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Name : Sok hengpechmony

Class : Mass media and Communication

ID : 125723
Chapter 5

1. What captures and holds your attention when you are listening?

Answer: When the speaker make eyes contact with audience with clear pronunciation or explain.

2. What is your usual listening style? How do you adapt your style when situation call for a different one?

Answer: I think, I am in the analytical one recently. I am developing on learn how to listen before respond to the

speaker, exspecially the cause and all the drama. In any situation, I’ve tried to calm myself first before anything else,

so I can respond to other better.

3. Which self-barrier do you encounter most often when listening what do you try to do to cope with it?

Answer: I spaced out when the the talk is too long or boring! I slap my face twice and I’ll back in line!

4. Do you find yourself interrupting or getting interrupted often? What can you do as a listener or a speaker to

avoid interruptions and deal with them if they happen?

Answer: I am not having a problem with getting interrupted often since every time I talk, they all tend to listen. But

I found someone often interrupted the speaker while they’re talking as a listen that’s not a glad pleasure to deal


5. Do you often paraphrase when listening to others in everyday life? If so, how do you summarize messages in a

helpful and natural sounding way? If you don't paraphrase much, what kinds of phrases do you think would help


Answer: I do paraphrase often; I would just pass the message to other exact like the original!

6. If you are doing something at the time someone wants you to listen, should you be honest and disclose that you

are busy and would rather chat when you can be more attentive? If so, what sort of verbal strategies might you


Answer: If the story is more important than what I am doing, I would just go and listen! If it’s note I would be

honest with them that I’m not available!

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