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Fill in the blank the paragraph below with a

suitable verb by using simple present!
2. Translate the paragraph into Indonesian!
3. Write down your answer in your book and
take a photo of it the send it to me from
Google Classroom!

Let me introduce myself. My name

(1)__________(tobe) Fayyadh Shidqi. I
(2)__________(tobe) the only child in my family. I
(3)__________(live) in Wonosegoro, On Jalan raya
Wonosegoro. Precisely, at 15 Jalan raya
Wonosegoro, Bandar. I (4)__________(study) at
SMP N 1 Bandar and I am the seventh grade now. I
was born in Batang on August 29, 2004. My father,
Mr. Mustofa (5)__________(tobe) an English
teacher in Junior high school. He
(6)__________(teach) at MTs Walisongo Tulis and
SMP N 8 Batang. He (7)__________(ride) a
motorcycle to go to school. While My mother, Mrs.
Trumiasih is a housewife. She
(8)_______(tobe) responsible for keeping the house.
She (9)__________(like) cooking and she often
(10)__________(try) new recipes by learning
through the internet. My mom and dad
(11)__________(tobe) great parents for me. Talking
about hobbies, I (12)__________(tobe) fond of
writing. I (13) __________(have) a blog. My dad
(14)__________(make) it for me. He
(15)__________(tobe) a good blogger. I
(16)__________(learn) a lot from him. Both of my
father and I (17)__________(tobe) bloggers. And I
also have a brother. My brother’s hobby is playing
football. He always (18)__________(play) it in the
afternoon. It is his activity before taking a bath. To
tell the truth, Someday, He (19)__________(want)
to be a good football player. I really
(20)__________(hope) that his dream will come
true. Ameen.

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