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Cartagena de Indias tourist and cultural district

May 19th, 2020

Dear Sir or Madam

Good morning, this is to request a leave of absence from work, because the doctor got me to be
operation performed on my left eye, for this reason I have you ask that I to grant absence and a few
days of recovery because I wont be able to attend work , I am aware that the company is not going
through its best moment, but considered that I have been an exemplary worker, for this reason I get
you to request this permission in a formal way I think should be granted, because my health is
primarily to any other thing or circumstance.

The doctor have me tell that the surgery could take 7 to 9 hours, and a recovery period to
approximately 2 to 3 months, the doctor will get me to have follow the recommendations given by
him, those days I must be able to spend at home, the Most of the time at rest and resting in bed,
without making fast or strong movements, I should try as much as possible without sneezing or
coughing, and I believe that the company environment generate that these restrictions given by the
doctor don´t follow, therefore This is the reason I am writing this letter to the company in advance,
to which i hope get you to give a response to this request. Obviously taking into account all the
recommendations that the doctor have me gave which I presented at the top.

On the other hand, I ask to be sheltered by the insurance of the company, since it costs me to pay on
my own account the operation and the recovery that this entails, according to the guidelines of the
company when a worker is hospitalized, the insurance of the company pays the 60% of the expenses
that it needs, and I right now what I need. Since I am not in the condition to pay for myself only the
expense of the operation and the recovery

And as a last request, but not least, I ask that the cancellation of the contract for non-attendance
doesn´t take place, I say this because I am aware that the situation of the company isn´t the best and
I am aware that a worker who does not perform is fired , i can´t control this situation, and i think is
wrong that my contract is going to cancel due to this condition in which I find myself, I hope have
you receive a response very soon and positive, your humble worker says goodbye.

Thank you very much, I remain attentive.

Yonny Enrique Pérez Montalvo

ID: 100 - 1897 -054

Daniela Meza García

ID: 100- 1867 -567

sign: ___________________

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