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Assalamualaikum….Good morning…I want to introduction my self…My Name is Radiah, Im a

pharmacist in Drug store Muhammadyah Malang University…And Can I help You ?

Related to this recipe, maybe I need some information from the mother for the smooth treatment

Got a minute ? Ok Thanks….

1. Who is the patient ? ( Siapa pasien )

2. How old are you ?
3. Where do you come from ?
4. What phone number ?
5. What are the symptoms ?
6. How long have the symptoms been present ?
7. How bad is it ?
8. Action taken ?
9. Medication being taken ?
10. History symptoms ?
11. History diases ?
12. Life style ? What Works? apa Pekerjaan ? to office use their own vehicles or to be taken?
13. Like a furry pet? suka memelihara binatang yang berbulu ?
14. Many plants have flowers? Punya banyak tanaman bunga ?
15. How many times a day cleaning the house? Berapa kali sehari membersihkan rumahnya ?

Emmm…thaks for this is time…I'll get you medicine, please wait a moment…

Excuse me,, the total price of the medicine…How is approved or not ? I'll get used to the


1. Ventolin inhalers as much as a fruit used as a reliever asthma. Used one puff twice a day, but
after asthma attack is stable or not there please stop.
- Here we describe some appropriate ways to use the inhaler by mouth:
1. Remove as much phlegm.
2. Shake the bottle before use aerosol.
3. Katupkan your lips tightly at the mouth of the aerosol, then tengadahkan over
your head slightly.
4. Exhale slowly, release your lungs as much air as possible through the nose.
5. Inhale deeply and press the aerosol, hold your breath for 10 to 15 seconds, then
exhale through the nose.
6. Clean mouth with warm water aerosols.
2. In the event of side effects such as trembling hands, headaches, muscle cramps and sleep
disturbance - discontinue use and consult a doctor promptly
3. Ventolin is stored at room temperature (Below 30 C) and keep it away from direct sunlight
4. Capsule concoction consisting of CTM and Ambroxol
5. CTM is used as a sedative, anti-allergic. CTM also can cause drowsiness
6. Ambroxol is used as mukolitik and remove phlegm
7. Capsules drink concoction in one capsule three times daily after meals
8. Capsules containing CTM concoction so that when taking the capsule, please avoid or do not
drive their own vehicle
9. If mixing occurs after consuming capsules allergy - Stop use and consult a doctor
10. Expected to avoid the dust so as not to aggravate the disease
11. Avoid foods that can cause asthma eg Tape because it contains alcohol
12. If riding a motorcycle is expected to wear a mask
13. Avoid holding a furry animal
14. Keep medicines in a cool place

have any questions or there are less obvious?

Okey,, thank you for visiting our pharmacy, happy conversation with her mother and if there are less
obvious, do not be bored to visit again our pharmacy and

Get a well yes….

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