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API 30 Typical Basra Light

Characteristic Units Values 1

Typical Values

Gravity ⁰API 30.1 30.2

Sulphur WT% 1.04 2.92

CST 7.29 9.50
Viscosity at 100⁰F

Vanadium ppm 38 47

Mg KOH/gr 0.03 0.112

Pour Point ⁰C -46 -27

These attributes are more desirable

These attributes are less desirable

1 Chemical analysis assay values as revealed by testing of crude graded as Basra Light that is exported from Al Basra oil
terminal and Khor al-Amaya oil terminal performed by BP Oil and ExxonMobil

As you can see chemical analysis tests reveal that API 30 is superior to Basra Light crude in
almost every major desirable crude oil attribute, except API gravity and kinematic viscosity.
Even the lead that Basra Light holds in the API gravity attribute is so miniscule it could be
considered equal for all practical purposes. API 30 has less sulphur so it is easier to refine
and will result in less wear to the refinery equipment during processing. API 30 requires less
potassium hydroxide during processing to neutralize the crude as evidenced by the lower
neutralization number which results in lower refining costs. API 30 has less of the trace
metal vanadium and will therefore have a reduced impact on any sensitive catalysts that are
used during processing. API 30 has a lower pour point which is very desirable for shipping to
and usage in colder climates where it will remain liquid at lower temperatures and will
cause less strain on pumping and processing equipment during refining. The lower pour
point is also indicative of a lower boiling point which makes processing of the crude
significantly easier.

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