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What is Endodontics?

Endodontics is the diagnosis and treatment of inflamed and damaged pulps. Teeth are composed of
protective hard covering (enamel, dentin and cementum) encasing a soft living tissue called pulp .Pulp
contains blood vessels,nerves, fibers and connective tissue. The pulp extends from the crown of the tooth to
the tip of the roots where it connects to the tissues surrounding the root. The pulp is important during a
tooth’s growth and development. However, once a tooth is fully mature it can survive without the pulp,
because the tooth continues to be nourished by the tissues surrounding it.

Why do I need Root Canal Therapy?

Because tooth will not heal by itself, the infection may spread around the tissues causing destruction of
bone and supporting tissues . This may cause tooth to fall out. Root canal treatment is done to save the
damaged pulp by thorough cleaning and shaping of the root canal system and then filling it with gutta-
percha (rubber like) material to prevent recontamination of the tooth. Tooth is permanently restored with
crown with or without post.

What is Root Canal Procedure?

Once the endodontic therapy is recommended, your endodontist will numb the area by injecting local
anesthetic. After this a rubber sheet is placed around the tooth to isolate it. Then the opening is made in the
crown of the tooth and very small sized instruments are used to clean the pulp from pulp chamber and root
canals . After thorough cleaning and shaping of root canals , they are filled with rubber like material called
gutta-percha, which will prevent the bacteria from entering this space again.

What are Risks and Complications?

It has been seen that more than 95 percent cases of endodontic therapy are successful. However
sometimes because of unnoticed canal malformations, instrument errors a root canal therapy may fail.

Soft tissue of mesenchymal origin.

• Consists specialized cells, odontoblasts.

• Odontoblasts arranged peripherally in direct contact with

dentin matrix.

• Relationship between odontoblasts and dentin is known as

‘pulp-dentin complex’.

• Surrounded by rigid walls and so is unable to expand in

response to injury.
Ce este pulpa dentara?

Țesut moale de origine mezenchimală.

• Constă în celule specializate, odontoblaste.

• Odontoblaste dispuse periferic în contact direct cu

matrice dentină.

• Relația dintre odontoblaste și dentină este cunoscută sub numele de

„Complex pulpă-dentină”.

• Înconjurat de pereți rigizi și astfel nu se poate extinde

răspuns la vătămare.

Etiology of pulpal diseases can be broadly classified into:

1. Physical

a. Mechanical

i. Trauma

• Acute trauma like fracture, or avulsion of tooth.

• Iatrogenic dental procedures.

ii. Pathologic wear like attrition, abrasion, etc.

iii. Barodontalgia due to barometric changes.

b. Thermal

• Heat generated by cutting procedures

• Heat from restorative procedures

• Heat generated from electrosurgical procedures

• Frictional heat from polishing of restorations.

2. Chemical

• Acids from erosion

• Use of chemicals like monomers, liners, bases,

phosphoric acid, or use of cavity desiccants like


3. Bacterial
• Caries

• Microleakage around a restoration

• Periodontal pocket and abscess

• Anachoresis

Fazele inflamatiei pulpare

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