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(IJCSIS) International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security,

Vol. 9, No. 10, October 2011

Color-Base Skin Detection using Hybrid Neural

Network & Genetic Algorithm for Real Times

Hamideh Zolfaghari1 Azam Sabbagh Nekonam 2 Javad Haddadnia 3

Department of Electronic Engineering1,2,3

Sabzevar Tarbeyat Moallem University
Sabzevar, Iran1,2,3

characteristics of electro-magnetic radiation in the visible

Abstract—This paper present a novel method of human skin
wavelengths striking the retina [4]. One of skin detection step
detection base on hybrid neural network(NN) and genetic is choosing a suitable color space. In other work has been used
algorithm(GA) and is compared to NN & PSO and other method different color-space such as RGB that is used by Rehg and
.The back propagation neural network has been used as classifier Jones [5], HSI, HSV/HSB is used in [6], YUV, YIQ and etc. in
that its input are image pixels H,S and V features. In order to this work is used HSV color-space. Next step is Choosing a
optimization the NN weight, the GA and PSO have been used. classifier and learning .the classifiers are used in different work
Dataset that has been used in this paper consists of 200 thousands are Bayesian model, Gaussian model [7] and NN model. This
skin and non-skin pixel that has been produced in HSV color- work propose the hybrid NN and GA as classifier and is
space. Result efficiency is 98.825% (accurate of correct compared its result with other work, that detect better result
identification) that is comparable to the other former methods. than they.
The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 presents skin
The advantage of this method is high rate and accuracy to
detection algorithm in this work. Section 3 explains the skin
identify skin in 2-dimentional images. Thus can use this method feature detection. Section 4 introduces the neural network
in real times. We compare accuracy and rate of the proposed (NN). Section 5 introduces the optimization algorithm (GA and
method with the other known methods for show Verity of this PSO). Section 6 presents results and discussions. The final
work. section gives conclusions.
Keywords- Hybrid NN& GA; Genetic Algorithm; PSO; HSV II. SKIN DETECTION ALGORITHM
color-space; Back propagation
The purpose Skin detection algorithms can be classified into
two groups: pixel-based [8] and context-based [9]. Since
context-based methods are built on top of pixel-based ones, an
I. INTRODUCTION improvement on a pixel-based methodology supposes a
Human skin is one of widespread theme in human image general advancement in the resolution of skin detection. Pixel-
processing that present in many applications such as face based algorithms classify each pixel individually without
detection[1] and the detection process of images with naked or taking the other pixels of the image into consideration. These
scantily dressed people[2], commercial application, for methodologies realize the skin detection either by bounding
example the driver eye tracker developed by forduk [3]. In the skin distribution or by using statistical models on a given
images and videos, skin color is an indication of the existence color space.
of humans in such media. Therefore, in the last two decades In this work is used pixel- based algorithm. Thus algorithm
extensive research have focused on skin detection in images. step are follows generally:
Skin detection means detecting image pixels and regions that 1. Collecting a database of 200 thousands skin and non-skin
contain skin-tone color. Most the research in this area has pixel
focused on detecting skin pixels and regions based on their 2. Choosing a suitable color-space (HSV in this work the
color. Very few approaches attempt to also use texture advantages of these color spaces in skin detection is that they
information to classify skin pixels. Skin color as a cue to detect allow users to intuitively specify the boundary of the skin
a face has several advantages: First, skin detection techniques color class in terms of the hue and saturation). And converting
can be both simple and accurate and second, the color dos not the pixels into the HSV color- space.
vary significantly with orientation or view angles, under white 3. Using neural network as classifier and Learning the
light conditions. weighs of neural network.
However, color is not a physical phenomenon. It is a 4. Optimization neural network weights using GA and PSO
perceptual phenomenon that is related to the spectral algorithm.

ISSN 1947-5500
(IJCSIS) International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security,
Vol. 9, No. 10, October 2011

5. testing given image (a. converting the image pixels into algorithms can be applied into the training process effectively.
the HSV color space, b. classifying each pixel using the skin In this paper is applied the GA algorithm in order to
classifier to either a skin or non-skin).. optimization neural network weight.
There are two issues that must be addressed in design of a
III. SKIN FEATURES DETECTION BP networks-based skin detector, the choice of the skin
Before Perceptual color spaces, such as HSI, HSV/HSB, features (that has been described in previous section) and the
and HSL (HLS), have also been popular in skin detection. structure of the neural networks. The structure defines how
These color spaces separates three components: the hue (H), many layers the network will have, the size of each layer, the
the saturation (S) and the brightness (I, V or L). Essentially, number of inputs of the network and the value of the output for
HSV-type color spaces are deformations of the RGB color skin and non-skin pixels. Then the network is trained using
cube and they can be mapped from the RGB space via a samples of skin and non-skin pixels. Considering to both of
nonlinear transformation as follow [10]: training time and ability of classifying the structure of the
neural network is used in this work is adopted as figer.1.
  R G R B  
H arccos (1)

S 1 3 (2)

V R G B (3)

One of the advantages of these color spaces in skin

detection is that they allow users to intuitively specify the
Figure 1. the neural networks structure
boundary of the skin color class in terms of the hue and
saturation. As I, V or L give the brightness information, they
are often dropped to reduce illumination dependency of skin
color. It has three layers, tree neuron in the input layer that its
Considering low HSV color-space sensitivity versus white inputs are H, S and V feature for each skin or non-skin pixel
light intensity, brightness and surface orientation than light from dataset, single neuron in output layer which detect the
source in RGB to HSV converting, the HSV color-space is skin or non-skin pixels and tree neuron in hidden layer which
used for acquest skin features, in this paper. Thus HSV color is obtained by the experimental formula [13]:
space is proper to colored regions such as skin. First, RGB
skin and non-skin pixel from dataset convert to the HSV color- ni = n + m + α
space. After converting for each pixel obtain a three-dimension (4)
feature vector (H, S, V) as input for neural network.
Where n and m are the number of input and output neuron
IV. NEURAL NETWORK respectively. α is a constant between 1 and 10. Each neuron
Neural networks are non-linear classifiers and have been contains the weighted sum of its inputs filtered by a sigmoid
used in many pattern recognition problems like optical (al) (s- shaped) transfer function:
character recognition and object recognition. There is many 1
image based face detection using neural networks [11] the f ( x) =
most successful system was introduced by Rowley et al [12] as 1 + eσx (5)
using skin color segmentation to test an image and classify
each DCT based feature vector for the presence of either a The parameter σ plays a very important role in the
face or non face. convergence of the neural networks: the larger σ is, the neural
The neural network used in this paper is back propagation networks will converge more quickly, but also easy get
neural network. Back propagation is a descent gradient search unstable. On the other hand, if σ is too small, the convergence
algorithm, which tries to minimize the total error square of the neural networks will be time consuming though. May get
between actual output and target output of neural networks. good result.
This error is used to guide BP’s search in the weight and bias V. OPTIMIZATION ALGORITHM
space. There have been some successful applications of BP
algorithms and use in artificial intelligence widely. However, A. Genetic Algorithm
there are drawbacks with the BP algorithms due to its descent GAs are search procedures which have shown to perform
nature. Studies show back propagation training algorithm is well considering large search spaces. We have used GA due to
very sensitive to initializing conditions and often get trapped optimization weights and biases of neural network. The GA is
in local minimum of the function. To overcome those described as follow:
drawbacks, global search procedures like PSO and GA

ISSN 1947-5500
(IJCSIS) International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security,
Vol. 9, No. 10, October 2011

A chromosome in a computer algorithm is an array of genes. is used by algorithm is the best situation that has been
In this work each chromosome contains the array of acquired by the population so far. It is presented by “gbest”.
21weights and 7bias, that has an associated cost function
assigned to the relative merit. V [] = v [] + c1 * rand () * (pbest [] - position []) + c2 * rand ()
* (gbest [] - position []) (7)
[Chromosome= (w1, w2,……w21,b1,b2,….b7) ]
Position [] =position [] +v [] (8)
The algorithm begins with 50 initial population which
chromosomes are generated randomly .min and max of each Where v [] is the particle velocity and position [] is the current
chromosome is obtained considering result weights and biases particle position. They are arrays that their length is equal to
from NN, then cost function is evaluated for each problem dimensions. Rand () is a random number between 0
chromosome. The cost function computes error for each and 1. c1 and c2 are learning factors. In this article c1=c2=0.5.
chromosome using NN for training data. Error that is the same The first step of applying PSO to training a neural network is
fitness is computed as 6 simple equation: to encode the solutions. In this article, any solution contains 28
parameters representing 21 weights and 7 biases for the neural
Fitness =∑ ( Ym ≠ Y m ) (6) networks:
[Chromosome= (w1,w2,……w21,b1,b2,….b7)]

Where Ym is the target output for input data apply to NN and The population value is considered 50 too. For each solution,
the training set enter to the neural network and calculate the
Y m is the result output considering weights and biases total system errors as 6 equation( cost function).and the
accordance with the current chromosome. The population algorithm performs as is described above. Final the best
which is able to reproduce best fitness is known as parents. solution as optimum weights and biases enter to the neural
Then the GA goes into the production phase where the parents network and is computed the correct rate for test data.
are chosen base on the least cost (best fitness is least cost
because of we want the error be minimum). The selected
parents reproduce using the genetic algorithm operator called VI. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
crossover. In crossover random points are selected. When the Proposed method is performed using MATLAB
new generation is complete, the process of crossover is simulator. 200 thousand skin and non-skin pixels from 530
stopped. Mutation has a secondary role in the simple GA RGB image which have been collected from real and reliable
operation. Mutation is needed because, even though training dataset [15] for learning the algorithm. The elements
reproduction and crossover effectively search and recombine such as age, race, background, gender, light and brightness
extant notions, occasionally they may become overzealous and condition is considered in selecting image. For using trained
lose some potentially useful genetic material. After mutation network, in order to identify the skin pixel, first each RGB
has taken place, the fitness is evaluated. Then the old pixel convert to the HSV color space and Then H, S and V
generation is replaced completely or partially. This process is features apply to the trained network as the input. Afterwards,
repeated. After the algorithm reaches to minimum error or the according to the output, the network classifies the pixel as skin
iteration completed, it stops. The final chromosome is or non-skin. The skin regions specify with white color and the
optimization weights and biases that are applied to neural non-skin regions with the black color. The criterion which we
network. consider in this work is the correct rate. It is compute as
B. PSO Algorithms
Correct rate= ((length (target test) – error)/ length (target
In PSO algorithm, any solution that is called a particle is test))*100
equivalent to a bird in the birds swarm motion pattern [14].
Any particle has a fitness which is computed by cost function. the result of neural network performance at each time is
Whatever, any particle in searching area be close to objective- different due to randomly initial weight .Thus we perform the
food (in birds model), it has the higher fitness. Also any NN three time, and its results associated whit GA and PSO are
particle has a velocity that lead to the particle motion. Particles given in figure 2, 3 Figure 2 is obtained with 59.175%, 59.23
follow the optimum particle and continue to the motion in and 83.982% correct rate for NN, NN&PSO and NN &GA
problem space in each iteration. respectively and figure 3 with 70.6075%, 69.93% and 84.5%.
The PSO Launches as: a Group of particles are generated the result show the NN& GA has the best result because of the
accidentally (is considered 50 in this work), and by updating GA spot the initial population base on min and max of the
the generations, try to reach an optimum solution. In any step result of NN weight. But the PSO choose random the initial
each particle using 2 best values are updated. The first case is population completely. However, by the more performance,
the best condition that a particle has reached .The said the better result with higher correct rate is obtained. We reach
position, is called “pbest” and is saved. Another best value that to 98.825% correct rate using this hybrid algorithm.

ISSN 1947-5500
(IJCSIS) International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security,
Vol. 9, No. 10, October 2011

To compare the proposed method with other techniques, figure, the Gaussian and Bayesian methods ,has specified
Gaussian and Bayesian methods have modeled, and result of some points of background image as the skin wrongly and
binary images, were presented in fig. 4 associated with result also NN method considered some cloths them as skin while
of proposed method. The fist column is original image, second the proposed method correctly presented skin regions. The
column Gaussian method, third column Bayesian method,
fourth column NN method and fifth column presents the
proposed method (NN&GA). As it can be seen from the

Figure 2. the result of simulation for NN, NN&GA and NN & PSO with 59.175%, 83.982% and 59.23%% correct rate respectively.

Figure 3. the result of simulation for NN, NN&GA and NN & PSO with 70.6075%, 84.5% and 69.93% correct rate respectively.

ISSN 1947-5500
(IJCSIS) International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security,
Vol. 9, No. 10, October 2011

Figure 4. comparison of the proposed method against Gaussian, Bayesian and neural network with 98.825% correct rate.

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ISSN 1947-5500

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