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oh the skies are the same so we're finally going to it

Oh Mike look at this in Italy right there are fifty four fifty four police forces and they all have pistols even
a traffic warden right or so called vigil I is armed with a pistol why would you give a traffic warden a
pistol well so they can shoot you obviously for doing what well say

for example you parked your car in a disabled parking space yeah well then they'd shoot you in the legs
but then I would be disabled exactly and then you'd be parked legally are you

okay Dave

yeah I'm just reading this book it's called Italian body language oh no not that kind of body language
apparently forty percent of the Italian language all physical gesture

David this is 2011 we're in Italy Europe everybody speaks English just speak English it's gonna be really

I bet yeah oh what's that this means what do you want very useful yeah what's that one this is what the
hell do you want if you are going to go around the land doing that tell me now and I'll go around on my
own okay John this one's a bit more complicated and you can help me one go on right swing your left
arm across your chest now block your left elbow with your right hand you're a liar look you have to talk
when you block your elbow

you have to say toe toe toe toe what's this one called so what it means your sister my sister yeah but I
haven't got a sister well

then you can't do it oh look at this one no this is impossible this is only for Italians it's seven movements
Dave seven movements all at the same time no problem I can do it come on no come on you can't you
can't come on I can do it come on all right put your hands out in front of you all right when I say go turn
your hands out externally push your belly out your chest out your shoulders

back your head back and make a sad face like that oh my god that's really complicated it's impossible
really forget it come read it out to me again

ah I know I can do it I'll concentrate

all right when I say go turn your hands out externally push your belly out your chest out your head back
your shoulders back and make a sad face like that are you ready yeah go like this

I don't know it's not a video Dave so what's this one I don't know what Jonas written it's written yet I
don't know that's what it means

oh yeah senior NCO co-opted ammonia cancer difficulty il Capitano Raimondi kV parla Viki diamo Kota
cement ad written re vos repost Edie decide tabali no imposition every article the ferritin are AC relay on
k2v position a vatic are in quanto tropic east on t in control Ramona to Valenza Monty column enter
Valenta yes beautiful language isn't it yeah it is nice what you see don't worry it'll be in English now I'm
sure ladies and gentlemen please attention is the capitaine Kyra mon Dieu speaking please a term please
return to the chairs and close close close the door at the close the little table and close the windows had
caused the belt because I Nene seen me no sir we have a wind on the wind on the plane and the plane is
broken Isabel applaud the plane is social to do photo hey dad did you know the brain is as much moving
is as usual mr. Warren Spahn Spanish so bad the stinks and a blizzard totally dead hunters they framed
the prison please what language was that

Ohoh my god Dave all the men all the

Italian men are holding in their hands their testicles why are they doing that I don't know to protect
them maybe to protect them if I'm going to protect a part of my body I'm going to cover my face surely
John if we crash into those mountains down there it isn't going to make any difference which part of
your body you're protecting is it well yes it will make a difference actually because

I'll be covering my face and so at least they can identify me well maybe Italians are identified by their
you know in fact John be very careful when we get to meal em because if you get arres

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