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Discussion Paper

National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

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Discussion Paper
National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence


In writing this Report, Arnab Kumar, Punit Shukla, Aalekh Sharan and Tanay Mahindru of NITI Aayog
have made valuable contributions.

Inputs were also provided by Dr. Avik Sarkar, Dr. Ashish Nayan and Kartikeya Asthana of NITI Aayog.

The valuable contributions of Mr. P. Anandan and his team from Wadhwani Institute for AI, Dr. Manish
Gupta of Videoken, Prof. Ramesh Raskar of MIT Media Labs, nVIDIA, Intel, IBM, NASSCOM, McKinsey
and Accenture are also thankfully acknowledged. Special contribution of Accenture in the production of
this report is also acknowledged.

Anna Roy
Advisor (Industry)
NITI Aayog

Discussion Paper
National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence







Healthcare 24
Agriculture 30
Education 35
Smart Cities and Infrastructure 39
Smart Mobility and Transportation 41











Discussion Paper
National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

#AIforAll: Technology Leadership for Inclusive Growth

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is poised to disrupt our world. With intelligent machines enabling high-level
cognitive processes like thinking, perceiving, learning, problem solving and decision making, coupled
with advances in data collection and aggregation, analytics and computer processing power, AI presents
opportunities to complement and supplement human intelligence and enrich the way people live and

India, being the fastest growing economy with the second largest population in the world, has a significant
stake in the AI revolution. Recognising AI’s potential to transform economies and the need for India to
strategise its approach, Hon’ble Finance Minister, in his budget speech for 2018 – 2019, mandated NITI
Aayog to establish the National Program on AI, with a view to guiding the research and development in
new and emerging technologies. In pursuance of the above, NITI Aayog has adopted a three-pronged
approach – undertaking exploratory proof-of-concept AI projects in various areas, crafting a national
strategy for building a vibrant AI ecosystem in India and collaborating with various experts and
stakeholders. Since the start of this year, NITI Aayog has partnered with several leading AI technology
players to implement AI projects in critical areas such as agriculture and health. Learnings from these
projects, under various stages of implementation, as well as our engagement with some of the leading
institutions and experts have given a better perspective to our task of crafting the national strategy for AI,
which is the focus of this discussion paper.

This strategy document is premised on the proposition that India, given its strengths and characteristics,
has the potential to position itself among leaders on the global AI map – with a unique brand of #AIforAll.
The approach in this paper focuses on how India can leverage the transformative technologies to ensure
social and inclusive growth in line with the development philosophy of the government. In addition, India
should strive to replicate these solutions in other similarly placed developing countries.

#AIforAll will aim at enhancing and empowering human capabilities to address the challenges of access,
affordability, shortage and inconsistency of skilled expertise; effective implementation of AI initiatives to
evolve scalable solutions for emerging economies; and endeavors to tackle some of the global challenges
from AI’s perspective, be it application, research, development, technology, or responsible AI. #AIforAll
will focus on harnessing collaborations and partnerships, and aspires to ensure prosperity for all. Thus,
#AIforAll means technology leadership in AI for achieving the greater good.

While evolving the national strategy for AI, the underlying thrust was to identify applications with maximum
social impact, a willingness to learn from the best of the world when it comes to the recent technology
advancements in AI, and leveraging approaches that democratize access to and further development of

From an applications perspective, the approach is to identify sectors that may have the potential of
greatest externalities while adopting AI solutions, and hence require the government to play a leading
role in developing the implementation roadmap for AI. For example, the agriculture sector in India, which
forms the bedrock of India’s economy, needs multi-layered technology infusion and coordination amongst
several stakeholders. Efforts from private sector may neither be financially optimal nor efficient on a
standalone basis, and hence sustained government intervention to tackle the existing challenges and
constraints is needed. Hence, India’s approach to implementation of AI has to be guided by optimisation
of social goods, rather than maximisation of topline growth.

Discussion Paper
National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

From a technology perspective, the strategy is to maximise the late-movers’ advantage. Acknowledging
that India is some distance away from consistently delivering home grown pioneering technology
solutions in AI, adapting and innovating the technology for India’s unique needs and opportunities would
help it in leap frogging, while simultaneously building the foundational R&D capability aimed at ensuring
competitiveness in the long run.

Solving for India, given the complexity and multi-dimensional aspects of most of our economic and
societal challenges, can easily be extended to the rest of the emerging and developing economies. An
integral part of India’s strategy for AI involves tackling common and complex global challenges that can
be solved through technology intervention, and India’s scale and opportunity landscape provides the ideal
test-bed to ensure sustainable and scalable solutions.

The purpose of this paper is to lay the ground work for evolving the National Strategy for Artificial
Intelligence. While this paper includes several recommendations, some of which may be deemed
disruptive, specifics (e.g. execution and financial implications) have been consciously avoided, since
wider consultations and consensus building is needed to refine these recommendations. This document
is intended to serve as an “essential pre-read” in building a truly transformative approach in pursuit of

Amitabh Kant


Discussion Paper
National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

Executive Summary
India’s Approach to Leadership in AI

AI refers to the ability of machines to perform cognitive tasks like thinking, perceiving, learning, problem
solving and decision making. Initially conceived as a technology that could mimic human intelligence, AI
has evolved in ways that far exceed its original conception. With incredible advances made in data
collection, processing and computation power, intelligent systems can now be deployed to take over a
variety of tasks, enable connectivity and enhance productivity. As AI’s capabilities have dramatically
expanded, so have its utility in a growing number of fields.

The truly transformative nature of the technology, yet the nascent stage of its adoption worldwide,
provides India with an opportunity to define its own brand of AI leadership. #AIforAll - the brand proposed
for India implies inclusive technology leadership, where the full potential of AI is realised in pursuance of
the country’s unique needs and aspirations. The strategy should strive to leverage AI for economic
growth, social development and inclusive growth, and finally as a “Garage” for emerging and developing

While AI has the potential to provide large incremental value to a wide range of sectors, adoption till date
has been driven primarily from a commercial perspective. Technology disruptions like AI are once-in-a-
generation phenomenon, and hence large-scale adoption strategies, especially national strategies, need
to strike a balance between narrow definitions of financial impact and the greater good. NITI Aayog has
decided to focus on five sectors that are envisioned to benefit the most from AI in solving societal needs:

a) Healthcare: increased access and affordability of quality healthcare,

b) Agriculture: enhanced farmers’ income, increased farm productivity and reduction of wastage,
c) Education: improved access and quality of education,
d) Smart Cities and Infrastructure: efficient and connectivity for the burgeoning urban population,
e) Smart Mobility and Transportation: smarter and safer modes of transportation and better traffic
and congestion problems.
To truly reap the benefits of deploying AI at scale, the report identifies the following barriers that need to
be addressed in order to achieve the goals of #AIforAll:
a) Lack of broad based expertise in research and application of AI,
b) Absence of enabling data ecosystems – access to intelligent data,
c) High resource cost and low awareness for adoption of AI,
d) Privacy and security, including a lack of formal regulations around anonymisation of data, and
e) Absence of collaborative approach to adoption and application of AI.

Superior research capabilities have been the cornerstone of leadership aspirations in emerging
technologies and effectively realising the growth potential requires expertise in both core and applied
research. Despite indications of recent positive efforts in this aspect of technology, AI research in India
is still in its infancy and requires large scale concerted and collaborative interventions.

The paper proposes a two-tiered structure to address India’s AI research aspirations:

a) Centre of Research Excellence (CORE) focused on developing better understanding of existing

core research and pushing technology frontiers through creation of new knowledge;

Discussion Paper
National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

b) International Centers of Transformational AI (ICTAI) with a mandate of developing and deploying

application-based research. Private sector collaboration is envisioned to be a key aspect of

The research capabilities are proposed to be complemented by an umbrella organisation responsible for
providing direction to research efforts through analysis of socio-economic indicators, studying global
advancements, and encouraging international collaboration. Pursuing “moonshot research projects”
through specialised teams, development of a dedicated supranational agency to channel research in
solving big, audacious problems of AI – “CERN for AI”, and developing common computing and other
related infrastructure for AI are other key components research suggested.

As technology increasingly disrupts the nature of jobs and shifts the benchmarks of technological
aptitude, skilling and reskilling of workforce forms an integral part of our approach to adopting AI. There
is an emergent need for reskilling the existing workforce and developing future talent in accordance with
the changing needs of the job market. This could be done via the adoption of decentralised teaching
mechanisms working in collaboration with the private sector and educational institutions to prescribe
certification with value. Furthermore, promotion of job creation in new areas, like data annotation needs
to be identified and promoted, as these would have the potential of absorbing a large portion of the
workforce that may find itself redundant due to increasing automation.

Adoption of AI across the value chain viz. startups, private sector, PSUs and government entities, will
truly unlock the potential by creating a virtuous cycle of supply and demand. The barriers to AI
development and deployment can effectively be addressed by adopting the marketplace model – one
that enables market discovery of not only the price but also of different approaches that are best suited
to achieve the desired results. A three-pronged, formal marketplace could be created focusing on data
collection and aggregation, data annotation and deployable models. There could be a common platform
called the National AI Marketplace (NAIM).

Furthermore, for accelerated adoption of a highly collaborative technology like AI, the government has to
play the critical role of a catalyst in supporting partnerships, providing access to infrastructure, fostering
innovation through research and creating the demand by seeking solutions for addressing various
governmental needs.

As AI-based solutions permeate the way we live and do business, questions on ethics, privacy and
security will also emerge. Most discussions on ethical considerations of AI are a derivation of the FAT
framework (Fairness, Accountability and Transparency). A consortium of Ethics Councils at each Centre
of Research Excellence can be set up and it would be expected that all COREs adhere to standard
practice while developing AI technology and products.

Data is one of the primary drivers of AI solutions, and thus appropriate handling of data, ensuring privacy
and security is of prime importance. Challenges include data usage without consent, risk of identification
of individuals through data, data selection bias and the resulting discrimination of AI models, and
asymmetry in data aggregation. The paper suggests establishing data protection frameworks and
sectorial regulatory frameworks, and promotion of adoption of international standards.

In order for India to ride the AI innovation wave, a robust intellectual property framework is required.
Despite a number of government initiatives in strengthening the IP regime, challenges remain, especially
in respect of applying stringent and narrowly focused patent laws to AI applications – given the unique
nature of AI solution development. The importance of data to development of useful models is one such
example. To tackle these issues, establishment of IP facilitation centers to help bridge the gap between
practitioners and AI developers, and adequate training of IP granting authorities, judiciary and tribunals
is suggested.

Discussion Paper
National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

The AI strategy is aimed at primarily guiding an inevitable wave of change for quicker and better impact.
The AI ecosystem is rapidly evolving and taking societies into uncharted territory. For now, we can begin
to ask some of the big questions that each society must answer for itself: are we ready to manage data
ethically? How do we bridge the digital divide? Which innovations are worthy of public funds and
partnerships? Bringing these questions into the open is the most important step in ensuring that AI
advances create a better society.

There has been tremendous activity concerning AI policy in different countries over the past couple of
years. Governments in USA, UK, France, Japan and China have released their policy and strategy papers
relating to AI. In order to establish a leadership role, it is important for India to take the plunge and start
by releasing a Strategy Paper to initiate the roll out of an ambitious programme that would ensure for
India its rightful place in this transformational era.

Discussion Paper
National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

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Discussion Paper
National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

What is Artificial Intelligence?

A technical primer

AI might just be the single largest technology revolution of our live times, with the potential to disrupt
almost all aspects of human existence. Andrew Ng, Co-founder of Coursera and formerly head of Baidu
AI Group / Google Brain, compares the transformational impact of AI to that of electricity 100 years back.
With many industries aggressively investing in cognitive and AI solutions, global investments are forecast
to achieve a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 50.1% to reach USD57.6 billion in 20211.

AI is not a new phenomenon, with much of its theoretical and technological underpinning developed over
the past 70 years by computer scientists such as Alan Turing, Marvin Minsky and John McCarthy. AI has
already existed to some degree in many industries and governments. Now, thanks to virtually unlimited
computing power and the decreasing costs of data storage, we are on the cusp of the exponential age of
AI as organisations learn to unlock the value trapped in vast volumes of data.

AI is a constellation of technologies that enable machines to act with higher levels of intelligence and
emulate the human capabilities of sense, comprehend and act. Thus, computer vision and audio
processing can actively perceive the world around them by acquiring and processing images, sound and
speech. The natural language processing and inference engines can enable AI systems to analyse and
understand the information collected. An AI system can also take action through technologies such as
expert systems and inference engines or undertake actions in the physical world. These human
capabilities are augmented by the ability to learn from experience and keep adapting over time. AI
systems are finding ever-wider application to supplement these capabilities across enterprises as they
grow in sophistication.

Irrespective of the type of AI being used, however, every application begins with large amounts of training
data. In the past, this kind of performance was driven by rules-based data analytics programs, statistical
regressions, and early “expert systems.” But the explosion of powerful deep neural networks now gives
AI something a mere program doesn’t have: the ability to do the unexpected.

1 Worldwide Semi-annual Cognitive Artificial Intelligence Systems Spending Guide from International Data Corp. (IDC), 2017
Discussion Paper
National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

Figure 1: What is Artificial Intelligence


AI technology has experienced a checkered history of waves of optimism followed by disappointment and
periods of inertia, dubbed as “AI winters”. Each previous breakthrough has only ever partly lived up to
the hype it generated, and none has managed to kick-start the technology into the mainstream.

Figure 2: Evolution of AI


The big change today is that we are in an unprecedented period of technology innovation across so many
different fields that gives us the belief that the “AI Spring” has not only arrived but is here to stay. Key
developments responsible for this optimism are:

Discussion Paper
National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

a) Unlimited access to computing power: The worldwide public cloud services market is projected
to grow 21.4% in 2018 to total USD186.4 billion, up from USD153.5 billion in 2017, according to
Gartner, Inc. The access is amplified by rapid increase in computational power.
b) Huge fall in cost of storing data: We are in an age where the hard drive cost per gigabyte of data
has been falling exponentially, to the extent that we are approaching near zero marginal cost for
storing data (down from USD500,000 a gigabyte in 1980 to 2 cents a gigabyte in 2017).
c) Explosion in data that is digitised: As per IDC forecasts, by 2025, the global data sphere will grow
to 163 zettabytes (that is a trillion gigabytes) 2, or ten times the 16.1ZB of data generated in 2016.
As Barry Smyth, Professor of Computer science at University College Dublin, says: "Data is to
AI what food is to humans." So, in a more digital world, the exponential growth of data is
constantly feeding AI improvements.

Consider, for example, the vastly increased processing power that comes from using Graphics
Processing Units (GPUs) in place of Central Processing Units (CPUs). Google, in May 2017,
announced that its Tensor Processing Unit (TPU) delivered higher performance-per-watt than
contemporary CPUs and GPUs3. When you add the decreasing cost of storage to the mix, plus the
exponential growth in data volumes, together with the emergence of open source platforms and
frameworks, you have got a uniquely potent combination of technologies and capabilities. It all adds
up to a very powerful foundation to give AI its critical mass for mainstream adoption.

Box 1: Machine Learning and Deep Learning

Machine Learning, a term coined by Artur Samuel in 1959, meant “the ability to learn without being
explicitly programmed.” Machine Learning involves the use of algorithms to parse data and learn from it,
and making a determination or prediction as a result. Instead of hand coding software libraries with well-
defined specific instructions for a particular task, the machine gets “trained” using large amounts of data
and algorithms, and in turn gains the capability to perform specific tasks.

“Deep Learning is a technique for implementing Machine Learning. Deep Learning was inspired by the
structure and function of the brain, specifically the interconnecting of many neurons. Artificial Neural
Networks (ANNs) are algorithms that are based on the biological structure of the brain. In ANNs, there
are ‘neurons’ which have discrete layers and connections to other “neurons”. Each layer picks out a
specific feature to learn. It’s this layering that gives deep learning its name, depth is created by using
multiple layers as opposed to a single layer 4.”

Figure 3: AI, ML and Deep Learning

Source: nVIDIA

2 Data Age 2025: “The Evolution of Data to Life-Critical whitepaper by International Data Corporation, 2017”
3 Google: In-Datacenter Performance Analysis of a Tensor Processing Unit, 2017
4 “The Difference Between Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning”
Discussion Paper
National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

For a detailed analysis of major types of Machine Learning, algorithms and use cases, please refer to
Appendix I: Artificial Intelligence Explained.

AI gets categorised in different ways and it may be useful to understand the various categories, their
rationale and the implications.

a) Weak AI vs. Strong AI: Weak AI describes "simulated" thinking. That is, a system which appears
to behave intelligently, but doesn't have any kind of consciousness about what it's doing. For
example, a chatbot might appear to hold a natural conversation, but it has no sense of who it is
or why it's talking to you. Strong AI describes "actual" thinking. That is, behaving intelligently,
thinking as human does, with a conscious, subjective mind. For example, when two humans
converse, they most likely know exactly who they are, what they're doing, and why.
b) Narrow AI vs. General AI: Narrow AI describes an AI that is limited to a single task or a set
number of tasks. For example, the capabilities of IBM's Deep Blue, the chess playing computer
that beat world champion Gary Kasparov in 1997, were limited to playing chess. It wouldn't have
been able to win a game of tic-tac-toe - or even know how to play. General AI describes an AI
which can be used to complete a wide range of tasks in a wide range of environments. As such,
it's much closer to human intelligence.
c) Superintelligence: The term "superintelligence" is often used to refer to general and strong AI at
the point at which it surpasses human intelligence, if it ever does.

While big strides have been made in Artificial Narrow Intelligence – algorithms that can process
documents, drive vehicles or beat champion chess players, no one has yet claimed the first production
or development of General AI. The weight of expert opinion is that we are a long way off the emergence
of General AI.

Figure 4: Narrow AI vs. General AI


Discussion Paper
National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

Global Developments in Artificial Intelligence

Benchmarking select countries

Countries around the world are becoming increasingly aware of the potential economic and social
benefits of developing and applying AI. For example, China and U.K. estimate that 26% and 10% of their
GDPs respectively in 2030 will be sourced from AI-related activities and businesses. There has been
tremendous activity concerning AI policy positions and the development of an AI ecosystem in different
countries over the last 18 to 24 months – the US published its AI report in December 2016; France
published the AI strategy in January 2017 followed by a detailed policy document in March 2018; Japan
released a document in March 2017; China published the AI strategy in July 2017; and U.K. released its
industrial strategy in November 2017.

Infrastructural supply side interventions have been planned by various countries for creating a larger
ecosystem of AI development. Creation of “data trusts”, rolling out of digital connectivity infrastructure
such as 5G / full fiber networks, common supercomputing facilities, fiscal incentives and creation of open
source software libraries are some of the focus areas of various governments as committed in their
strategy papers.

In the area of core research in AI and related technologies, universities and research institutions from the
US, China and Japan have led the publication volume on AI research topics between 2010 and 2016.
Universities in USA, primarily Carnegie Mellon University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and
Stanford, took an early lead in AI research by offering new courses, establishing research facilities and
instituting industry partnerships. Off late, Chinese universities, especially Peking and Tsinghua
Universities have caught on to the race by utilising large scale public funding and extensive research
partnerships with private companies.

For building the future workforce for AI, countries are also significantly increasing the allocation of
resources for Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) talent development through
investment in universities, mandating new courses (e.g., AI and law), and offering schemes to retrain
people. For instance, U.K. has planned to build over 1,000 government supported PhD researchers by
2025 and set up a Turing fellowship to support an initial cohort of AI fellows while China has launched a
five-year university program to train at least 500 teachers and 5,000 students working on AI technologies.

Governance structures for enabling all the above mandates vary across countries. Many countries have
instituted dedicated public offices such as Ministry of AI (UAE), and Office of AI and AI Council (U.K.)
while China and Japan have allowed existing ministries to take up AI implementation in their sectoral
areas. Not just national governments, but even local city governments have become increasingly aware
about the importance and potential of AI and have committed public investments.

National governments have significantly increased public funding for AI through commitments such as
increasing the R&D spend, setting up industrial and investment funds in AI startups, investing in network
and infrastructure and AI-related public procurements. China, USA, France and Japan have committed
significant public spending for AI technology development and adoption.

These countries are also leveraging different combinations of public-private-academia to develop and
promote AI. Development of technology parks, and connecting large corporations with startups and

Discussion Paper
National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

forming “national teams” with large private players to undertake fundamental and applied research are
some of the public-private partnership approaches various national governments have espoused.

AI technology development and applications are evolving rapidly with major implications for economies
and societies. A study by EY and NASCCOM found that by 2022, around 46% of the workforce will be
engaged in entirely new jobs that do not exist today, or will be deployed in jobs that have radically
changed skillsets5. If some countries decide to wait for a few years to establish an AI strategy and put in
place the foundations for developing the AI ecosystem, it seems unlikely that they would be able to attain
and match up to the current momentum in the rapidly changing socio-economic environment. Therefore,
the need of the hour is to develop a policy framework that will help set up a vibrant AI ecosystem in India.

A detailed study of various country strategies for AI is placed in the Appendix II: Global Country Strategy

5 Future of Jobs in India: A 2022 Perspective, 2017

Discussion Paper
National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence and India

Identifying priority areas for India’s efforts in Artificial Intelligence

A national AI strategy needs to be premised on a framework which is adapted to India’s unique needs
and aspirations, while at the same time, is capable of achieving the country’s full potential of leveraging
AI developments. Such a framework could be seen as an aggregation of the following three distinct, yet
inter-related components:

a) Opportunity: the economic impact of AI for India

b) AI for Greater Good: social development and inclusive growth
c) AI Garage for 40% of the world: solution provider of choice for the emerging and developing
economies (ex-China) across the globe

Opportunity: the economic impact of Artificial Intelligence for India

AI is emerging as a new factor of production, augmenting the traditional factors of production viz. labor,
capital and innovation and technological changes captured
in total factor productivity. AI has the potential to overcome
the physical limitations of capital and labour, and open up
new sources of value and growth. From an economic impact
perspective, AI has the potential to drive growth through
enabling: (a) intelligent automation i.e. ability to automate
complex physical world tasks that require adaptability and
agility across industries, (b) labour and capital
augmentation: enabling humans to focus on parts of their
role that add the most value, complementing human
capabilities and improving capital efficiency, and (c)
innovation diffusion i.e. propelling innovations as it diffuses through the economy. AI innovations in one
sector will have positive consequences in another, as industry sectors are interdependent based on value
chain. Economic value is expected to be created from the new goods, services and innovations that AI
will enable.

Accenture, in its recent AI research reports 6, provides a framework for evaluating the economic impact
of AI for select G20 countries and estimates AI to boost India’s annual growth rate by 1.3 percentage
points by 2035.

6 Rewire for Growth: Accelerating India’s Economic Growth with Artificial Intelligence, Accenture
Discussion Paper
National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

Figure 5: Unlocking innovation through AI


AI for Greater Good: social development and inclusive growth

Beyond just the headline numbers of economic impact, a disruptive technology such as AI needs to be
seen from the perspective of the transformative impact it could have on the greater good – improving the
quality of life and access of choice to a large section of the country. In that sense, the recent
advancements in AI seem to be custom-made for the unique opportunities and challenges that India
faces. Increased access to quality health facilities (including addressing the locational access barriers),
inclusive financial growth for large sections of population that have hitherto been excluded from formal
financial products, providing real-time advisory to farmers and help address unforeseen factors towards
increasing productivity, building smart and efficient cities and infrastructure to meet the demands of
rapidly urbanising population are some of the examples that can be most effectively solved through the
non-incremental advantages that a technology such as AI can provide.

AI Garage for 40% of the world

In addition to providing unique opportunities, India provides a perfect “playground” for enterprises and
institutions globally to develop scalable solutions which can be easily implemented in the rest of the
developing and emerging economies. Simply put, Solve for India means solve for 40% or more of the
world. An advanced AI based solution for early diagnosis of tuberculosis (one of the top-10 causes of
deaths worldwide), for example, could easily be rolled out to countries in South East Asia or Africa, once
developed and refined in India. Beyond healthcare, AI technologies in the other sectors including
agriculture, education and mobility are set to transform the world. The commonality of issues with regard
to the above sectors across developing countries provides the ideal use case of developing AI solutions
that could be adapted for multiple markets. Hence, AI technologies suited for the Indian agricultural sector
could easily be customised for other developing nations based on their local climatic conditions.
Education continues to be a major concern in almost all developing countries. AI technologies that are
capable of imparting quality education to India’s linguistically diverse population could prove very useful
in other developing nations.

Another aspect of India’s potential as a leader in AI is it proven track record in technology solution provider
of choice. Solved in India (or more accurately, solved by Indian IT companies) could be the model going
forward for Artificial Intelligence as a Service (AIaaS). Indian IT companies have been pioneers in bringing
technology products and developments as solutions across the globe. As AI matures and generalised
applications become common place, its advantage India when it comes to large scale implementation.
Furthermore, India’s competence in IT combined with opportunities, such as interoperability between

Discussion Paper
National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

multiple languages, provides the much needed impetus for finding scalable solutions for problems that
have global implications, such as NLP.

Artificial Intelligence has the potential to provide large incremental value to a wide range of sectors
globally, and is expected to be the key source of competitive advantage for firms.

a) Healthcare: Application of AI in healthcare can help address issues of high barriers to access to
healthcare facilities, particularly in rural areas that suffer from poor connectivity and limited supply
of healthcare professionals. This can be achieved through implementation of use cases such as
AI driven diagnostics, personalised treatment, early identification of potential pandemics, and
imaging diagnostics, among others.

b) Agriculture: AI holds the promise of driving a food revolution and meeting the increased demand
for food (global need to produce 50% more food and cater to an additional 2 billion people by 2050
as compared to today). It also has the potential to address challenges such as inadequate demand
prediction, lack of assured irrigation, and overuse / misuse of pesticides and fertilisers. Some use
cases include improvement in crop yield through real time advisory, advanced detection of pest
attacks, and prediction of crop prices to inform sowing practices.

c) Smart Mobility, including Transports and Logistics: Potential use cases in this domain include
autonomous fleets for ride sharing, semi-autonomous features such as driver assist, and predictive
engine monitoring and maintenance. Other areas that AI can impact include autonomous trucking
and delivery, and improved traffic management.

d) Retail: The retail sector has been one of the early adopters of AI solutions, with applications such
as improving user experience by providing personalised suggestions, preference-based browsing
and image-based product search. Other use cases include customer demand anticipation,
improved inventory management, and efficient delivery management.

e) Manufacturing: Manufacturing industry is expected to be one of the biggest beneficiaries of AI

based solutions, thus enabling 'Factory of the Future' through flexible and adaptable technical
systems to automate processes and machinery to respond to unfamiliar or unexpected situations
by making smart decisions. Impact areas include engineering (AI for R&D efforts), supply chain
management (demand forecasting), production (AI can achieve cost reduction and increase
efficiency), maintenance (predictive maintenance and increased asset utilisation), quality
assurance (e.g. vision systems with machine learning algorithms to identify defects and deviations
in product features), and in-plant logistics and warehousing.

f) Energy: Potential use cases in the energy sector include energy system modelling and forecasting
to decrease unpredictability and increase efficiency in power balancing and usage. In renewable
energy systems, AI can enable storage of energy through intelligent grids enabled by smart meters,
and also improve the reliability and affordability of photovoltaic energy. Similar to the manufacturing
sector, AI may also be deployed for predictive maintenance of grid infrastructure.

g) Smart Cities: Integration of AI in newly developed smart cities and infrastructure could also help
meet the demands of a rapidly urbanising population and providing them with enhanced quality of
life. Potential use cases include traffic control to reduce congestion and enhanced security through
improved crowd management.

h) Education and Skilling: AI can potentially solve for quality and access issues observed in the Indian
education sector. Potential use cases include augmenting and enhancing the learning experience
through personalised learning, automating and expediting administrative tasks, and predicting the
need for student intervention to reduce dropouts or recommend vocational training.

Discussion Paper
National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

Adoption of AI by various sectors have been influenced by, among other factors, technical and regulatory
challenges, but commercial implications has been the biggest determinant. While technical feasibility,
availability of structured data, regulatory barriers, privacy considerations, ethical issues, preference for
human relationship have all played their roles in determining the readiness of a sector for large scale AI
adoption; compelling business use cases (e.g. improved efficiency, accuracy, speed, forecasting and
accurate decision making) that lead to direct impact on revenue and profitability have been the biggest
driver for companies to pursue accelerated adoption of AI. As illustrated in McKinsey Global Institute’s AI
adoption and use survey, sectors leading the AI adoption today also intend to grow their investment in AI
the most, thus further reinforcing the varying degrees of AI adoption across sectors.

Figure 6: Current AI adoption and future AI investments by sector

Institute AI
adoption and
use survey

It comes as no surprise that Banking and Financial Services sector has been one of the leading sectors
globally when it comes to AI adoption, and India has also seen a steep increase in AI based
implementation in recent times. Existing and potential use of Artificial Intelligence in this sector include
improved customer interaction through personalised engagement, virtual customer assistance, and
chatbots; improved processes through deployment of intelligent automation in rule based back-office
operations; development of credit scores through analysis of bank history or social media data; and fraud
analytics for proactive monitoring and prevention of various instances of fraud, money laundering,
malpractice, and the prediction of potential risks. AI in this sector has also been employed in wealth
management viz. robo-advisory, algorithmic trading and automated transactions.

Similarly, manufacturing sector, primarily automotive and assembly, has been one of the first sectors to
implement advanced robotics at scale. The manufacturing sector in India hasn’t been far behind, as
reflected in a recent study by BCG, where India was ranked 3rd in the world in AI implementation in

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National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

manufacturing, ahead of nations such as Germany, with 19% of companies in the sector already using
AI to a significant extent7.

These trends have also been reflected in the nature of investment in research in India, with private sector
initiatives such as the Robert Bosch Centre for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (RBC-DSAI),
choosing to focus their efforts in applied research on sectors such as manufacturing analytics and
financial analytics.

Figure 6 also reveals that sectors like Healthcare and Education have quite a lot of ground to cover as
far as AI adoption is concerned. Healthcare, despite being one of the hottest areas of AI startup
investments (Appendix IV: What Do the Markets Say), is tricky, especially in the Indian context.
Agriculture doesn’t even feature in the analysis above. Another analysis by McKinsey Global Institute
indicates that potential value of AI for agriculture was in the bottom tercile of 19 sectors evaluated 8, and
could be a possible explanation for diminished private sector led AI adoption in agriculture. In sectors
such as these, externalities from adoption of AI far outweigh the economic returns realised by private
initiatives, and hence the role of government becomes pivotal in ensuring large scale AI intervention.

NITI Aayog has evaluated various sectors that will be impacted by AI and has taken a conscious decision
to focus on a select set of sectors where only private sector led initiatives will not lead to achieving desired
societal outcomes. In addition to Healthcare and Agriculture, focus sectors include Education (preparing
tomorrow’s generation to leverage the global AI revolution to India’s advantage), Smart Cities and
Infrastructure (solving for India’s rapidly urbanising population) and Smart Mobility and Transportation
(solving for challenges congestion, pollution, high rates of road accidents leading to economic inefficiency
and enormous human cost).

An unrelated but interesting paradigm for AI application is the “AI + X” approach. Despite its vast potential,
the capabilities of AI today are limited to tasks for which it has been specifically trained, and are still many
years from achieving human like consciousness. AI today should thus be regarded as an enhancement,
or enabler of increased efficiency in previously existing processes, rather than capable of a complete
overhaul of traditional tasks. Deployment can be viewed through the paradigm of “take an existing
process, and add AI” or “AI + X”; where “X” can range from tasks such as driving a car, where AI can
provide incremental value through improved routing and energy management, to act of sowing seeds,
where AI can help inform decision making and improve productivity.

Similar to the effects of electricity, AI can increasingly be seen as an intelligent, additive utility that can
be deployed at will, but remain largely invisible to the tasks performer. This vision is perhaps best put by
author Kevin Kelley:

“There is almost nothing we can think of that cannot be made new, different, or more valuable by infusing
it with some extra IQ. In fact, the business plans for the next 10,000 startups are easy to forecast: Take
X and add AI” .

In applying this paradigm to the development of a national strategy, it is thus important to consider the
challenges faced by individual sectors, or various manifestations of “X” to best identify the incremental
value that AI can provide. The paradigm also cements the need for collaboration with sectorial
stakeholders in the application of the technology. The paradigm provides a useful framework to analyse
what is possible in terms of technology intervention today.

7 BCG “AI in the Factory of the Future”

8 McKinsey Global Institute “Notes From The AI Frontier: Insights From Hundreds Of Use Cases”
Discussion Paper
National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

Focus areas for AI intervention

Sectoral deep dives

Healthcare is one of the most dynamic, yet challenging, sectors in India, and is expected to grow to
USD280 billion by 2020, at a CAGR of upwards of 16%, from the current ~USD100 billion 9.

Yet, it faces major challenges of quality, accessibility and affordability for a large section of the population:

a) Shortage of qualified healthcare professionals and services like qualified doctors, nurses,
technicians and infrastructure: as evidenced in 0.76 doctors and 2.09 nurses per 1,000
population (as compared to WHO recommendations of 1 doctor and 2.5 nurses per 1,000
population respectively) and 1.3 hospital beds per 1,000 population as compared to WHO
recommended 3.5 hospital beds per 1,000 population 10.

b) Non-uniform accessibility to healthcare across the country with physical access continuing to be
the major barrier to both preventive and curative health services, and glaring disparity between
rural and urban India.

Figure 7: Accessibility of Healthcare across India

World Bank
data (2017)

9 FICCI-KPMG study
10 WHO website, PwC analysis

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National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

With most of the private facilities concentrated in and around tier 1 and tier 2 cities, patients have to travel
substantial distances for basic and advanced healthcare services. (Box 2: What TMH’s Cancer heat map
tells us about the availability of healthcare in India?)

The problem is further accentuated by lack of consistent quality in healthcare across India, most of the
services provided is individual driven rather than institution driven, and less than 2% of hospitals in India
are accredited.

Box 2: What TMH’s Cancer heat map tells us about the availability of
healthcare in India?
Tata Memorial Hospital, one of the leading cancer hospitals in India, registered more than 67,000 new
registrations for cancer treatment in 2015. While the hospital is located in Mumbai, less than 23% of the
new patients were geographically based in Maharashtra, with a whopping 21.7% of patients traveling
from the states of UP, Bihar, Jharkhand and West Bengal to TMH.

Figure 8: Geographic location of TMH cancer patients

That these patients had to travel more than 1,800 km, on an average, to avail cancer treatment is an
unfortunate tale of lack of access to quality healthcare. In addition to battling a potentially life threatening
disease, the patients are saddled by the stress and financial implications of traveling long way away from
home. While the data is not available to such an effect, it wouldn’t be surprising to find that most of these
patients choose to travel to TMH when cancer has developed to an advanced stage, thus further reducing
the chances of successful cure and treatment.

Credit: Tata Memorial Centre

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National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

c) Affordability remains a problem with private expenditure accounting for ~70% of healthcare
expenses, of which ~62% is out-of-pocket expenditure, probably one of the highest in the world.
Significant portion of hospital costs in both rural (~47%) and urban India (~31%) are financed by
loans and sale of assets. Poor and marginalised are hit the most, and as per the Government
estimates, a sizeable part of the population (~63 million) are faced with poverty every year
because of their healthcare expenditure 11.

d) Reactive approach to essential healthcare largely due to lack of awareness, access to services
and behavioral factors implies that majority of patients approach a hospital / physician only when
a disease has reached an advanced stage, thus increasing the cost of care and reducing the
chances of recovery.

The Government of India has been making a series of large scale interventions to address India’s
healthcare challenges, viz. transformation of 1.5 lakh Health and Wellness Centers, developing district
hospitals to cater to long-term care for non-communicable diseases, Ayushman Bharat Mission,
promoting e-Health etc.

Box 3: Government of India’s push for Universal Healthcare Coverage

The Government of India, through its recent policy interventions, has shown a bold commitment to
achieve Universal Health Coverage and increased access to comprehensive primary health care.
Through the Ayushman Bharat programme announced in Union Budget 2018, probably the world’s
largest government funded health care programme, the Government of India has embarked on a path
breaking journey to ensure the affordability and accessibility of healthcare in India. The Ayushman Bharat
– National Health Protection Mission (AB – NHPM) aims to provide insurance cover of INR 5 lakh per
family per year for secondary and tertiary care hospitalisation. Ayushman Bharat is targeted at more than
10 crore families (approximately 50 crore beneficiaries / ~40% of India’s population) belonging to the poor
and vulnerable sections based on the SECC database, and doesn’t impose any limitations on family size
or age limit for the beneficiaries to avail benefits. The benefits package covers most medical and surgical
conditions with minimal exclusions, covers pre and post hospitalisation expenses, and covers all pre-
existing conditions from day one – thus simplifying availing requisite healthcare by the beneficiaries. The
benefits of the Mission will be available at public hospitals as well as empaneled private health care

The Union Budget 2018 also included a commitment of ~INR1,200 crore for Health and Wellness Centres
(HWC), which will lay the foundation for India’s health system as envisioned in the National Health Policy
2017. These HWCs, to be set up by transforming 1.5 lakh Health Sub Centres from 2018 to 2022, are
aimed at shifting primary healthcare from selective (reproductive and child health / few infectious
diseases) to comprehensive (including screening and management of NCDs; screening and basic
management of mental health ailments; care for common ophthalmic and ENT problems; basic dental
health care; geriatric and palliative health care, and trauma care and emergency care). NCDs account
for ~60% of mortality in India, 55% of which is premature. NCDs are predominantly chronic conditions
and impact the poor most adversely, given the high costs of treatment involved. Prevention and early
detection are therefore of the essence in reducing the disease burden attributable to these conditions as
well as ensuring long-term follow-up and management of symptoms for patients. The HWCs, under the
new implementation plan, will provide 12 basic healthcare services, expanding from the current package
of 6 services. Crucially, these centres will provide preventive services to improve healthy behaviours for

11 National Health Policy 2015 Draft

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National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

family health and control the incidence of communicable and non-communicable diseases among the
population covered by HWCs. A key component of HWCs will be universal screening for NCDs.
Screening for five NCDs and associated risk factors has been prioritised given the high burden of disease
associated with them. These include hypertension, diabetes, as well as three common cancers - oral,
breast and cervical. Screening for other conditions such as Chronic Obstructive Disease will be added
subsequently. The HWCs will be operated by a mid-level health service provider, auxiliary nurse
midwives, accredited social health activists and a male health worker responsible for comprehensive
primary health care services for a population of about 5,000.

Figure 9: Features of HWC

1 Care in pregnancy 7 Common ophthalmic

and child-birth and ENT care

2 Neonatal, infant health 8 Out-patient care for acute

care services simple illnesses / ailments
3 Childhood and primary health care 9 Basic oral healthcare
adolescent healthcare through HWCs

4 Family planning / 10 Manageable emergency

reproductive healthcare medical services

5 Communicable diseases 11 Screening / management

(TB, Malaria etc.) of mental health ailments
Robust IT
Expansion to 12 system, MLHP
6 Screening, prevention basic services, and payment 12 Elderly and palliative
and control of NCDs integration with reforms health care services
AYUSH, health

Equipped with consulting spaces and Hub and spoke model for connecting
wellness rooms HWCs with PHCs

Telemedicine facilities and point of Drug storage and dispensation,

care diagnostics waiting area for 30+ people

The NHPM and HWC, in unison, are aimed at holistically addressing the health needs of the population,
including health promotion and disease prevention as well as the delivery of primary, secondary and
tertiary services.

In addition, the government aims at leveraging technology to improve healthcare facilities through the:

a) the National eHealth Authority (NeHA) which will strategise eHealth adoption, define standards and a
framework for the health sector, put in place electronic health exchanges for interoperability,

b) the Integrated Health Information Program (IHIP) to provide EHR to all citizens of India and provide
interoperability to existing EHR/EMRs,

c) the Electronic Health Record Standards for India

Despite the obvious economic potential, the healthcare sector in India remains multi-layered and
complex, and is ripe for disruption from emerging technologies at multiple levels. It is probably the most
intuitive and obvious use case primed for intervention by AI driven solutions, as evidenced by the
increasing activity from large corporates and startups alike in developing AI focused healthcare solutions.
Adoption of AI for healthcare applications is expected to see an exponential increase in next few years.
The healthcare market globally driven by AI is expected to register an explosive CAGR of 40% through

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National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

2021, and what was a USD600 million market in 2014 is expected to reach USD6.6 billion by 2021 12. The
increased advances in technology, and interest and activity from innovators, provides opportunity for
India to solve some of its long existing challenges in providing appropriate healthcare to a large section
of its population. AI combined with robotics and Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) could potentially be the
new nervous system for healthcare, presenting solutions to address healthcare problems and helping the
government in meeting the above objectives.

Figure 10: Potential use cases of AI in Healthcare

PWC, “No
AI and
robotics are

AI solutions can augment the scarce personnel and lab facilities; help overcome the barriers to access
and solve the accessibility problem; through early detection, diagnostic, decision making and treatment,
cater to a large part of India.

Cancer screening and treatment is an area where AI provides tremendous scope for targeted large scale
interventions. India sees an incidence of more than 1 million new cases of cancer every year, and early
detection and management can be crucial in an optimum cancer treatment regimen across the country.
NITI Aayog is in an advanced stage for launching a programme to develop a national repository of
annotated and curated pathology images. Another related project under discussions is an Imaging
Biobank for Cancer.

Box 4: AI for India’s cancer woes

Cancer screening and treatment is an area where AI provides tremendous scope for targeted large scale
interventions. India sees an incidence of more than 1 million new cases of cancer every year, a number
that is likely to increase given the increasing age of Indian population and lifestyle changes. Early
detection and management can be crucial in an optimum cancer treatment regimen across the country.
Good quality pathology service is the essential building block of cancer care, which unfortunately is not
easily available outside select Indian cities. For an annual incidence of more than 1 million new cancer
diagnosis every year, India has barely 2,000 pathologists experienced in oncology, and less than 500

12Frost & Sullivan, “From $600 M to $6 Billion, Artificial Intelligence Systems Poised for Dramatic Market Expansion in

Discussion Paper
National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

pathologists who could be considered an expert oncopathologist. Machine learning solutions aimed at
assisting a general pathologist in making quality diagnosis can very well plug this gap in providing
essential healthcare. An essential pre-requisite in implementation of such a solution is availability of
quality annotated pathology datasets. NITI Aayog is in an advanced stage for launching a programme to
develop a national repository of annotated and curated pathology images. The components of such a
repository include a move towards “Digital Pathology”, which entails all glass slides generated being
scanned at high resolution and magnification, followed by accurate, precise and comprehensive
annotation of the scanned images using various data sources & levels of clinical & pathological (gross
pathology, histopathology and molecular) information available from day-to-day patient care.

Another related project under discussions is an Imaging Biobank for Cancer. Human cancers exhibit
strong phenotypic differences that may be visualised noninvasively by expert radiologists (using imaging
modalities). Recent literature suggests that certain image based features may correlate to molecular and
clinical features like known mutations (KRAS, EGFR, etc.), receptor status, prognostic power, intra-tumor
heterogeneity, gene expression patterns, etc. Reports have shown an association between radiographic
imaging phenotypes and tumor stage, metabolism, hypoxia, angiogenesis and the underlying gene
and/or protein expression profiles. These correlations, if rigorously established, may have a huge clinical
impact as imaging is routinely used in clinical practice. Moreover, this provides an unprecedented
opportunity to use artificial intelligence to improve decision-support in cancer treatment at low cost
especially in countries like India. AI based Radiomics is an emerging field that refers to the
comprehensive quantification of tumor phenotypes by applying a large number of quantitative imaging
features. It has resulted in improvement to existing biomarker signature panels by adding imaging

Credit: Tata Memorial Centre for developing the concepts for Digital Pathology and Imaging Biobank

NITI Aayog is working with Microsoft and Forus Health to roll out a technology for early detection of
diabetic retinopathy as a pilot project. 3Nethra, developed by Forus Health, is a portable device that can
screen for common eye problem. Integrating AI capabilities to this device using Microsoft’s retinal imaging
APIs enables operators of 3Nethra device to get AI-powered insights even when they are working at eye
checkup camps in remote areas with nil or intermittent connectivity to the cloud. The resultant technology
solution also solves for quality issues with image capture and systems checks in place to evaluate the
usability of the image captured.

AI based healthcare solutions can also help in making healthcare services more proactive – moving from
“sick” care to true “health” care, with emphasis on preventive techniques.

Discussion Paper
National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

While India has come a long way from being categorised as purely an agrarian economy, agriculture and
allied sector still accounts for 49% of India’s workforce, 16% of the country’s gross domestic product
(GDP)13, and ensures food security to roughly 1.3 billion people.

Agriculture and allied sector is critical to India’s growth story. To achieve and maintain an annual growth
rate of 8 –10% for the Indian economy, agriculture sector must grow 4% or higher rate. The Government
of India has recently prioritised Doubling Farmers’ Income as a National Agenda; putting considerable
focus on supply chain perspectives in agriculture and market development in addition to productivity

Despite making impressive progress and receiving government attention, the sector continues to be
dependent on unpredictable variables, has weak supply chain and low productivity.

India has not been able to completely remove its exploitative dependence on resource intensive
agricultural practices. Degradation of land, reduction in soil fertility, increased dependence on inorganic
fertilizers for higher production, rapidly dropping water tables and emerging pest resistance are some of
the several manifestations of India’s unsustainable agricultural practices. As global climate becomes
more vulnerable and unpredictable, dependence on unsustainable and resource intensive agriculture will
only heighten the risks of food scarcity and agricultural distress.

The sector suffers from poor resource utilisation, with the production quantum and productivity still being
quite low. For example, yield of cereals, comprising a major share of food grain production, in terms of
magnitude is significantly lower than that of China and the USA. Technology adoption and efficient
resource usage in these two countries are far higher, thus resulting in higher yields.

Similarly, use of water in agriculture continues to be high and sub-optimal. The practice of growing water
intensive crops, and inefficient water management, makes India a net exporter of water and puts India’s
long run agronomic sustainability in question. Despite having just one-third of the gross cropped area
under irrigation, agriculture consumes 89% of our extracted groundwater.

Figure 11: Comparison of yield and water footprint

World Bank
IHE Report
on Water

Agrarian distress in India has increased over time due to a multiplicity of factors. Fluctuating agricultural
growth rate, globalised value chains leading to variability in commodity prices, unpredictable changes in

13 Economic Survey 2018

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National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

monsoon rainfall over years and structurally inefficient domestic agricultural markets are just some of the
reasons for income variability of farmers. Various National Sample Survey rounds have shown the
reduction in proportion of value share of crops to overall agricultural value from 78% to 69% since the
Green Revolution14. Thus income disparity between a farmer and non-agricultural worker has increased
over the years.15

Figure 12: Income disparity


On the market side, non-existent functional end-to-end agriculture value chains have caused the price
realisation for farmers to remain low. Access to, and timely availability of services, across agricultural
value chain at the farmers’ end thus becomes a challenge. At present, there is no functional mechanism
to track the capacity of storage facilities available to the farmer. Value chain is not integrated through its
entire length – procurement to market, including ICT, and banking services. The following figure
effectively captures the present scenario.

Figure 13: Agri-Commodity value chain in India

14 Doubling Farmers Income Committee Estimates

15 Chand, R., R. Saxena and S. Rana; Estimates and analysis of farm income in India (2015)

Discussion Paper
National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

AI will have significant global impact on agricultural productivity at all levels of the value chain.
An estimate by Markets and Markets Research valued AI in agriculture to be USD432 million in 2016 and
expects it to grow at the rate of 22.5% CAGR to be valued at USD2.6 billion by 202516.

According to CB Insights, agricultural tech startups have raised over USD800million in the last 5 years.
Deals for startups using robotics and machine learning to solve problems in agriculture started gaining
momentum in 2014, in line with the rising interest in AI across multiple industries like healthcare, finance,
and commerce. From analysing millions of satellite images to finding healthy strains of plant microbiome,
these startups have raised over USD500 million to bring AI and robotics to agriculture.

Globally, digital and AI technologies are helping solve pressing issues across the agriculture value chain.
The relative role of each technology in creating impact is dependent on the nature of the work, and the
issues at hand. India has ~30 million farmers who own smartphones, which is expected to grow 3 times
by 2020 and 315 million rural Indians will be using internet by 202017. An Accenture study says – digital
farming and connected farm services can impact 70 million Indian farmers in 2020, adding USD9 billion
to farmer incomes. These are not futuristic scenarios, they are in play today, enabled by a vast digital
ecosystem which includes traditional Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM), software and services
companies, cloud providers, open source platforms, startups, R&D institutions and others. Future growth
is interdependent on the close partnership among these players.

Figure 14: Ecosystem crucial for benefits of Precision Agriculture


In 2016, approximately 50 Indian agricultural, technology based startups (‘AgTech’) raised USD313
million18. For the first time, this sector is seeing widespread participation by startups. Intello Labs, for
example, uses image-recognition software to monitor crops and predict farm yields. Aibono uses agri-
data science and AI to provide solutions to stabilise crop yields. Trithi Robotics uses drone technology to
allow farmers to monitor crops in real time and provide precise analysis of their soil. SatSure, a startup

16 MarketsAndMarkets
17 “For India's Farmers It's Agtech Startups, Not Government, That Is Key”

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National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

with roots in India, uses ML techniques to assess images of farms and predict economic value of their
future yield.

Use of AI and related technologies have the potential to impact productivity and efficiency at all of the
above stages of the agricultural value chain.

 Soil health monitoring and restoration: Image recognition and deep learning models have enabled
distributed soil health monitoring without the need of laboratory testing infrastructure. AI solutions
integrated with data signals from remote satellites, as well as local image capture in the farm, have
made it possible for farmers to take immediate actions to restore soil health.

Box 5: Application for soil care

Berlin-based agricultural tech startup PEAT has developed a deep learning application called Plantix that
reportedly identifies potential defects and nutrient deficiencies in the soil. The analysis is conducted by
software algorithms which correlate particular foliage patterns with certain soil defects, plant pests and
diseases. The image recognition app identifies possible defects through images captured by the user’s
smartphone camera. Users are then provided with soil restoration techniques, tips and other possible

 Crop health monitoring and providing real time action advisories to farmers: The Indian agriculture
sector is vulnerable to climate change due to being rain dependent. Varying weather patterns such
as increase in temperature, changes in precipitation levels, and ground water density, can affect
farmers especially in the rainfed areas of the country. AI can be used to predict advisories for sowing,
pest control, input control can help in ensuring increased income and providing stability for the
agricultural community. For example, many agronomic factors (such as vegetation health and soil
moisture) can be monitored up to the farm level through remote sensing. Using remote sensed data,
high resolution weather data, AI technologies, and AI platform, it is possible to monitor crops
holistically and provide additional insights to the extension workers/farmers for their farms as & when

 Increasing efficiency of farm mechanisation: Image classification tools combined with remote and
local sensed data can bring a revolutionary change in utilisation and efficiency of farm machinery, in
areas of weed removal, early disease identification, produce harvesting and grading. Horticultural
practices require a lot of monitoring at all levels of plant growth and AI tools provide round the clock
monitoring of these high value products.

Box 6: AI sowing app

Microsoft in collaboration with ICRISAT, developed an AI Sowing App powered by Microsoft Cortana
Intelligence Suite including Machine Learning and Power BI. The app sends sowing advisories to
participating farmers on the optimal date to sow. The best part – the farmers don’t need to install any
sensors in their fields or incur any capital expenditure. All they needed was a feature phone capable of
receiving text messages. The advisories contained essential information including the optimal sowing
date, soil test based fertilizer application, farm yard manure application, seed treatment, optimum sowing
depth, and more. In tandem with the app, a personalised village advisory dashboard provided important

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National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

insights into soil health, recommended fertilizer, and seven-day weather forecasts. In 2017, the program
was expanded to touch more than 3,000 farmers across the states of Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka
during the Kharif crop cycle (rainy season) for a host of crops including groundnut, ragi, maize, rice and
cotton, among others. The increase in yield ranged from 10% to 30% across crops.

Box 7: AI for herbicide optimisation

Blue River Technology has designed and integrated computer vision and machine learning technology
that enables farmers to reduce the use of herbicides by spraying only where weeds are present,
optimising the use of inputs in farming – a key objective of precision agriculture.

 Increasing the share of price realisation to producers: Current low levels of price realisation to farmers
(as low as 20% in fruits and vegetables19) are primarily due to ineffective price discovery and
dissemination mechanisms, supply chain intermediary inefficiency and local regulations. Predictive
analytics using AI tools can bring more accurate supply and demand information to farmers, thus
reducing information asymmetry between farmers and intermediaries. As commodity prices are
interlinked globally, big data analysis becomes imperative. Data from e-NAM, Agricultural Census
(with data on over 138 million operational holdings), AGMARKET and over 110 million Soil Health
Samples provide the volumes required for any predictive modelling.

Box 8: AI for Precision Farming

NITI Aayog and IBM have partnered to develop a crop yield prediction model using AI to provide real time
advisory to farmers. IBM’s AI model for predictive insights to improve crop productivity, soil yield, control
agricultural inputs and early warning on pest/disease outbreak will use data from remote sensing (ISRO),
soil health cards, IMD’s weather prediction and soil moisture/temperature, crop phenology etc. to give
accurate prescriptions to farmers. The project is being implemented in 10 Aspirational Districts across
the States of Assam, Bihar, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh.

19 DFI Committee Report

Discussion Paper
National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

An effective education sector has the ability to transform a country through development of human
resources and increased productivity. In the context of emerging countries particularly, levels of education
and literacy of the population play an important role in development and overall transition to an advanced

In India, the importance of a developed education sector is amplified by a large youth population.
Estimates indicate that currently over half the population of the country is below the age of 25. As the
adoption of digital means of gathering data increases, it is important that these methods are effectively
leveraged to deliver improved education and teaching.

The adoption of technology in education is improving, though not at the pace required. It is estimated that
schools globally spent nearly USD160 billion on education technology, or ‘EdTech’, in 2016, and forecast
spending to grow 17% annually through 2020. Private investment in educational technology, broadly
defined as the use of computers or other technology to enhance teaching, grew 32% annually from 2011
through 2015, rising to USD4.5 billion globally. Adoption of new technologies is still lacking, however,
often attributed to unwillingness of teachers and students to adopt technology.

School education in India has seen substantial progress in recent decades, with efforts at both the Central
and State levels, and substantive gains in enrolment have been achieved – Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER)
is 97% at elementary level and 80% at secondary level, as per recent figures. However, low retention
rates and poor learning outcomes mar the impact of gains in enrolment.

a) Low retention rates: Enrolment of children is of little use if children are not retained in the schooling
system. Retention rate of 70.7% at elementary level indicates that one-third of enrolled children drop
out before completing Class 8. Retention rate at secondary level is also poor at 57.4%. Low quality
of education is one of the causes of poor retention.

b) Poor learning outcomes: There is increasing concern about the poor learning levels of children in
school, and a new National Achievement Survey (NAS) was recently conducted in November 2017.
Previous rounds of NAS results provide an insight into longitudinal performance over time – average
performance of States / UTs on previous rounds showed that over 60% of Class 5 students scored
below 50% across subjects; and for majority of the 31 States / UTs tested, performance significantly
deteriorated in NAS Cycle-4 versus Cycle-3. Assessments from the perspective of basic foundational
skills also indicate poor learning outcomes – in rural areas, only 47.8% of Class 5 children could read
Class 2 level text and only 26% could do Class-5-level arithmetic.

The above scenario is a consequence of a complex interplay of factors that pose challenges to improving
the quality of education:

a) Multi-grade and multi-level classrooms: For a large proportion of schools, especially in small or
remote villages, it is not viable to have separate classrooms and teachers for different grades /
classes. Consequently, the teacher is faced with a heterogenous group of children in the same
classroom, with wide variations in their classes, ages, abilities and learning levels. This large variation
poses a huge challenge to the teacher and is a common cause of poor teaching-learning, thus leading
to poor learning outcomes.
c) Lack of interactive pedagogy and ineffective remedial instruction: Teaching-learning processes in
most classrooms are highly rote-based and non-interactive. Remedial instruction, where conducted,
typically lacks customisation to the child’s learning level, abilities, and pace of learning.

Discussion Paper
National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

d) Inadequate attention / action for likely drop-outs: Several children may be at risk of dropout due to
various factors, such as inadequate school infrastructure, poor teachers, poor school readiness,
language barriers, large learning gaps with respect to grade level, family circumstances (e.g. migrant
families), poor nutritional or health status, etc.

e) Large teacher vacancies due to uneven distribution across locations: Large number of teacher
vacancies are mostly not due to an overall shortage of teachers in a State – instead, they are due to
uneven distribution across different geographical areas within the State. For instance, recent figures
for Uttar Pradesh revealed 1.74 lakh teacher vacancies at elementary school level, but a
simultaneous surplus of 0.66 lakh teachers across the state.

f) Professional development courses / training do not cater to real needs and have poor coverage
Existing teacher training is typically a generic kind of an exercise. It is not linked to the specific
weaknesses / requirements of a teacher – for instance, a teacher with poor arithmetic understanding
requires corresponding training to clarify arithmetic concepts. Consequently, most teacher training
exercises end up as wasted public expenditure, with little or no benefit to the teacher and her / his
students. Similar issues exist with respect to training of other staff such as school
headmasters/principals. The coverage of existing training programs is also extremely low, typically
less than 20% annually.

g) Low adoption of existing technologies: A recent survey found that level of adoption of technology in
schools is lacking, and can be largely attributed to lack of teacher training, despite provision of the
ICT infrastructure. While 83% of the teachers surveyed use computers, the use is limited primarily to
audio / visual display, or student practice. A meagre 41% and 27% use technology for tracking
student data and participating in forums respectively. This trend is even more pronounced in the low
fee school segment surveyed20. Another trend observed is that trained teachers are much more likely
to use technology in the classroom. 88% of trained teachers reported making use of available
computers as compared to only 53% of untrained teachers. Trained teachers were found to be nearly
twice as likely to report using technology for communication purposes and for online forum

According to EdTechXGlobal, EdTech is becoming a global phenomenon, and as distribution and

platforms scale internationally, the market is projected to grow at 17.0% per annum, to USD252 billion by
2020. India’s digital learning market was valued at USD2 billion in 2016 and is projected to grow at a
CAGR of 30%, reaching USD5.7 billion in 2020 as per estimates from Technopak.

As per Forbes, in 2017, across every market involved in EdTech, international funding reached a new
record of USD9.52 billion, and 813 different EdTech companies received fundings last year. These
EdTech investments mark a gain of 30% from 2016. VC interest in the education space continues to
grow. For example, one of India’s leading EdTech startups Byju’s raised USD40 million from Tencent in
July 2017, just four months after raising USD30 million from Belgium-based Verlinvest. Among Byju’s
other investors include Sequoia Capital and The Chan Zuckerberg Foundation.

AI has the potential to bring about changes in the sector by supplementing pedagogy and establishing
systems to inform and support decision making across stakeholders and administrative levels. However,

20 Cross Square Foundation, Ed Tech Adoption Survey

21 Economic Survey, 2016-17

Discussion Paper
National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

implementation of AI must be preceded by efforts to digitise records of teacher performance, student

performance, and curriculum. Several AI tools are being successfully used in other parts of the world,
and they can be adapted to the Indian context to target specific challenges.

a) Adaptive learning tools for customised learning: While AI may not completely replace a teacher, it
has the potential to greatly assist teachers in efficiently and effectively managing multi-level / multi-
grade classrooms, by judging learning levels of individual students, and allowing automated
development of customised educational content adapted to each child’s class and learning level.
Assessing time spent by a student on each part / page of the learning material, for example, would
allow real-time feedback on student performance to help the teacher appropriately tailor her guidance
to the child. This concept can be extended to automatic grading of tests, as well.

b) Intelligent and interactive tutoring systems: Intelligent Tutoring Systems can provide great benefit to
students through delivery of learning materials adapted to the child’s proficiency level, learning style,
and pace of learning. In-built pop-up questions tailored to students, for example, can help increase
interactivity, and catch student’s attention and interest. It can also help in assessment of student’s
level of attention or comprehension to appropriately design remedial instruction. GradeGuardian, for
example, uses predictive models and visualisations for student performance with an interactive
dashboard showing anticipated effect of policy changes. Submission includes 3 components
packaged as a single web app – a Chatbot that inputs student information, an Advisor Console that
shows students at risk, and a prediction module for policymakers.

Box 9: Creating ‘smart content’ for improved interactivity

Content Technologies Inc. (CTI), an AI research and development company, develops AI that creates
customised educational content. Using deep learning to absorb and analyse existing course materials,
textbooks, and course curriculum, the technology creates custom learning materials, including textbooks,
chapter summaries, and multiple-choice tests.

A recent hackathon conducted by NITI Aayog also featured ‘ReadEx’, an android application that does
real-time question generation using NLP, content recommendations, and flashcard creation.

c) Predictive tools to inform pre-emptive action for students predicted to drop out of school: Analysis of
test results and attendance records using AI can be used to predict probable student activities and
inform pre-emptive action. For instance, in a recent preliminary experiment conducted in Andhra
Pradesh, AI applications processed data on all students based on parameters such as gender, socio-
economic factors, academic performance, school infrastructure, teacher skills, etc., with the objective
of helping the government identify students likely to drop out. Test results could inform suggestions
to enroll students in vocational studies. Additionally, redressal mechanisms could be put in place to
identify students whose performance can be improved by focus of existing schemes to their family.

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National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

Box 10: Microsoft is helping in predicting drop outs in Andhra

The AP government is making concerted efforts to bring down the school dropout rate in the state. It has
tied up with Microsoft to address this complex challenge. Based on specific parameters, such as gender,
socio-economic demographics, academic performance, school infrastructure and teacher skills, an
application powered by Azure Machine Learning processes the data pertaining to all students to find
predictive patterns.

With these data insights, the district education officials can intervene and help students who are most
likely to drop out. A variety of programs and counselling sessions could be conducted for these students
and their parents.

The Andhra Pradesh government, based on machine learning and analytics, has identified about 19,500
probable dropouts from government schools in Visakhapatnam district for the next academic year (2018-

d) Automated rationalisation of teachers: AI tools can be used to develop automated teacher posting
and transfer systems, using analytics based on demand – supply gaps across schools in the State,
candidate’s prior postings, candidate preferences, etc. This would help in plugging of gaps in teacher
distribution more effectively.

e) Customised professional development courses: To tackle issues of poorly designed professional

development courses with poor coverage, adaptive AI tools can be used to design automated,
customised professional development training content for the teacher based on their performance,
identification of their knowledge and skill gaps. This could then be continuously adapted as
teacher’s skills and concepts improve.

Box 11: WriteToLearn by Pearson

Pearson’s WriteToLearn software uses natural language processing technology to give students
personalised feedback, hints, and tips to improve their writing skills. In describing his experience using
WriteToLearn, one 7th-grade English language arts teacher said, “I feel it’s pretty accurate. … Is it
perfect? No. But when I reach that 67th essay, I’m not [really] accurate, either. As a team, [WriteToLearn
and I] are pretty good.” Essay grading technology cannot substitute for a teacher’s ability to provide
feedback and coaching on particular words and sentences: the software merely rates students’ essays
in general areas— such as organisation, idea development, and style—and then provides generic
suggestions for improvement in these areas. But when teachers use the software as a first pass at grading
and then interject their detailed feedback to address the improvement areas identified by the software,
essay grading becomes a much less time-consuming and laborious process. The net result is that
teachers can spend less time grading and more time teaching, while also giving students more
opportunities to receive customised feedback on their writing.

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National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

Smart Cities and Infrastructure

India is currently in the midst of a surge of urbanisation. While the percentage of the population living in
urban areas was estimated to be 31% in 201122, recent research on satellite data indicates that this figure
is close 45% today23, and predicted to rise to up-to 60 percent by 205024. Though seen as an important
aspect of a country’s economic growth and a major step in the overall development of the country,
unplanned urbanisation presents challenges such as congestion, over pollution, high crime rates, poor
living standards, and can potentially put a huge burden on the infrastructure and administrative needs of
existing Indian cities.

To tackle these challenges, the Government of India has embarked on an ambitious initiative to set up
Smart Cities across India, aimed at driving economic growth and improving the quality of life, by
harnessing IT solutions. As part of the Smart Cities Mission, 99 cities have been selected with expected
investment of INR2.04 lakh crores. The strategic components of these Smart Cities include city
improvement (retrofitting), city renewal (redevelopment) and city extension (greenfield development) in
addition to a pan-city initiative in which smart solutions are applied covering large parts of the city. The
Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT) is another related initiative which
targets improving the infrastructure of existing cities.

Smart cities attempt to address the challenges of urbanisation through development of features based
on IT solutions, some of which are listed below.

a) Poor urban planning25: Smart cities aim to solve challenges of inefficient land use, improper land use
categorisation, area based development and lack of open spaces such as parks, playgrounds, and
recreational spaces in order to enhance the quality of life of citizens, reduce the urban heat effect,
and generally promote improved ecological balance.

b) Inefficient utility distribution: Through large scale deployment of smart meters in both electricity and
water, smart cities being developed are trying to solve challenges such as low visibility on usage of
utilities such as electricity, water, and waste management. This is also targeted to help address
issues of leakages in electricity and water distribution, and improper disposal of waste, and have the
potential to significantly reduce cost associate with administration and management.

c) Improved delivery of citizen services: In the domain of service delivery, smart cities aim to harness
data to solve issues in low accountability and transparency. By using digital channels, they can help
address challenges in administration of offices, and long wait times. Today, poor standards of
grievance redressal form another pressing issue that may be addressed by increasing adoption of
technology based solutions.

d) Improving public safety: Cities in India today are hotbeds for a range of crimes. Smart cities aim to
address the issues of increase in crime and increased risk of urban emergencies through improved
city design and surveillance analytics.

Some Smart Cities have already begun implementing these features through specific projects. Pune, for
example, has launched The Pune Street Light Project to setup energy efficient street lights that can be
remote controlled through a Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems. Surat has built
a network of more than 600 surveillance cameras which will be expanded to all major locations in the

22 Census 2011
23 LiveMint: “How much of India is actually urban?”
24 LiveMint: “60% of India’s population to live in cities by 2050: government”

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National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

city, as well as collaborated with Microsoft to develop solutions for water management and urban

Due to the large amount of data they can create, smart cities are especially amenable to application of
AI, which can make sense of the data being generated, and transform it into predictive intelligence – thus
transitioning from a smart city to an ‘intelligent city’.

However, the wide range of connected devices also gives rise to increased risks in cyber security, with
harmful actors such as hackers now capable of affecting city scale infrastructure.

Some use cases of AI that can augment the features of a smart city are listed below.

a) Smart Parks and public facilities: Public facilities such as parks and other spaces contribute
substantially to a city’s liveability. Use of AI to monitor patronage and accordingly control associated
systems such as pavement lighting, park maintenance and other operational conditions could lead
to cost savings while also improving safety and accessibility.

b) Smart Homes: Smart homes concept is creating buzz with AI technologies being developed to
optimise human effort in performing daily activities. Extending this concept to other domestic
applications such as smart rooftops, water saving applications optimising domestic water utilisation
for different human activities etc.

c) AI driven service delivery: Implementation of AI to leverage data on service delivery could see
application such as predictive service delivery on the basis of citizen data, rationalisation of
administrative personnel on the basis of predicted service demand and migration trend analysis, and
AI based grievance redressal through chat-bots.

d) Crowd management: Use of AI in providing effective solutions in crowd management in recent times
have been in vogue and given fruitful results in averting city-scale challenges such as managing
mega footfall events, emergency and disasters. Accenture worked with the Singapore Government
during their SG50 Celebrations (50th anniversary of Singapore’ independence), and developed
solution aimed at predicting crowd behavior and potential responses to incidents. The solution
resulted in 85% accuracy in high crowd activity, crowd size estimation and object detection. Closer
home, the “Kumbh Mela Experiment” is aimed at predicting crowd behavior and possibility of a
stampede. Similar Big Data and AI solutions could help with advance prediction and response

e) Intelligent safety systems: AI technology could provide safety through smart command centres with
sophisticated surveillance systems that could keep checks on people’s movement, potential crime
incidents, and general security of the residents. Social media intelligence platforms can provide aid
to public safety by gathering information from social media and predicting potential activities that
could disrupt public peace. In the city of Surat, the crime rate has declined by 27% after the
implementation of AI powered safety systems.

f) Cyber-attacks: Cyber-attacks seem to pose a great threat to our institutions and public systems,
today. AI technologies possess the capability to detect vulnerabilities and take remedial measures to
minimise exposure of secure online platforms containing highly sensitive data from being targeted by
unscrupulous social elements.

Discussion Paper
National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

Smart Mobility and Transportation

Mobility and transportation form the backbone of the modern economy due to their linkages with other
sectors and importance in both domestic and international trades. Today’s society demands a high
degree of mobility of various kinds, so as to enable efficient and safe transportation of both people and
goods. As a major contributor to overall emissions, this sector must also be sensitive to ideas of
environmental sustainability.

In India, majority of both passenger and freight traffic is carried through roads and railways. As of 2007 –
08, roads and railways accounted for almost 87% of total freight traffic in the country and almost 90% of
total traffic as of 2011-1226. As the economy grows, it is expected that this reliance on these modes of
transport shall continue unless there are major shifts in the policy initiatives in the area. The fact that
these modes of transport are particularly pollution intensive compared to shipping and air transport,
further increase the need to implement smart practices in their deployment.

Even apart from issues in poor modal mix, the Indian transportation sector faces a variety of issues.

a) Congestion and road accidents: Despite having one of the most extensive transportation networks in
the world, various sub-sectors sector continues to be underdeveloped leading to economic
inefficiency and enormous human cost. Congestion and its associated costs in India are continually
on the rise. Statistics from Government of India and a study conducted by IIT Madras suggest the
following growth patterns over the years, respectively.

Figure 15: Total registered motor vehicles per 1,000 population

26 NTDPC, India Transport Report: Moving India to 2032

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National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

Figure 16: Projected cost of congestion (USD million / year)

for Road
in Delhi, IIT

b) High number of traffic deaths: According to a PIB release by the Ministry of Road Transport and
Highways (MORTH) in March 2017, the total number of road accidents in the country during 2015
was 501,423 which resulted to 146,133 fatalities. The National Highways (NHs) accounted for about
29.1% share of total road accidents and 35.0% of total fatalities. Although the existing NHs comprise
approximately 1.9 % of total road network, they carry about 40% of total road traffic. According to
MORTH statistics, there has been a steady increase in the number of on-road accidents over the

c) Lack of public transportation infrastructure: Public transport infrastructure development remains

laggard in the overall discourse of transport policy design, either at national and regional levels, with
focus directed towards promoting and improving private car and associated infrastructure. The
following statistics from MORTH indicates the modal share of public transport (buses) over the years
which has seen, but minimal increase over the years.

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National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

Figure 17: Total numbers of public buses per 1,000 population


d) Assisted vehicle technologies: Autonomy is not economically viable in India currently as driver costs
per kilometre is too low. However, investing in the suite of autonomous vehicle technologies and
exporting such vehicles represents a significant economic opportunity for India and since the same
technologies can play a large role in reducing fatalities and decreasing congestion, it would be wise
for Indian manufactures to invest in research and development of the broader suite of technologies
that are essential for assistive AI. These technologies can assist the driver by taking driving decisions
which the system has a high degree of confidence in and alerting the driver in case it has a low
degree of confidence in any decision. A prime example of such productised, assistive AI is the
advanced cruise control used in Tesla vehicles today. This can follow highway traffic and the curves
in the road as well as start and stop in response to traffic. However, the moment the driver gives any
input, the system is taken over by the driver. This hybrid approach is much safer than an unassisted
human driving, without the potential drawbacks of having a completely autonomous system. There
is another reason why India should not completely ignore assistive vehicle technology research, and
it has to do with the development of new public infrastructure. Since we have only recently begun
building a large share of the total requirement of greenfield infrastructure, we have the benefit of

e) Need for sustainable transportation: The recent initiative of the Government of India for announcing
development of 100 Smart Cities is aimed at addressing this anomaly and catalyse smart strategies
for urban planning which promote sustainable land use design and multimodal integration. While new
initiatives could take time to show realisable impact, the existing issues in urban mobility related to
congestion, efficient traffic flow, movement of goods etc. can indeed be solved using AI technology.
AI can power multimodal integration by assisting with scheduling public transportation systems,
improved accessibility to public transportation infrastructure based on users’ choice behaviours, while
also suggesting real-time travel mode advisory based on predicted traffic situation. AI enabled
mobility solutions can ameliorate several of the challenges being faced by the Indian automotive and
transportation sector.

f) Efficiencies in design of greenfield infrastructure – Autonomous-ready traffic will have significant

impacts on greenfield road infrastructure design and consequently on greenfield city design. Lane
size, lesser traffic congestion and reduced costs in upgradation of highway infrastructure are some
of the externalities which will benefit the sector of assisted vehicle adoption.

Discussion Paper
National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

Listed below are some of the major applications of AI on the mobility front beyond autonomous cars:

a) Autonomous trucking: Autonomous technology in trucking has the potential to transform the way we
move goods today. AI can help increase safety and hauling efficiency through intelligent platooning,
wherein trucks form platoons giving drivers the liberty to rest while the platoon keeps moving. Such
a method also ensures optimal road-space utilisation, helping improve road infrastructure capacity.

b) Intelligent Transportation Systems: Through the use of an intelligent traffic management system
including sensors, CCTV cameras, automatic number plate recognition cameras, speed detection
cameras, signalised pedestrian crossings and stop line violation detection systems and the use of
AI, real time dynamic decisions on traffic flows such as lane monitoring, access to exits, toll pricing,
allocating right of way to public transport vehicles, enforcing traffic regulations through smart ticketing
etc. can be made. Accident heat maps could be generated using accident data and driver behaviour
at specific locations on the road network related to topology, road geometric design, speed limit etc.
and suitable measures could be pre-emptively taken to prevent possible accidents. Also, AI could
help to design sophisticated urban traffic control systems that can optimise signal timings at the
intersection, zonal and network level, while also facilitating services such as automatic vehicle
detection for extension of red/green phase or providing intermittent priority.

c) Travel route/flow optimisation: With access to traffic data at the network level, AI can help make smart
predictions for public transport journeys by optimising total journey time including access time, waiting
time and travel time. Considering factors such as accessibility to nearest mode of travel, most
convenient access path based on local conditions and one’s preferences, AI can revolutionise first-
last mile travel which could change the way we perceive public transport journeys, today. About
private car usage, AI could utilise a range of traffic data sets and one’s own preferences to make
human-like decisions on route selection. With information on dynamic tolls and traffic flows on links,
the dependency on overhead Variable Messaging Systems (VMS) could be minimised, reducing
substantial infrastructure costs. On the systemic level, AI can help predict flow of traffic at the network
level and suggest alternative flow strategies in order to contain congestion, alleviating cities of this
major issue.

d) AI for Railways: According to official figures, more than 500 train accidents occurred between 2012-
2017, 53% of them due to derailment. Train operators can obtain situational intelligence through real-
time operational data and analyse them in three different dimensions: spatial, temporal and nodal.
Fleet management and asset maintenance including that of rolling stock are pertinent AI use cases.
Recently, the Ministry of Railways, Govt. of India has decided to use AI to undertake remote condition
monitoring using non-intrusive sensors for monitoring signals, track circuits, axle counters and their
sub-systems of interlocking, power supply systems including the voltage and current levels, relays,

e) Community Based Parking: The availability of parking is a major issue for Indian cities. AI can help
optimise parking, likely by minimising vehicle downtime and maximising driving time. With the advent
of electric vehicles, AI will be needed to mediate the complex vehicle grid interactions(VGI) as well
as for charging optimisation. Parking guidance systems help drivers to find vacant parking spaces
while they are using the road network and have approached close to their destination. Community

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National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

based parking using AI helps cars in traffic to collect data on vacant parking spaces, and allocates
cars to spaces such that the demand is always met.

Box 12: Effect on R&D

Globally, research on autonomous vehicle has spurred advances, especially in AI fields of computer
vision and robotics. Due to the extremely high market potential, over the past two years, most of the large
investments in AI have been made in the field of autonomous vehicle as it is widely tipped to be the first
large scale commercial application of AI to be adopted.

Moreover, due to the congestion and chaotic conditions of Indian traffic, AI algorithms trained on Indian
driving data have the potential to be very robust.

Error rates of object classification have fallen from 28.5% to 2.5% since 2010 according to the Stanford
AI index. Therefore, current techniques are mature enough to be used in Indian conditions. Also, within
AI, the core technologies used have high transference potential. The same template used to identify
objects on a road can be used to identify cancerous cells in a pathological image.

Discussion Paper
National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

Key challenges to adoption of AI in India

Commonality of problems mandate an integrated approach

The preceding analysis of focus sectors – Healthcare, Agriculture, Education, Smart Cities and
Infrastructure, and Smart Mobility and Transport, highlight the potential of AI tools and technologies in
transforming the sectors and state of Indian economy as a whole. The analysis, however, also detail a
multitude of challenges that India needs to overcome to realise the full potential of a disruptive technology
like AI.

Adopting a narrow view and focusing on the challenges for a specific sector, the barriers to developing a
robust set of AI applications may seem contextual and limited to that sector. Taking Healthcare sector as
an example, enabling large scale adoption would require at least the following factors to be addressed:

a) absence of collaborative effort between various stakeholders: while India has adopted electronic
health record (EHR) policy, sharing of data between various hospital chains still remains a work
in progress, since different hospital chains have adopted different interpretations of ‘digitising
b) relevant data is unavailable and there is absence of robust open clinical data sets; and
c) concerns on privacy and security of data, including lack of formal regulation around
anonymisation of data.

However, analysing across the focus sectors, the challenges are concentrated across common themes

a) Lack of enabling data ecosystems

b) Low intensity of AI research
i. Core research in fundamental technologies
ii. Transforming core research into market applications
c) Inadequate availability of AI expertise, manpower and skilling opportunities
d) High resource cost and low awareness for adopting AI in business processes
e) Unclear privacy, security and ethical regulations
f) Unattractive Intellectual Property regime to incentivise research and adoption of AI

These challenges, while by no means exhaustive, if addressed in an expeditious manner through

concerted collaborative efforts by relevant stakeholders, with government playing a leading role, could
lead to fundamental building blocks that form the core to India’s march towards leadership in AI. The next
section of the paper attempts to solve some of these challenge through specific interventions and
recommendations. These recommendations have been formulated as fundamentally infrastructural in
nature, and hence span across sectoral use cases.

Discussion Paper
National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

Way Forward to Harness the Power of AI


India’s unique challenges and aspirations, combined with the advancement in AI, and a desire to assume
leadership in this nascent technology means India’s approach towards AI strategy has to be balanced for
both local needs and greater good. The way forward for India in AI has to factor in our current strengths
in AI, or a lack thereof, and thus requires large scale transformational interventions, primarily led by the
government, with private sector providing able support.

This section lays down a set of recommendation to address the biggest challenges and opportunities for
India in the field of AI. The preceding analysis of focus sectors lead us to the assertion that the efforts
need to be concentrated across major themes of research, data democratisation, accelerating adoption
and reskilling – with privacy, security, ethics and intellectual property rights permeating as common
denominators for all our recommended initiatives. These challenges, while by no means exhaustive, if
addressed in an expeditious manner through concerted collaborative efforts by relevant stakeholders,
with government playing a catalytic role, could lead to fundamental building blocks that can form the core
to India’s march towards achieving its goal of #AIforAll.

India’s capabilities in AI research are rather limited, both in quantity (distant 5th globally) and especially
in quality (disappointing impact of research produced). The research community is rather confined to a
handful of academic institutes, and relies on individual brilliance rather than institutional competence.
Acerbating the problem is the fact that private sector’s contribution to AI research has remained meagre.
Despite some encouraging recent developments, viz. Government of Karnataka’s intention to set up a
Centre of Excellence in AI in partnership with NASSCOM, a lot of ground needs to be covered. The first
set of recommendations focus on turbocharging both core and applied research. In addition, two
frameworks for solving some of AI’s biggest research challenges through collaborative, market oriented
approach have been proposed.

The new age of AI and related frontier technologies would disrupt the nature of jobs of tomorrow and the
skills required to realise the true potential of these transformative technologies. The changes and
challenges anticipated for the workforce will come from both the demand and supply side: demand for
capabilities for jobs that don’t even exist today and diminished demand for some of the jobs that could
be automated, supply of newly minted STEM graduates, a large portion of whom may struggle to be
gainfully employed. Given our strength in advanced IT sector and the strength of favorable demographics,
India may seem more equipped for workforce disruption that AI will bring, however our large numbers
may soon turn from potential assets to liabilities if right structures are not put in place. Our next set of
recommendations focus on reskilling of existing workforce and preparing students for developing applied
set of skills for the changing world of technology.

Early adoption of AI – be it the research community building technology infrastructure, the startup
community developing applications and corporations deploying solutions for their business needs, would
be one of the key determinants in ensuring leadership in AI. Adoption of AI in India has remained rather
limited, less than a quarter of firms in India are using AI in any form for their business processes and
startup ecosystem in AI is virtually non-existent. Among the several impediments towards large scale

Discussion Paper
National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

adoption of AI in India, the primary ones include difficulty in access to data (more specifically, structured
and intelligent data), high cost and low availability of computing infrastructure, lack of collaborative
approach to solving for AI combined with low awareness. Our recommendations to address these
challenges include developing large foundational annotated data sets to democratise data and multi-
stakeholder marketplaces across the AI value chain (data, annotated data and AI models).

One of the key aspects of our ambition of #AIforAll includes responsible AI: ensuring adequate privacy,
security and IP related concerns and balancing ethical considerations with need for innovation. Our final
set of recommendations lay down the challenges and suggestion for addressing some of these not so
straightforward implementational challenges of AI.

The recommendations in the following chapters are aimed at initiating an informed conversation on India’s
future roadmap for AI, and are descriptive rather than prescriptive by design. The paper should be seen
as providing framework for developing National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence, and as such, we have
consciously avoided providing specific funding targets and funding mechanisms, as these require broad
based stakeholder consultations.

Discussion Paper
National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

Incentivising Core and Applied research in AI

Advanced research, both core and applied, provides the basis for commercialisation and utilisation of
any emerging technology, more so for technologies like AI.

Where does India stand in Artificial Intelligence research?

India has the necessary building blocks to develop a thriving AI research and development ecosystem,
viz. availability of highly educated talent pool, world class educational institutes and an illustrious list of
top notch IT companies dominating the global IT landscape. Despite these advantages India sees itself
lagging considerably in producing world-class research and innovation in most technology fields, more
so in AI.

India produced a whopping 2.6 million27 STEM graduates in 2016, second only to China and more than
4 times the graduates produced by USA, thus producing the requisite talent pool to drive innovation in
emerging technologies. Disappointingly though, an overwhelming majority of this talent pool is focused
on routine IT development and not so much on research and innovation. Exacerbating the problem
further, a majority of the small population focused on research almost always prefers to pursue advance
degrees (Masters or PhD degrees) to subsequently apply their expertise abroad.

An analysis of India’s competence in core research in AI paints a somber picture. As per the Global AI
Talent Report 2018, which crawled LinkedIn for its analysis, India only has 386 of a total of 22,000 PhD-
educated researchers worldwide, and is ranked 10th globally. The report also looks at leading AI
conferences globally for presenters who could be considered influential experts in their respective field
of AI. On this metric, India was ranked 13th globally, with just 44 top-notch presenters. While these two
approaches have their limitations and inherent biases, anecdotal evidence based on discussions with top
researchers reveals that serious research work in India is limited to less than 50 researchers,
concentrated mostly at institutes like IITs, IIITs and IISc.

In terms of the citable documents published in the field of AI from 2010 - 2016, India ranks a distant 5 th,
far behind the likes of China and USA and just about edging ahead of Germany and France who have
considerably smaller STEM population.

27 World Economic Forum

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National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

Figure 18: Citable documents in Artificial Intelligence (2010 - 2016)

Journal and
Rank (SJR)

Diving deeper into these numbers, if we look at the country wise H-Index (a metric that quantifies a
country’s scientific productivity and scientific impact), India ranks a dismal 19th globally. In other words,
while India may be producing research pieces in numbers, their utility has been rather limited.

Figure 19: H Index for Artificial Intelligence (1996 - 2016)

Journal and
Rank (SJR)

Looking at the research coming out of academic institutes, the numbers are heavily skewed in favour of
top-15 institutes, that in total have contributed more than 42% of all research publications from 2001 –
201628. IISc dominates the research publications, with 7.5% of all publications coming from this institute.
For a country that has more than 750 universities and close to 40,000 colleges, this concentration of
publication is a worrying sign.

The Indian IT services companies, the likes of TCS, Wipro and Infosys, have been the flag bearers of
India’s competence in implementation of cutting edge technology solutions, yet their contribution to
research has been limited. Given that these IT giants have been working closely with businesses globally
and anticipating the trends in emerging technologies, it wouldn’t be unreasonable to expect a sizeable
volume of research work coming out of these companies. Yet, looking at all the research publications
from 2001 – 2016, only 14% of all publications have come from industry, with universities contributing
86% of all publications. Even this limited research publication universe by industry is dominated by Indian
subsidiaries of international companies (~70%), with only one Indian company in top-10 (TCS)29.

28 Neel Shah: “Research trends of AI in India”

29 Neel Shah: “Research trends of AI in India”

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National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

Box 13: What India can learn from other economies in terms of AI
The US Government is estimated to have spent USD1.2 billion in non-classified research in 2016-18 and
the Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is seeking a budget of USD3.44 billion in
fiscal year 2019-20, an increase of 8.5% compared with its request for fiscal 2018-19. However, US
leadership in AI investment has largely been driven by the private sector. The world’s leading companies
in AI research in 2016 were Microsoft, Google and IBM, all US companies. According to CB Insights,
based on 2017 figures, Amazon, Google and Microsoft dominate enterprise AI – again all US companies.
It is estimated that more than half the world’s unicorns are from the US. The digital ecosystems around
the hubs of Silicon Valley, Seattle, Boston and New York, which bring together talent and research
capabilities from leading universities, private investment and cross-science / industry collaboration, can
be considered to have played an important role in developing the US’s AI capabilities.

While still behind the US in terms of overall investment, China has clear ambitions to be at the same level
as the US by 2020 and the world leader in AI by 2030, supported by a new development plan to create
a USD150 billion domestic AI industry. Its plans to build a new AI industry include a national fund that
supports research, from the most basic research to critical AI projects. The top 9 universities have
received government funding to each establish an AI school and the remaining 32 to include an AI
programme as part of their curriculum. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology is planning
to put nearly USD950 million dollars per year into strategic AI projects for State Owned Enterprises and
the public sector. In addition to state investment, the government is expected (at the time of writing) to
publish Next Generation AI Development Guidelines immanently. The guidelines are expected to include
a clear governance structure, with allocation of responsibility and plans for research, industry and
legislative action or each of 2020, 2025 and 2030.

While China’s approach is not necessarily replicable in other parts of the world, there are two key
learnings from its programme:
• Public sector investment, particularly in R&D, helps drive private investment.
• It has a plan with a governance structure and clear milestones. Having a plan instils confidence in
inward investors. Based on interviews Accenture carried out with inward investors in the UK, there
was consensus that the governments’ public messaging had a significant impact on companies’
confidence and therefore willingness to invest in a country.
In the UK, the universities of Cambridge and Oxford are considered centres of AI innovation; having
already stimulated three startups that made major AI breakthroughs and later became prime acquisition
targets. Google in 2014 bought DeepMind, Apple in 2015 purchased VocalIQ, and Microsoft bought
SwiftKey in 2016. This success is supported by funding from organisations like the Leverhulme Trust,
which provides annual funding of GBP80 million for research. Other capabilities include The Alan Turing
Institute: the national institute for data science. The Institute was established in 2015 by five founding
universities (Cambridge, Edinburgh, Oxford, UCL and Warwick) and the UK Engineering and Physical
Sciences Research Council. The Institute’s researchers work across disciplines and look at theoretical
development and application to real world problems. It was announced as the national centre for AI in
November 2017 and six new universities will join the institute 2018.

The German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI – Deutsches Forschungszentrum für
Künstliche Intelligenz) is one of the world’s largest AI research institutes. It has facilities in the German
cities of Kaiserslautern, Saarbrücken, Bremen and Berlin and is partnering with companies on application
oriented basic research to develop product functions, prototypes and patentable solutions.

Discussion Paper
National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

The EU’s Robotics Public Private Partnership, launched in 2013, has seen the allocation of EUR700
million for research to 2020. This is coupled with private investment for an overall backing of EUR2.8
It is believed to be the biggest civilian research programme in this area in the world and could be
considered instrumental in the strong presence of Europe among service robot manufacturers. Clearly,
public-sector investment has paid-off.

Source: Realising the economic and societal potential of responsible AI, Accenture

The research ecosystem in India has seen some green shoots in recent years. Encouraging is the fact
that the number of papers published has jumped 10 fold in last 10 years, from 331 papers in 2006 to
3,301 papers in 201630. IISc, almost all the IITs, some of the IIITs and central / state universities have
increased their research efforts in various foundational and applied fields of AI. IIT Bombay and IIT Patna
have entered into a joint research collaboration with industry to focus on the applied aspects of AI. The
research, focused on IT services and social good, will aim to provide powerful AI insights and
recommendations for improved productivity. It also includes software analytics – building, testing,
managing and modernisation of applications, solving real-life social issues such as malnutrition, human
trafficking and climate change through prediction and recommendation models using AI.

Another research group at IISc is working on the theory and application of reinforcement learning (RL),
an aspect of machine learning used in optimisation problems. They are particularly interested in traffic
handling—both the vehicular kind on our roads, as well as the digital kind in our wireless networks.

Furthermore, there have been some encouraging efforts from both government and private sector in
facilitating top quality research in recent times. Government of Karnataka is setting up a Centre of
Excellence for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence in partnership with NASSCOM. Wadhwani
Foundation has set up India’s first research institute dedicated to developing AI solutions for social good
in Mumbai in Feb 2018.

However, the research ecosystem still has several obvious gaps. The Detailed Project Report of
Inter-Ministerial National Mission on Interdisciplinary Cyber Physical Systems has highlighted some of
these as:

a) Lack of collaborative / interdisciplinary approach: research is mostly focused in silos in academic


b) Lack of scale for experimental validation: due to various practical and financial reasons, university
research is largely restricted to theoretical or laboratory scale. This needs to be augmented with pilot
projects / large scale test beds / laboratories

c) Lack of facilities to support large scale experimental test beds: Large scale experimental test-beds
are difficult to construct, maintain and operate, solely by academic institutions

d) Lack of connect with stakeholders and practitioners to convert outputs to outcomes: The views of the
stakeholders in terms of what application problems to focus on will be of great importance to ensure
practical applicability of the research. At the same time, this should be facilitated in a way which does
not constraint/suffocate the academic researchers in order for them to make foundational advances.
Involving “technology translators” at an early stage, i.e. entrepreneurs/agencies/companies which
can convert the research technologies to commercial products is needed.

30 Scimago Journal and Country Rank (SJR)

Discussion Paper
National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

e) Lack of large scale mission mode project management capabilities: Academic researchers usually
work best individually (with a small team of students and research project staff). Current approaches
to research and related facilities may not be suited for large scale experimental projects.

While the numbers point to a small yet encouraging base, a concerted effort is needed to build a
comprehensive research focused AI strategy for India, one that will position India towards global
leadership in this emerging area of technology. What is evident though is that incremental changes would
not suffice and there is need for transformational changes to boost research major push coming from the

Framework for promoting Artificial Intelligence Research in India

The Detailed Project Report of Inter-Ministerial National Mission on Interdisciplinary Cyber Physical
Systems (IM-ICPS) has suggested the following four-tier framework for promoting research focused on
all aspects of technology life-cycle: research, technology deployment, translation and management:

a) ICON (International Centres of New Knowledge): focusing on creation of new knowledge through
basic research,

b) CROSS (Centre for Research On Sub-Systems): focusing on developing and integrating core
technologies developed at ICON layer and any other sources

c) CASTLE (Center for Advanced Studies, Translational research and Leadership): focusing on
development and deployment of application based research and

d) CETIT (Centre of Excellence in Technology Innovation and Transfer): focusing on commercialisation

of technologies developed

While the above structure has significant advantages, a far more simplified and agile approach is required
to ensure seamless, targeted and accountable framework for promoting research. Hence the following
two-tier integrated approach to boost both core and applied research in AI is proposed:

a) COREs (Centres of Research Excellence in Artificial Intelligence): COREs will focus on core research
of AI, and will take on the mantle of executing the responsibilities of both ICON and CROSS as per
the IM-ICPS framework. Thus, COREs will specialise in creating new knowledge through basic
research and will source for fundamental knowledge / technologies that will be needed to keep India
prepared for the next generation of technologies. Furthermore, COREs will also emphasise on
development infrastructure tools for direct application of basic research, including development of
new areas of AI architecture / platforms.

b) ICTAI (International Centre for Transformational Artificial Intelligence): ICTAIs will provide the eco-
system for application based technology development and deployment, and will take on the mantle
of executing the responsibilities of both CASTLE and CETIT as per the IM-ICPS framework. This will
be an industry-led initiative and expected to take on the top-level challenges identified or inter-
ministerial projects calling for AI based solutions. Furthermore, ICTAIs will also be responsible for
delivering commercial technology, and taking ideas / concepts or prototypes and turning them into
marketable products by way of proactive coordination, communication and interfacing for technology
transfer to the industry.

Discussion Paper
National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

Figure 20: Proposed integration of COREs and ICTAIs

International Centres for

Transformational AI

ICTAIs in priority domains of

Agriculture, Health, Education, Smart
Cities and Infrastructure and Smart
Mobility and Transportation

General AI

Sensory AI

earc Cognitive AI

Physical AI 38%

In summary, COREs will be focused on core research, in evolving and new areas of AI, and will act as
the technology feeders for ICTAIs which will be focused on creating AI based applications for, and
accelerating early adoption in, domains of societal importance.

In addition, an umbrella organisation should be established to address issues relating to access to

finance, social sustainability and the global competitiveness of the technologies developed. This body,
which shall be recognised as the Centre for Studies on Technological Sustainability (CSTS), could be
established on the lines of the Campus for Research Excellence and Technological Enterprise
(CREATE), Singapore program or Innovate UK. The major responsibilities of CSTS could be on the
following lines:

a) to monitor the impact of the AI technologies developed at the consumer level through social indices
and recommend necessary modifications for a better market penetration

b) to study the financial viability of the AI technologies developed such that it caters to the target
consumer base, while proposing improved pricing models for a pan India reach

c) to study best practices on pricing models and social penetration of AI technologies across the world
and recommend strategies to foster globally competitive technological development

d) to catalyse international collaborations for COREs and ICTAIs

e) to study the AI landscape in other nations and design strategies for customisation and deployment
of developed AI technologies as per their specifications for a global impact

f) to provide a knowledge management platform for AI technologies by organising international

workshops and conferences, promoting the confluence of thought leaders, practitioners and

Centres of Excellence for Artificial Intelligence

COREs for AI will focus on core research, in evolving and new areas of AI.

Discussion Paper
National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

To start with, COREs could be established at IISc, ISI and top IITs and IIITs. Given that the research in
AI needs to be multi-disciplinary, linkages need to be established with premier institutions in other
disciplines viz. AIIMS for healthcare, TISS for arts and social science etc. Furthermore, these COREs
should also act as a guide and mentor for other institutes researching in AI, in a hub-and-spoke model,
to enable broad based development of AI research capabilities across India.

The COREs would have to build on both the short-term and the long-term capabilities of these research
centers. In the short-term, given the paucity of quality faculty in India in AI, appropriate incentivisation
mechanism (which could be a combination of promise of topnotch infrastructural facilities and
remunerations matching international standards) to bring top-tier international faculty, especially the
Indian diaspora, needs to be developed. Furthermore, the top Indian PhD aspirants, who would otherwise
pursue their studies from top universities abroad, will need to be retained in India, again through
appropriate incentivisation mechanism. One possible way could be to institute National AI Fellowships.

In the long-term, successive PhD classes of these COREs can increase the faculty pool and work towards
a sustainable operational model for COREs.

Possible focus area for the COREs for AI could be:

a) Sensory AI (Computer Vision, IoT etc.),
b) Physical AI (Robotics, Industrial Automation etc.),
c) Cognitive AI (NLP, worker training etc.),
d) General AI,
e) High precision learning from small data sets,
f) Research on new algorithms (e.g. advance cryptography, security), data sets etc., and
g) Explainable AI
An application based model may be followed to selected COREs wherein an applicant institute would
have to demonstrate a viability plan, in terms of faculty and other capabilities, before being anointed an
CORE. A CORE can choose to work on one or multiple focus areas. The COREs will be encouraged to
pursue projects across other COREs, to promote linkages and cross-functional technologies. The
financial component of COREs for AI, which could be to the tune of INR 50 crore – INR 100 crore per
CORE, should also include large scale funding for specific projects.

International Centers for Transformational Artificial Intelligence

International Centers for Transformational Artificial Intelligence (ICTAIs) are envisioned as institutions
focused on creating AI based applications for, and accelerating early adoptions in, domains for societal
importance. These applied research and development institutions should be set up with the elements of
domain or industry “pull” baked into their structure and operation. While core (or fundamental AI) research
and teaching may not be seen as their priority areas, some flexibility might be built in the structure.

From both funding and operational perspective, the ICTAIs are envisioned to be a truly public private
partnership. A professionally managed society / section 8 company (“ICTAI Inc.”) should be set up and
trusted with the initial contribution from the government. The management team for ICTAI Inc. should
comprise of suitable representation from the government, but should have a majority of independent
private sector representation. The mandate for ICTAI Inc. would be to select the ICTAIs to fund and
oversee their progress. In addition, ICTAIs may commission “moonshot projects” that may span across
multiple ICTAIs or may need limited term independent project teams to be set up.

ICTAIs are expected to leverage the strength of AI technologies to solve for application in a specific focus
sector areas. Suggested focus sector areas to begin with, as identified in this report, are Healthcare,

Discussion Paper
National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

Agriculture, Education, Smart Mobility and Transportation, Smart Cities and Infrastructure. ICTAI Inc.
however should have the autonomy to decide on sectors to focus on and sequencing of sector selection.
ICTAI Inc. should work proactively with private sector institutions to seek partnerships to set up the ICTAIs
in priority domains.

Furthermore, ICTAIs should have well-defined linkages with the COREs. As a technology feeder for
ICTAIs, COREs should be incentivised to commercialise their research at ICTAIs.

The key to success for the ICTAIs would be their leadership teams. The decision on which ICTAIs to
invest in could involve believing in capability and the vision of the proposed CEO and rest of the
management team who have applied for ICTAI funding. Alternatively, ICTAI Inc. may also search and
select a CEO and entrust her with running a particular ICTAI.

The initial funding for a ICTAI would constitute the seed funding (in the range of INR 200 crore – INR 500
crore per ICTAI) for first 5 years to cover the major operational expenses of the ICTAI, in addition to the
physical infrastructure and technology / computing infrastructure. The seed funding should be a
combination of funding from the government and private participation, preferably in equity/grant sharing
mechanism. Corporates should be free to take a predetermined amount of ownership. One corporate
should be partnered with for each ICTAI based on a “challenge method”. The incentive for corporates to
participate would arise from the following points that the government should endeavour to ensure:

a) Access to high quality training data

b) Computational and physical infrastructure

c) A chance for staff at corporates to be part of a national mission and work on challenging
problems with a higher gestation period than traditional commercial problems

d) Ability to count expenditure incurred towards CSR

e) Boost in visibility received by working on AI for social good directly with top government

The ICTAIs should raise additional funding beyond this base funding, through philanthropic / private
contributions, preferably in equity sharing mechanism as well. ICTAI Inc. may also award further
contributions to ICTAIs based on measures of success.

Each ICTAI should have a Governance Board, comprising of industry leaders, academic luminaries and
global thought leaders. The CEO and / or the industry partner (if one is there) may suggest the
Governance Board, which may be vetted and agreed by ICTAI Inc. An industry partner with sizeable
contribution may have a reasonable say in selection of the Governance Board. The responsibilities of
Governance Board will be akin to a Board of Directors / Board of Governors of any suitably large
successful corporation i.e. provide overall guidance and direction, and oversee the output for the ICTAI.
While ICTAI Inc. may lay down the success criteria for ICTAIs in general, specific targets for each ICTAI
should be decided between the Governance Board and leadership team of individual ICTAIs.

The ICTAIs should ideally be located close to top engineering institutes / close to large cities, so that
attracting the best talent from across the world is plausible. ICTAIs should also seek to leverage the
availability of students / research scholars from the engineering institutes close to them for specific
projects etc. (through internships etc.) to build the talent pool for future. ICTAIs should aim to involve the
successful AI researchers / practitioners of Indian origin from across the world in either full time or
advisory capacity. If finances are a constraint for ICTAIs to attract the best talent, ICTAI Inc. may consider
National AI Fellowships for the benefit of ICTAIs.

Discussion Paper
National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

PRAIRIE Institute, recently established by the French government in collaboration with academia and
industry, is a good potential implementational model for CTAIs.

Box 14: The PRAIRIE Institute

The PRAIRIE Institute (PaRis Artificial Intelligence Research Institute) is a collaboration of industry and
academia supported by the French government to create an institution which becomes an international
benchmark in AI.

The partners (CNRS, Inria and PSL University, together with Amazon, Criteo, Facebook, Faurecia,
Google, Microsoft, NAVER LABS, Nokia Bell Labs, PSA Group, SUEZ and Valeo) in PRAIRIE institute
are pursuing three goals:
• to drive progress in fundamental knowledge creation in AI (AI) freely distributed among the
international scientific community;
• to take part in solving concrete problems with a major application-related impact;
• to contribute to training in the field of AI.

The five-year objective is to bring together AI scientific and industrial leaders and make the PRAIRIE
Institute a world leader in AI.

The aim of the PRAIRIE Institute is to act as a catalyst for exchanges between the academic and industrial
worlds, to train new generations of researchers in AI and to play a role in leading and coordinating the
community. Transfer and innovation will be among its duties, along with scientific progress. The work
done will highlight an integrated approach to the two traditional branches of research:
• upstream research, calling on partner facilities of excellence in France and abroad;
• research focusing on companies and applications, drawing on industrial partners, who are often also
world leaders in their fields.

Integration between research topics will facilitate synergy between the two branches of the PRAIRIE
Institute and will enable researchers to make the transition easily from one to the other.
At an international level, the PRAIRIE Institute will draw on a network of partnerships with centres of AI
excellence to promote exchanges and leverage impact. Collaborative agreements have already been
signed with the Center for Data Science at NYU, the AI laboratory of UC Berkeley (BAIR), the Robotics
institute at Carnegie-Mellon University in Pittsburgh, MILA in Montréal, the Max Planck institute in
Tübingen, the CIIRC (Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics) and the Turing Institute in

Common Compute Platform for CoEs / CTAIs

For COREs and ICTAIs to discharge their duties effectively, pooled cloud infrastructure for AI applications
should be made available. All the COREs and ICTAIs should be connected to the National Knowledge
Network (NKN) and from there via a very high-speed link to a pooled cloud computing environment. This
approach will reduce infrastructural requirements due to pooling efficiencies and reduce operational and
maintenance costs while keeping national data secure (Box 15: AIRAWAT)

Discussion Paper
National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

Box 15: AIRAWAT (AI Research, Analytics and knoWledge

Assimilation plaTform)
AIRAWAT will be a cloud platform for Big Data Analytics and Assimilation, with a large, power-optimised
AI Computing infrastructure using advanced AI processing. The proposed Infrastructure will be equipped
with facilities for world’s leading machine learning including deep learning, high performance high
throughput supercomputing, infrastructure to store, process, simulate and analyse big data sets like
images, video, text, sound, speech. AIRAWAT will support advancement of AI-based developments in
image recognition, speech recognition, natural language processing for research, development and
creation of varieties of new applications for the support of advancements in the fields of Agriculture &

Infrastructure Requirements
1. AI Infrastructure: High throughput processing supercomputing systems to train the machines learn
the data sets using AI deep learning. We propose to set up a 100-AI petaflop computing
Infrastructure, like the one as JAPAN’s ABCI AI Supercomputing facility.
2. Multi-tenant multi-user computing support through resource partitioning and provisioning, dynamic
computing environment deployment, etc.
3. Energy-saving, high Teraflops per Watt per U rack space designed computing systems with low TCO
4. Deep Learning Software stack – Training and Inferencing development kit, frameworks, libraries,
cloud management software and portal for data labelling, data analytics, data transfer & data model
5. Low latency High bandwidth network
6. Mass Storage System to collect, store and share multi-petabytes of big data

Big data Labelling, Annotating, Anonymisation, Analytics, Skills development, job creation, support R&D,
Academia, startups, entrepreneurs and end users for agriculture & healthcare advancements.

Credit: nVIDIA

Pursuing excellence in research in Artificial Intelligence

To achieve technology leadership in AI, India also needs to pursue “moonshot” projects – ambitious
explorations that aim to push the technology frontier and that would require the pursuit of world class
technology development and leadership in applying AI technologies to solve some of the biggest
challenges. A potential project could be tested on a twin criteria of whether it is (a) a new technology or
scientific area that has emerged or gained traction and has the capability of solving, often in new ways,
practical problems of importance, and (b) whether it addresses emerging user needs that existing and
available technology solutions cannot address. An example could be development of advanced natural
language processing (NLP) infrastructure for Indian languages, with features of sentiment and semantic
analysis, or imaging biobank for early cancer detection.

Discussion Paper
National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

Some experts believe that such ambitious projects should be driven by the industry, since they have the
requisite resources, technical expertise and are attuned to practical use cases; and should rarely be
pushed forward by government initiatives. Google’s advances in NLP, as underlined by Duplex, is one
such example of private sector led innovation that pushes the realisable boundaries of technology.
However, the inherent risk and ambition of such projects does not necessarily lay themselves well to the
functioning and methods of most corporations.

ICTAI Inc., the overall governing body for ICTAIs, could be the DARPA (see Box 16) equivalent of AI
research in India. ICTAI Inc. should have the full autonomy on selecting the projects of importance and
executing these projects, and should be trusted with a separate budget for pursuing such projects. Some
of the key elements of execution include:

a) Projects with pre-defined durations and tenures: Although ICTAIs could adopt the moonshot
approach to select projects, the projects shall have pre-defined durations for efficient management,
timely realisation of research deliverables and financial sustainability. The type of project could
govern the timeline, for example a project that requires integration of existing AI technologies to solve
a specific problem could have a shorter duration, whereas projects which would require a unique
technological development could be allocated a timeline suitably.
b) Teams of contractors: Specialised teams of contractors who have proven credentials in advanced
technological development shall be chosen to undertake the projects. Focus could be laid more on
the qualitative impact of past research activity, and less on the size or global recognition.
c) Special emphasis on selecting the right project leaders: Project leaders with the right skill sets to lead
projects of national importance shall be key to drive the research output of projects undertaken at
ICTAIs. They shall be people with proven capabilities in applied research, and the acumen to deliver
technology in the form most suitable for India and the developing world.
d) Independence: Independence to select projects, design timelines and deliverables and allocate
budgets shall fall within the ambit of the ICTAIs with no intervention of any government agency.
Selection of the project teams based on credentials while collaborating with premier research
institutions with full independence shall ensure a robust technological development that creates
e) Fail fast model: ICTAIs shall be given the autonomy to shut down projects and shift resources to
other operational projects. With the moonshot approach for project selection, it is plausible that
certain research projects do not provide expected results in terms of efficiency, scalability or cost. In
such cases, diverting resources to other operational projects with higher probability of research
output delivery would ensure financial efficacy.

Projects could be housed at one ICTAI, but could involve working across multiple ICTAIs and COREs.

The algorithms and data used in an AI powered application are key elements in ensuring operational
success. Therefore, it is imperative that the Intellectual Property Regime in the context of AI be robust
and enforceable for innovators to have the confidence that they will be able to make profits from and take
credit for their work. This is essential for the promotion of innovation, entrepreneurship and core and
applied research in the field of AI.

Discussion Paper
National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

However, IP in the context of AI has some key differences with IP in the context of generic computer
programs or other content due to the way such algorithms are designed and trained with large datasets.
The data fed to an AI algorithm during the training step is key to its success. Keeping this and other
issues in mind, the government may set up a task force, comprising jointly of Ministry of Corporate Affairs
and DIPP to examine and issue appropriate modifications to the IP regulatory regime pertaining to AI.

Box 16: Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency

Pentagon’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) was created in 1958 as response
to increased US concerns that Soviet Union may have achieved technological superiority following its
successful launch of Spuntnik. DARPA’s founding mission was simple and nimble, “to prevent and create
strategic surprise”.

For the past 60 years, DARPA has been the beacon of scientific breakthroughs and radical innovations.
Amongst its success stories include the internet, RISC computing; global positioning satellites; stealth
technology; unmanned aerial vehicles, or “drones. While originally created for US military, the agency
has played a pivotal role in giving genesis to several multi-billion dollar industries.

What is even more impressive is DARPA’s agility and swiftness despite a small team and modest
budgetary allocations. DARPA’s total support staff is only 120 strong, and its annual budget is only USD3
billion. DARPA accomplishes most of its programs through a “specialised project” model – assembling
project specific teams of experts from universities, industry, government and non-profit, with well-defined
targets and tenures.

The three essential elements of DARPA are:

a) ambitious goals: the projects pursued by DARPA are designed to solve real-world problems or create
new opportunities. The problems are such that they can’t be solved without pursuing new frontiers or
catalysing new developments. Urgent need for application underlines the problems.
b) temporary project teams: teams of world-class experts from industry and academia are assembled
to work on well-defined projects of relatively short duration, led by accomplished technical managers.
Given the intensity, sharp focus and reputation attached, these projects attract high caliber talent
who achieve extraordinary levels of collaboration.
c) independence: DARPA has complete autonomy in selecting and running projects.

Source: Harvard Business Review article “Special Forces” Innovation: How DARPA Attacks Problems published October 2013

Gary Marcus, Professor of Psychology at NYU, mooted the idea of a CERN for AI at the #AIforGood
Summit in Geneva in June 2017. In an OpEd for the New York Times, Gary further elaborated on the

“I look with envy at my peers in high-energy physics, and in particular at CERN, the European
Organisation for Nuclear Research, a huge, international collaboration, with thousands of scientists and
billions of dollars of funding. They pursue ambitious, tightly defined projects (like using the Large Hadron
Collider to discover the Higgs boson) and share their results with the world, rather than restricting them
to a single country or corporation.”

Discussion Paper
National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

Box 17: European Organisation for Nuclear Research aka CERN

CERN, established in 1954 by 12 founding European nations, had its origins in establishing a truly
international scientific collaboration to pursue world class research in particle physics. Among the biggest
of the several achievements to come out of this remarkable collaboration, home to the world’s biggest
atom smasher (the Large Hadron Collider) include the development of World Wide Web and the discovery
of the Higgs boson (the ‘God Particle’), W and Z bosons, Antimatter etc.

CERN’s current 21 member states each contribute to the overall CERN budget (CHF1,240 million in
2013). Special contributions are made to specific projects, like Large Hardon Collider, by interested Host
States and non-member states. The biggest chunk of CERN’s budget is spent on the construction of its
enormous scientific installations, most of which are too expensive for a single country to afford.

The current state of AI, which is focused on solutions to narrow applications, and grappling with questions
around next phases of development, ethics, security and privacy may benefit from a global public AI
research institution advancing the field for the good of humanity, the “People’s AI” 31.

To achieve #AIforAll, which gives the mandate for inclusive AI for the world, the Government of India
should take the lead in bringing together the relevant parties to create People’s AI, the CERN for AI. India
has a proven track record for leading projects with ambitions of greater good. India is already playing a
leading role in climate leadership, with Hon’ble Prime Minister Narendra Modi vowing to go “above and
beyond” India’s commitment on Paris Agreement on climate change. Similarly, India has been a pioneer
in a sustained push for clean energy revolution by leading the International Solar Alliance, and setting an
ambitious target of 100GW of installed solar energy capacity by 2022. With 20GW of installed solar
capacity, India is well and truly on its way to achieving this target. With the Government of India’s focus
on inclusive growth which saw several transformational reforms in the last few years, India is poised and
most suited to wear the mantle of leading the #AIforAll movement. Furthermore, India offers the best
possible test bed and a plethora of use cases for building AI solutions fulfilling the inclusive AI criteria, be
it in healthcare, education or agriculture.

While the modalities of funding and mandate for this #AIforAll should be the subject of further
deliberations, the proposed centre should ideally be funded by a mix of government funding and
contributions from large companies pursuing AI (GAFAM, BATX etc.). Where should this centre be
located? Nowhere and everywhere. While the CERN had the requirements of physical facilities such as
the Large Hadron Collider, #AIforAll could be distributed across different regions and countries. The
Government of India, through NITI Aayog, can be the coordinating agency for initial funding and setting
up the requisite mandates and human and computing resources.

The mandates of the #AIforAll should include challenges of AI that are common to other countries and
large corporations and startups alike, and the foundational components that could truly make AI inclusive
and good for all. Suggestive technology topics could include:

a) General AI;

b) Opening the Black Box / Explainable AI;

c) Advanced anonymisation protocols for data security and privacy;

31 “The People’s AI: democratizing AI research and development”

Discussion Paper
National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

d) Ethics in AI; and

e) AI approach to solving world’s biggest problems in healthcare, education, urbanisation, agriculture


A start has been made by OpenAI, set up by the likes of Elon Musk and Sam Altman, with a mission to
discover and enact the path to safe artificial general intelligence. Similarly, Declaration on Cooperation
in Artificial Intelligence was signed by 25 states of European Union on 10 th April 2018. What is needed
though is a commitment and collaboration of truly international standards to develop and ensure #AIforAll.

Discussion Paper
National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

Skilling for the AI age

Getting India ready for the AI wave

History suggests how technology has disrupted the nature of jobs and the skills required to perform them,
requiring the global workforce to continuously adapt. Advent of AI has accelerated this disruption to a
pace that has not previously been seen, due to the wide range of capabilities it offers and speed at which
it is developing.

NASCCOM predicts that by 2022, a startling 46% of the Indian workforce will be engaged in entirely new
jobs that do not exist today or jobs that have radically changed skill sets 32. Some other sources estimate
that demand for AI and machine learning specialists in India is expected to see a 60% rise by 201833. In
the data domain as well, an independent study estimated that India will face a demand-supply gap of
2,00,000 data analytics professionals by 2020.

In the IT-BPM sector, traditional software developer roles are set to transition to roles such as computer
vision engineers, Robotic Process Automation (RPA) engineers and cloud architects, among others. At
the same time, completely new job roles such as language processing specialists and 3D modelling
engineers are set to arise as the technologies are increasingly adopted and deployed 34. With AI, such
transition would move beyond the IT sector and affect sectors such as education, health, agriculture,
finance etc, requiring the underlying skill sets.

32 Future of Jobs in India: A 2022 Perspective, 2017

33 KellyOCG, India
34 Future of Jobs in India: A 2022 Perspective, 2017

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National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

Figure 21: Transition in jobs and skill sets


The demand for new-age jobs is accelerating in India, and can be attributed to three major factors35, viz.
increased adoption of technology; shift in market demographics and de-acceleration of globalisation.

Figure 22: Impact of primary forces on jobs in 2022

Future of
Jobs in
India: A

As technology adoption increases across sectors, so will the demand for skills required to implement
them. India’s growing middle class and millennial demographic form a major part of the market for
technology enabled products. As the size of these demographics increases, so will the demand for these
products, and thus the workforce that can enable their creation. Increased globalisation played a major
part in the creation of jobs in the services sector. However, as the permeation of automation increases,

35 Future of Jobs in India: A 2022 Perspective, 2017

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National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

and protectionism among previous markets for these services becomes predominant, it is important to
recognise that these jobs will see a large overhaul.

India may appear to be relatively well positioned to take advantage of the AI disruption by virtue of its
advanced IT sector and large youth demographic potential to establish itself as the future hub for AI
related activities. However, given the poor availability of qualified faculty and researchers, this advantage
could fast transform into a liability without urgent government interventions towards promoting access to
such skills. This is a critical component of AI development, and should be a national priority.

Changing nature of the global service sector, uncertain impact of automation in manufacturing, and poor
infrastructure can pose a challenge to the task of enabling up-skilling or re-skilling.

Shifts in the outsourcing needs of developed economies have the potential to impact India dramatically.
As multinational companies move toward ‘in-shoring’ or ‘no-shoring’ due to development of automation
technology and increasingly protectionist measures globally, it is of critical importance that the
outsourcing industry (which currently accounts for roughly 15% of India’s total labour force) adapts to
these changing needs accordingly.

Figure 23: India IT-BPM sector


As indicated below, automation could affect even traditional sectors in a variety of ways. Agriculture is
predicted to see a net decrease in jobs due to automation, while the job opportunities in the construction
sector are predicted to improve significantly. These large scale shifts in employment depend largely on
the nature of technology being developed as well as deployed, and are very hard to predict for any
informed policy intervention.

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National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

Figure 24: Impact of automation

Jobs Lost,
in a Time of

Multiple studies have underlined the lack of employment readiness of STEM graduates, thus highlighting
the poor standard of education in engineering colleges in India. As per some estimates, almost 80% of
engineering graduates are unemployable on graduation. Low availability of specialised faculty; lack of
flexibility in curriculum revisions in engineering and computer science courses to keep up with rapid
advancements in technology; and low levels of interdisciplinary research in AI related fields to facilitate
an AI education for non-computer science engineering (and vice versa), are just some of the factors that
have led to this scenario.

At the school level as well, poor outcomes in Maths and reading are particularly troubling, since these
subjects form the foundation of knowledge required to move to an AI related education, and later jobs in
the domain.

For addressing issues relating to skilling, a two-pronged approach is warranted, one set of interventions
aimed at the workforce and the second for the students.

1. Workforce
Re-skilling of the current workforce will require integration with relevant existing skilling initiatives, building
of new platforms that can enable improved learning, and novel methods of allowing large scale
employment generation through promotion of AI.

a) Incentivising creation of jobs that could constitute the new service industry: To tackle the challenge
of shifts in the services industry, it is important to identify and promote creation of jobs that may
replace traditional IT-BPM sector jobs in the future. These jobs would ideally be a part of the AI
solution development value chain, but require a relatively low level of expertise so as to create
employment at scale. Tasks such as data annotation, for example, have the potential to employ a
large quantum of human resources, and serve countries all over the world in otherwise capital

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National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

intensive projects. Tasks such as image classification or speech transcription require low levels of
expertise and present an opportunity to exploit labour cost arbitrage to serve companies globally.
Specific policy interventions could be considered like tax holidays, inclusion under CSR activities,
etc. to help solve the dual problem of workforce job displacement and creation of expertise in
fundamental sections of the solution development value chain.

Box 18: Impact sourcing through Samasource

Samasource is a pioneer in impact sourcing of technology services, the practice of hiring people from the
bottom of the income pyramid and directly raising them out of poverty by providing digital work for
companies like Google, Walmart, eBay, and many startups.

About two-thirds of their work is in managed services for image capture and annotation. They need a
large pool of skilled, detail-oriented workers to identify the appropriate images or video frames and
manually tag the scene, specific regions (a forest), or objects (a wolf) with the specific keywords the
customer requires for their application.

Samasource quotes its top objective as ‘creating technology jobs for the impoverished while delivering
the highest quality work in a cost-effective manner’. This guided Samasource to focus on East Africa,
where the majority of the population has completed secondary or high school, and has a good
understanding of basic English language. They have a dedicated training organisation that works within
the local communities to identify qualified men, women and youth in need and assess them for key skills.
For those with strong visual acuity, there is general computer and business skills training and a 3-week
dedicated machine learning and image annotation training track with example projects and ongoing
assessments that lead to graduation

As workers get moved to projects, there is another set of qualification tests and project-specific training.
Once they pass those, they are moved into production for the project and their work is reviewed daily by
the QA team to correct mistakes and resolve interpretation or requirements issues (do you want to tag a
traffic light facing away from the camera?). These reviews are done both locally and in the US, allowing
real-time feedback with many checkpoints throughout the project lifecycle, reinforcing Samasource’s
tightly managed approach to quality.

Samasource reportedly provide jobs and digital skills training to people below the poverty line in Kenya,
Uganda, Haiti, and India. Since the company started in 2008, Samasource has been able to hire nearly
8,000 people. As a result, they’ve could transition themselves and their dependents out of poverty and
provide living wages, transforming over 30,000 lives.

b) Recognition and standardisation of informal training institutions: The increasing demand for AI or
data related job positions has not gone unnoticed by the Indian workforce, with a large percentage
of them opting for training institutions to bridge their knowledge gaps. In technology hubs such as
Bengaluru, this has led to many traditional IT training institutions establishing courses in new age
technologies. However, their standard of education is hard to assess for companies looking to hire.
Implementation of recognised certificate courses through higher education institutions could be a
major boost to recognising resources spent on re-skilling, and holding these institutions to standards
in delivery of knowledge. International School of Engineering (INSOFE), for example, provides
certification recognised by the Language Technologies Institute of Carnegie Mellon University (CMU)
for a post-graduate program in data analytics and optimisation. Jigsaw Academy’s data science post-
graduate program gets its students certified from the University of Chicago Graham School.

Discussion Paper
National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

Integration and application of existing standards such as laid out by the National Skill Qualification
Framework (NSQF) should also be explored. Given that standards in areas such as big data exist
but are not used by institutions for certification also highlights the need for them to be designed in
closer collaboration with the private sector.

c) Creation of open platforms for learning: Initiatives such as the NASSCOM Future Skills Platform will
play an instrumental role in large scale dissemination of requisite skills to some major sections of the
employed workforce. Online and self-learning platforms, such as Coursera and edX, are able to
connect learners to the best universities and institutions from around the world, and can play a crucial
role in this scenario. There is need to bring out guidelines for promoting these while ensuring
uniformity, standards and usability. As in the promotion of MOOCs, large scale deployment and
adoption of these platforms requires stringent measuring of quality, and recognition of their

d) Creating financial incentives for reskilling of employees: Initiatives in reskilling of employees or

allowing employees to undergo reskilling initiatives have a high opportunity cost for private
companies, and may affect their willingness to let their employees engage in the process at scale. It
is thus suggested that co-funded models between the government and companies be explored, in
the IT sector particularly. Financial incentives for private companies could include payroll taxes which
are dedicated to subsidising training opportunities, income tax deductions for companies participating
in reskilling initiatives, special taxes to be paid if a minimum training budget is not disbursed, as well
as public grants for subsidising training especially for smaller sized firms. Considering also the time
required for reskilling, and the cost it entails to employers, financial incentives may also be tied to
mandatory allocation of time for reskilling activities by companies for their workforce. However, in the
absence of standardisation of training modules and institutions, such initiatives could be prone to

2. Students
The education sector needs to be re-aligned in order to effectively harness the potential of AI in a
sustainable manner. In primary and secondary schools, there is a need for transition to skill based
education in subjects relevant to AI. Often criticised for being overly knowledge intensive, Indian
education is in urgent need of transition particularly in subjects relevant to STEM, or computer based
education. As jobs based on technology become prominent, so will the need to develop applied skills in
a continuously changing environment.

Increased amount of project related work across education levels, promoting schemes like the
establishment of ATLs (Atal Tinkering Labs) in schools, necessary change in curricula in schools, are
some of the steps that need to be considered to promote early adoption of technology organically.

In higher education institutions there is need for increased collaboration between industry and academia
through creation of channels of communication between faculty and industry to promote exchange of
ideas and expertise. Various avenues of collaboration need to be explored, including workshops,
incentives for guest lectures by professionals and institutional arrangements for regular re-design of
courses in collaboration with the private sector.

Lack of qualified faculty that poses a serious problem in the present scenario can be addressed through
innovative initiatives like credit-bearing MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses). Acceptability and
adoption of these decentralised teaching mechanisms can be ensured through prescribed certification in
collaboration with the private sector and educational institutions. Initiatives such as the SWAYAM

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National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

platform36, are in the right direction but these need to be further reinforced through additional investment
and collaboration with the private sector and educational institutions in order to meet the market

Countries like the USA, that have a thriving student and research community engaged in AI, have
effective bridge courses, generally at post graduate levels for non-related fields. Thus at a post-graduate
level, the focus shifts to creating incentives to conduct research in domestic institutions and allow cross-
disciplinary collaboration and education. Similar initiatives are required in Indian educational space with
bridge courses in AI for post-graduates in non-computer science or data science domains to encourage
cross-domain research and the ‘AI + X’ paradigm. One year courses could be explored that will enable
students of a range of subjects to build foundations of knowledge in the AI space, and effectively apply
domain expertise to solve pressing problems.

This is an ever evolving area and needs to go beyond the one time solutions with an institutional
framework in place that is responsive to changing scenarios. Such a framework would enable a more
sustainable and customised solution. A standing committee or task force comprising of all stakeholders
may be constituted by the government with the objective of examining and reporting the changes in
employment caused by AI in India. This taskforce would consider not only IT related activities, but the job
ecosystem as a whole. As AI continues to evolve, this will facilitate evidence based decisions in funding
of educational institutions, promotion of specific sectors, and channelling of human resources to be most
efficiently utilised.

36developed by the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) and the Ministry for Human Resource Development

Discussion Paper
National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

Accelerating Adoption
AI across the value chain

Global Context
Adoption of AI globally is still in its nascent stages, but growing rapidly. A 2017 survey by Statista finds
that 78% of firms globally are either using AI extensively, or have plans for use in near future. Firms in
China and the US especially, are proactively engaging with their research communities to enable early
adoption and position themselves competitively.

Figure 25: Survey of global firms on adoption of emerging technologies in 2017 (In which of the
following new and emerging technologies is your organisation making investments over the next year?)


A McKinsey report on “AI: The next digital frontier” concludes that AI adoption outside of the tech sector
is at an early and often experimental stage and deployment at scale has been rare. In the survey of 3,000
AI-aware top management executives, across 10 countries and 14 sectors, only 20% use any AI related
technology at scale or in a core part of their businesses.

As the field is rapidly evolving, investments made in core AI research and product development is another
indicator of adoption. The McKinsey report estimates that organisations invested around USD26 – USD39
billion in AI while USD6 – USD9 billion was invested in startups in the year 2016.

Adoption of AI in India has been slow and remains limited. Estimates indicate that only 22% of the firms
in India use AI in any business process37. Indian startups have been able to raise just USD87 million in
2017, as against over USD28 billion raised by the Chinese startups in 201738.

Low adoption of AI technologies in India is particularly troubling, given the country’s prominence in
the global IT industry that could have given it the natural first mover’s advantage in AI. However, the IT
industry in India has remained content in delivering traditional IT services and has been slow to adapt to
new digital technologies compared to its counterparts in China and the US.

37 Intel and IDC Survey Report, dated

38 XinhuaNet “AI sector sees big investment, financing in 2017”

Discussion Paper
National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

Despite its sectoral leadership and programming talent, India’s IT industry with over USD160 billion
annual revenue, has yet to build pioneering AI / ML capabilities commensurate with its potential.
Nevertheless, the top 5 IT service companies have begun to use AI to cut costs and automate business
processes. Wipro has built Holmes, an AI platform that deploys “bots” to carry out repetitive and mundane
tasks. TCS has created its own AI platform, Ignio, and Infosys has built Nia, improving upon its earlier
Mano platform. While promising, these early efforts remain far from revolutionary.

The limited success of Indian technology players to effectively adapt and carry forward the AI revolution
suggests the need for government intervention to promote AI adoption, lest India lose the chance to
secure a prominent position on the global AI map. While acknowledging the need to promote AI,
governments at different levels, along with their various instrumentalities, should adopt proactive
measures to accelerate AI adoption in various processes.

The major market segments for the increased AI adoption are:

(a) Private enterprises: mostly driven by market and enterprise considerations,

(b) Public Sector Undertakings: imperative to drive up the operational efficiency of PSUs, and

(c) Government: improve process efficiency, reduce human discretion, eliminate middlemen, advance
prediction, pro-active and predictive service delivery to citizens.

The steps taken by the government, in terms of incentives or in providing infrastructural platforms, will
have varying control and influence on all these segments – least on private enterprises to most on
government agencies.

AI adoption in India will face the following challenges:

(d) Lack of adequate talent to build and deploy AI systems at scale. An estimate claims that only 4% of
AI professionals in India have worked on emerging technologies such as deep learning and neural
networks. There is also a significant gap of PhD research scholars in the field.

(e) Difficulty in access to industry specific data required to build customised platforms and solutions
currently concentrated in the hands of a few major players. It is difficult for new entrants to deliver
tailor made services that can compete with data rich incumbents such as Facebook or Google. This
phenomenon results in the creation of a virtuous cycle which reinforces the hegemony of the big few,
creating a huge entry barrier for startups.

(f) High cost and low availability of computing infrastructure required for development, training and
deployment of AI based services. Cloud infrastructure, though growing rapidly, has limited capability.
Also lacking are AI-as-a-service models of cloud platforms. Lack of infrastructure has led to many
Indian AI startups to incorporate their business outside the country, which makes AI outside the reach
of Indian researchers in government labs and many industries. Initiatives like GI Cloud (MeghRaj),
are in the right direction.

(g) Low awareness of AI for resolving business problems in most public enterprises and government
agencies, especially given the scarcity of AI professionals, is obstructing adoption.

Discussion Paper
National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

Following specific initiatives are recommended for promoting AI adoption in the country:

Recommendation 1: Creating a multi-stakeholder Marketplace

To encourage the development of sustainable AI solutions at an appropriate price point for sectors such
as health, education, and agriculture, it is necessary that a level playing field be ensured and a supportive
environment be created for all players in the value chain. The development of any working AI-based
product is a long process with very different specialised activities that are necessary for final delivery, just
like any other product or service value chain.

Figure 26: AI Value Chain

It is exceedingly difficult for a small or medium business / startup to vertically integrate all these processes
and have the internal capacity to deploy them simultaneously before even entering the market. Therefore,
this acts as a barrier to entry for new players. On the other hand, for different firms to take up different
activities and still deliver useful products, a strong, stable price discovery mechanism has to exist for
incentives to align and sustainable business models to come up for the different parts of the value chain.
Another well documented and substantial barrier to entry is the difficulty of acquiring the raw material
(data) in the first place since as noted above, most usable data is in the hands of a few players.

Towards providing a level playing field, addressing information asymmetry, and incentivising and
simplifying collaboration between the various stakeholders in the AI ecosystem, a marketplace may prove
to be a potent tool provided it enables the following:

(a) Discovery of required AI component: ability to reference assets, be it data or ML models, and
services, such as annotation, and enable curation and rating of these assets.

(b) Platform to execute transactions: with mechanisms to exchange value of a specific good and service
for currency or subscription models for APIs.

(c) Verification of transactions: ability to verify the occurrence of transactions and the receipt of goods or
services in exchange for currency.

Such a marketplace model would benefit by:

a) Reducing asymmetry of information: With a reasonable volume of transactions, aberrations caused

due to data oligopoly will reduce, thus reducing the spread in pricing and effectively incentivising
both data owners and AI model creators.

b) Encouraging specialisation in different niches by firms and creation of novel business models: Easy
availability of raw components required at different stages of the AI solution development cycle
would allow firms to focus on specific problems, rather than attempt to build capability across the
value chain. For example, a new segment of startups could entirely focus on the problem of curating
raw data to be put on the marketplace, rather than attempting to do all the above at once.

Discussion Paper
National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

Consequently, such startups will see a better market for VC funding as they will be able to
substantially mitigate their business risks, if an easily accessible, formal market for raw data exists.

c) Unlocking new sources of data and enabling more efficient use of computational and human
resources: Estimates suggest that only 1% of data today is analysed due to its existence in various
unconnected siloes. For example, medical imaging / diagnostic centres today are collecting valuable
data. It is currently not used to its potential as there is no way for diagnostic centres to build predictive
disease models without hiring AI experts, renting computational expenditure, and indeed shifting
gears completely to become an AI company. In the presence of a formal market with a fair
mechanism of price discovery, such diagnostic centres would have an incentive to collect this data,
have it curated, and place this data in the market with appropriate permissions and safeguards.
Concurrently, machine learning experts in AI firms would be more productive as they could focus on
the problem of creating the model rather than that of sourcing the data and curating it.

d) Address ethical concerns regarding data sharing: Today, transactions and buying of data occur in
an informal marketplace. However, there is no mechanism currently to ensure that appropriate
permissions are taken from the actual data owners before data custodians share the data. Going
back to the example of diagnostic centres (which are data custodians in this case), it would become
necessary for firms to take consent of individuals getting imaged to aggregate and sell their data.
This could create mechanisms through which individuals are ultimately compensated. In this way,
the informal market for data could be nudged towards entering the formal economy.

Recommendation 2: Facilitating creation of large foundational annotated data sets

In India, lack of annotated data in the domestic context has emerged as a major impediment in
development of AI solutions for both startups and core research alike. Availability of general data corpora
which can be applied across product functions can serve to provide a ready source of data (in ‘plugin’
mode) to startups and enable solutions customised to the Indian context. There is evidence to suggest
that ready availability of large corpora can spur research and innovation in the field of machine learning.

Figure 27: Breakthroughs in AI

By its very nature, this task is laborious and despite innovations in automatic annotation, such as the
development of GoogleNet object classification, human annotation and training of data sets are not

Discussion Paper
National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

expected to be replaced in the near future. This is best exemplified by the thriving investments and
startups in this area. As lately as 2017, Alegion, Scale, CloudFactory, Mighty AI, and CrowdFlower, all
companies that enable human intervention to data annotation, have received about USD50 million in
investment funding.

Given the nature of this task, it is necessary for the government to explore assistance in building of large
corpora of data across domains, as a means of laying the foundation for startups and enterprises to build
applications and services which are tailor-made to the Indian context, and in the process lowering entry
barriers for startups and academia while also encouraging international expertise to focus on problems
in the Indian context.

In areas such as native language NLP (Natural Language Processing) for diverse Indian languages, for
example, the funding for creation of these data sets can add incremental value to existing services across
many domains, ranging from e-commerce to agricultural advisory. Co-funding by the government would
also enable enforcing of standards across development of data sets, and allow interoperability at a large
scale. A collaborative approach where the government acts as a catalyst is recommended as a way

Recommendation 3: Partnerships and collaboration

AI is a highly collaborative domain, and any framework aimed at promoting AI needs to be aligned
accordingly. A multi-pronged approach, involving various stakeholders and promoting a collaborative
approach is required for promoting development of AI tools as well as adoption of AI in different fields of

Perkmann and Walsh (2007) studied different degrees of partnership in research and categorised them
in three categories, each having different characteristics.

Figure 28: Categories of partnerships in Research

In India, Academic Entrepreneurship is being taken up through mechanisms such as the development of
dedicated e-cells in institutions such as IIT Bombay, IIT Madras and IIM Ahmedabad, among others. Low
degrees of partnership, such as direct transfer of knowledge, is being taken up by MNCs and startups
that make use of scientific publications and informal interaction to develop. Research partnerships are

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National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

also being explored, but in a very limited capacity. Other partnership mechanisms, however, are all but

(h) Collaboration between Research Organisations is required to promote the ‘AI+X’ paradigm where
the AI researcher works in close collaboration with the researcher in other domains like healthcare,
manufacturing, agriculture, etc. Several successful US universities have co-located departments
which enabled close collaboration. DARPA in the USA has close linkages with research facilities
housed in academic institutions, and has taken up major initiatives for promoting research and
innovation in collaboration with private enterprises and startups alike. In India these domains are not
naturally connected, primarily due to the structural nature of both academia and research labs. To
promote AI in the country, and fully realise the ‘AI+X’ paradigm, it is also necessary to enable such
cross-sectoral collaboration, e.g. between a medical doctor and a computer scientist, to lead research
for application of latest technology in solving medical problems and also making real data available
in the process.

(i) Industry-Research Collaboration is required to help continuously scale and improve the initial
research output based on user feedback from the market. For example, in the domain of search
engines, several search datasets like TREC, SMART, etc. were made available by the US universities
during the 1970-80s to develop the technology of information retrieval and search. This in turn led to
development of several search engines such as Yahoo! and Alta Vista during this period. Over time,
this led to improved smarter systems until Google became the market leader in the late 1990s.

(j) Collaboration with trade bodies and Venture Capitals is essential for successful functioning of a
profitable business which involves various other elements, like deriving the optimal business model,
managing human resources, advertisement / marketing and many varied functions depending upon
the type of technology and underlying business. Trade bodies and associations are very important
for collaborating with other people in similar businesses, as they can share information about the
common problems, possible solutions and access to learning from the ground. Such bodies help in
collectively identifying new international markets for such products / technologies and in
lobbying/negotiating for favourable trade norms with the national and international bodies.

Recommendation 4: Spreading awareness on the advantages AI offers

Another major hurdle in adoption is low visibility for the work being done across the country. Unless
known through networks, work is often duplicated without knowledge of previous work done in the area
and consultation with experts. There is a need for an AI Database on an online portal for registered people
to access and find this information. This database, primarily managed by the government, could serve as
a single source of truth for experts and projects being implemented. The resources can include details
like researchers stating their expertise, and professionals with hands-on experience on developing AI
solutions showcasing their credentials. This knowledge base can also become a forum for sharing various
discussion related to research collaboration, and finding relevant collaborators and finding professionals
to deliver on AI projects.

There is need to make senior level officials among government agencies, public sector undertakings, and
other domestic firms aware of the numerous advantages that AI offers, by organising workshops and live
demonstrations of possible AI applications and how its implementation can help augment the human
workforce, rather than displace it. The constitution of an annual ‘AI Readiness Index’ may also be
considered, as highlighted in the DIPP Task Force report on Artificial Intelligence. This may also be further
expanded to highlight best practices across states, to be shared in various fora. NITI Aayog, given its
mandate of competitive and cooperative federalism, could undertake this task. It has already collaborated

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National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

with organisations such as Google to organise capacity building training and workshops for government

Recommendation 5: Supporting startups

Startups and smaller firms are the engine for growth in a dynamic evolving economy like India, and are
constrained in the AI space, thus requiring targeted government interventions.

(a) Incubation hubs specifically for AI startups in collaboration with State Governments and private sector
stakeholders need to be set up to provide space, and other infrastructure facilities for new startups
to incubate along with interacting with other startups at various levels of maturity in order to interact
and provide advice.

(b) Establishment of fund to provide grant funding to startups to facilitate their operation and business.
This should be aimed at assisting startups to sustain the initial years of business when they are
unable to generate venture capital funds or have to sacrifice a large share of the business for early
stage seed funds.

Proposed modules of the National AI Marketplace (NAIM)

It is proposed that the marketplace, called here as National AI Marketplace (NAIM), be divided into 3
distinct modules, at least in early stages of development. These are as follows:

a) Data marketplace

b) Data annotation marketplace

c) Deployable model marketplace / Solutions marketplace

The AI development value chain, discussed above, is supported by these three modular marketplaces in
terms of easing collaboration, reducing time and cost of collecting & annotating data, and bringing multiple
solutions deployment at one place for scale and network effect.

Figure 29: Enablers for AI value chain

The marketplace mechanism being proposed here will be aimed at easing the adoption efforts of all
participants – private enterprises, PSUs, governments, startups and academia. A common platform which
brings together enterprises and AI solution builders will trigger off the initial collaboration towards building
AI solutions and adopting them at scale.

Discussion Paper
National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

Figure 30: Stakeholders for the proposed NAIM

Data marketplace
Today, incumbents continue to enjoy an oligopoly in building sustainable business models in AI for two
main reasons: (a) they can successfully buy data in the informal market setting due to availability of
resources and reach to negotiate one-time contracts continually, and (b) they have specialised
departments to work on different facets of the development value chain. In the process of informal data
acquisition as well, there is no proper price discovery mechanism in place. Compounded with the issue
of a huge asymmetry of information in the sector between data providers and buyers, data providers are
likely to be substantially underpaid.

This further compounds the problem of data access and thwarts the creation of a healthy marketplace as
well as incentives. In a formal marketplace being proposed here, new entrants in the AI model creation /
training space will find it easier to raise resources for buying data. This will be due to VCs having enough
information to verify the funding demands and a lower risk resulting from a more level playing field and
equitable access to new data sources.

While data has been compared to oil ad nauseam, there are a few differences which must be highlighted:

a) Reusability: Copied data is as valuable as the ‘original’. Therefore, traceability of ownership is a

challenge for a viable marketplace model where the originators of the data should get compensated
from resale of the data.
b) Compounding value: Unlike oil, the value of a dataset increases not just with quantity but also
structural complexity. For example, the value of a health dataset of a million individuals and an
education dataset of the same individuals is more than the sum of its parts because of the value
added by the connections between the different elements. Therefore, it is difficult to quantify the value
of new datasets as it is dependent on the existing datasets one has and how one plans to connect
the new data with the existing data.

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National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

c) Permanence: Unlike the oil, the inventory of data continually increases with time. However, this raises
the complexity in transporting larger and larger datasets.

d) Ubiquity: Since data is ubiquitous and continually increasing in quantity, it follows that a way to
automatically curate new datasets is needed so that any market does not overwhelm users with
outdated or irrelevant data.

The fundamental properties of data and its collection outlined above create challenges which make the
creation of a centralised data marketplace difficult. The primary assumption of a data marketplace in
operation is that data custodians will share the data on the marketplace. Organisations may be reluctant
to do so. Further, the operations of the data exchange, financially sustained by transaction fees and rigid
pricing models, also add to inefficiencies and discourage data sharing.

Features of a viable data marketplace – how it can be implemented?

To incentivise a larger supply of AI training data sets and services, it is necessary to ensure availability
of data, an audit trail mechanism to curb reselling of the same data, and ways to address security and
privacy concerns. One solution is to have a centralised, trusted party to host the data on behalf of data
providers and enforce the rules of the game. However, this is not practical for a variety of reasons, not
the least because most data providers will not agree to let a replicable resource such as data be stored
somewhere else, but also because of cost, control and trust concerns.

A more effective way to address these concerns is a decentralised data marketplace that is based on
blockchain technology.

The exchange platform should have the following features for data providers to share data:

a) Traceability,
b) Access Controls,
c) Compliance with local and international regulations, and
d) Robust price discovery mechanism for data

The proposed data exchange marketplace will attract data providers and model builders / trainers to build
AI products. The process of exchange, with enforced provisions of privacy and anonymisation, brings a
market determined value to data and thus forces the existing informal data exchange economy, without
any privacy protection, to move towards a formal economy.

The government can establish a committee of experts, researchers, AI developers and regulators to
create the standards the data marketplace will adhere by and explore how can it be put in implementation.

The unique approach that one such initiative, i.e., Ocean Protocol has taken is to create what they call a
Proofed Curation Market with two subcomponents: (a) Data exchange validation on blockchain, (b) Data
curation market based on a derivative token. The former lays out a mechanism for data and value
exchange, the latter enables the market to decide which datasets are important and creates an incentive
for even free data to be put on the platform. Essentially, data consumers can bet on the viability of even
free data and thereby earn money.

See Appendix III for more on data ecosystems as enablers.

Data annotation marketplace

Of the three marketplace modules defined, the data annotation marketplace is perhaps the most mature.

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National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

Given the large costs associated with the annotation exercise, a popular mechanism that has emerged
is that of crowdsourcing using un-trained or non-expert anonymous annotators on the internet. Though
this gives rise to its own set of challenges, it may be considered a solution to the problem of cheaply and
quickly acquiring annotations for the purposes of constructing a variety of models. To understand the
potential of crowdsourcing, consider the observation of a research paper in 2004 39: a crowd of 5,000
people playing an appropriately designed computer game 24 hours a day, could be made to label all
images on Google (425,000,000 images in 2005) in a matter of just 31 days.

However, some challenges that emerge in the annotation crowdsourcing process are as follows.

a) Creation of verification mechanisms: Dependence on untrained professionals gives rise to issues in

ensuring high accuracy in annotation and thus potentially higher accuracy of the trained algorithm.
Verification mechanisms such as multiple annotation, verification of samples by trained professionals,
etc. are some of the ways to solve this problem.

b) Establishing verified traceability: Mechanisms must thus be put in place to identify poor annotators,
and create mechanisms to reduce the effect of error generated.

Features of a data annotation marketplace – how it can be implemented?

Platforms such as Amazon’s MTurks, Figure-Eight (previously known as CrowdFlower) or ClickWorker
are perhaps the most popular crowd-sourced annotation platforms. Each allows for building of
mechanisms of verification such as multiple annotations, creation of test cases, sample verification by
professionals, etc. to increase accuracy of annotations.

Analysis indicates that most annotation tasks can be categorised on the basis of sensitivity to expertise
of annotators. This is defined as the degree to which annotator expertise can affect the accuracy of
annotation. The figure below considers how approaches to the annotation process could differ with
changing nature of the task.

Figure 31: Approaches to annotation

Sensitivity to Example of task Motivation Potential Verification mechanism

degree of expertise annotators

Classification of
GWAP, ML, General
Low object in Multiple annotations
ALTR population
presented image

Classification of College students, Multiple annotations,

High ML
medical scans professionals, Verification by professionals

GWAP = Games with a purpose, ML = Mechanised labor for financial incentives, ALTR = Altruistic motivation

Simple object classification or regional language translation are examples of tasks that have low barriers
to annotator expertise. However, tasks such as classification of medical images, requires robust
mechanisms to verify annotations, and also ensure verified traceability to identify poor annotators, and
create mechanisms to reduce the effect of error generated.

In India, vast public datasets are available at organisations such as ISRO (India Space Research
Organisation), ICAR (Indian Council of Agricultural Research), All India Radio (AIR) and NIC (National

39 Luis von Ahn and Laura Dabbish, 2004, Labeling images with a computer game

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National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

Informatics Center) among others, but are unfortunately largely unused due to lack of proper annotation,
prohibitive cost associated with the process, and lack of proper mechanisms for acquisition. It is
envisaged that these datasets be used to create initial corpora of datasets, and encourage enterprise
action in the area. A crowdsourced platform for annotation, on the lines of the highly popular government’s
citizen participation platform, can be established by the government (to be operated by a private
player) where seed data for annotation can be provided by the organisations mentioned above.

Deployable Model Marketplace

Given the level of market for AI tools, AI-as-a-Service business model, and a plethora of standardised
problems faced by enterprises at scale, a deployable model segment in the marketplace, which brings
together the buyers and suppliers of AI solutions, can greatly ease and expedite the adoption of AI. It
would give visibility to the existing solutions, address information asymmetry and generate awareness
amongst the relevant constituents. This AI-as-a-Service model segment would further build upon and
synergise with the previous two layers of the marketplace model viz. data and annotation.

Many objectives aimed to be achieved by AI algorithms can now be categorised as standardised

problems. The following are some of the standardised and ubiquitous problems most of organisations
face in their activity streams:

a) object detection in images or video streams;

b) conversational smart chatbots (text and speech);
c) speech-to-text and text-to-speech;
d) assistive diagnostic solutions;
e) language recognition and transcription;
f) contextual data mining to discover complex patterns;
g) price optimisation;
h) data collection, curation and annotation for specific business use;
i) supply and demand forecasting; and
j) server, app and web uptime/downtime prediction.

Here models refer to the weights of the AI model trained on the data, which contains the predictive power.
The inferencing of the model will require integration with other IT stacks and will be a customised process.
Hence, this module of the marketplace should focus on defined deployable models that can be bought or
sold. These models could either be bought and sold as data, or more likely, as a service or an API layer
that can be charged per use.

The model marketplace will attract enterprises which can post problems which they are seeking to be
solved using AI tools. Governments can be another party to announce specific problems which they
intend to be solved. This demand side will be supported by the community of AI solution developers
(consisting of startups, enterprises, individual researchers etc.) who will either showcase their existing
developed and tested product suites, or customise their products as per the demand placed by
enterprises. Academic researchers will be another major beneficiary of the marketplace as they will get
valuable insights about problems faced by the industry and will get access to real industry data.

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National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

Figure 32: Stakeholders of NAIM

Challenges to adoption of a marketplace model for AI models are as follows:

a) Ensuring quality: Marketplaces require continuous monitoring and maintenance of quality. For
example, Amazon enforces this on vendors, and this goes beyond user ratings. Continuous scrutiny
of products, sellers and buyers will be required.

b) Responsive product development required: The correct set of features of this platform will have to be
discovered through iteration and adaptation, since there isn’t precedent of such AI platforms to draw
from. The platform should allow for trial based access to models to allow for iterative product
evaluation by buyers.

c) Sophistication of PSUs for data sharing and evaluation against specs: If data is to be provided over
the platform, solution-seekers will need to know how to provide clean datasets, balance data to
sufficiently represent infrequent occurrences, hide test data for evaluation of solutions while sharing
training data, define appropriate specs, decide on appropriate evaluation methods, etc. The platform
should be able to prescribe some basic standards for data sharing which will allow non-ML savvy
PSUs to post problems and data.

d) Incentives for seeding network effect: The marketplace needs a certain critical mass of solution
seekers and providers for gaining traction, to subsequently trigger network effects. This is true of all
marketplaces. Incentives to attract both seekers and providers initially will need to be figured out.
PSUs and government agencies may act as initial seeders/users of the platform with right incentives
and mandates.

e) Potentially rich feature set needed for adoption: Such platforms can work well when there are systems
like a credible rating system, payment escrow, search and sort to aid discovery, recommendation
engines, etc. These will need to be established at NAIM also.

How can the stakeholders engage in NAIM?

NAIM, as a marketplace for enterprises, will encourage all business entities, government agencies,
startups, AI researchers, system integrators and academic research institutions to sign up on the
platform. Following may look like a snapshot of the marketplace where all the stakeholders engage in
their respective activities on the platform:

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National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

Private / public sector enterprises

a) Hospitals: assistive diagnostics for physicians and radiologists.

b) Distribution companies: predict peak load, identify default prone customers.

c) Travel and tourism: predict peak traffic routes, pricing optimisation customers, offer alternative
routes/modes for traffic optimization.

d) Large industrial or real estate establishments: smart power management, utilities management, real-
time failure detection and analysis.

e) Cinema: automated subtitles in regional languages (speech-to-text and translation).

Government authorities
a) Traffic authorities and police: real-time object detection in CCTV video feeds, face detection and
object tracking, number plate detection.

b) Citizen engagement: conversational chatbots (speech and text) in Indic languages for grievance
redressal and query management.

c) Document analysis and management: text recognition and sentiment analysis from physical
documents, analysis and summary.

d) All India Radio and Prasar Bharti: speech-to-text services for transcription and analysis.

e) Road and rail transport: face and eye movement detection (at the edge) for analysing driver fatigue
and alarm signal, freight route optimization.

f) Agriculture: crop health and soil health analysis through remote sensing and IoT, farmer advisory
services for input control and market demand prediction.

AI Solution Providers
a. India AI startups: solutions for natural language processing and Indic languages, diagnostic
assistants, image recognition/object detection.

b. Industrial Internet-of-Things: capturing data from machines and providing insights in areas of energy
management, retail and inventory management.

c. On Edge AI devices: CCTV video feed monitoring and warning signals.

d. Academic Research Institutions.

e. Centers of Excellence: access to industry data for various use cases, model training and evaluation.

Box 19: Why the focus on PSUs

Private enterprises run on the basis of market conditions and business drivers of revenues and profits.
Due to either absence of markets or failure of efficient markets, many sectors of operation of PSUs are
for achieving socio-economic goals of equality and distribution of wealth. There is not much incentive for
PSUs for improving operational efficiency; they are further constrained by regulations imposed on publicly
funded entities in activities of procurement, manpower hiring etc.

Technology adoption, especially AI, can significantly improve operational efficiency and drive down
operational costs incurred by PSUs operating in financially unsustainable but socially critical areas. This

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improvement in operational costs will make them financially more viable. The NAIM allows the public-
sector firms to directly scout for solutions which they can use in their business operations by significantly
easing their information search for solutions. Additionally, PSUs and government agencies can also be
the first driver of the network of the NAIM where initial pool of problems and industry data is shared by
them which will attract several solution developers, especially startups and researchers to sign up for the

Mechanisms to realise marketplace model

It is proposed that a decentralised data marketplace based on distributed ledger technology be set up. In
the future, such a platform can enable advanced privacy preserving AI techniques such as multi-party
computation directly on individual pieces of data.

Instead of attempting to build such marketplaces, which it is not equipped to do so, the government
should come out with enabling regulations, such that these marketplaces can be set up by private players.
These would include regulations and standard permissions for any personal data being sold, standards
for anonymisation, standards for ensuring annotation accuracy, and cybersecurity standards for the
module dealing with deployable models.

An initial effort may be made by the government to build the NAIM platform where all relevant
stakeholders can sign up. However, open market competition will allow other marketplace operators to
come in with innovative services and up-to-date data on suppliers and buyers on the marketplace. NAIM
will lead to a more engaging collaboration, quicker and easier data access and accelerated adoption of
AI among enterprises and public authorities in the country.

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National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

Ethics, Privacy, Security and Artificial

Towards a “Responsible AI”

AI is going to be the tipping point in technological evolution of mankind, with human dependence on
machines and algorithms for decision making never been such deep. Thus, any strategy document on
promoting AI, necessarily needs to be conscious of the probable factors of the AI ecosystem that may
undermine ethical conduct, impinge on one’s privacy and undermine the security protocol. Appropriate
steps to mitigate these risks need to be an integral part of any such strategy.

While the issue of ethics would concern the biases that an AI system can propagate, the privacy concerns
are largely on collection and inappropriate use of data for personal discrimination. Issue of security arises
from the implications and the consequent accountability of any AI system.

While addressing the above issues, one needs to be conscious of the potential vulnerabilities of our
extant regulatory and societal structures which are dependent on human judgment and control, and thus
subject to inherent biases and discrimination. Thus, to say that extant decision making systems –
individual, societal, regulatory or even judicial – are entirely devoid of these shortcomings would be a
fallacy as these are dependent upon human limitations of knowledge, precedent, rationale and bias
(explicit or subconscious). Delegation of some aspects of that decision making to algorithms, which may
well be able to ingest and process many more parameters as compared to a human, may likely result in
systems with reduced bias, discrimination and improved privacy protection. However, even if a
technological intervention helps us delegate that responsibility to an algorithm with improved outcomes,
it is extremely important that we set much higher standards for privacy and protection in case of AI tools.

Ethics and AI
Fairness / tackling the biases AI

Based on the premise that a large set of well-diversified data may be an accurate description of the world,
most of the developer community takes a technocratic attitude that data-driven decision making is good
and algorithms are neutral. However, this argument does not recognise the fact that the existing data
may have biases, which may have got reinforced over time. The issue of fairness is at the forefront of
discussion in academic, research and policy fora, and definitely merits a combined dialogue and
sustained research to come to an acceptable resolution. One possible way to approach this would be to
identify the in-built biases and assess their impact, and in turn find ways to reduce the bias. This reactive
approach, use-case based, may help till the time we find techniques to bring neutrality to data feeding AI
solutions, or build AI solutions that ensure neutrality despite inherent biases.

Transparency / opening the “Black Box”

Presently, most AI solutions suffer from what is commonly known as the “Black Box Phenomenon”, with
very little or no understanding of what happens in between and only the input data and results being the
known factors. This is due to the reliance in most current AI systems to incrementally improve the
performance as defined by a narrow set of parameters, with developer’s emphasis being less on how the

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algorithms are achieving the requisite success. However, calls for explaining the decision-making
process will gain momentum as AI systems are increasingly relied upon for decision making that has
significant consequences for a large section of population.

Opening the Black Box, assuming it is possible and useful at this stage (there is considerable debate on
that as well), should not aim towards opening of code or technical disclosure – few clients of AI solutions
would be sophisticated AI experts - but should rather aim at “explainability”. With extended disclosure
though, what needs to be balanced is whether the algorithm’s parameter may induce the individuals and
companies to change their behavior and in turn game the system. Clearly, more collaborative research
is required in this area.

Box 19: Decoding Explainable AI

Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) is an evolving area of research which has received a lot of attention
from the research community and the broader society alike. XAI project by DARPA is one such project
which has shown substantial progress in explaining how and why machine learning algorithms work in a
certain way. The aim of the XAI project, as described by DARPA is:

The Explainable AI (XAI) program aims to create a suite of machine learning techniques that:
• Produce more explainable models, while maintaining a high level of learning performance; and
• Enable human users to understand, appropriately trust, and effectively manage the emerging
generation of artificially intelligent partners.

The machine learning algorithms of tomorrow should have the built-in capability to explain their logic,
enumerate their strengths and weaknesses and specify an understanding of their future behavior.

Figure 33: XAI Concept

XAI is one of a handful of current DARPA programs expected to enable “third-wave AI systems”, where
machines understand the context and environment in which they operate, and over time build underlying
explanatory models that allow them to characterise real world phenomena.

In May 2018, XAI researchers are expected to demonstrate initial implementations of their explainable
learning systems and conduct pilot studies of their Phase 1 evaluations. Full Phase 1 system evaluations
are expected in November 2018.

Credit: DARPA Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI)

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National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

Privacy and AI
AI models, solutions and their application depend on generation, collection and processing of large
amounts of data on individual, entity and community behaviour. Data collection without proper consent,
privacy of personal data, inherent selection biases and resultant risk of profiling and discrimination, and
non-transparent nature of AI solutions are some of the issues requiring deliberation and proper recourse.

However, the current debate on data usage have two distinct aspects. Firstly, there are concerns that
companies are harvesting significant amounts of consumer data and using it inappropriately to gain
insights about consumers. Key here is that the consumer may not have access to these insights or the
ability to derive value from them. Beyond compliance, companies can consider how to create awareness
of how they use consumer information and the value they provide in return, which can build trust in their
brand and services.

Secondly, there are concerns that companies are amassing large data sets and thereby building an unfair
competitive advantage. Datasets themselves have little intrinsic value without the ability to extract
meaning from them. The dataset is a necessary, but not the only, component of delivering meaningful
insights from data. Having the tools to analyse it and the experience to understand its meaning are the
others. While those that have access to large datasets and by the nature of their business models have
data network effects, which enables them in turn to build a first mover advantage when it comes to
perfecting their algorithms and driving business value, this does not necessarily negatively impact the

Dealing with privacy issues

a. Establish a data protection framework with legal backing: The work being done by Justice
Srikrishna Committee on data protection law is very opportune and timely. The 7-core principles
of data protection and privacy – informed consent, technology agnosticism, data controller
accountability, data minimisation, holistic application, deterrent penalties and structured
enforcement – are quite comprehensive and should provide a strong privacy protection regime
in the country once enacted.

b. Establish sectoral regulatory frameworks: Apart from having a central privacy protection law, due
to diverse and fast changing nature of the technology, sectoral regulatory frameworks may also
act as additional protection to user privacy and security. Japan and Germany have developed
new frameworks applicable to specific AI issues such as regulating next generation robots and
self-driving cars respectively.

c. Benchmark national data protection and privacy laws with international standards: European
Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) guidelines, which have been enforced in
May 2018, encourage design of less-privacy invasive systems. French laws give a right to
explanation for administrative algorithmic decisions, making it much more comprehensive than
GDPR on administrative decisions. India’s privacy protection regime will have to be continually
updated to reflect understanding of new risks and their impact.

d. Encourage AI developers to adhere to international standards: Leaders and practitioners from

across the world have come together to frame standards for safe and privacy preserving AI. The
Global Initiative on Ethics of Autonomous and Intelligent Systems of the IEEE has a chapter on
‘Personal Data and Individual Access Control in Ethically Aligned Design’. Indian enterprises and
developers need to build these standards into AI design itself.

e. Encourage self-regulation: Data Privacy Impact Assessment Tools can be used by AI developers
and enterprises adopting AI solutions to manage privacy risks.

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f. Invest and collaborate in privacy preserving AI research: New mathematical models for
preserving privacy are being researched upon where risks of data exploitation and personal
identification (from an anonymised dataset) can be reduced by limiting information one can gain
from released data, irrespective of amount of side information available otherwise. India should
collaborate on areas of research like Differential Privacy, Privacy by Design, Safety-Critical AI
and Multi-Party Computations which enable protection of privacy despite data sharing at a wide

g. Spread awareness: Privacy has been termed as a fundamental right by the Supreme Court of
India. The protection of this right with its multiple facets in a fast-changing technological
environment will not just depend on State enforcement but by also making the citizens aware of
their rights and how they can protect them. People often unknowingly give consent to sharing
their data which they would not have ordinarily done had they known the purpose their data were
being put to. There is an urgent need to spread awareness among the individuals about the
importance of consent, ethics and privacy while dealing with technology. A pan-India campaign
in multiple languages, and inclusion of privacy rights in school and college curriculum can serve
as effective mass outreach mediums to spread awareness.

Box 20: Differential Privacy

A concept developed by Cynthia Dwork in 2006, Differential Privacy aims at preserving identifiable user
information irrespective of any outside information the aggregator agency holds. The dilemma of giving
personalised service to users based on their individualised preferences while at the same time ensuring
that user is not uniquely identifiable, using the data collected or any other public data, is not solved by
traditional privacy preserving methods of cryptography. Differential privacy describes a promise, made
by a data holder, or curator, to a data subject: “You will not be affected, adversely or otherwise, by
allowing your data to be used in any study or analysis, no matter what other studies, data sets, or
information sources, are available.” It addresses the paradox of learning nothing about an individual while
learning useful information about a population.

Security in AI
The accountability debate on AI, which in most of the cases today is aimed at ascertaining the liability,
needs to be shifted to objectively identifying the component that failed and how to prevent that in the
future. An analogy can be drawn to how the airlines have become a relatively safe industry today. Every
accident has been elaborately investigated, and future course of action has been determined. Something
similar is needed to ensure safe AI.

One possible framework that can be mooted involves the following components:

a. Negligence test for damages caused by AI software, as opposed to strict liability. This involves
self-regulation by the stakeholders by conducting damage impact assessment at every stage of
development of an AI model.

b. As an extension of the negligence test, safe harbours need to be formulated to insulate or limit
liability so long as appropriate steps to design, test, monitor, and improve the AI product have
been taken.

c. Framework for apportionment of damages need to be developed so that the involved parties bear
proportionate liability, rather than joint and several liability, for harm caused by products in which

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the AI is embedded, especially where the use of AI was unexpected, prohibited, or inconsistent
with permitted use cases.

d. Actual harm requirements policy may be followed, so that a lawsuit cannot proceed based only
on a speculative damage or a fear of future damages.

India can also take a leaf out of UK’s playbook, where GBP9 million is being invested to establish a new
Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation, aimed at enabling and ensuring ethical, safe and innovative uses
of data, including AI. This will include engaging with industry to explore the possibilities of establishing
data trusts to facilitate easy and secure sharing of data. A consortium of Ethics Councils at each Centre
of Excellence may be set up to define the standard practice (on the lines of OpenAI charter). It would be
expected that all Centres of Excellence adhere to standard practices while developing AI technology and

Discussion Paper
National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

Actions for the Government

Achieving the goal of #AIforAll requires long term and engaged institutional collaboration between all
the stakeholders including the citizens. However, while playing the primary role in ensuring that this
collaborative strategy succeeds, the government needs to be mindful of not crowding out the private
sector. Role of the government thus needs to be one of a facilitator, an active promoter and wherever
required, of an owner.

This section summarises the key recommendations, and the role of the government.

Figure 34: Government’s role

Area Recommendation Government role

Research and Application
Core Research Setting up Centre of Identify academic institutions, provide fiscal
Research Excellence for support to establish COREs focusing on core
AI (COREs) technology research in AI.
PhD Scholarships Institute National AI Fellowships to retain
outgoing PhD students and attract researchers
from foreign universities with attractive
incentives and challenging projects.
Inter-academia Incentivise research collaboration between
collaboration premier academic institutions through special
grants while facilitating the formation of a global
expert pool for core AI research.
Faculty Fellowships Provide Faculty Fellowships or Chairs in
academic institutes to promote research in AI.
Applied Research Setting up of Invite Expression of Interests (EoIs) from
International Centres for industry players to lead ICTAIs in various
Transformational AI sectors (health, education, agriculture, smart
(ICTAIs) mobility and smart cities), in collaboration with
the government and academia. Build
governance structure, provide fiscal support,
formulate an IP model for ICTAIs and set up the
ICTAIs under a PPP model through “challenge
Setting up ICTAI Inc., Establish “ICTAI Inc.” as either society / section
overarching entity for 8 company, with initial contribution from
ICTAIs government and private sector representation,
to select and fund ICTAIs.
Common Compute Setting up AI Research, Set up a common cloud platform for Big Data
Platform Analytics and Analytics and Assimilation with a large, power-
knoWledge Assimilation optimised AI Computing infrastructure
platform (AIRAWAT) connecting all COREs, ICTAIs and other
academic institutions with National Knowledge
Intellectual Property Building an attractive IP Set up a task force, comprising jointly of Ministry
regime for AI innovation of Corporate Affairs and DIPP, to examine and

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issue appropriate modifications to the IP

regulatory regime pertaining to AI.
Supra-national Setting up CERN for AI Take the lead in bringing together the relevant
collaboration parties to create People’s AI, the CERN for AI –
national governments, industry, academia and
international community of researchers.
Reskilling and Training
Workforce Promote formation of Incentivise creation of service sector jobs of the
future service sector future such as data annotation through tax
jobs holidays or inclusion in CSR activities.
Recognition and Set up AI / Data Science training standards, as
standardisation of per National Skills Qualification Framework, and
informal training provide certifications to training institutes.
Promote employee Incentivise investment in training of employees
reskilling through tax breaks and grants for employers.
Colleges Expansion of quality Incentivise colleges / universities to adopt
education in data credit-bearing MOOCs in their curriculum.
science and AI
Promote cross- Introduce Bridge Courses in AI for post-
disciplinary AI education graduates in non-computer science or data
science domains.
Schools Introducing AI / ML in Introduce AI modules in Atal Tinkering Labs.
Overall Continuously assess the Constitute a standing committee or taskforce to
changing nature of jobs examine and report on changes in employment
induced by adoption AI.
Accelerating Adoption of AI
Data Sharing Opening up government Establish platforms for making datasets in the
datasets area of social sector (either collected during
implementation of a scheme or in normal
business processes) available for open public
use in a machine readable form.
Data Annotation Creating and making 1. Catalyse partnerships with the various
India specific annotated academic institutions and public /
datasets public (on the private agencies in making annotated
lines of ImageNet) India specific data available for
advancing AI research.
2. Explore partnerships and co-fund
building of large corpora of data across
domains, as a means of laying the
foundation for startups and enterprises
to build applications and services tailor-
made to the Indian context.
Crowdsourcing Annotation of data – Announce grand challenge tasks for tagging of
Annotation images, text, speech images, text or videos, and devising reward
etc. via crowdsourcing based mechanisms through data market place
to aggregate the content from the various
participating members.
Nation-wide Enabling a multi- Create governance guidelines, explore
adoption stakeholder owned and partnerships and co-fund the establishment of:
1. Data marketplace

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National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

managed National AI 2. Data annotation marketplace

Marketplace 3. Deployable model marketplace
to develop the data supply ecosystem, ease
collaboration, reduce time and cost of collecting
& annotating data, and bring multiple solutions
deployment at one place for scale and network
Visibility in Making information Set up an AI Database portal for easy
Collaboration search for collaborations dissemination of information on projects being
easier implemented via collaboration among
startups to enable resource matching.
Awareness and Making decision makers 1. Workshops, live demonstrations,
Adoption in aware about 2. AI Readiness Index to highlight best
Government transformative potential practices across states, and
of AI 3. Create Central-State shared fund for AI
led development projects to be taken up
by States.
Government and Making governments Help create a pipeline of AI research projects for
PSUs as seeders for and PSUs leaders in the COREs, ICTAIs through grand challenges to
network effect adoption of social AI be given by the government and PSUs.
tools Incentivise public agencies to adopt and employ
AI in delivering service through financial
support; extra budgets for R&D; tax incentives
and awards.
Partnerships and Industry – Academia – Encourage close collaboration between
Collaboration Trade Bodies – Venture industry, academia, trade bodies and venture
Capital Collaboration capital to implement “AI+X” paradigm.
Startup Support Support systems for AI Establish incubation hubs and venture funds
based startups specifically for AI startups in collaboration with
State Governments.
Responsible AI Development
Ethical and Making COREs and Set up a consortium of Ethics Councils at each
Responsible ICTAIs adopt ethical CORE and ICTAI to define the standard
Research in AI practices practices and monitor their adoption.
Privacy and Security Instituting a data privacy Address and implement data protection
legal framework framework, which protects human rights and
privacy without stifling innovation in India.
Creating sectoral Collaborate with industry to come out with
regulatory guidelines sector specific guidelines on privacy, security
and ethics – on manufacturing, financial
services, identity, telecommunication, robotics
Collaborating on privacy Support COREs to do research in new
preserving technology mathematical models and technology for
research in AI preserving privacy; encourage international
Sustainable Setting up Centre for Set up CSTS to address issues relating to
Research Studies on ethics, privacy, legal aspects, social
Technological sustainability and global competitiveness of the
Sustainability (CSTS) technologies developed.

Discussion Paper
National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

Financial implication of recommendations

A greater understanding of the financial implications of the recommendations made in this report will be
realised after consultations with the different stakeholders. Given the emphasis on research, skilling
and creation of the ecosystem, the recommendations would involve a significant budgetary allocation
by the government. This would be in addition to funds being provided as part of the Digital India and
Startup India initiatives.

Discussion Paper
National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

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Discussion Paper
National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

Discussion Paper
National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

Appendix I: Artificial Intelligence Explained

An Executive Guide to Artificial Intelligence 40
Machine Learning: a definition
Most recent advances in AI have been achieved by applying machine learning to very large data sets.
Machine learning algorithms detect patterns and learn how to make predictions and recommendations
by processing data and experiences, rather than by receiving explicit programming instruction. The
algorithms also adapt in response to new data and experiences to improve efficacy over time.

40 Replicated from McKinsey Analytics An Executive Guide to AI

Discussion Paper
National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

Understanding the major types of machine learning

Supervised Learning Unsupervised Learning Reinforcement Learning

What it is? An algorithm uses training An algorithm explores input An algorithm learns to
data and feedback from data without being given an perform a task simply by
humans to learn the explicit output variable trying to maximise rewards
relationship of given (e.g., explores customer it receives for its actions
inputs to a given output demographic data to (e.g., maximises points it
(e.g., how the inputs “time identify patterns) receives for increasing
of year” and “interest returns of an investment
rates” predict housing portfolio)
When to You know how to classify You do not know how to You don’t have a lot of
use it? the input data and the classify the data, and you training data; you cannot
type of behavior you want want the algorithm to find clearly define the ideal end
to predict, but you need patterns and classify the state; or the only way to
the algorithm to calculate data for you learn about the
it for you on new data environment is to interact
with it
How it 1. A human labels every 1. The algorithm receives 1. The algorithm takes an
works? element of the input unlabeled data (e.g., a action on the
data (e.g., in the case set of data describing environment (e.g.,
of predicting housing customer journeys on a makes a trade in a
prices, labels the input website) financial portfolio)
data as “time of year,” 2. It infers a structure from 2. It receives a reward if
“interest rates,” etc.) the data the action brings the
and defines the output 3. The algorithm identifies machine a step closer
variable (e.g., housing groups of data that to maximising the total
prices) exhibit similar behavior rewards available (e.g.,
2. The algorithm is (e.g., forms clusters of the highest total return
trained on the data to customers that exhibit on the portfolio)
find the connection similar buying 3. The algorithm optimises
between the input behaviors) for the best series of
variables and the actions by correcting
output itself over time
3. Once training is
complete – typically
when the algorithm is
sufficiently accurate –
the algorithm is
applied to new data

Discussion Paper
National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

Deep Learning: a definition

Deep learning is a type of machine learning that can process a wider range of data resources, requires
less data preprocessing by humans, and can often produce more accurate results than traditional
machine learning approaches. In deep learning, interconnected layers of software-based calculators
known as “neurons” form a neural network. The network can ingest vast amounts of input data and
process them through multiple layers that learn increasingly complex features of the data at each layer.
The network can then make a determination about the data, learn if its determination is correct, and use
what it has learned to make determinations about new data. For example, once it learns what an object
looks like, it can recognise the object in a new image.

Discussion Paper
National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

Understanding the major types of deep learning

Convolutional neural network Recurrent neural network

What it is? A multilayered neural network with a A multilayered neural network that can
special architecture designed to extract store information in context nodes,
increasingly complex features of the data allowing it to learn data sequences and
at each layer to determine the output output a number or another sequence
When to use When you have an unstructured data set When you are working with time-series
it? (e.g., images) and you need to infer data or sequences (e.g., audio
information from it recordings or text)
How it Processing an image Predicting the next word in the
works? sentence “Are you free …..?”
1. The convolutional neural network
(CNN) receives an image – for 1. A recurrent neural network (RNN)
example, of the letter “A” – that it neuron receives a command that
processes as a collection of pixels indicates the start of a sentence
2. In the hidden, inner layers of the 2. The neuron receives the word “Are”
model, it identifies unique features, and then outputs a vector of
for example, the individual lines that numbers that feeds back into the
make up “A” neuron to help it “remember” that it
3. The CNN can now classify a different received “Are” (and that it received it
image as the letter “A” if it finds in it first). The same process occurs
the unique features previously when it receives “you” and “free,”
identified as making up the letter with the state of the neuron updating
upon receiving each word
3. After receiving “free,” the neuron
assigns a probability to every word
in the English vocabulary that could
complete the sentence. If trained
well, the RNN will assign the word
“tomorrow” one of the highest
probabilities and will choose it to
complete the sentence

Discussion Paper
National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

Appendix II: Global Country Strategy Review 41

What is happening around the world in AI?

Countries around the world are becoming increasingly aware of the potential economic and social
benefits of developing and applying AI. For example, China and U.K. estimate that 26% and 10% of their
GDPs respectively in 2030 will be sourced from AI-related activities and businesses. There have been
tremendous activity concerning AI policy positions and the development of an AI ecosystem in different
countries over the last 18 to 24 month – the USA published its AI report in December 2016; France
published the AI strategy in January 2017 followed by a detailed policy document in March 2018; Japan
released a document in March 2017; China published the AI strategy in July 2017; and the U.K. released
its industrial strategy in November 2017.

Governments are reviewing and developing their position on the following areas to rapidly grow AI

a) Trigger demand in socially relevant sectors / segments

b) Gear up the supply side to fulfil demand – infrastructure (including data ecosystem, data stacks,
high speed computing, etc.), talent, research

c) Set up an enabling system—governance, funding, partnerships

Trigger demand in socially relevant sectors

Different countries have identified different focus areas for AI development and deployment:

a) the USA: areas of interest include economic prosperity, educational opportunities, quality of life,
national and homeland security. The USA is focusing on growing the AI ecosystem through public
spending on contracts, e.g., the US Department of Defense spent over USD2.4 billion on AI-
related technology in 2017 (2x increase from 2015).

b) China: areas of interest include education, healthcare, energy, transport, quality of life, city
planning /IoT / robotics. China is focusing on developing and using AI for delivery of public
services through financial support, developing talent pipeline, and leveraging international

c) Japan: areas of interest include industrial productivity improvement, healthcare, medical care
and welfare, mobility and information security. Japan is focusing on moving from the "Industry
4.0" paradigm to "Society 5.0" through the development of AI use cases for delivering public

d) France: areas of interest include healthcare, environment, transport mobility, defence-security.

The government is planning to support AI startups through data availability, public spending and
talent reskilling.

41 Source: McKinsey

Discussion Paper
National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

e) U.K.: areas of interest include services, life sciences, agriculture and public-sector applications.
The government is focused on growing innovative tech firms and making deals with the private
sector to solve AI use-cases for delivery of public services.

Gear up the supply side to fulfil demand


Most governments have taken the following two action steps, in varying degrees of engagement, to
upgrade infrastructure and build a data ecosystem:

a) Creation of a data-solutions marketplace

b) Invest in upgrading computing infrastructure, 5G networks, etc.

Many countries have been reviewing a range of initiatives to facilitate creation of these marketplaces and
upgrading computing infrastructure as well as connectivity. For example:

a) U.K. is exploring the feasibility of creating data trusts where the process of data sharing and
storage is underwritten by the government. There is also a focus on defining data rights for
potential participants on the platform. There are plans to invest GBP1 billion to upgrade digital
infrastructure including rolling out 5G and full-fibre networks.

b) Japan has announced expanding its R&D tax exemption to include AI and big data as well as
subsidies for building new robots with integrated AI. Its focus is on developing sector-specific
platforms for public and private development of AI, followed by interlinking of different platforms
to create an integrated AI ecosystem.

c) France is trying to streamline its innovation track with "innovation sandboxes" which would
provide an open platform for innovation and offer resources for use in field-testing, etc. AI
research institutes would have supercomputers specifically designed for AI usage and devoted
to researchers and their economic partners during their shared initiatives.

d) China is focused on developing open source innovation platforms in partnership with private
players like Baidu, Alibaba, and Tencent. Funding is available for 5G networks to enable
"intelligentisation" and deployment of supercomputers, high performance semiconductor chips
for AI use.

e) the USA is facilitating the creation of open source software libraries and toolkits, e.g., Open NLP,
Weka toolkit, etc.


Countries are also significantly increasing allocation of resources for STEM talent development through
investment in universities, mandating new courses (e.g. AI and law), and offering schemes to retrain

a) U.K. is planning to increase its R&D spend to 2.7% of its GDP by 2027, investing GBP42 million
in teacher development and GBP64 million in the retraining scheme including digital training.
They are planning to make it easier for Tier-1 applicants working on AI subjects to obtain work
permits and have a path to residency. They are also planning to build over 1,000 government
supported PhD institutions by 2025 and set up a Turing fellowship to support an initial cohort of
AI fellows.

Discussion Paper
National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

b) France is trying to triple the number of AI graduates in three years by offering new courses and
doubling the starting salary of researchers in public institutions. They also want to attract talent
from across the world by offering substantial salary hikes, supporting improvements in the quality
of life and reducing administrative formalities. Further, France and the US have labs and panels
to assess the impact of AI on the workforce.

c) U.S. is planning a USD200 million grant for STEM education focusing on computer science
matched by a USD300 million industry grant.

d) Japan has convened a “national consultative body” with 3 universities and the Japan business
foundation to develop education programs for reskilling.

e) China has launched a five-year university program to train at least 500 teachers and 5,000
students working on AI technologies. The program is a collaboration between government
bodies, private companies and universities including Sinovation Ventures. China has set in
motion a plan to develop 50 world-class teaching institutes and research institutions, 50 national-
level high quality online open courses and 50 AI faculties by 2020 as part of the “AI+X” program.


Universities and research institutions from the USA, China and Japan have led the publication volume
on AI research topics between 2010 and 2016. In the US, Carnegie Mellon University (CMU),
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Stanford are the top three universities in mean count
of papers published across AI, systems, theory and interdisciplinary areas 42. These universities have
been pioneers of AI research in the US and have more than 100 faculty members across different areas
of AI research.

a) CMU has one of the oldest AI programs in the world – it was also one of the first to offer an
undergraduate program. It has started the CMU AI program which is a collaboration forum for
faculties across seven departments to work on multidisciplinary AI topics.

b) MIT has launched the Intelligence Quest to discover the foundations of human intelligence and
its application to develop technology and tools.

c) Stanford has a AI4ALL program to increase diversity in AI research and education.

These three universities also feature on the top of any list on infrastructure and industry relations, e.g.,
IBM’s Watson was developed in research collaboration with CMU:

Discussion Paper
National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

Research and ▪ 100+ faculty members ▪ CS & AI lab has 1200+ ▪ 80+ faculty across 17
course-work across departments people working on 900+ research focus areas
▪ 1000+ students engaged in projects ▪ Andrew Ng is an adjunct
AI research and education ▪ Research ranges from associate professor for
▪ Launched undergrad degree algorithm and theory to Machine learning
in AI applied AI and machine ▪ AI4ALL programme to
▪ IBM’s Watson, World learning increase diversity in the field
champion robot soccer ▪ Launched MIT Intelligence of AI research
players, etc. quest to discover the
foundations of human
intelligence and develop tools

Research ▪ State of the art robotics ▪ Computational genomics lab ▪ Stanford AI lab – Toyota
facilities institute ▪ Distributed robotics lab center for AI research
▪ AI stack ▪ Vision lab
▪ Design for AI lab

Research ▪ U.S. department of defence ▪ $240 million investment from ▪

partnerships ▪ NASA IBM for 10 years ▪ Google
▪ Amazon ▪ 60+ member companies ▪ DiDi
▪ Google across telcos, finance, ▪ Panasonic
▪ Microsoft consumer electronics ▪ UST Global
▪ Oculus ▪ Tencent
▪ Samsung

Source: Press search

Chinese universities have also established extensive research partnerships with Baidu, Alibaba and

a) Baidu has announced a USD104 million partnership with the Peking University to further research
in AI-related topics including information science and medicine.

b) An AI centre for law and legal issues was also unveiled at the Peking University to research on
applications to improve legal efficiency while decreasing burden on judges.

c) Alibaba’s Aliyun is working with the National Engineering laboratory on big data systems and
software at the Tsinghua University.

Japanese research has historically been hardware centric with robotics as one of the major focus areas
of development. With the growing demand for AI, academia in Japan is rapidly reorienting itself to
theoretical and applied research in the sector. Riken Centre for Advanced Intelligence Project and
Advanced Industrial Science and Technology are the nodal research institutes for industry collaboration.

With AI led disruption of multiple industries, it is imperative for traditional industry players to increase
speed and agility of insight generation, design and digitise customer journeys as well as develop
efficiency in delivering journey transformations. Consequently, traditional players like GE and Merck are
investing heavily to power their offering through AI interventions.

Discussion Paper
National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

Make existing
more efficient ▪ Optimizing vaccine ▪ Uses Al-driven ▪ Use Al and ML to ▪ Intelligent employee
yield using ML on predictive predict ATV and to management, e.g.
huge quantities of maintenance tools in generate city-wise intelligent
manufacturing data mining activities to personalized scheduling
halve operations and recommendations Face/voice
maintenance costs recognition for cash
deposit, customer
Offer new
services and
products to ▪ Tesla DC accelerator ▪ Watson, its Developer ▪ Offers predictive ▪ Amelia: NLP based
▪ Deep Learning SDK Cloud Platform and analytics on buying intelligent customer
▪ Tegra mobile Watson based APIs potential and B2B services
processor ▪ TrueNorth: chip pricing to current
▪ DL supercomputer structure for neural service users through
DGX-I networks testing Einstein
▪ Offers ML based healthcare big data platform
for personalized health analysis and prediction
models ▪ Provides AI based face recognition software ▪ Developed an autopilot system allowing
and robotics, e.g. KoalaCam automatic emergency breaking and traffic-
aware cruise control

Source: Press search

Set up an enabling system


Most of the governments have established / utilised existing centralised umbrella body for budgetary
planning of AI interventions and for formulating strategy and drafting policies. The National Science and
Technology Council in the USA, Strategic Council for AI technologies in Japan, AI council in the U.K. are
nodal agencies for planning and designing AI initiatives. These central bodies typically consist of
ministers, representatives from industry and nominated members from academia, e.g., the UAE has a
Minister of State for AI. Similarly, for implementation and delivery of AI initiatives:

a) U.K. has a dedicated department "Office of AI" to collaborate with multiple departments,
ministries and other stakeholders to deliver AI projects

b) France has a shared specialist centre of 30 members to help provide specific inputs and
implement projects in other departments

c) In China and Japan, individual ministries and departments are responsible for implementing AI
solutions across different sectors. For example,

i. China: National Development and Research Commission, Ministry of Science and

Technology, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Central Military-Civil Fusion
Development Commission Office, the Central Military Commission (CMC) Science and
Technology Commission, and the CMC Equipment Development Department, etc.

ii. Japan: Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport
and Tourism, and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, etc.

Discussion Paper
National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

While due importance is given to the central planning and implementation entities, the role of local
governments in solving area-specific challenges through application of AI is becoming increasingly
important. For example,

a) London has a Smart City board and a Chief Digital Officer to apply best practices in smart
infrastructure and AI.

b) Over 19 Chinese cities, including Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, Tianjin, have been
mandated to develop their own city-level AI agenda.

Utilising AI-related solutions at the grass-roots level to solve real local challenges has the potential to
truly democratise its use.


Governments are significantly increasing the funding for the AI ecosystem.

a) Apart from the increase in R&D spend to 2.7% of its GDP, U.K. has created a GBP725 million
industrial strategy challenge fund, GBP1.7 billion for transforming cities fund, reforming
enterprise investment scheme and venture capital trusts to unlock GBP7 billion over 10 years.
Additionally, they have instituted a GBP2.5 billion investment fund at the British Business Bank
to incubate tech startups and reforming rules for pension funds to mandate inclusion of AI in their
investment portfolio.

b) Japan is planning to increase its science and innovation budget by JPY900 billion by 2020 for AI.
Different Japanese ministries are also funding R&D centres, e.g., Ministry of Economy, Trade
and Industry (METI) is funding R&D centres at the National Institute of Advanced Industrial
Science and Technology (AIST).

c) France is planning to spend EUR1.3 billion to develop AI-led interventions.

d) China is funding a massive growth in network infrastructure and creating megaprojects.

e) the USA is increasing its spend on AI-related contracts with the Department of Defense alone
spending USD2.4 billion. Other large spenders include departments of agriculture, veteran affairs
and homeland security.

Private companies have dominated the investment in AI with internal corporate investments as the
biggest mode of spend. Other large sources of funding for startups within the sector include venture
capital (VC) and private equity (PE). The two biggest areas funded are machine learning and computer
vision, followed by natural language processing, autonomous vehicles and smart robotics.

Discussion Paper
National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

Technology giants dominate investment in AI

Investment in AI, 20161 Investment by tech giants and other corporations
$ billion

Compound annual
growth rate2 AI share of total
% investment
category, 20163
8–12 2010–13 2013–16 %

M&A 55 85 <1
corporate 18–27
6–9 VC, PE, and
other external Private
equity 15 20 1–3

Venture 35 40 2–3

1 Estimate of 2016 spend by corporations to develop and deploy AI-based products. Calculated for top 35 high tech and advanced manufacturing companies investing in AI. Estimate is
based on the ratio of AI spend to total revenue calculated for a subset of the 35 companies.
2 VC value is an estimate of VC investment in companies primarily focused on AI. PE value is an estimate of PE investment in AI-related companies. M&A value is an estimate of AI deals
done by corporations. “Other” refers to grants and seed fund investments. Includes only disclosed data available in databases, and assumes that all registered deals were completed
within the year of transaction. Compound annual growth rate values rounded.
3 M&A and PE deals expressed by volume; VC deals expressed by value.

Source: McKinsey Global Institute report on ‘Artificial Intelligence and the next digital frontier’

Digital native companies in the USA and China are exploring new areas for the development and
application of AI to solve customer-centric use-cases. These range from developing smart AI game
systems like Google’s AlphaGo, to virtual assistants like Amazon’s Alexa and Apple’s Siri. There is also
a push to develop open source AI platforms like Google’s TensorFlow to Baidu Brain. Alibaba has also
partnered with the Malaysian government to launch the first smart city AI platform outside China
(Hangzhou was the first example). Apart from internal incubation and development, these tech giants and
VCs are also investing heavily in startups focused on AI.

Discussion Paper
National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

Make existing ▪ Customized search ▪ Developed Amazon ▪ Customized search ▪ Leverages Al to

operations results web services for results and ad improve operational
more efficient ▪ Customized ad cloud computing ranking efficiency and
ranking ▪ Customer services ▪ 020: order customer
▪ Google cloud ▪ Warehouse prioritization and experience of e-
platform management route planning commerce ecosystem

Offer new ▪ Provides open ▪ Integrates Al into ▪ Opens Al technology ▪ Launches Al data
services and source Al platform cloud services platform Baidu Brain apps construction
products to Tensorflow offering ▪ Offers Al solutions in platform
existing ▪ Offers customized ▪ Provides mobile finance, healthcare, ▪ Provides enterprise
customer ASIC for ML TPU robotic based and traffic & level Al solutions in
▪ Online translation automated storage transportation with Ali-cloud as
▪ Graphic and voice and retrieval industries foundation
search systems ▪ Netflix like streaming ▪ Tmall genie – voice
service iQiyi controlled smart
home assistant

Develop ▪ Virtual assistant: ▪ Virtual assistant ▪ DuerOS: Virtual ▪ Smart city AI

disruptive Google Now – Alexa assistant platform developed
business ▪ Game Al system: ▪ Polly – life-like ▪ Little fish – voice for Kuala Lumpur
models AlphaGO speech controlled family ▪ Smartmesh
▪ Self-driving car ▪ Rekognition – image robot connectivity
system analysis ▪ Apollo – set of solution supports
▪ Smart home: Google ▪ Lex – conversational artificial intelligence many-to-many
Home engine driven tools for self- bluetooth mesh
driving vehicles technology

Source: Press search


These countries are also leveraging different combinations of public-private-academia to develop and
promote AI:

a) In the U.K., a public-private-academia partnership was established as "sector deals" to improve

productivity. The expansion of tech parks through the tech nation program is also an example of
public-private partnership. The government is also trying to develop regional R&D partnerships
between universities, large corporations and investors in the sector, e.g., BT has partnered with
15 universities across the U.K. on creating AI powered, next generation data infrastructure.

b) Japan has instituted new programs to triple research-industry collaboration by 2025 (including
co-locating industry employees with researchers). They have also signed collaboration pacts with
the US and Israel for technology transfer and joint R&D projects.

c) Japan is trying to foster solutioning of challenges faced by large corporation by connecting them
with startups, e.g., Japan Open Innovation Council, New Energy and Industrial Technology
Development Organisation (NEDO) pitch, etc. to connect startups with corporations.

d) China has formed a "national team" with large private players including Baidu and Tencent to
undertake fundamental and applied research across different AI topics, e.g., Baidu is working
with the Chinese government to develop brain-inspired intelligent technology

Meanwhile, recent developments in the digital ecosystem have triggered a discussion on implications for
regulations on data protection and privacy. EU has released a comprehensive legal framework for data
protection called General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This framework details the rights of
individuals (consent, data portability, etc.), obligations of businesses (define and share how they will use
personal data, norms for data processing, data protection impact assessment, etc.) and plan of action in
case of a data breach (data breach notifications, compensation to individuals, penalties, etc.). As AI grows

Discussion Paper
National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

rapidly across geographies and sectors, governments across the world are actively working on
developing data privacy and security regulations.

Furthermore, governments are playing an active role in developing AI ecosystems to capitalise on the
social, economic benefits and establish leadership in the field of AI.

a) Social benefits: Governments are focusing on sectors ranging from education to healthcare,
agriculture to transport mobility with a view to significantly improve quality of life of its citizens.

b) Economic benefits: Governments have defined substantial economic aspirations through

development and implementation of AI. While China aims to grow AI’s contribution to GDP to 26
percent and the U.K. by 10 percent by 2030, Japan has estimated the economic impact of AI
application at JPY 1.1 trillion by 2045.

c) Leadership in AI: Given the rapid pace at which AI technology is evolving, governments are
setting themselves up for success with support from the private sector and academia. However,
the models of engagement vary depending on starting points, challenges and appetite for public
funding and regulation.

If some countries decide to wait for a few years to establish an AI strategy and put in place the foundations
for developing the AI ecosystem, it seems unlikely that they would be able to attain and match up to the
current momentum in the rapidly changing socio-economic environment. Therefore, the need of the hour
is to develop a policy framework that will help set up a vibrant AI ecosystem in India.

The following table highlights funding commitments made by governments across the world to promote
AI research and application:

Country Area Funding

Belgium  AI research in  Two funding agencies – FWO (Flanders) and FNRS
academia (Wallonia).
 FNRS spent approximately EUR1.8 million per year in
the period 2011-2017 and FWO approximately EUR6.7
million per year.
 Between 2011 and 2017 around 67 out of 241 AI-related
applications (representing 2.3% of all applications)
submitted to FNRS were funded, and 175 out of the 832
AI-related applications sent to FWO were also accepted.
China  AI startups  In China, governments play a deliberate and explicit role
in funding scientific research (giving USD800,000 to
USD1 million in subsidies to AI companies).
Denmark  AI startups  The Innovation Fund Denmark has provided EUR20
million as funding for big data in 2017.
Germany  AI basic research  With an annual budget of more than EUR3 billion, the
 Applied AI German Research Foundation (DFG) is the main source
research of funding for basic research in AI in Germany.
 In the past thirty years (1988-2018), applied AI has been
funded continuously by the Federal Ministry of
Education and Research (Bundesministerium für Bildung
und Forschung - BMBF), for a total of EUR215 million.
 Current annual investment in AI is EUR40-50 million.
Between 1988 and 2017, DFKI received EUR200 million
from BMBF. There is additional funding allocated to
universities and other research centres by the

Discussion Paper
National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

 BMBF and the Federal Ministry of the Economy and

Energy (Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie -
BMWi) are currently funding a selection of Industry 4.0
projects such as Mixed Reality Production 4.0, for a total
of EUR550 million since 2013.
 The program Smart Services World II aims to address
areas where digitalisation could have an impact for the
economy. It has funding of EUR50 million from BMWi
Ireland  AI startups  The Irish government spends, through the Irish
Economic Development Agency (IDA), Enterprise
Ireland, and Science Foundation Ireland, over EUR700
million on R&D annually. Enterprise Ireland funds Irish
companies and is the largest VC fund in Europe.
Israel  AI ecosystem –  The Israeli government has several grant funding
partnerships schemes for promoting collaboration and knowledge
transfer between academia and industry, such as
Magnet and Magneton.
 The Israeli Science Foundation has a rich history of
funding AI projects in academia that provide researchers
with a high degree of freedom in their research
compared to other countries.
Netherlands  AI research –  The main funding body for academia in the Netherlands
academia is the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
(NWO). Since 2002, NWO has funded 119 research
projects containing the term ‘artificial intelligence’ and
142 research projects containing the term ‘machine
learning’. In 2015, a programme on ‘Natural Artificial
Intelligence’ was launched, which has funded five
Spain  AI in industry  Since 2016, EUR170 million has been invested in the
Industry 4.0 project Industria Conectada 4.0 under the
National R&D and Innovation Plan. Industry 4.0 focuses
on skills, cooperation, industrial adoption, and digital
technologies (robotics, AI, cloud, cybersecurity, big
Sweden  AI research –  The Research Institutes of Sweden is currently setting
academic up an AI centre (RISE AI), with an initial turnover of
 AI ecosystem - SEK50 million (approx. EUR4.9 million) per year in R&D,
partnerships over 4 startups, more than 50 experts and around 30
active industrial collaborations (e.g. Nokia, Ericsson,
ABB, and H&M).
 Vinnova, Sweden's Innovation Agency, has funded 190
AI-projects totaling SEK398 million (approx. EUR38.9
million) in the past 6 years.

Source : Accenture

Appendix III: Data Ecosystem
A key enabler
The true value of AI will not be found in, say, an algorithm or a neural network itself.

Today, the leading algorithms are available as software packages either commercially or open source.
Storage infrastructure and huge computing resources has become commoditised and easily available
from various vendors in the market. The challenge still remains with data – access to high quality, reliable
data along with appropriate mark-ups still remains a challenge.

Understanding key issues related to data thus becomes crucial while evolving the national AI strategy.

Access to vast quantities of data is vital for AI to be effective. Large platforms and technology
companies who create monoliths of high volumes of data have a distinct advantage compared to smaller
companies and startups, thus leading to a very skewed market.

Convergence of data is another challenge, with much data being either “dark” (unstructured, not readily
usable) or disparate (hard to combine). Organisations need to be able to converge and make sense of
data from sources such as Internet of Things (IoT) sensors and social networks. The greater the data
density and variety, the greater are the chances of finding “unknown unknowns” – relationships that were
not known to exist or were not looked for at all.

Data annotation is crucial, given the requirement of tagged or annotated data required for machine
learning or AI. In most cases, data needs to be annotated manually or in semi-automated ways for the
purpose of machine learning, even though sometimes annotated data can be generated automatically
from the source. Technological advancements in data annotation systems are not at a level where manual
annotation can be replaced.

Box 21: ImageNet

The ImageNet database has led to huge advancement in the field of image recognition. The ImageNet
database was presented for the first time as a poster at the 2009 Conference on Computer Vision and
Pattern Recognition (CVPR) in Florida by researchers from the Computer Science department at
Princeton University. The ImageNet project is a large visual database designed for use in visual object
recognition software research. Over 14 million URLs of images have been hand annotated by ImageNet
to indicate what objects are pictured; in at least 1 million of the images, bounding boxes are also provided.
ImageNet contains over 20,000 ambiguous categories; a typical category, such as "balloon" or
"strawberry", contains several hundred images. The database of annotations of third-party image URLs
is freely available directly from ImageNet; however, the actual images are not owned by ImageNet.

The 2010s saw dramatic progress in image processing. In 2011, a good ILSVRC classification error rate
was 25%. In 2012, a deep convolutional neural net achieved 16%; in the next couple of years, error rates
fell to a few percent. With the 2012 breakthrough "combined pieces that were all there before", the
dramatic quantitative improvement marked the start of an industry wide AI boom. By 2015, researchers
reported that software exceeded human ability at the narrow ILSVRC tasks. However, as one of the
challenge's organisers, Olga Russakovsky, pointed out in 2015, the programs only have to identify
Discussion Paper
National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

images as belonging to one of a thousand categories; humans can recognise a larger number of
categories, and also (unlike the programs) can judge the context of an image.

Overcoming issues related to data access

a) Government data sharing: Government of India has large amounts of data lying in silos across
ministries. The government can launch a mission of making all these data available for public
good after undertaking proper privacy checks. For example – climate data, non-strategic remote
sensing data, regional language speech (from All India Radio), soil health data etc.

b) Corporate data sharing: Corporates based in India may be mandated to share their data for social
good. For example, sharing transportation pattern of individuals / mass transits, collected by
service providers and aggregators, can help the city planners help in planning routes, predicting
and managing traffic.

c) Consent based data sharing: Lot of the data about individuals are personal in nature and hence
cannot be shared by third party who have the access to these data – like financial institutions or
hospitals. Upon proper and informed consent from the citizens, these anonymised data may be
shared for the purpose of artificial intelligence and data analytics.

d) Digitised and crowdsourced collection of data by government: Huge amounts of money and time
is spend every few years to carry out the household consumption survey. A mechanism, as
adopted by online social networks, to incentivise individuals to share details of their consumption
pattern via an app can greatly reduce the cost of manual surveys and lend itself to big data
analysis and AI applicability.

Often AI based transformation follows as a next step to digital transformation – in that case, the data for
the purpose of learning exists with the organisation. For example, a financial institution would have
access to large amounts of historic customer records to develop the AI system for predictive loan defaults.

People or organisations outside the data ecosystem might have limited access to this data. For example,
a new company entering in the space of rural financing would need access to huge amounts of customer
data along with information on the default rates to develop the risk based lending model. To bridge this
access gap, some of these datasets are made available by the research communities as shown in the
tables below.

Datasets for Computer Vision and Image Processing

Dataset Name Dataset Size Publisher Publisher Type Country

MNIST 60,000 United States Census Institute and USA
Bureau Bureau
CIFAR 10 & CIFAR 100 60,000 Canadian Institute for Research Canada
Advance Research Institute
ImageNet 14,000,000 Princeton University University USA
LSUN 10,000 Princeton University University USA
Pascal Voc 5,00,000 Oxford University University UK
SVHN 6,00,000 Stanford University University USA
MS COCO 2,50,000 Google, CMU, etc. Research USA
Visual Genome 108,000 Stanford University University

Discussion Paper
National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

Labeled Faces In The Wild 13,000 University of Massachusetts University USA

Datasets for Natural Language Processing and Text Mining

Dataset Name Dataset Size Organisation Org. Type Country

TREC 120K-3.6M NIST Information Research USA
Technology Laboratory
WikiText 100 million Salesforce Company USA
Question Pairs 4,00,000 Kaggle Company USA
SQuAD: 1,00,000 Stanford University USA
CMU Q/A Dataset: Carnegie Mellon University University USA
Maluuba Datasets: 120K Microsoft Company USA
Billion Words: 1 Billion Google Company USA
Common Crawl: 1.81 billion Common Crawl Non-Profit USA
bAbi: Multiple Facebook AI Research Company USA
Stanford Sentiment 107,785 Stanford University USA
20 Newsgroups: 20,000 CMU & UCI University USA
Reuters 21578 AT&T Labs Research USA
IMDB 25,000 Amazon Company USA
UCI’s Spambase 4601 UCI University USA

It is clearly evident that universities and research laboratories in the USA in particular, have been the
leaders in sharing these datasets, which has contributed significantly in developing a strong AI research
base in the USA. The Government of India can also play a crucial role, working with the various academic
institutions, in making annotated India specific data available for advancing AI research.

Discussion Paper
National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

Appendix IV: What Do the Markets Say?

Approaches to evaluating focus sector areas

One way of evaluating which sectors to focus on is to follow the money i.e. which sectors have seen the
most amount of VC funding in AI space. Venture Capital funding, in a sense, is a long-term view on a
technology / solution, given that the median time to exit for most VC investments is more than 8 years.

The AI ecosystem is essentially based on 5 pillars:

a) policy makers,

b) large companies,

c) startups,

d) universities and

e) multi-stakeholder partnerships.

Taking into account this perspective as well, sectors that are most pursued by VCs could be a good proxy
for sectors to be focused on, for well-funded startups are capable of pushing the technology frontiers and
bringing ambitious solutions to fruition.

AI remains the most active industry vertical in VC funding landscape, with an aggregate total investment
of more than USD31 billion globally across more than 3,600 disclosed deals in past 5 years43. Healthcare
has been the hottest area of AI startup investments, with USD2.5 billion in VC investments in last 5 years,
much of which has been fueled by medical imaging and diagnostics companies. Other active healthcare
sub-segments include clinical trials & drug discovery and insights and risk analytics. The healthcare AI
space has also been dominated by strong public partnerships in diagnostics: nVIDIA and GE, Google
Deep Mind and NHS, AliHealth and AstraZeneca.

Another way to evaluate this could be to see where the large global tech companies (Google, Apple,
Facebook, Amazon and Microsoft, popularly termed GAFAM, as well as Alibaba and its peers Baidu,
Tencent and Xiaomi, popularly termed BATX in China) are most invested in. Among GAFAM, looking at
the mentions of “Machine Learning” in respective earning transcripts since 2013, Google emerges as the
company that has been highlighting its progress in AI / ML more than others.

Tracking Google’s AI / ML initiatives, it appears that the Mountain View based company is heavily
invested in Healthcare. Indeed, GV, formerly Google Ventures, the venture capital investment arm of
Alphabet Inc., has tripled its investments in Healthcare deals in 2017 compared to 2013. Google’s
approach to using AI to tackle diseases and lifestyle management is based on three pillar approach :

a) Data generation: digitisation and consolidation of data through wearables and medical imaging

CB Insights: “Artificial Intelligence Trends To Watch In 2018” and “Up And Up: Healthcare AI Startups See Record Deals”

Discussion Paper
National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

b) Disease detection

c) Disease / lifestyle management

Google is currently heavily focused on eye diseases (diabetic retinopathy), diabetes (detection and
management), heart disease (including hearth condition monitoring), Parkinson’s disease and multiple
sclerosis. Google’s AI algorithm for diabetic retinopathy, trained on 128,000 images, was on-par with a
panel of ophthalmologists. Other areas that Google may be exploring include Chronic Lower Respiratory
Disease, several types of cancer, mental and behavioral health and aging.

Google is also invested in powering the healthcare data infrastructure, as evident in its USD625 million
acquisition of Apigee, which is building healthcare APIs catering to the latest health records
interoperability protocols. Similarly, Deep Mind is building a data infrastructure to enabling building of
apps that can analyse different data elements. Furthermore, Google is also building health data streams
that third parties could integrate in their research. Another one of Google’s interesting foray in healthcare
AI is developing tools for doctors that are designed to augment their expertise.


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