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Adoptive Apprentice 1°

Dit rituaal is een amerikaanse vertaling van het franse rituaal, zoals dat halverwege de
negentiende eeuw gebruikt werd..

The ceremonies of the several degrees are ordinarily held in the same room, which ought to be
sufficiently large to admit of its being divided into three parts by means of red, white and blue
curtains. The hangings are red, if the blue hangings of an Apprentice are not used. The side of
the Wor. Master and Mistress in the back is named the “Climate of Asia”; facing this, the west
is the “Climate of Europe”; the Apprentices are in the north, “Climate of America”; the
Companions in the south, “Climate of Africa.” The Wardens with their corresponding Sister
officers are placed respectively in America and Africa. In Asia are two thrones or chairs on one
dais. In advance is an altar upon which is a mallet, a naked sword and a book of statutes. At the
sides are placed 8 allegorical figures representing: Wisdom, Prudence, Strength, Temperance,
Honor, Charity, Justice, Truth, and distinguished by their attributes. The lodge is lighted by 5
oderiferous vases and by a star of 5 rays placed in Asia. The Brothers and Sisters are ranged in
two lines, the Sisters being in advance of the Brothers. Before each officer is a pentagonal table.
On the Mosaic pavement is a painting representing the 5 parts of the world by allegorical
figures: 1. The Ladder of Jacob. 2. Noah's Ark. 3. Tower of Babel. 4. Sun. 5. Moon. The apron
is of white lambskin with a triangular flap and bordered with blue silk. The scarf is of blue
moire, worn from right to left. Officers wear the scarf as a collar and suspend therefrom the
jewel which is a golden trowel. The jewel of the members represents a heart in flames having an
apple in the interior. The garter is worn round the left arm and is of white satin doubled with
blue and embroidered in blue with the words “Silence and Virtue.” Brothers wear the Masonic
insignia to which they are entitled, also a collar of blue moire to which is attached for jewel, a
ladder in gold of 5 steps. The dress of the Brothers is a black coat, white vest, trousers and
gloves. The clothing of the Sisters is a white apron and gloves.
Wor. Mistress., strikes *****    *****; Officers rise: Brother Wardens, and Sister Inspectress
and Depositress, the Worshipful Master and myself invite our Brothers and Sisters in Africa and
America to assist us in opening this Adoptive Lodge of Apprentices in the Climate of Europe
under the auspices of the Respectable ... and to make our salutation by 5 and 5.
Sister Inspectress, strikes *****    *****: Brothers and Sisters of the Climate of Africa, you are
invited by the Worshipful Master and Mistress to assist them in working this Adoptive Lodge of
Sister Depositress, strikes *****   *****: Brothers and Sisters of the Climate of America, you
are invited by the Worshipful Master and Mistress to assist them in working this Adoptive
Lodge of Apprentices.
Brother and Sister Wardens, the announcement is communicated in the Climate of America.
Inspectress, strikes *: Worshipful Mistress, the announcement is carried to Africa and America.
WM., *: To Order! (Asia sises.)
The Sen. Warden and Sister, *: To Order! (Africa rises.)
The Jun. Warden and Sister, *: To Order! (America rises.)
WM.: What is our first duty?
Sis. Depositress, at the door: To see that the Lodge is secure.
WM.: Ascertain that it is secure.
The Sister knocks 5 on the door and is answered by the Outer Guard.
Sis. Depositress: The Lodge is securely guarded within and without.
WM.: What are the duties of an Adoptive Apprentice?
Sis. Depositress: To listen, work, obey and be silent.
WM.: Let us listen to Masonic instruction, let us work as Masons, let us obey our superiors in
the Order, and let us be silent upon our mysteries in presence of the profane. Brothers and
Sisters of all Climates of the Order, Attention! (Gives Sign, Salute, Knocks 5 -
5) Vivat! (Repeated 5 Times.) The labors of Adoption are open. Brothers and Sisters of the
Climate of Asia be seated. Sister Inspectress and Depositress make the announcement known in
your respective climates. (Asia is seated.)
Sister Inspectress: Sister Depositress, Brothers and Sisters of the Climate of Africa, the labors of
Adoption are open, take your seats. (Done.)
Sister Depositress: Brothers and Sisters of the Climate of America, the labors of Adoption are
open, take your seats. (America is seated.)
Sister Inspectress: Worshipful Mistress, the announcement is complete.
Here, around the Altar meeting,
Where the Sons of Light combine,
Mingled with our friendly greeting
Is the glow of love divine
For this hall to virtue given
And our emblem on the wall
Point us to the Lodge in heaven
And the Master of us all.
Chorus: Keep in view the Lodge supernal life is love enthroned in heaven Where the true light
never wavers And our mortal sins forgiven.
In the bonds of Masons duty
Seek we now the Masons light
Forms of Wisdom, Strength and Beauty
Teach us what is good and right.
Far be every sinful passion
Near be every gentle grace
And at last this holy mission
Shall reveal our Masters face.
Chorus: Keep, etc.
If there are any visitors in the court they are announced and admitted; upon which they are
complimented and placed by the Master and Mistress of Ceremonies, after which the following
general welcome is given.
A welcome and a greeting now, To gentle friends and sisters here, Around the place where
Masons bow, And pay their homage due; On checkered floor, neath starry sky, Welcome kind
friends of Masonry.
To her who finds a Father here, Or Brother’s strong and trusty hand. To her who mourns the lost
and dear, Once cherished in our band.
To her who husband’s love doth own, Greeting and welcome every one;
Welcome the light our emblems shed, Welcome the hope yon volume gives
Welcome the love our covenants spread, The wages each receive,
And when is past life’s toilsome week, Welcome the home that Masons seek.
The Sister of Eloquence retires and prepares the aspirant, and then conducts her to the
Chamber of Reflection. This chamber is hung with black, a single lighted lamp is suspended
over a table upon which is a skull and these three questions:
1. What do we owe to father and mother?
2. What do we owe to husband and children?
3. What do we owe to friendship and society?
Before the table is a stool and upon the walls devices suited to the situation. The Mistress of
Ceremonies leads the Aspirant into the Chamber and causes her to be seated on the stool. She
then enquires if she has reflected upon her desire to enter an Order so respectable as that into
which she seeks admission; if she is in a state of good health before undertaking the required
proofs, which have nothing in them opposed to modesty and virtue. She engages to submit with
firmness to these proofs and her left garter is often replaced by a blue ribbon, but it may be tied
round her arm and she takes off her right glove. She is desired to reflect upon and answer the
three questions, upon which she will soon be examined. This done the Sister of Eloquence
knocks at the door and having gained admission reports as follows: Worshipful Mistress, there
is in the Chamber of Reflection a “pupil of wisdom” who aspires to the honor of being admitted
into the Society, she has answered the three questions which were presented to her as
follows. Reads them.
WM.: Brothers and Sisters, you have heard the favorable report of the Sister of Eloquence, is it
your pleasure that the Aspirant be admitted? Reply favorable. Let the Aspirant be admitted.
Sister of Eloquence, retires and addresses candidate: Do you persist in your resolution to
become a member of our Order and promise to undergo the requisite trials with firmness?
Aspirant answers:  I do.
Sister of Eloquence: Then have faith in me as a Sister and follow blindly. Bandages eyes of
Aspirant and strikes 5 - 5 on door.
Sister Depositress to Sister Inspectress: A Postulant knocks at the door of our Temple who
aspires to be made an Adoptive Apprentice.
Sister Inspectress to WM.: A Postulant knocks at the door of our Temple who aspires to be made
an Adoptive Apprentice.
WM.: By whom is the Postulant recommended?
Sister Inspectress: She is well and worthily recommended by ....
WM.: Is the Postulant under the authority of husband, father, mother or guardian? Demand her
name, surname, age, profession, place of birth and residence.
This being fully answered, the Aspirant’s head is covered with a white veil and crowned with
roses. A chain is placed on her wrists.
WM.: Admit the Postulant. The doors are opened with some noise and the Aspirant brought in
and seated.
WM.: As Masonry is a secret science decried by the envious and those who have no knowledge
of it, what has inspired you with the desire of uniting yourself to our Order?
Postulant, prompted by Sister of Eloquence: The good opinion which I have formed of the
institution, a desire for knowledge and a sincere wish to benefit my fellow creatures by
association with you in works of benevolence and charity.
WM.: That is well, but are you willing to submit to the trials which we require from all
Postulants? Aspirant assents. Then Sister of Eloquence you will cause the Postulant to take the
probationary journeys. She is led thrice around, encountering slight obstacles at each round and
each a little more difficult; the third or last journey is under the arch of steel accompanied by
clash of swords.
WM.: Madam, the journeys you have taken are symbolic of this life, the path is rough and
difficult, but perseverance in goodness, will assist us in vanishing all obstacles, and obtain for us
that repose which is generally the reward of a well-spent life. I have now a series of questions to
submit for your consideration, to which I must beg you to reply.
Aspirant prompted by Sis. of Eloquence.
WM.: Madam, what is honor?
Ans.: Honor is that feeling which impels us to noble actions, such as courage, loyalty,
consideration, glory, and all estimable qualities; it is the instinctive sentiment of virtue. Honor
among ladies is evinced by truth, modesty and chastity; honor is everything that we honor.
WM.: What is consideration?
Ans.: Consideration is that regard which we have for talents, virtues, dignities and good actions.
It is a virtue which produces more happiness than the preceding one, for it includes the respect
which we have for the feelings of others.
WM.: What is virtue?
Ans.: Virtue is energy of soul, applied to the habitual practice of goodness, justice and duty; and
more especially modesty and chastity; these good qualities seem to include all others for if they
are once lost to woman all is lost. The world is so convinced of the truth of this that in speaking
of the modesty of a woman it is customary to say simply, her virtue, for it is that quality by
which she merits esteem and love.
WM.: What is chastity?
Ans.: It is that virtue which controls the pleasure of love, and causes abstinence from all
impropriety. The portion which a young lady should bring in marriage are modesty and chastity.
Absolute chastity or rather celibacy is opposed to nature and therefore ceases to be a social
WM.: What is pudicity?
Ans.: Pudicity is that virtue which causes modesty; it is especially a sentiment of women and is
derived from the respect which all have for what is honest. A woman without modesty is never
beautiful and the honor of women should be public protection.
WM.: What is modesty?
Ans.: Modesty is moderation and discretion without affection in speaking of ourselves. It is one
of the most beautiful ornaments of women, and springs from a doubt of one’s own real merit.
WM.: What is sweetness?
Ans.: Sweetness is a quality which moderates humor, passion, impatience, irritability, etc. It is
the opposite of violence. No one can obtain by firmness as much as by sweetness; and ladies do
not sufficiently comprehend how far sweetness gives them empire.
WM.: What is glory?
Ans.: Glory is reputation combined with esteem and admiration. It sweetens life and is never
present without virtue. Purity of soul and conduct is the greatest glory of women.
WM.: What is flattery?
Ans.: Flattery is a false and exaggerated language used with the object of making the flatterer
agreeable or of obtaining some favor. Those who flatter degrade themselves whilst deceiving
those whom they flatter. Flattery destroys more than love.
WM.: What is hypocrisy?
Ans.: Hypocrisy is a false appearance of piety, virtue, sentiment, probity, etc., assumed with the
intention of deceiving, it is a coldly reasoned affection of qualities and virtue not possessed.
WM.: What is dissimulation?
Ans.: The dissimulator conceals his thoughts and hides his secrets, often in obedience to
prudence or necessity, but the hypocrite pushes dissimulation so far as to lie in his expressions
and to deceive by his words and acts, until success obtained, he throws off the mask. Women
dissimulate more than men, because society constrains a woman to dissemble by refusing her
the same rights as man.
WM.: What is jealousy?
Ans.: Jealousy is a feeling of vexation or chagrin at seeing some thing we value possessed by
another. It is the pain and envy experienced at the prosperity and happiness of another. There is
no passion more violent or tragic than that jealously born of extreme love. Jealousy leans more
to vanity than love.
WM.: What are manners?
Ans.: Manners are certain natural or acquired habits, good or bad, in the way of life or conduct.
The manners of a people arc their usages and customs. Manners are stronger than laws; men
make the laws, women the manners.
WM.: Madam, we are satisfied with your replies and would now enquire, what is it that you
desire from us?
Mistress of Ceremonies: I respond for the Postulant. She desires to participate in the fruit of her
travels, to behold this assembly of admirable and virtuous persons and contribute to the good
works of the association.
WM.: Your desire shall be gratified. Arise! Approach! At the third blow let the bandage fall. At
this all the ladies including the Wor. Mistress pass noiselessly behind the Postulant so that when
the bandage falls at the 3rd knock of the Master, she sees only men armed with swords which
are pointed towards her, whilst others form an arch of steel over her head.
Wor.Master: Behold the great imprudence which you have committed in seeking to enter a
society alone and unprotected, of whose constitution and manners you are ignorant. But we are
willing to believe that neither carelessness nor curiosity have had any share in this result but that
the good opinion which you have formed of Adoptive Masonry is the only motive which has led
you to appear amongst us; but notwithstanding the confidence and esteem with which you have
inspired us, before we reveal our mysteries to you, I must inform you that the great aim of our
Order is to render society as perfect as it can be made. The grand characteristic of our Order is to
be just and charitable and above prejudice, to avoid artifice and lying; to be guided in all things
by virtue, in order that we may acquire the esteem and friendship of our Brothers and Sisters.
Such is a slight idea of the duties which you are about to impose on yourself in joining our
society, and we are convinced that you will not fail to assist us to carry them out. The
engagement which you are about to contract in uniting yourself with us, will confirm you in the
duties which you owe to religion and the general welfare of humanity. Do you persist in your
desire of being initiated into our Order, and are you willing to enter into an Obligation to
conform to our laws and regulations?
Aspirant: Yes, I desire to proceed.
Wor. Master: My dear Brothers and Sisters, let us open to this Postulant, the door of virtue, and
break her chains which are the emblem of prejudice; it is necessary to be free in order to enter
our Temples. Madam, advance to me under this Arch of Steel.
The Wor. Mistress and Sisters toward the end of this address return silently to their places. The
Mistress of Ceremonies takes the Postulant by the hand, having previously removed the chain
from her wrist and conducts her to the foot of the throne where she kneels before the altar. The
Wor. Mistress strikes 5—5; all rise.
Master: Madam, I will thank you to repeat your name and surname and say after me. I, ..., in the
presence of the Supreme Architect of the Universe, who is God, and this august assembly,
promise to keep faithfully in my heart the secrets confided to me; that I will conform to the rules
and regulations of this, or any other Adoptive Lodge to which I may belong; and if I fail in this
my contract may I be held in dishonor and contempt and be struck with the sword of the
exterminating angel; for a surety may a portion of the divine spirit descend into my heart, to
enlighten and purify it, and to lead me in the sentiments of virtue.
Wor. Master: Does this oath give you any uneasiness.
Ans.: None.
Wor. Master: Do you feel that you have strength to observe it.
Ans.: I do.
Wor. Master, raises Aspirant and strikes five blows upon the left shoulder, saying: In the name
of the Gd. Mistress of the Order and in virtue of the powers entrusted to this Lodge, I receive
and constitute you an Adoptive Apprentice and a member of this assembly.
Wor. Master, strikes 1, all are seated: My Sister, for by this name will we henceforth address
you, may you never forget the duties which such a sacred - title imposes upon you. The
Worshipful Mistress will now give you certain tokens of our esteem.
WM.: I now give you, my dear Sister, on behalf of this, your Lodge, the triple fraternal accolade;
the kiss of peace (forehead) the kiss of confidence (right cheek) and the kiss of friendship (left
cheek). I shall now invest you with the clothing of your degree. I give you the scarf with which
you are to clothe yourself at our meetings, also this garter of the Order upon which is written
“Silence and Virtue.” (Places it on left arm as is done by Knts. of Rosy Cross.)
Take this apron and wear it with joy and respect; it is the badge of Kings, Princes and Princesses
who consider it an honor to wear it. Its whiteness is a symbol of purity and accords well with the
veil which covered you, and the roses which crowned you. It is the symbol of labor; without
work, dear Sister, a woman is much to be pitied. (Embraces her.)
I shall now entrust you with a knowledge of the signs, tokens and words, by which the
Apprentices of the Masonry of Adoption recognize each other. You will be particularly careful
that you do not allow these modes of recognition to come to the knowledge of the profane. (The
secrets are here explained.) Present yourself to the Sister Inspectress and make yourself known
as an Adoptive Apprentice.
The Mistress of Ceremonies conducts her to the Inspectress who examines her in the secrets.
Sister Inspectress: My dear Sister, as a reward for your diligence, receive this pair of white
gloves, and always remember that candour and truth are the inseparable characteristics of a Lady
Mason (embraces her.) Go, make yourself known to the Sister Depositress.
The Mistress of Ceremonies conducts her to the Depositress who examines her.
Sister Depositress: Receive, my dear Sister, this pair of white gloves, give them only to a man
who is worthy of you and us (embraces her.)
The Mistress of Ceremonies places the Sister between the columns and says: Worshipful
Mistress, the signs, token and word given by the neophyte are correct.
WM., strikes 5 - 5; all rise: To order, my dear Brothers and Sisters, I call upon you henceforth to
recognize Sister ... as an Adoptive Apprentice, and as a member of this Lodge, to bear perpetual
friendship to her and to render her aid and assistance in time of need. Join with me in applauding
her happy initiation. The battery 5 - 5 is given and the proclamation may be repeated by the
Inspectress and Depositress in their respective climates. The Mistress of Ceremonies and the
Neophyte salute in reply and the latter is then placed at the head of the Climate of America.
Wor. Master.: Brother Orator, will now explain in an analytical discourse the different emblems
of the tableau and throw some flowers of eloquence on the charms of this amiable reunion.
Res. Orator: Ladies, we meet and welcome you here for a double purpose. First, that we may
instruct you as to your true relationship to the Masonic Fraternity and thus remove any
prejudices that you may have entertained against us, and second to instruct you in the lessons of
our delightful Order. All of you know that Masons place great value upon their ceremonies.
They put themselves to much trouble and anxiety to attend their lodges and they prove by their
words and actions that Masonry is firmly implanted in their affections. It must be evident to
every wife, daughter and sister of a Mason that there is something in the tie which is very
pleasant and precious to them. This very often provokes the question, of what use is Masonry to
the Ladies? As it separates man and wife to a slight extent by giving the man certain secrets and
duties which the wife cannot share, the ladies sometimes take umbrage against Masonry and
even become its enemies, as if it were something contrary to the laws of God and Man.
Masons love and cherish their Society above all others, because it is calculated to make them
better, wiser and happier men. Better, for it teaches morality, virtue, temperance, charity and
justice to all men. Wiser, because it imparts to them solemn and important knowledge that has
been handed down for ages. Happier, because it places them in social communication with the
purest and best men in every country. If a Mason is assailed in character every other Mason is
enjoined to defend him if innocent. If he is attacked in person he finds defenders. If he is
distressed for means, poor and in want from misfortune, his brethren share their abundance with
him. If traveling in a foreign land he falls sick among strangers, the Masons are his brothers and
will be as kind to him as if they had known him all his life. If he dies, the fraternity will bear
him to his last resting place and drop a tear to his memory.
And now I will answer the question that is often asked, of what use is Masonry to the fair sex?
Ladies, you are connected with Masonry by ties far more intimate and tender than you are aware
of or than I can even inform you of. The widow and orphan of a Master Mason take the place of
the husband and father in the affections and good deeds of the lodge. If their character is
unjustly assailed, the brethren are in duty bound to defend them. If they are in want, the brethren
share their abundance with them. If traveling at a distance from home they find themselves sick
and in want, they have but to make themselves known, and the hand of relief is stretched out
towards them; the kind voice of sympathy is heard to cheer them; they are no longer strangers.
Thus they are constrained to bless our Society, whose deeds are not confined to the narrow
limits of home. These, ladies, are the reasons why we think that you should be the most devoted
friends that Masonry possesses. To you are given all the advantages of the society, its shield of
protection, its hand of relief, and its voice of sympathy, while we do not require of you any of
the labor of sustaining it. The question then arises, how is a lady to make known her relationship
to our Order? Some particular means of recognition are necessary by which she should be able
to prove to a Master Mason that she is the wife, widow or daughter of a Mason and this is found
in the formula of the Order into which you have just been received, and by its special signs,
tokens and words. This great advantage consists in the formula being carefully retained in the
hands of proper persons; hence we require from you a pledge of honor that our secrets shall be
carefully locked in your hearts, and no instance is on record of any lady having betrayed the
confidence reposed in her. I shall now explain to you more fully the arcana of Adoptive
This is done in a connected discourse by the following catechism. The Wor. Master usually
questions the Sisters Inspectress and Depositress.
Question: What is the first duty of a Sister Mason?
Answer: To see that the Lodge is secure.
Q.: Are you an Apprentice?
A.: I believe I am.
Q.: Why do you answer doubtfully?
A.: Because it is in the nature of my sex to doubt and besides an Apprentice is sure of nothing.
Q.: Where were you conducted before entering the Lodge?
A.:  In a dismal place suited for reflection upon the vanity and defects of mortals.
Q.: were you introduced into the Lodge?
A.: By 5 knocks with the eyes bandaged.
Q.: Why were your eyes bandaged?
A.: To teach me that in order to arrive at knowledge of the mysteries it was necessary to
suppress all curiosity and also to indicate how blindly the profane reason on Masonry.
Q.: How did you arrive at initiation?
A.: By passing through an arch of steel.
Q.: What is represented by it?
A.: Strength and Ability. The Solidity of a vault depends on the junction and firm adhesion of
the stones toward a central point; so each member of our Order should aspire to honor, the
essential point of all our strength.
Q.: Where were you received a lady Mason,
A.: Near the Ladder of Jacob, the Tower of Babel, and the Ark of Noah.
Q.: What does the Ark represent?
A.: Man agitated by the passions, as the Ark was by the deluge.
Q.: Give me three details of that Ark?
A.: It had three stages; the first sheltered unclean animals, symbol of the vices which degrade
humanity; the second was occupied by the human family, symbolic of the manly virtues; and the
third was filled with melodious and warbling birds, an emblem of the concert of grateful voices
which he ought to raise in our Masonic Temples to the glory of the the Supreme Architect of the
Q.: What is the Hebrew name of this vessel?
A.: Thebah.
Q.: Can you find a synonym with which this word has some analogy?
A.: Yes, Thebah, Holy Ark, the repository of the human race, recalls the famous and ancient
Thebes, or Holy City, the sacred repository of human knowledge.
Q.: What does the Tower of Babel represent?
A.: The pride of the children of this world, from whom we can only protect ourselves by
opposing a discreet heart, the characteristics of our Order.
Q.: What does the Ladder of Jacob represent?
A.: The Ladder is a mystery. It symbolizes the invisible and constant affinities which are
mutually existing between heaven and earth, the foot rests on the earth and the summit is lost in
the clouds.
Q.: Is there not another interpretation of this Ladder?
A.: Yes, it represents an alliance between heaven and earth, through the universal spirit which is
called to the terrestrial elements, enigmatically expressed in the saying that the children of God
espoused the daughters of men.
Q.: That is represented by the two supports and the five steps?
A.: The two supports represent the love of God, and of our neighbour, and the five steps typify
the virtues possessed by those beautiful souls which draw together the creature and the Creator.
Q.: What are the names of these five virtues?
A.: Candour, Clemency, Frankness, Temperance, Discretion.
Q.: What is represented by the Sun and Moon?
A.: The Worshipful Master and Mistress who rule the Lodge as these rule the earth.
Q.: What is the name of your Lodge?
A.: It bears the glorious name of Eden, a garden or terrestrial paradise, because it is peopled with
Sisters and Brothers who practice the virtue of the golden age and shun the vices of the age
which followed it.
Q.: Give me the sign and token of an Apprentice. (Done.)
Q.: Give me the Sacred Word. (Done.)
Q.: What signifies that word.
A.: Academy or school of virtue.
Q.: What is that school?
A.: Masonry.
Q.: What is the wage of a lady Mason?
A.: The respect of the Brothers, the love of the Sisters, the blessings of the poor, and the
consideration of the world.
Q.: What is their duty?
A.: Listen, work, obey and be silent upon our mysteries to the profane.
My dear Sisters, nothing is more capable of shewing you the true estimation in which you are
held in our Society, than the admission which has been accorded you. The vulgar, always gross,
full of prejudices and ridiculous persuasions, have, at times, dared to spread abroad the black
poison of calumny, but what judgment can they form of us, reprived as they are of the light of
truth, and outside the advantages which result from a perfect knowledge. You alone, my dear
Sisters, who have been admitted to our assemblies, are able to form a reliable opinion of us; the
lessons taught you today will have satisfied you that Masonry is the school of decency and
virtue, and that, by its law, we seek to restrain the failings of humanity and enable you to look
upon us as most worthy of your confidence and sincerity. Notwithstanding the sweets that such
sentiments allow us to taste, we have been unable, without you, to fill the void which your
absence leaves amongst us, and I avow to your glory that those occasions, which we recall in
our society, in which the Sisters rendered our unions more respectable, were even the most
agreeable and sweetest.
We call our Lodge, Temple of Virtue, because we teach the practice of virtue. The mysteries
which we celebrate therein, is the grand art of vanquishing our passions, and the Obligation
which we take never to reveal them is, only to insure that we do not take an unworthy and vain
pride in the good works which we do there. The cherished name of Adoption expresses that we
have chosen you to participate in the happiness which we ourselves enjoy in cultivating honor
and charity, and you will understand that it is only after scrupulous examination that we have
desired you to share it with us; we are persuaded that the torch of reason will enlighten all your
actions in life, and that you will never for. get the many precious things that we consider it
necessary to preserve, and especially that principle of silence which ought to be inviolable; may
the God of the Universe deign to give you strength to observe the good principle of our
WM.: The Sister Hospitaller will collect the alms.
Whilst this is proceeding the sweet and plaintive voice of the Mistress of Ceremonies in the
Climate of Europe recites a hymn on behalf of the poor and unfortunate.
WM.: We have, my dear Brothers and Sisters, listened, worked and obeyed, and now we charge
you to be silent upon our mysteries to the profane, for this reason we close our Lodge with a
salute by the mysterious numbers. Led by Asia the battery 5—5 is given.
WM.: I now declare the Lodge closed. Let us depart in peace to the bosom of our families and
friends and there practice all those good and precious things which we teach in our Lodges.
Good night! The spirits of the blest and good
From these dear halls go with you and abide,
In hours of sorrow, hours of solitude,
Or when the hosts of melancholy brood
O'er cloud your minds, may angel spirits glide
From the white Throne and give you great delight
Dear friends, good night,
Good night, good night and joy be with you ill!
May sickness never blight, nor poverty;
May slander’s breath your spirits ne'er appal!;
May no untoward accident befall
But all things prosperous and joyful be
May mornings sun rise on you fresh and bright
Dear friends, good night.
WM. knocks 5, repeated by the Inspectress and Depositress.

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