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Soal uas kelas satu sd quran al maunah

Nama : Hari/Tanggal : selasa,4

desember 2019

Kelas: Mapel : english

i. Choose the correct answer crossing (x) A,B or C!

1.the spelling of m-o-t-h-e-r is ...
a. em-o-te-ha-ie-er
b. em-o-ti-eij-ie-er
c. em-o-te-ha-ie-er
2. e-r-h-a-t-f
The correctword is...
a. farhan
b. fardan
c. father

3. rani have a...

a. cat
b. car
c. cow
4. ini adalah tas
The english sentence is...
a. this is a case
b. This is a bag
c. This is a tas
5. One-two-three-four- ... –six-seven.
a. five
b. four
c. three
6. 11. In english is...
a. eleven
b. twelev
c. thriteen
7. the colourof watermelon is...
a. grey
b. greem
c. red
8. Saya punya buku biru
In english sentence is...
a. i have blue book
b. i have red book
c. i have book blue

9. The picture above is...

a. ear
b. nose
c. eye
10. we walk using ... (kaki)
a. hand
b head
c. leg
11. kita punya dua pisang.
In english sentence is ...
a. i have a banana
b. i have four banana
c. i have two banana
The english sentence is...
12. head in indonesian language is...
a. kepala
b. rambut
c. tangan
13. My mother is teacher.
The indonesian language is...
a. ayah ku adalah guru
b. ibu ku adalah guru
c. kakak ku adalah guru
14. saudara lai-laki.
In english is...
a. son
b. sister
c. brother
15. ini adalah kamar tidur.
The english sentence is...
a. this is bathroom
b. this is kitchen
c. this is badroom

II. fill in the blank with the correct answer!

1. The spelling of C-A-R
2. Sepuluh in english is...
3. Sinta have book and pencil.
the indonesian language is

4. The colour of indonesian flag is .... and ...

5. livingroom in indonesian language is ...

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