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Homework No.

1. Based on the learnings I have gained in the first session, I need tom improve more in giving my
dgroup my undivided time, I need to ensure to meet them constantly, at least to check not only
their physical well being but spiritual as well. I need to start scheduling time to meet them
weekly especially this in this quarantine. I need to stop being a teacher instead I need to start to
be a leader, walking the talk.
2. In principle I need to rely with the Holy Spirits in all I do, but in practice it’s a bit an struggle for
me as I tend to do what I have to do intellectually. I forgot to allow the God’s word to have its
meaning and speak the truth rather than trying to explain them in my words to impress them.
To rely on the Holy Spirit, I will just use the Bible in explaining things,there are words/passage
which are all self explanatory. No room for interpretation, only for application.

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