybridization with Bz’s pz-like MLWFs while the
polarized band structure FM V-Bz chain is shown in Fig. 3. largest spread of d␴-like MLWF is due to the d␴-d␴ overlap
Due to the symmetry, when V is sandwiched with Bz, its 3d along the chain. It is also noticed that the spreads of d orbit-
orbitals will hybridize with Bz’s HOMO− 2, HOMO, LUMO als in majority 共up兲 spin channel are smaller than those in
to form three types of bonds, namely ␴, ␲, and ␦. Although minority 共down兲 one. As Bz has negative spin polarization
HOMO− 1 also has the ␦ symmetry, its hybridization with against V, the spreads of spin down are also smaller than that
of spin up, implying the occupied states may be more local-
TABLE I. The first column shows the orbital energy of the ized than unoccupied ones.
pz-like MLWF of a Bz molecule as an isolated one 共first row兲. The The hopping integrals between these MLWFs can give
rest of the columns are for the hopping integrals from w1 to the more detailed information on bonding nature and physical
other five MLWFs. In the second row is the V-Bz infinite chain. The mechanism in this system. The hopping integrals between six
numbers outside 共inside兲 of the parentheses are for spin-up 共spin- pz orbitals are compared with those in an isolated Bz mol-
down兲 channels. Energies are in eV. ecule in Table I. The on-site energy becomes −4.23 eV and
−4.33 eV for spin up and spin down, respectively, which are
Orbital Hopping integrals between lower than the one in an isolated Bz molecule due to the
energy w1 and wi 共i = 2 – 6兲 crystal field formed by V2+ ions. The hopping integrals be-
tween neighboring pz orbitals in one carbon ring are a little
w1 w2 , w6 w3 , w5 w4
smaller than those in Bz molecule since the optimized C-C
Bz −3.01 −2.88 0.19 −0.24 bond length in V-Bz chain is slightly larger than that in an
共VBz兲⬁ −4.23共−4.33兲 −2.64共−2.61兲 0.08共0.08兲 −0.20共−0.19兲 isolated molecule.15 The on-site energy of five d orbitals
listed in Table III are also classified into three types corre-


FIG. 3. 共Color online兲 Band structure of FM V-Bz infinite chain for 共a兲 spin up and 共b兲 spin down channels. Lines are from ordinary
first-principles calculations while symbols are those from Wannier interpolation. The components of interpolated bands at ⌫ point are
labeled, too.

sponding to three types of bonds. The hopping integrals be- V d orbitals. The hopping integrals between different pz or-
tween d and pz orbitals depend little on the spin polarization. bitals keep nearly the same as those in GGA case. Similarly
Here only the hopping integrals between w1 and d orbitals for V d orbitals, the spin splitting of the on-site energy is
are listed. Those for other pz-like MLWFs can be obtained by enhanced. For example for U = 3.0 eV, the spin-up 共spin-
appropriate rotation of d orbitals. The pz − d hopping inte- down兲 on-site energies of d␴, d␦, and d␲ states are −6.00
grals decay quickly along the c axis, the chain direction. For 共−0.85兲, −3.91 共−0.37兲, and −1.38 共−0.27兲 eV, respectively.
example, the pz − d hopping integrals for the next nearest However, the pz − d hopping integrals have nearly no change.
neighboring Bz are about 2 orders of magnitude smaller than By using the MLWFs obtained so far, we re-examine
those for the nearest neighbors and those for the third nearest quantitatively the tight-binding model of Refs. 15 and 16.
neighbor can be ignored. This quick decaying property also For this purpose, the atomiclike MLWFs, wi 共i = 1 – 6兲, are
indicates the good localization of obtained MLWFs. converted to MOs with symmetries of ␴, ␲, and ␦. The es-
Similar calculation with U = 3.0 eV is performed to study sential point in Ref. 15 is summarized below. HOMOs of Bz
how U influences the MLWFs. Compared with those in GGA and dxz, dyz orbitals having ␲ symmetry form quite strong
calculation, +U makes the d-type 共pz-type兲 MLWFs with ma- bonds to hold the sandwichlike geometrical structure, while
jority spin more localized 共extended兲, while those with mi- HOMO− 2 and dz2 orbitals having ␴ symmetry couple
nority spin more extended 共localized兲. The on-site energy of weakly. The orbital with strong dz2 character is singly occu-
pz orbitals becomes −3.97 and −4.46 eV for spin-up and pied and plays the role as a trigger of spin splitting. LUMOs
spin-down channels, respectively. The enhanced spin split- and dx2−y2, dxy orbitals having ␦ symmetry form bonds to
ting of pz orbitals is induced by the enhanced spin splitting in mediate magnetic coupling and they are mainly responsible

TABLE II. The spreads 共in Å2兲 of MLWFs of V-Bz infinite chain for GGA and GGA+ U 共U = 3.0 eV兲
calculations. pz means the pz-type MWLF, so as dz2, dx2−y2, etc. ⍀I is the gauge-invariant part of the spread
function. ⍀D and ⍀OD represent the diagonal and off-diagonal contributions to the gauge-dependent part of
the spread function, respectively.

Spin pz on Bz d z2 dx2−y2,dxy dxz, dyz ⍀I ⍀D ⍀OD

Up 共GGA兲 1.209 1.155 0.813 1.052 11.951 0.001 0.188

Down 共GGA兲 1.186 1.504 0.870 1.088 12.264 0.001 0.273
Up 共+U兲 1.244 1.080 0.781 1.096 12.158 0.001 0.140
Down 共+U兲 1.179 1.762 0.935 1.221 12.814 0.001 0.341


TABLE III. The on-site energies 共second row兲 of d-type MLWFs and the pz − d hopping integrals 共third
row兲 between one of the pz-type MLWF w1 and d-type ones in FM V-Bz chain. In the fourth row, the pz
− d hopping integrals with pz converted to molecular orbitals with ␴, ␲, and ␦ symmetries. The values outside
共inside兲 the parentheses are spin-up 共spin-down兲 channel and in units of eV. The results are from the GGA

d z2 dx2−y2 dxy dxz dyz

On-site −3.47共−1.99兲 −2.33共−1.35兲 −2.33共−1.35兲 −1.78共−1.21兲 −1.78共−1.21兲

w1 0.01共0.07兲 −0.77共−0.78兲 0.00共0.00兲 −0.96共−0.97兲 0.00共0.00兲
MO 0.026共0.171兲 −1.34共−1.36兲 1.34共1.36兲 −1.66共−1.68兲 1.66共1.68兲

for the stability of FM states. Our proposed mechanism for 1

FM stability is described in Fig. 4 following Kanamori and 兩LUMO典 = 共兩w2典 − 兩w3典 + 兩w5典 − 兩w6典兲. 共10兲
Terakura.20 In this picture, the essential assumption is that
the on-site energy of p␦ states 共LUMOs of Bz兲 should be Then in spin-up case by using the values listed in Table III
between those of the spin majority and minority d states of ␦ the hopping integral from this LUMO to dxy state is
symmetry before switching on the p-d hybridization. Then,
p␦ states could be negatively spin polarized due to the p-d 具dxy兩Ĥ兩LUMO典 = 1.34. 共11兲
hybridization leading to stability of the FM configuration. Similarly, the hopping integrals between HOMOs and d␲
The validity of the above assumption can be easily checked orbitals and that between HOMO-2 and d␴ orbitals can also
by the molecular orbitals formed with wi 共i = 1 – 6兲. be calculated as listed in Table III. The bonding strength of
Similarly to a single Bz molecule case, diagonalizing 6 different bonds can be seen from these hopping integrals. For
⫻ 6 subspace Hamiltonian constructed from the orbital en- ␴ and ␲ bonds, the values are around 0.026共0.171兲 and
ergy and hopping integrals listed in Table I gives the 1.66共1.68兲 eV, respectively. The larger difference between
eigenenergies and eigenstates of HOMO− 2, HOMOs, spin-up and spin-down values in ␴ bond case is a reflection
LUMOs, and LUMO+ 2. LUMOs, which play crucial roles of larger difference in spreads of dz2-like WF in spin-up and
in the FM stability, have eigenenergies of −1.87 and
spin-down channels. Therefore, by the analysis using
−1.99 eV for spin-up and spin-down case, respectively.
MLWFs, the physical pictures proposed in our previous
These two values are just sitting in between the on-site en-
work15 are directly and quantitatively confirmed.
ergies of majority d␦ state, −2.33 eV and minority one,
−1.35 eV in GGA. This picture is valid also in GGA+ U
calculation. In this case the spin-up and spin-down p␦ states C. Finite V2Bz3 cluster
are located at −1.59 and −2.12 eV, respectively, which are We discussed the difference between infinite V-Bz chain
well sitting between spin-up d␦ states at −3.91 eV and those and finite VnBzn+1 clusters in our previous two works.15,16
of spin down at −0.37 eV. The p-d hopping integral between The reasons for nearly degenerate FM and AFM states in the
LUMOs and d␦ 共dx2−y2 , dxy兲 orbitals can be easily obtained finite V2Bz3 are extensively discussed. The importance of
by using the hopping integrals between the atomiclike pz edge Bz is emphasized when compared with the infinite
MLWFs and d␦ orbitals. For example, one of the LUMO V-Bz chain. In the finite cluster, the edge Bzs having p-d
states is given by hybridization only with one side of V atom can have mag-
netic relaxation even in the AFM configuration, which is not
possible in the infinite chain. This makes the AFM state sta-
bler and reduces the relative stability of FM state against
AFM state. The p-d hybridization between V and edge Bz is
stronger than that between V and middle Bz, which de-
creases the FM stability energy further. However, the present
more quantitative analysis using MLWFs has revealed an
additional source for making the FM and AFM states nearly
degenerate in energy.
The MLWFs for both FM and AFM V2Bz3 clusters have
been constructed in the same way as above. We have found
FIG. 4. 共Color online兲 Schematic pictures describing the mecha- that MLWFs of edge Bz are different from those of middle
nism in which the p-d hybridization stabilizes the FM states. The Bz in several ways. 共1兲 The spreads of MLWFs from middle
DOS 共a兲 without and 共b兲 with p-d hybridization is plotted. The Bz are slightly larger than those from edge Bz by about
energy gain due to the charge transfer associated with the magnetic 0.015 Å2. 共2兲 The hopping integrals from middle Bz to V d
relaxation of p␦ states is indicated. Before p-d hybridization, the orbitals are slightly smaller than those from edge Bzs since V
on-site energies of p␦ and d␦ states are given in eV for both GGA is closer to edge Bzs. This is consistent with our former
and GGA+ U calculations. See the text for more details. analysis. 共3兲 The on-site energy of LUMOs 共p␦ states兲 on


edge Bz is about 0.78 and 0.88 eV higher than those on

middle Bz for spin-up and spin-down states, respectively.
The reason for the relatively higher p␦ states on edge Bz is
easily understood. Since the middle Bz is sandwiched by two
V2+ ions while each of the edge Bzs has only one nearest V2+
ion, the attractive electrostatic field on middle Bz is stronger
than that on edge Bz and brings higher on-site energies for
states on edge Bzs. While in our former work,15 we assumed
that the on-site energies of p␦ states are the same for both
middle and edge Bzs. It is easy to check how the FM stabil-
ity energy depends on the on-site energy difference between
the edge Bzs and middle Bz by using the tight-binding model
proposed in Ref. 15. For example, that for AFM state is
given as

冨 冨
␧p t⬘ 0 0 0
t⬘ ␧d − ⌬ t 0 0
FIG. 5. 共Color online兲 FM stability energy 共total energy of AFM
0 t ␧p t 0 . state minus that of FM state, in eV兲 depends on the energy differ-
0 0 t ␧d + ⌬ t⬘ ence in p␦ states 共⌬␧ p兲 on edge Bzs and middle Bz. The FM sta-
bility energy vanishes for the on-site energy difference of 0.67 eV
0 0 0 t⬘ ␧p
where a vertical line is shown. The corresponding on-site energy
In this model, only ␦ bonds which are critical to the coupling difference deduced from the MLWF analysis is 0.83 eV.
of magnetic moments are considered and the parameters in it
can be obtained directly from the construction of MLWFs. The implementation is demonstrated to be applicable to both
The on-site energy of p␦ states on middle Bz, ␧ p, is found to solid and molecular systems. The disentangling procedure
be −2.34 eV 共average value of those in spin-up and spin- works well for metallic cases also. The analysis of hopping
down channels兲. ␧d 共on-site energy of non-spin-polarized d␦ integrals obtained from MLWFs for V-Bz organometallic
state兲 and ⌬ 共exchange parameter for d␦ states兲 can be de- complex indicates that it is a proper way to find the tight-
duced from the orbital energy of spin-polarized d␦ orbitals. binding parameters from parameter-free ab initio calcula-
They are found to be −2.13 and 1.18 eV, respectively. Pa- tions. MLWFs provide useful information for the study of the
rameters for describing hybridizations between d␦ orbitals bonding nature and physical mechanism in materials. As
and p␦ states on edge Bzs and middle Bz are t⬘ and t with the demonstrated in V-Bz complexes, one additional physical
values of 1.44 and 1.28 eV, respectively. By using these pa- origin, the role of orbital energy difference between edge Bz
rameters, it is shown in Fig. 5 that the FM stability energy and middle Bz neglected before, is naturally revealed by
decreases as the energy difference in p␦ states on edge Bzs analysis with MLWFs.
and middle Bz increases. AFM state becomes stabler than
FM state 共FM stability energy becomes negative兲 when p␦
states on edge Bz are higher than those on middle Bz by ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
more than 0.67 eV. This critical value is a little bit different
from the value, around 0.83 eV, obtained directly from The authors thank the staff of the Center for Information
MLWFs since in this tight-binding model other contributions Science in JAIST and the Information Initiative Center in
such as those from ␴ bonds are neglected. Therefore, we Hokkaido University for their support and the use of their
think that the difference between edge Bzs and middle Bz in supercomputing facilities. H.M.W. acknowledges the Re-
p␦ states is another important source for the much reduced search Promoting Expense for Assistant professors in JAIST.
FM stability in finite clusters. This work was partly supported by the Next Generation Su-
percomputing Project, Nanoscience Program and also by the
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research in Priority Area
“Anomalous Quantum Materials” both from the Ministry of
We have implemented the construction of maximally lo- Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Ja-
calized Wannier functions in the formalism of linear combi- pan. One of the authors, T.O., was also partly supported by
nation of pseudoatomic orbitals first-principles calculations. CREST-JST.


*Corresponding author. 17

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