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Do it yourself series lamp current limiter

SONY TV DEAD repaired

Do it yourself series lamp current limiter
Do it yourself series lamp current
limiter Series bulb current limiter has been in use for quite a long time by engineers and
‘No disc” symptoms on JVC DVD
player solved
In this lesson we are going to learn how to make a one easily.
What is the future of electronics
repairing? Materials required
Understanding how flyback
transiformer works
Bulb holder 2

Understanding markings on
Socket (with switch) 1
capacitor body
Main Plug 1

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Power Cable 1
Piece plywood 1
Screws 6
Surface box 1

Bulbs 75W/100W/150W

Below is the circuit diagram of the series bulb

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and here is the internal picture of the circuit after being assembled

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The series bulb now completely assembled and ready to use

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When you complete assembling the series bulb, we are now ready to put it in use
Connect the series bulb plug to the AC power socket and connect the device under test power cable to
the Series bulb socket as shown on the diagram below

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When to use this gadget (series bulb current limiter)
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Whenever you receive equipment in your workshop and find either the fuse or the surge limiter is
broken you should not replace any of the two component and apply power because most of the time
the same component will blow again.
This will even lead to more damage to the equipment or worst still you find that you replaced an
expensive component and immediately you apply power the component is gone.
This will not happen again if you use this gadget whenever you encounter the above symptoms in
your troubleshooting work.
When you replace the fuse or the surge limiter and you power the equipment via the series bulb in
most cases you will observe the following.
1. Bulb is very bright and does not change even after one minute.
Means: there is short in the supply
2. Bulb light very bright and then goes down to dim
Means: There is no short-you can even power the equipment directly from the power outlet.
3. Bulb lights is Pulsating
Means the bulb wattage needs to be increased or there is some problem on the secondary side of the
supply. The power is trying to come up but being pulled down. It could be even dry joints on the
secondary side of the power supply.
Note: If you find the bulb light is pulsating try to increase the wattage of the bulb by using two 100
watts bulbs instead of 75w and 100w...for big screen use the 150 watts bulb and 75 watt bulb.
Also note that you can use only one bulb like 150 watts. It is not a must you insert the two bulbs for
the gadget to work.
For best results always use the dummy load (60watts) on the B.

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The series bulbs were too dim to see.

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Click here for my eBook on troubleshooting and repair of CRT television
from the technician work bench point of view

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Click here for my latest eBook “10 CRT real life repair experiences”

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Click here to learn how to become a professional in switch mode power supply
repair (S.M.P.S)-By Jestine Yong

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Click here to learn how you can become a professional in LCD Monitor repair-By
Jestine Yong

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Click here to my step by step guide eBook on basic electronics (highly
recommended for new student in electronics)

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Click here to get 10 True Repair case history by Jestine Yong

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Click here to learn how to repair DVD player easily

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